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Research Assistant Name [Family, Given]:

Title of Source Book: Jawaharlal Nehry Speeches Volume One September 1946 May 1949
Publishers City: Publications Division Ministy of Information and Broadcasting
Government of India
Publication Date [yyyy-mm-dd]:
Title of Source Website:
Date Retrieved on [yyyy-mm-dd]:


Leaders Name [Family, Given]: Nehru, Jawaharlal
Political Office:
Political Party:

Date Delivered [yyyy-mm-dd]: 1947-12-01
Type of Text: Prepared-Speech
Scope of Audience: Large-Numbers
Circle of Audience: Own-Country


Broadcast to the men of the Armed Services from New Delhi, December 1, 1947,
inaugurating the New Forces Programme of All India Radio.


Q OLDIERS OF FREE INDIA, JAI HIND! Some months ago, I told the Commander-in-Chief
that it was my desire to meet as frequently as possible the officers and men of the
Indian Armed Forces, to visit units and to see them at work and at play and
particularly to talk to them. I wanted to know you and speak to you, because it is
very necessary that we should understand each other. It is very necessary in an
independent country for those in authority, who represent the people, to know what
is in the minds of the men of the armed forces. There should be no distance between
the people generally and the armed services; they are all one, because recruitments
to the armed forces is made from the masses. The old idea that the army was a
separate entity does not now hold good. It therefore becomes essential that we
should understand each other. However, owing to extreme pressure of work and the
many vital problems requiring immediate attention, I could not meet most of you,
although I have had occasion to meet and talk to some. Therefore, I decided to say
a few words to you this evening over the radio.

Our country has become free. What is the meaning of freedom It means that we are
free to do things without outside interference. It does not mean that anyone is
free to do what he likes, because such licence would lead to chaos. If everyone
takes the law into his own hands, it becomes jungle law. That sort of freedom does
not become civilized people.
Ours is an ancient land with an ancient civilization dating back to thousands of
years. Our new-born freedom has brought us great responsibilities. If anything goes
wrong, it will be our fault; we cannot blame others. If we do good we reap the
benefits; if we do evil we suffer. Therefore, it behoves you, men of the Armed
Forces especially, to realize these responsibilities. Your duty is to serve your
country and your countrymen.
They call me the Prime Minister of India, but it would be more appropriate if I
were called the first servant of India. In this age, it is not titles and positions
that matter but service. You, in particular, have a great opportunity to serve,
because you have the armed power of the State in your hands. You must take care not
to abuse it.

You know that our forces are operating in Kashmir to drive out those who invaded
that State. Why did our forces go to Kashmir We do not want to invade other
countries and enslave people. As we have wanted freedom for our country, so do we
desire freedom for other countries, especially those in Asia. Kashmir, of course,
is a part of this land. Our forces went there not to oppress or conquer. They went
there because the people of Kashmir were in peril, and their country was being
overrun by forces of aggression. When Kashmir was being ravaged by the raiders, the
people asked us for help. It was thus our duty to go and help. We sent our forces
who performed their task speedily and courageously. Much has been accomplished, but
more difficult work lies ahead and I am confident that they will succeed.

I went there and spoke to our men. I told them that they were there as guests and
friends and as servants of the people of Kashmir and that on their actions depended
the fair name of India. Any ill-considered action by our men in Kashmir would bring
discredit to India. I am glad that while performing their duty they have
established cordial relations with the Kashmir people. We must constantly remind
ourselves that 6-10 DPD/65
whatever our religion or creed, we are all one people.

I regret that the recent disturbances have given us a bad name. Many have
acquiesced in the prevailing spirit. This is not citizenship. Citizenship consists
in the service of the country. We must prevail on the evil-doers to stop their
activities. If you, men of the Navy, the Army and the Air Force, serve your
countrymen without distinction of class or religion, you will bring honour to
yourselves and to your country. JAI HIND.

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