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In a snowy mountain we see a black blur rising and climbing it. It's a man wearing a black cloak
and underneath it is a blue thin long sleeve shirt, on top of that a black chestplate and gray
denim pants. There is a strong snow storm ongoing but that doesn’t seem to affect his climb..
When he gets close to the summit he sees this giant entrance to a cave and he enters it, he
walks so much inside it that he can’t see the entrance anymore. Inside is so dark that he can’t
see a damn thing, but he traverses it without stumbling on a single rock, like he can see
everything.and avoid any hazards that’s inside the cave.
He stops walking and makes a movement with his right hand and suddenly the place lights up
and we see the torches that were once extinguished, now were lit with a flaming hot blue fire
and we now can see the entire place!
It was a huge space that looked like a vault with a lot of treasure in it, it was something that we
saw in cartoons with tons of gold coins, chests with jewelry crested weapons, armor and above
all that treasure, the corpse of a dead Dragon was lying there staying still, missing some of it’s
meat and with exposed bones.
The cloaked man approaches the corpse dealing with all the gold objects on the way, he
touches what was left of its nose.
“What did they do to you old friend?”
He says it thinking about the past, but he doesn’t take a second to forget it and looks forward to
what seems like this big old rusted chest standing out against the others gold plated ones. He
moves toward it and thinks to himself “Maybe this is the one.” He moves towards it and opens it:
Inside there is only one small rusted knife, before grabbing it he uses his appraisal skill and like
a video game a system window popped up in front of him:

It’s an old rusted knife that
once belonged to a
It has the ability of bringing
the dead to life.
Durability: 001/100

He reads the text that appears in front him and without hesitation he grabs the knife. As soon as
he does it he looks to the sides as if something is going to happen, waits a couple of seconds
and nothing happens, he opens out of nowhere what it seemed to be a dimensional pocket and
puts the knife in it and instantly he felt a strange energy coming from somewhere in the “vault”.
It took less than a second for him to detect where it was coming from, it was the dragon.
The putrid corpse started to gain energy out of nowhere, but it wasn’t like the flesh was being
regenerated, it was like the dragon was being resurrected by magic, the cloaked men looked at
the dragon, sat on the chest and waited for the dragon to finish being reanimated.
It took a minute for the dragon to fully come back to life and as soon as he did, the men got up
and slowly walked in the direction of the dragon, stopping in front of the now undead dragon.
“I guess they brought you back to life huh?”
The dragon responded with a fierce roar that blew everything in its direction, but the man stood
still there,like nothing happened, but now the hood that was covering his face was off and we
could finally see his face.
He had medium sized gray hair, his bangs was on the top of his eyebrow, you could see that
although he had a young appearance he had a full beard on his chin And although he wasn’t
impressed by the dragons roar you could see in his face a depressed look for what they’ve done
to his friend.
“I guess I have to put an end to this. Don’t worry it’ll be quick.”
The man said and pulled out a dagger from his dimensional pocket, the dagger had a blue blade
and it’s format was like a serpent. He changes his face from a depressed one to a more angry
one and advances to the dragon, meanwhile the creature starts charging a fire breath and we
can see the fire passing from the belly through the neck, and some of the fire leaks through it
since some of its meat is missing.
Before the dragon can shoot the fire through its mouth, the man throws the dagger in the
direction of the creature, to be more specific the left eye, the dragon notices the object and
moves his head upward, trying to use what is left of its hard scale and hide to defend against
the attack, but that made the fire breath go to the ceiling of the cave illuminating more than ever.
But before the dagger hits its target the men teleport to where the dagger was and using the
momentum together with all his force he pierces through the tough scales and hide of the
dragon's neck and slices it down to its chest, it was easier because the creature's corpse was
already decomposing.
The Undead Dragon screams of pain while the man jumps out of it when he finishes slicing the
creature, he gets far from it, puts his dagger on the dimensional pocket and out of it he pulls a
shortsword, the shortsword was small and had a normal blade.
The dragon started screaming and moving his neck left and right in pain, the man saw an
opportunity and went for it. First he went for the creature's paws, with an unhuman velocity he
stabbed through the dragon’s frontal right paw separating it from the undead.
The creature loses its balance and falls, the man that now was next to its tail, jumps on its back
and runs for the neck, as he reaches the neck, the dragon tries to get his footing back, but fails
and falls again. The man somehow was able to stabilize itself and uses some of his strength to
jump, in the air he puts both of his hands on the sword hilt and slices the neck out of the dragon.
He walks next to the monster’s head and pets it.
“Now you can finally rest buddy”
He opens the dimensional pocket, stores the pocket sword and pull out a small iron heater
shield with a lion head sculptured in it, he points the lion’s head on the direction of the now dead
corpse of the dragon, says something in an unknown language and the lion’s head sculpture
turns to life and with some sort of magic consumes the entire corpse of the dragon. And as the
shield finishes “eating” the creature a window pops up in front of the men.
You’ve met the requirements to finish
the final level and as a reward you
can leave this tutorial dimension and
Instead of going back to the waiting
room, you’ll be sent back to your homeworld.
Time until the level closes:
02 hours
Open Portal?
Yes ❏ Wait ❏

He closes the window, puts out a big sigh and starts giggling, but that escalates to a maniacal
laugh and the laugh turns into tears.
“Im finally leaving this place, now i can go back to where i belong and don’t have to worry about
surviving. Can you see this Hope we finally made it, just like you said we would.”
He opens back the pop up window and presses the open portal button and right in front of him a
purple portal opens, even without knowing where it will lead him, the man enters the portal with
a happy face.
He gets out of the portal and the happy face that he had turned into a more desperate one, the
world that he one knew had changed and now he was in a desolate city with most of the
buildings surrounding him destroyed and not a single soul close by, and what was bad turned
worse when he saw a group of monsters that did not belonged to his world, but the tutorial world
that he was trapped in.


In a dark room illuminated only by the light of a computer screen we see a young man sitting in
his chair in front of said computer watching videos and eating instant noodles, he starts laughing
with his mouth full of food and spits a bit of saliva on the screen. He finishes eating, stops
watching the video and moves to the light switch close to his room's door and turns it on.
With the light on we can see that this young man is the same we saw before fighting the dragon,
but instead of his gray hair and beard, now he had a small black hair and was clean shaved.
The room that he was inside was big, but didn’t have a lot of furniture other than the computer
desk, three almost empty bookshelves and a bed. Other than that, next to the desk it had a
mini-fridge with a microwave on top and a bathroom inside the room, but the real mess was on
the floor, at least ten huge piles of books written in every single language imaginable.
The young man sits on the floor next to one of the piles and picks the book that was on top of it,
starts flipping through it, stops and starts reading it, while reading he picks from his pocket a
small notebook with a pen on it and starts taking notes without even looking at the notebook.
He sits there for at least half an hour until he gets interrupted by the noise outside his room, it
was his parents fighting again.
“Why can't he be a normal human being like his brother and start contributing to society?”
Said a masculine voice very mad and almost shouting.
“Until when will I have to pay for his laziness!?”
He continues his rant.
“Honey he’s just in an adjusting period, you know that incident was traumatic to him.”
Said a female voice in a more calming voice tone.
“It’s been three goddamn years, he should've grown out of it by now! What about all that money
I spent in those therapy sessions that you would help him? And now he won’t even leave his
The men continued ranting.
“He needs help!”
The woman screamed.
“WHAT HE NEEDS IS A GODDAMNED JOB! I'm going to give him a chance letting him work
with me, but if he doesn't get his shit together and doesn't show up tomorrow at my company,
he’s out of the house! I don’t need a useless son like him.``
The angry man finished his rant and the young one heard the steps of someone approaching
the door, the sound stopped in front of the door.
“I know that you heard that, get your shit together or you’re out!”
The angry voice said that and walked out. And the young one that was happy reading his book
now was crying and shaking because of what he heard. He gets up from the floor and goes to
his bed where he cries himself to sleep. A couple of hours later he wakes up and goes to sit in
front of the computer, there he opens the notepad app and full of despair for living his life he
starts to write a goodbye letter to his family, in the middle of writing it he starts to cry and his
hands begin trembling making him misspell some words, but that doesn’t stop him from writing
his goodbye.
When he finishes it he lets out a big sigh and right as he was starting to get up from the chair a
window popped up in his computer screen.
Congratulations you have been chosen
to be a part of the tutorial dimension
and help save your entire universe!
Will you accept this call?
Yes ❏ No ❏

The young man gets intrigued by the message appearing on his screen and in a moment of
despair he starts laughing to himself.
“Is that what my life is? Just a bad joke?”
He thinks to himself
“Saving the universe huh? I guess it’s a good way to die.”
He grabs his mouse and clicks on the yes button and as soon as he does it the power in his
entire house goes out making the entire room dark. And out of nowhere a popup window just
like the one in his computer appears in front of him saying:


Thank you for accepting this call,
now your whole universe will depend
on you and a few others who were chosen.
Please wait a few seconds until you are teleported

Two seconds passes and then his entire body gets turned into a little marble the size of an
atom, and all his guts and insides get squashed around and in a millisecond turns back into its
original state. As soon as his body gets back to normal he starts vomiting, it seemed teleporting
had that effect as he heard other sounds of people vomiting too.
He finishes putting everything out, cleans his mouth with his right hand and notices the place
he's in. It was all white, almost as if he was in heaven, but he wasn’t alone, there were at least a
thousand people if he guessed right and most of them were having a bad experience because
of the teleportation. As everyone started realizing what was happening, some of them started to
despair, one tough looking guy started to scream demanding to get back to his home, motivated
by his speech others joined him, but nothing happened. Some people started to laugh thinking
they were dreaming, others started to cry and some just accepted the reality.
The young man didn’t despair or start crying, for the first time in his life he was okay with what
was happening, as he didn’t care for his life anymore. So he just got angry about the desperate
people annoying him and wanted to get far from them.
As he walked he noticed that people started to form groups and the one with the most people
was the one screaming to go home. He walked so much that he got some distance from all the
people, he stopped for a bit, looked back at the crowd and got back to walking, but what he
experienced right then was out of the ordinary. As he got distance from people, he started to
see another group of people from afar, and the closer he got to the group the more he noticed
the familiarity with the other thousand people crowd he was with. It took a while for him to figure
out what was going on, so he started walking again and the same thing happened twice, so he
just sitted on the floor and started thinking.
The closest thing he could think of to what was happening was that it was like an old video
game, that when you hit the edge of the screen you go back the other way, making it impossible
to get out of that place. So he just got as far away from the crowd as possible, lied on the floor
and looked at the infinite white sky.
After a couple of minutes he started to look at the dynamics of the groups, some groups sitted
on a circle and started consoling each other, others were trying to make sure that everyone
there was alright and the most annoying one just discovered what the young men had realized
before. But it took a while and the man started laughing at their astonished faces trying to solve
a puzzle that an eight year old would easily solve.
As the young man looked into the sky he noticed something different, it was like a projection
was forming, but different from a normal projection, in this one you saw the same thing no
matter what point of view you had. It was a girl, similar to those Japanese cartoons he used to
watch when he was young, she had pink long voluminous hair, even though she appeared as a
giant on the “projection” she seemed small like a teenager, she was wearing a white dress with
a red vest above it, she looked like an girl from the old times. As soon as she appeared
everyone’s attention got immediately grabbed, most of the people who were sitting stood up and
the loud and obnoxious group finally shutted up.
“Welcome everyone to the Tutorial Dimension, my name is Alice and I'm the Idol of this place.”
She said with a very excited face, but unfortunately the crowd didn’t respond with the same
“I know that you all must have a lot of questions, but sadly I can’t answer all of them, that would
take an eternity and we don’t have a lot of time, since your universe is in danger.”
She continued with, now, a very serious expression and as she finished it the crowd started
talking wondering what was happening at home and if their familiars were safe.
“All that you need to know is that your universe is at peril and you’re here to train yourselves,
get stronger and go back to save it. But don’t underestimate this place, since one bad move can
send you to the heavens.”
When she finished saying the bad part the entire crowd entered in despair again, a lot of people
started crying and shouting “Please take us back home!” but the girl didn’t seem to care.
“I ask you all to trust us, this process is the only one that can save your entire universe. Now I
will stop talking about this and start talking about how the tutorial works.”
But people didn’t care about what she was saying, at least until the leader of the annoying group
SURVIVAL, SO STOP CRYING AND LISTEN!” people didn’t stop crying, but at least they did
keep it quiet.
“The Tutorial is simple, there are a hundred levels, before and after you clear them you will stay
at a waiting room that will change as you advance through them, clear all the levels and you will
be sent back to your universe, but as I said before, tread carefully because you can die here
and if you don’t you will die!”
When she finished explaining everything, for the first time since everyone was teleported, there
was silence, not a single soul said anything and the young man cracked a smile and maintained
“Now, this tutorial has more than just one difficulty, we have five: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert
and Insane. The Easy difficulty as it says is easy but rewards less than the other ones, so for
the ones that don’t want a huge challenge you can choose this difficulty. The Normal difficulty is
for people that want a more balanced experience. You won’t have it easy, but at the same time
you will be rewarded properly. The Hard difficulty is for people that want a challenge, there you
will become strong easily. The Expert difficulty is for the ones that don’t think the hard difficulty
is enough and they want to get strong fast. Now the Insane difficulty… Well this one is very
peculiar since almost nobody chooses this one, and the ones that chose it, rarely come back
alive, but every now and then there is a monster that comes back alive from that, and I think that
is why this difficulty exists.”
She explained and everyone became entranced by her words and started to think about what
difficulty they were going to choose.
“When i finish talking a window will appear for you to choose the difficulty. I ask of you, please
choose carefully, this will decide your future, think about the suffering of your universe’s people,
think about your loved ones and most of all think of yourself. This is a goodbye, for now, I will
see you later when you have chosen where you will go, goodbye.”
She finished her goodbye and the “projection” disappeared out of thin air, and just like she said
a window appeared in front of everyone:


Easy ❏
Normal ❏
Hard ❏
Expert ❏
Insane ❏
Countdown for picking a difficulty:

While everyone was taking Alice’s advice and thinking hard about what to choose, the young
man didn’t think twice and choose the insane difficulty and right after he did it another window
appeared in front of him:

He closes his window, lies on the floor and tries to sleep, since all that happened made him
tired, but sadly, for him, all the people moving around and talking prevented him from sleeping,
so he started to think about unnecessary things, about how he could’ve been a better son just
like his younger brother that was a genius and entered college when he was fifteen years old or
how he could’ve handled his problems better not making his father waste his money with years
of therapy and medicine, but when he started to get lost in his thoughts and his anxiety started
rising he remembered that he choose the insane difficulty, that he choose death over life. And
that strangely made him calm and lowered his anxiety, it was like the calm before the storm.
He opens the window again to see how much time has passed and it has only been an hour
“Countdown for picking difficulty: 01:41:32”. Waiting for time to pass he gets up and starts
walking, his idea for passing time was walking to the borders to get back to the other side of the
“screen”. In one of his walks he sees this one girl, who was part of the group that was helping
people around, having a discussion with her group leader.
The men screamed at her.
“You heard her, this is the only way I can help a larger number of people.”
She replied calmly.
“YES! I heard her, especially when she said that you could get killed for this, I didn't know you
had a death wish.”
“I don’t… It's just that I don't want to lose anyone else.”
She replied with a sad face and at that moment she noticed that the young man was listening to
their conversation, they crossed their eyes and he got nervous and walked away. The rest of the
hour passed rapidly with him walking around, some of the groups thought that he was strange
and offered their help but he ignored them and walked away. When the countdown ended
another window opened.

*TEXT IN WINDOW* Thank you for waiting, you will now be teleported to your difficulty’s waiting

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