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Act I- Scene I

Verona, Italy- Town Square

A fight has broken out between two rival families (Capulets and Montagues).

Benvolio: Stop fighting at once! Neither of our families can afford to get in trouble

Tybalt: You have your sword drawn, but you are asking others to put theirs away? I hate
you, as I hate hell, and all Montagues.

Benvolio: Tybalt, please help me stop the fighting.

Tybalt: I will not.

(They fight)

The Prince arrives.

Prince: Enemy families! Drop your weapons. I have warned you three times now that I
will no longer tolerate fighting in our streets. I will not ask you again! If anyone is found
fighting in these streets they will be forced to suffer the consequences. Lord Capulet,
Lord Montague, be advised, if any member of your family is caught fighting here in
Verona again, they will be put to death! Leave, all of you. Now!

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