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Intro: Cristina

Architecture: Marina
Inside: Álvaro
Curious facts: All
Ending: Cristina


Hello friends.
We are four students of B1 English from the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas in Burgos and
This is B1 STEPPE AHEAD PODCAST, a project with the students at the Escuela Oficial
de Idiomas in Estepa where we talk about things related to our towns.

José Antonio:

We are Cristina, Marina, Álvaro and José Antonio and we’ll give you some interesting
information about the most famous monument in Burgos, the Cathedral. But first we
are going to ask you some listening comprehension questions about what we are
going to say next. The first question is: What is the main architectural style of the
Cathedral? The second question is: What’s the name of the famous clock inside the
Cathedral? And the last one is: When did the construction of the cathedral start?

As we said, this episode is about the Burgos cathedral. This monument is located in the
center of the city and is one of the most beautiful and important monuments in Spain.
Marina, what do you think are the most important things about the Cathedral?

Oh, that’s a hard question! Its architecture is very important since Burgos Cathedral is
the first Spanish Cathedral that was built in a Gothic style that is mixed with some
French characteristics, which makes it similar to famous French Cathedrals like Notre
Dame. Anyway, I think its sculptures are the most beautiful part of its architecture.
Have you ever seen them? They're incredible!

I disagree with you! I think what the Cathedral hides inside is more important and
interesting than its architecture. For example, the tomb of El Cid and his wife Doña
Jimena, an 8-meter-high golden stairway, 19 chapels, 11 sanctuaries or
the Papamoscas clock, which is a clock that looks like a man who opens his mouth
every hour and rings a bell, and the Martinillo, a figure of a smaller man
who rings two bells every quarter of an hour.

José Antonio:
The truth is that both of you are right. The Cathedral’s architecture is as important as
what it has inside. Now why don’t we talk about a few curious facts about the
Cathedral? Its construction began in 1221, 800 years ago, and Master Enrique was one
of the architects who built it. He was
French, so this explains why he was inspired by the Reims Cathedral, which, like Notre-
Dame, is very similar to the Burgos Cathedral.

Yeah, and did you know that in 2012 the National Coin and Stamp Factory made
100,000 two-euro coins with the picture of the Burgos Cathedral? And since we're
talking about money, you should know that the fact that the Cathedral was considered
a national monument saved it from ending up abandoned.

That’s interesting! I didn’t know about that.
The 800th centenary of the Cathedral is taking place this year. I've heard that many
very important cultural and sports activities are planned.
José Antonio:
Yes, I know! One of the most interesting events will be the start of the Tour of Spain. It
will start from inside the Cathedral. But some of the events that have been planned will
be cancelled due to the coronavirus. Hopefully COVID-19 will end soon.

What do you think of this information about the Burgos Cathedral? Did you find
out anything new? The Cathedral is an amazing monument you have to visit at least
once in your life. It’s full of history, legends and curious things. Don't forget this year is
the best year to visit the Cathedral. You won't regret it.

Do you remember that we asked you some listening comprehension questions?
The first question was: what is the main architectural style of the Cathedral? The second
one was: what is the name of the famous clock inside the Cathedral? and the last one
was: again, change, e.g. When did the construction of the cathedral start?
Could you find the answers? If you couldn’t, here they are:
The name of the famous clock inside the Cathedral is Papamoscas. The main
architectural style of the Cathedral is Gothic. And the construction of the cathedral
started in 1221, 800 years ago. That’s the reason why there are several events going on
in Burgos this year if the pandemic allows.

And that’s all for now. I hope you have enjoyed this interesting information and you
can come to Burgos and see the Cathedral for yourself. You will be impressed.
Remember, there’s more on our B1 Steppe Ahead Podcasts channel at and
other podcasting sites like Spotify or iTunes. Please subscribe to our channel and like
Have a nice day.
See you!

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