Garbo D Marketing

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The topic of the first group was all about marketing and its key concepts. The
whole topic of marketing was divided into two categories which is the definition of
marketing and the two subjects that plays an important role in marketing, which is the
seller and the buyer. Marketing was defined as a strategy where it delivers customer’s
satisfaction and gain profit at the same time. Its main goal is to promote a product of a
certain brand or business that aims their target markets or customers’ needs and wants.
A target market is the term used in marketing wherein it means the possible customers
of their products or services. Meanwhile, the seller is the one who provides services or
products in a marketplace wherein they are responsible for entertaining customers. On
the other hand, buyers are the individuals who purchases or avail the product or
services that is displayed in the marketplace. In marketing, there are five key concepts
in order to complete the marketing system. The five key concepts such as the need,
wants, and demand; product, service, and experience; value, satisfaction, and quality;
exchange, transaction, and relationship; and market. The first group discussed the first
two key concepts of marketing which is the need, wants, and demands; and product,
service, and experience. Firstly, the needs, wants, and demand is interconnected with
each other because it shows a cycle of how sellers’ market a product or services to
possible customers or target markets according to their needs, wants, and demands of
the current trend. For example, the coffee brand Don Mac is currently a trend nowadays
because of its affordable price and usually it attracts coffee lovers and students, as it is
exactly fit to their budget and wants. Don Mac opened their shop near school zone
areas and near the vicinity of public places, as they all know that their target markets
are found around that location or areas. The second key concept of marketing is the
product, services, and experiences. The product, services, and experiences are
interrelated as they show a flow of how the product and services affects the experiences
of the customers regarding to the product and services the customers avail from a
seller. A product is the term used in marketing as a tangible item that is up for selling
and trading. Meanwhile, services are intangible and it is only felt by consumers or
buyers. On the other hand, experiences are the events or happenings that the customer
received from a product or services of a certain business. For example, SM Malls
provide products and services that captures a lot of customers due to their products and
performances in providing service to customers. SM Malls serve as a marketplace
wherein different products and services are introduced to customers. People would love
to come back again in SM Malls due to the experiences they had by purchasing
products and availing services in that mall. That is how products, services, and
experiences are interrelated together.
My reaction towards the topic entitled the marketing and its key concepts is
awesome and remarkable. I had it remarked as awesome because I thought that
marketing only focuses on promoting a product or service, but eventually I learned that
marketing was also all about caring and retaining customers and attracting more of
them in order to form or build a connection or relationship to a certain business brand.
Delving into marketing was fun and remarkable because venturing in the business world
requires great knowledge and mental skills, not only number skills and mathematics
alone. Studying marketing is important before delving to business. In regards to the
topic, I knew that this topic was very fun because you get to know how existing business
shops and owners survived in the business world for that long period of time, Marketing
is indeed a complex word with different sub categories but its main goal is to provide,
promote, and retain customers to a certain business brand. I learned that there are a lot
of things and information that I can discover, learn and apply when I delve into
marketing and be into it. As a hospitality student, it is very important for me to know
these concepts as I will be into handling customers in the future and also handling the
business or company. I get to know more strategies in marketing products and services
to customers and it will greatly help me develop my management skills and also
communication skills. Thus, studying marketing is very essential to me as it guides me
to become knowledgeable in terms of handling customers and promoting a brand or
business that will eventually lead me to be able to handle a company or business
successfully or to become a successful entrepreneur someday in the future.

The first group of reporters were good in delivering the whole message and
meaning of marketing yet I find them cutting out some important information regarding
to the topic. Also, their explanations are a bit short. I suggest them to explain in detail
and add more clear and important information.

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