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This table is included so that you can answer part (a).

Standard AQA assembly language instruction set

LDR Rd, <memory ref> Load the value stored in the memory location
specified by <memory ref> into register d.
STR Rd, <memory ref> Store the value that is in register d into the
memory location specified by <memory ref>.
ADD Rd, Rn, Add the value specified in <operand2> to the
<operand2> value in register n and store the result in
register d.
SUB Rd, Rn, Subtract the value specified by <operand2>
<operand2> from the value in register n and store the result
in register d.
MOV Rd, <operand2> Copy the value specified by <operand2> into
register d.
CMP Rn, <operand2> Compare the value stored in register n with the
value specified by <operand2>.
B <label> Always branch to the instruction at position
<label> in the program.
B <condition> Branch to the instruction at position <label> if
<label> the last comparison met the criterion specified
by <condition>. Possible values for
<condition> and their meanings are:
EQ: equal to NE: not equal to
GT: greater than LT: less than
AND Rd, Rn, Perform a bitwise logical AND operation
<operand2> between the value in register n and the value
specified by <operand2> and store the result
in register d.
ORR Rd, Rn, Perform a bitwise logical OR operation
<operand2> between the value in register n and the value
specified by <operand2> and store the result
in register d.
EOR Rd, Rn, Perform a bitwise logical XOR (exclusive or)
<operand2> operation between the value in register n and
the value specified by <operand2> and store
the result in register d.
MVN Rd, <operand2> Perform a bitwise logical NOT operation on the
value specified by <operand2> and store the
result in register d.
LSL Rd, Rn, Logically shift left the value stored in register n
<operand2> by the number of bits specified by <operand2>
and store the result in register d.
LSR Rd, Rn, Logically shift right the value stored in register
<operand2> n by the number of bits specified by
<operand2> and store the result in register d.
HALT Stops the execution of the program.

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Labels: A label is placed in the code by writing an identifier followed by a colon (:). To
refer to a label, the identifier of the label is placed after the branch instruction.

Interpretation of <operand2>

<operand2> can be interpreted in two different ways, depending on whether the first
character is a # or an R:

• # – use the decimal value specified after the #, eg #25 means use the decimal value
• Rm – use the value stored in register m, eg R6 means use the value stored in register

The available general-purpose registers that the programmer can use are numbered 0–12

The code below shows an assembly language program which has been written using the
AQA assembly language instruction set. The instruction set is explained in the table

CMP R2, #0
BEQ exit
MOV R0, #0
MOV R3, #1
LSL R2, R2, #1
LSL R3, R3, #1
CMP R2, R1
BLT moveleft
BEQ mainloop
LSR R2, R2, #1
LSR R3, R3, #1
CMP R1, R2
BLT skip
ADD R0, R0, R3
SUB R1, R1, R2
AND R4, R3, #1
CMP R4, #1
BEQ skipshiftR2
LSR R2, R2, #1
LSR R3, R3, #1
CMP R3, #0
BNE mainloop
The program takes its input values from registers R1 and R2 and stores its output in
registers R0 and R1

(a) Complete the trace table below to show the results of executing the program in the
code above when the initial values in registers R1 and R2 are 34 and 6

Each register can hold a 16-bit value.

You may find it easier to understand the operation of the program if you write the
contents of the registers out in both binary and decimal.

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You may not need to use all the rows in the table.

R0 R1 R2 R3 R4
100010 (34) 110 (6)


(b) The initial values for the program (its inputs) are stored in R1 and R2 and the final
values stored in R0 and R1 are its outputs.

By considering the inputs and the outputs in your trace table for part (a), describe
the purpose of the program.






(Total 8 marks)

The greatest common divisor of two positive integers A and B is the largest positive
integer that divides both of the numbers without leaving a remainder.

For example, if A = 4 and B = 6 then:

• 4 has the divisors 1, 2 and 4

• 6 has the divisors 1, 2, 3 and 6

Therefore, the greatest common divisor of 4 and 6 is 2, since this is the biggest number
which appears in the list of divisors of both 4 and 6.

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The method shown in Figure 1 is a famous method for determining the greatest common
divisor of two positive integers, A and B:

Figure 1

When the procedure described in the algorithm terminates, the value in A (and also B) is
the greatest common divisor of A and B.

Figure 2 – standard AQA assembly language instruction set

LDR Rd, <memory ref> Load the value stored in the memory
location specified by <memory ref>
into register d
STR Rd, <memory ref>
Store the value that is in register d into
the memory location specified by
<memory ref>.
ADD Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Add the value specified in <operand2>
to the value in register n and store the
result in register d.
SUB Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Subtract the value specified by
<operand2> from the value in register
n and store the result in register d.
MOV Rd, <operand2>
Copy the value specified by
<operand2> into register d.
CMP Rn, <operand2>
Compare the value stored in register n
with the value specified by
B <label>
Always branch to the instruction at
position <label> in the program.
B<condition> <label>
Branch to the instruction at position
<label> if the last comparison met the
criterion specified by <condition>.
Possible values for <condition> and
their meanings are:

EQ: equal to NE: not equal to

GT: greater than LT: less than

AND Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Perform a bitwise logical AND

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operation between the value in register
n and the value specified by
<operand2> and store the result in
register d.
ORR Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Perform a bitwise logical OR operation
between the value in register n and the
value specified by <operand2> and
store the result in register d.
EOR Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Perform a bitwise logical XOR
(exclusive or) operation between the
value in register n and the value
specified by <operand2> and store the
result in register d.
MVN Rd, <operand2>
Perform a bitwise logical NOT
operation on the value specified by
<operand2> and store the result in
register d.
LSL Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Logically shift left the value stored in
register n by the number of bits
specified by <operand2> and store the
result in register d.
LSR Rd, Rn, <operand2>
Logically shift right the value stored in
register n by the number of bits
specified by <operand2> and store the
result in register d.
Stops the execution of the program.

Labels: A label is placed in the code by writing an identifier followed by a colon (:). To
refer to a label, the identifier of the label is placed after the branch instruction.
Interpretation of <operand2>

<operand2> can be interpreted in two different ways, depending on whether the first
character is a # or an R:

• # – use the decimal value specified after the #, e.g. #25 means use the decimal
value 25.
• Rm – use the value stored in register m, e.g. R6 means use the value stored in
register 6.

The available general purpose registers that the programmer can use are numbered 0 to

Write a program using the AQA assembly language instruction set, shown in the
Figure 2 above, that uses the method described in Figure 1 to calculate the greatest
common divisor of two positive integers.

• At the start, the positive integer A will be stored in memory location 102 and the
positive integer B in memory location 103. Your program should use these values to

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find their greatest common divisor.
• When your program terminates it should store the greatest common divisor of these
two numbers in memory location 104.
(Total 8 marks)

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Mark schemes

(a) All marks AO2 (apply)

1 mark: Correct initial values loaded into R0 and R3 – Area 1

1 mark: Logical shifting left of register values in loop – Area 2
1 mark: Exiting loop and shifting right – Area 3
1 mark: First addition and subtraction on R0 and R3 – Area 4
1 mark: Addition and subtraction loop – Area 5
1 mark: Correct final values in registers R0 and R1 – Area 6

Award marks for the correct values in the indicated areas. The
values do not need to be in the exact cells shown for marks to be
awarded, but must be in the correct sequence in the column they
are in.

Award marks for values written in either decimal or binary. If a

binary and decimal value are written in one cell and one is correct
but the other incorrect then treat the cell as being correct

Max 5 if any incorrect values in table.


(b) All marks AO2 (analyse)

Performs (integer) division // outputs the quotient after performing

a division // outputs how many times one number (R2) goes into
another (R1) // R0 is the quotient;

Outputs the remainder / what is left over after performing (integer)

division // R1 is the remainder;

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2 marks AO2 (analysis) and 6 marks AO3 (programming)

Example Solution 1
LDR R1, 102
LDR R2, 103
CMP R1, R2
BEQ finish
BGT agreaterthanb
SUB R2, R2, R1
B loop
SUB R1, R1, R2
B loop
STR R1, 104

Example Solution 2
LDR R0, 102
LDR R1, 103
CMP R0, R1
BEQ end
CMP R0, R1
BGT greater
SUB R1, R1, R0
B startloop
SUB R0, R0, R1
B startloop
STR R1, 104

Note: Any register numbers can be used and any understandable method to identify a

DPT use of invalid register names eg R27, Rn

6 marks AO3 (programming syntax must be correct):

Values in memory locations 102 and 103 loaded into two different registers;

Comparison made between the values in the two registers;

If the values in the two registers are the same then the code will exit (after performing any
other necessary instructions); A. end of program reached if not HALT instruction.

If A is greater than B then the value in the register representing B is subtracted from the
value in the register representing A and result stored in register representing A;

Note: Award this mark even if further incorrect changes would also be made to values in
If A is less than (or equal to B) / then the value in the register representing A is subtracted

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from the value in the register representing B and result stored in register representing B;
Note: Award this mark even if further incorrect changes would also be made to values in

Before the algorithm exits, in all circumstance, the value in the register representing A (or
the register representing B) is stored into memory location 104 (regardless of whether or
not this is the gcd); A. if this is done on every iteration of a loop instead of just once.

2 marks AO2 (concept must be understood, syntax need not be correct):

The need for a loop has been identified and instructions are used to make the program
loop back to before the comparison(s) after each subtraction has taken place;

The response provided follows the correct method to calculate the gcd of A and B,
regardless of whether the syntax is correct or not, although an attempt must have been
made to use the AQA instruction set;

Max 7 if solution not fully working


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