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1. Blood enters the kidney through
(a) Renal veins (b) Glomerulus (c) Renal Artery (d) Bowman’s Capsule
2. As per normal chemical composition the amount of water in the urine is
(a) 60% (b) 70% (c) 80% (d) 90%
3. Dasheen and garlic plants reproduce by
(a) Bulbs (b) Corms (c) Rhizomes (d) Stem tubers
4. Rhizopus reproduces asexually by
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Regeneration
5. Simplest and most common method of asexual reproduction is
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Meiosis
6. The ascending limb of loop of Henle allows the re-absorption of _____.
(a) salt (b) water (c) both (d) none

1. Blood enters the kidney through
(a) Renal veins (b) Glomerulus (c) Renal Artery (d) Bowman’s Capsule
2. As per normal chemical composition the amount of water in the urine is
(a) 60% (b) 70% (c) 80% (d) 90%
3. Dasheen and garlic plants reproduce by
(a) Bulbs (b) Corms (c) Rhizomes (d) Stem tubers
4. Rhizopus reproduces asexually by
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Regeneration
5. Simplest and most common method of asexual reproduction is
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Meiosis
6. The ascending limb of loop of Henle allows the re-absorption of _____.
(a) salt (b) water (c) both (d) none

1. Blood enters the kidney through
(a) Renal veins (b) Glomerulus (c) Renal Artery (d) Bowman’s Capsule
2. As per normal chemical composition the amount of water in the urine is
(a) 60% (b) 70% (c) 80% (d) 90%
3. Dasheen and garlic plants reproduce by
(a) Bulbs (b) Corms (c) Rhizomes (d) Stem tubers
4. Rhizopus reproduces asexually by
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Regeneration
5. Simplest and most common method of asexual reproduction is
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Meiosis
6. The ascending limb of loop of Henle allows the re-absorption of _____.
(a) salt (b) water (c) both (d) none

1. Blood enters the kidney through
(a) Renal veins (b) Glomerulus (c) Renal Artery (d) Bowman’s Capsule
2. As per normal chemical composition the amount of water in the urine is
(a) 60% (b) 70% (c) 80% (d) 90%
3. Dasheen and garlic plants reproduce by
(a) Bulbs (b) Corms (c) Rhizomes (d) Stem tubers
4. Rhizopus reproduces asexually by
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Regeneration
5. Simplest and most common method of asexual reproduction is
(a) Binary fission (b) Regeneration (c) Spore formation (d) Meiosis
6. The ascending limb of loop of Henle allows the re-absorption of _____.
(a) salt (b) water (c) both (d) none
Short Questions(16)
i. Why osmoregulation is necessary in body? v. Define calluses.
ii. Write 4 wastes of plants with their sources? vi. Define cloning.
iii. Write problems after kidney transplant? vii. What is dormancy of seed? Why is it important?
iv. Why tabular secretion in nephrone is necessary. viii. Is reproduction of organism necessary?
Long Questions(18)
1. What is vegetative propagation? Write four methods of natural vegetative propagation? 5
2. Explain parthegenosis and grafting? 4
3. Write a note on kidney stone, its reasons, symptoms and treatment. 5
4. Describe the role of skin in Homeostasis? 4

Short Questions(16)
ix. Why osmoregulation is necessary in body? xiii. Define calluses.
x. Write 4 wastes of plants with their sources? xiv. Define cloning.
xi. Write problems after kidney transplant? xv. What is dormancy of seed? Why is it important?
xii. Why tabular secretion in nephrone is necessary. xvi. Is reproduction of organism necessary?
Long Questions(18)
5. What is vegetative propagation? Write four methods of natural vegetative propagation? 5
6. Explain parthegenosis and grafting? 4
7. Write a note on kidney stone, its reasons, symptoms and treatment. 5
8. Describe the role of skin in Homeostasis? 4

Short Questions(16)
xvii. Why osmoregulation is necessary in body? xxi. Define calluses.
xviii. Write 4 wastes of plants with their sources? xxii. Define cloning.
xix. Write problems after kidney transplant? xxiii. What is dormancy of seed? Why is it important?
xx. Why tabular secretion in nephrone is necessary. xxiv. Is reproduction of organism necessary?
Long Questions(18)
9. What is vegetative propagation? Write four methods of natural vegetative propagation? 5
10. Explain parthegenosis and grafting? 4
11. Write a note on kidney stone, its reasons, symptoms and treatment. 5
12. Describe the role of skin in Homeostasis? 4

Short Questions(16)
xxv. Why osmoregulation is necessary in body? xxix. Define calluses.
xxvi. Write 4 wastes of plants with their sources? xxx. Define cloning.
xxvii. Write problems after kidney transplant? xxxi. What is dormancy of seed? Why is it important?
xxviii. Why tabular secretion in nephrone is necessary. xxxii. Is reproduction of organism necessary?
Long Questions(18)
13. What is vegetative propagation? Write four methods of natural vegetative propagation? 5
14. Explain parthegenosis and grafting? 4
15. Write a note on kidney stone, its reasons, symptoms and treatment. 5
16. Describe the role of skin in Homeostasis? 4

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