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Market Entry Strategy:

Forecast Clothing aims to strategically enter the UAE market through a phased approach.

Initially, the brand will explore collaborations with established influencers to showcase its T-

shirts. This approach allows for quick market penetration and leverages the existing customer

base of the local retailers. Simultaneously, launching an e-commerce platform is crucial to

tap into the tech-savvy consumer base prevalent in the UAE, where online shopping is a

popular trend. This dual approach ensures a broad market presence and caters to diverse

consumer preferences. Hellgren, N. (2018)

Distribution Channels:

To establish a strong physical presence, Forecast Clothing will open branded stores in

prominent shopping districts of major emirates such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi. These

locations attract both local residents and tourists, providing a significant opportunity for

brand visibility. Lloyd's Bank Trade. (November 2023).Additionally, forging partnerships

with well-known local boutiques will further extend the reach to a wider audience.

Strengthening the online presence is equally vital, requiring optimization of the e-commerce

platform to provide a seamless and convenient shopping experience.

Pricing Strategy:

Implementing a competitive pricing strategy is crucial, taking into consideration local market

conditions, currency exchange rates, and potential import duties. Periodic promotional offers,

especially during key events like Ramadan and Eid, can enhance brand visibility and attract

customers during peak shopping seasons. This approach ensures the brand's affordability

while maintaining its value proposition. U.S. Commercial Service. (2019, August 7).
 Competitive Pricing Strategy Development: PKR 7,500,000

This allocation covers the research and development of a competitive pricing strategy. It

involves analyzing competitors, understanding local market conditions, and considering

currency exchange rates and import duties.

 Promotional Offers during Key Events: PKR 5,250,000

Allocate funds specifically for promotional offers during key events like Ramadan and Eid.

This includes discounts, special bundles, or other promotional activities to enhance brand

visibility and attract customers during these significant periods.

 Adjusted Budget for Pricing Strategy: PKR 13,750,000

This adjusted budget includes both the competitive pricing strategy development and the

budget for promotional offers during key events. This ensures that you have dedicated funds

for both establishing a competitive baseline pricing structure and executing targeted

promotions to boost brand visibility during important cultural events.

Promotional Tactics:

Leveraging social media platforms extensively is essential for reaching the tech-savvy and

digitally connected UAE population. Collaborating with local influencers who align with the

brand's ethos helps in building credibility and trust. Creating engaging and culturally relevant

content is key to resonating with the diverse preferences of the UAE population. Sponsorship
or participation in local fashion events provides opportunities for direct consumer

engagement and increased brand recognition. AlQubaisi, A. B. (2001)

Market Risks Mitigation:

Diversifying the product range is essential to cater to various preferences and stay adaptable

to evolving fashion trends. Establishing strong relationships with multiple suppliers helps

mitigate supply chain risks and ensures a steady flow of inventory. El-Sayegh, S. M. (2014,

March 11). Close monitoring of market trends allows for anticipatory adjustments to

strategies, ensuring alignment with shifting consumer behaviors.

Supply Chain Management:

Developing a robust supply chain management system is critical to minimize delays in

production and distribution. Establishing strategic partnerships with local suppliers for key

materials reduces dependency on international sources, mitigating risks associated with

geopolitical events or disruptions in the global supply chain. Implementing efficient logistics

ensures timely delivery of products to stores and customers. Albaloushi, H., & Skitmore, M.

(2014, February 10).

Currency Exchange Risk Mitigation:

Implementing hedging strategies is crucial to minimize the impact of currency fluctuations on

pricing. Consider setting stable pricing in local currency while periodically reviewing and

adjusting based on market conditions. This approach provides transparency and stability for

both the brand and customers, fostering trust and confidence. Abbas, W. (2019).

Regulatory and Compliance Assurance:

Engaging legal experts to navigate local regulations is imperative for ensuring compliance

with import/export laws and labeling requirements. Maintaining meticulous records

demonstrates adherence to all regulatory standards and facilitates a smooth business

operation. Proactively staying updated on any changes in business regulations helps in

avoiding legal complications and disruptions. Sanaa Ashour. (2020).

Customer Engagement:

Prioritizing customer engagement is key to building a loyal customer base. Implementing

personalized experiences, loyalty programs, and responsive customer service fosters a

positive brand image. Actively seeking and incorporating customer feedback allows for

continuous improvement of products and services. Participation in community events

enhances the brand's connection with the local audience, creating a sense of belonging and

loyalty. Moncey, A. A., & Baskaran, K.

Adaptation to Cultural Sensitivities:

Tailor marketing campaigns and product offerings to respect and resonate with local cultural

sensitivities and values. Ensure that designs and messaging are culturally appropriate, and

consider launching limited-edition collections inspired by local traditions or festivities. Kiran

Thampi & Jed Metzger. (2022)

Sustainability Initiatives:
Incorporating sustainable practices in both product manufacturing and packaging to align

with the growing eco-consciousness in the UAE. Kiran Thampi. (2017)Communicate these

initiatives through marketing channels, as environmentally friendly practices can appeal to a

broad spectrum of consumers.

Local Talent Collaboration:

Explore collaborations with local artists or designers to create exclusive collections that blend

international fashion trends with local aesthetics. S. Ahammed & I. Cherian. (2014) This not

only adds a unique touch to the product line but also fosters goodwill within the local creative


Data Security and Privacy Compliance:

Prioritize data security and privacy compliance for the e-commerce platform. Implement

robust cybersecurity measures to protect customer information and ensure compliance with

local data protection laws. This will build trust among customers and safeguard the brand's


Government Relations:

Establish positive relations with local government authorities, seeking guidance on

regulations and exploring potential incentives for businesses. Participation in industry

associations and forums can provide valuable networking opportunities and keep the brand

informed about any regulatory changes. BenjaminJ. Lough. (2009)

Continuous Market Research:

Investing in ongoing market research to stay abreast of changing consumer preferences,

competitor activities, and overall market dynamics. Regularly analyze sales data, customer

feedback, and market trends to identify opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Flexibility in Operations:

Maintaining operational flexibility to swiftly adapt to unforeseen circumstances or changes in

the market. This includes having contingency plans for disruptions in the supply chain,

economic downturns, or unexpected shifts in consumer behavior.

Employee Training and Diversity:

Providing comprehensive training to employees on cultural nuances, customer service, and

product knowledge. Embrace diversity within the workforce to better understand and connect

with the diverse customer base in the UAE. Walaa Elsayed, Nagwa Babiker Abdalla Yousif

& Salah Gad. (2022)

Localized Marketing Strategies:

Customizing marketing strategies for different emirates, considering variations in consumer

behavior and preferences. This approach ensures that the brand resonates effectively with the

unique characteristics of each market, contributing to stronger brand loyalty.

Long-Term Relationship Building:

Focusing on building long-term relationships with customers through loyalty programs,

exclusive events, and personalized communication. This not only enhances customer

retention but also fosters positive word-of-mouth marketing, crucial for sustained success in

the UAE market.


Hellgren, N. (2018). Market Entry Strategy. Bachelor's thesis, Valkeakoski Campus,

International Business. Supervisor: Antti Isoviita. Retrieved from


Lloyd's Bank Trade. (November 2023). The distribution network in the United Arab

Emirates. Retrieved from


U.S. Commercial Service. (2019, August 7). United Arab Emirates - Pricing. Retrieved from

AlQubaisi, A. B. (2001). Public relations as a marketing strategy in the United Arab

Emirates. Retrieved from


El-Sayegh, S. M. (2014, March 11). Project risk management practices in the UAE

construction industry. Retrieved from

Albaloushi, H., & Skitmore, M. (2014, February 10). Supply Chain Management in The UAE

Construction Industry. Retrieved from
Abbas, W. (2019), UAE, Saudi digital currency restricted to a few banks, Khaleej Times.

Retrieved from :


Sanaa Ashour. (2020) Quality higher education is the foundation of a knowledge society:

where does the UAE stand?. Retrieved from:

Moncey, A. A., & Baskaran, K. (Publisher: IEEE). Digital Marketing Analytics: Building

Brand Awareness and Loyalty in UAE. Retrieved from :

Kiran Thampi. (2017) Social work education crossing the borders: a field education

programme for international internship. Retrieved from :

S. Ahammed & I. Cherian. (2014) Counselling young Emiratis: the value of a dialogical self

model. Retrieved from :

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