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Evalution for my short film burnt bridges

 How well did you show the topic in your production?

I think that I showed child abuse and bullying well in my movie, and I believe that it is quite accurate/ realistic to
what being abused might be like due to the research that I had done on the topic which is one of the primary
reasons why i believe it is shown clearly. The people I showed the production to new clearly what topic it was
on and the social issues that I was covering in. I don’t think there is much more I could do to address the topic
but if I were to do it again, I might try and involve a solution to the problem rather than it being a repeated
problem for the kid that he was unable to escape from as it may help someone who is going through this
problem and potentially give them courage to speak out about it.

 Did your production meet your target audience?

My production did meet my target audience as it was aimed at 15-17 and people from this age range
were the first people to see the movie. They seemed to enjoy the movie and felt it looked accurate to
what bullying might be like and what child abuse may be like and felt the characters acted like a 15 to 17
year old kid would in the situation that they were put in. I felt my story boarding could have improved as
it left me some days not to sure of what I needed to do which made me change my story bit by bit and
therefore the target audience started to change slightly, no longer being aimed at the same audince. To
improve this, I will work harder on my storyboarding making it clearer, longer and more detailed.

 What were the successes of your production? (be specific - technical and narrative)

I am happy with the first shot I think it turned out very well i will defiantly use dolly shots in the future as they are
one of my favorite shots i will however use shorter tracks as the ones i used were 10 feet and was very hard to
transport without a car that can fit it i was only really able to use trains as buses would not let me on. I also
think that the narrative was good but could defiantly use improving. The acting also went better than expected i
was impressed with what they were able to do withought any acting experience and am happy for the most part
with how they did.

 What didn't go so well?

My movie could have been done with better planning. There were many points where I wanted to film
something, but it was to dark or I couldn't find a good location, so the idea was scrapped altogether. I also
would have spent more time on the color grading and editing as organization was stopping me from doing
these things whether it was not having enough footage or not bringing in my SD card/ USB stick. Other ways in
which planning could have gone better was the day's i needed to film as some of the actors in the film couldn't
film some days due to short notice and having to do their own productions which meant i had to do lots of shots
without the help that i would have liked.

 What would you do differently?

I would plan everything better from the days that i need to film to what I need to edit and when. I would also be
more organized, making sure i have all the right props, enough actors and locations and any equipment i need
to edit the short film. I plan on doing this by writing down a plan with the days i need to do everything so i have
a clear understanding of what i need to do and when i need to do it by. This will help my movie be better and
will also make it a lot easier and less stressful for me to complete the project on time.

 What will be the focus in your next project?

In my next project i will be focusing on many things such as better script writing and story boarding as
my script was to short and story board could have used a lot of work better planning which will help me
both get the filming done faster and allowing me to have more time to edit also making it a lot less
stressful for me. I can do these things quite easily and am confident that it will make the next project i
work on significantly better and even more fun to create. I would also like to get more shots of each
scene to show the surroundings better, making it clearer where they are and giving me more footage so
i have to do less reshoots trying to get the right things.


Overall, i am happy with this being my first proper project even though i made lots of mistakes i have
learnt from them and i am confident that my next project will be much better as i will be utilizing the
skills i have learnt and not make the same mistakes i did here with things like planning scheduling
editing and scripting/ story boarding. I will also take into consideration the target audience more as even
though it seemed to go well in this movie i was quick to forget about it which could have resulted in the
target audience being let down and not able to connect with the movie leaving them bored or confused.

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