اعمال تطبيقي - مقياس فيزياء 1

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ben sl pS yo ple aah [Asis «og sila 555 Yl deal Sel M46 JS) Say) ol MG4,a/3, 4) Pell GS-1 M'(2,2,3) Anil Au sou! Citas yl sai -2 (Caleul vectorie!) seta saat! (I sacl AB A Colada 1 ae +. 4? Aaa ity, itink Alya xg itypitink lea {te Biyp ze 2 > + > * . At B= (xq txg)it(ya typ) it(catipk ele pat > “+ + “ +4 B)= (Xq—Xy) i +(Ya—¥g) J+A tek celui ree A) A Bald led 1 A.B =|Al Bl.cos a, BY Maal gel claghh i pat *A.B=(cy.xy) (ava) alia) clap) zhla5l) $l +4 7 A.B=02ALB Ole BSA eS ALB =O Qt Pia i Bi Vebrok ze Ale Vak are LMD1/ST_ Ln Ally sell a [Hisbind og ysis 589! dele Getat ies) eo AaB clad eta 2 cele lig) GLA 5 shall - |? Fel? % bs ea]=| y, ila tal J +la iva | # 2H ze] ag Se 24) -(tyzg —Xpia) J+ ae Apyad k AKBSOQAIB ug. BIA sett) Ga ANB=0 celal! elagii® AAB A sBRSY 4G Su Anal « + >> > > A=[Alus Lda yde gle Agtatl dull A Sa gl plat ( a oes A plat ian! Ela ey tial lagi ocapall (BAC) 5 Ac galall baal CB, Aaatl 2 iad laa aaal? # “ RBar be 5 jHeey tc Xe Ke Ye + > AMBAC) = xa(v nec w)— YAigze—Aezp)+ZAMBYe ~ ACY) ciiaiiicce OM = xi+ yj + 2k earligts (x,y,z): Aa Sal es CLIT = Orll> OM = pU, —wanlige (pA Cutan (OI Ae, AS JS ALY ge be 8 ODL Se (9,8) > (x,y): SAIS ool Gehl GAB yl Ge Jap ® x = pcos y = psin® _PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDI LuD1/sT Ln gh piSill yo glell ath [Abid «65 ysis 555 Y! deale 3 (x,y) > (9,0) gl Asai ft AS ASS Gt! ye Jaa & { vxtey? x = artg— arta> lomM|| = JoF+z?, wanes (9.6.2): delhev CUI G-I OM = pU, + zk Oey. 2) Se Sea 5 (p,0,.2) Ant gla ction yl cy Uy yal cull 235) (9,.0,2) (x,y,z): SEAS gl Aa ee GUY Ge Jat * x = pcos@ {y= pmo =Z US (x,y, 2) + (p,0,2): Ast gaa MAS ISS LAY ys JED + p= yx? +y? y 6 = artge z=Z PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 SAID LMDV/ST Lan gh piSil ys gla aaah Piisbiad «oo site 545 Yi deal Ayala ol Anal pall sol git Alba ‘eal = B A.B Ault lag haw AB=(eaan)+ Oayadteaze) ges pall clap Gl A.B =(1.2)4@-0.C)) 40.) ni Dall Gb Abas BA in ay all pats BA =(sqxa)+(vo-90)*ens0) =(1.2)+(-D4-D) +0. =4 aly aes Ay Boel 5) pol 9h (2 4g 430d ad cos(h By = AsB_ (anatp)+Crayp) +Ceacp) Halal La}. fal= Vdd +23 =JP +p? say =V3 os Bales yd + 2 4(-t 42 = Valo] aL PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 Lan lS lll ma a7 AcB cgatall elapse | ALB=(xq1p)+O'q.yp)+(4 2B) Se hee pela clan Bd +> areas A.B =(1.2)+ (24-1) +0.) As! Ll) Gus a4 AB=S AaB ela slant hues 9 Bee geteall pagll tl es +> ik > ~ “+ ANB=|xq ya ta |=(vate~Yeta) i —Caza~ taza) i+ Gayamtayak re) 7 > » AnB=|1 2 W=(-2)1-(-D.) §-G.d- 2.) f+ 20-29) k 2 >» 9 aol? 7G BrA=|%p Ya ca}a|2 _PHYSIQUE 12020-2021 Lan lS lll ma +4 4 > AN B=- i+ 43k a oe a ANB =~ i+ j43k —j-3k)=-BAA oe ANB =-BAA dey A sBAASY) (0 0 Sia) aluaal | hen (2 Sa[AnB Bade plead ASB LLY (ys 25 Stal Gall +4 49 5 | 3 o> AnB=—i4 43k find =\Ver+ursarait ss anil, AB C42 oye Ge sStall pall ang soo al? FF | a VECKANB)=Chey yy za ADs shes AB IC 5S pall B Ye fp wat 434 V=A(BAC)= sey qzn— nea) Yelata-nea)* ZU Aa—XeYa) 43> 34 An Bea- i+ F43k Gu Nall oe ed +a wal! f{" V=C(An B)=CD.1+L143.123 ga Ana | och » 23545 CoB ACoA Be Agel cleat) haw} _PHYSIQUE 12020-2021 ben aly iStlh yo gl aud 1 Hisbiad «og ysis 555 Yi dnale B.A=(xptg)+ Op sadtly “) Sh pee pall elon! Lead beer aw < BeA=CI)l423+(-22=1 > 1 Spb all Gab 23 >> C.B=-10, 9 CA=S sai ip yhll yey BoA cette lag duns =. ~- |i ~ } > » ~ BaA=-p 2 -21=(2).2-(-2)3) iC D.2-1-2)) f+ B-D-1.2) k 3 +s Cr B Ais pall dts 3 [a] = Yad + 93 +22 = fn? 4274-2)? fel= ab 98422 = (2240243? =i >> B.C _(spxc)+(ya-ve) +(zp-tc) __-10 ot 314 {aLIC (A,B) 3B, 0). 4029) ge Stall pay gi fetal hs C sBiaSY) Ga Gil doll « CAB aad 14 F43K bid Gall Dal a Se ine|-(e.a (a PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 LMDI/ST Lan sh pS y pla aah [Asis «og sila 555 Yl deal ++ BgARY) Ge BUM Lal 107-58 til Gall gall > =a] > 3 ial a (10)? +(- > > > ey et-l A=(-1)i-2041 Al DEW G (fo een) 4 a) > 9 LES aa A = =%i+/) ‘ (A.B) pean >> ALB esos 9 SY! +5 +> ALB =(xqxg)+Oarn) +(cace) Gig gall elag ll Uiad AB elapth lee etl! +> A.B = -1).2t-(-20+D21) = apt 388ll Bubs dha B) Ch lV Sh) +9 AAB Vy) cgeletll Nagll aay ogi ols Mil SG ae pola clog tad YSAIDI LD1/ST 9 Lan sh pS y pla aah [Atsbiad «og sila 555 Yl deale ool? TF > ~ a AAB=\xq YA =(vatp~¥pta) i (rata Nata) itera Xp yak «a 28 7B >> |7 3; x > , > » AAB=|p-1 —2(¢+t) 0|= (6-12) 4c +) K = (20? +2 4 44) & = 2? 6K 2r -u 0 > BOSD scars 4D tu elt elagll GLY, gi any i ah madi aa SAB + AAT 438 a K > = (244k =k + 3 4 ¥ a 1 =20@#1) O}= 14-2) 440 +1) & = (2+ 244144) k = (2+ OK -2 oO a(iad) dd ye 7 di 4 7 x a a AB + Aa =2tk + (2t + 6)k = (4e + 6)K A=2i-G+N) je-nk 5 3) 4 3S Bas i-3j+2ky By ao a6 aA ag A = atts (t+ i+ -Dk => — = +j-k Lan gl piSil 5 plat asad aad) a ele olga _. |r Tk AaB = |\2e +1 1=¢/= lac -3 2 = (e+ 10.2 + 3(1 = 0))f— t= 401 — O) 7 + (HOt = 4e(t + IK =(—t + 5)i = (4e?)j + (at? — 108)K aa AB) . 2 a i —8tj + (-8t - 10) k uty db d(AAB) aA 7 ane ae a ae ad [FT . ae = 201 -1)=-i- (4+ 407+ (6 - 4t)k fe lac -3 sta anGe ae (t+ 1) 1 =4(1- 7-404 DK ft }4 oo 0 di. . dB s lh + AZ, = ~1- ae + (8-10) Sues M, (6. 2) My ( 2) (osha 4g 5yo CAS) Gen (1 sss (9,0) + (4,9); AB Sal Aaa any Oe JDL # x = pcosO y = psind MI(6,=) FAN Subs M(@VF.9) ~ a (6.2) PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021, YSAIDI LD1/sT n ben sl ply ple aaah M,(-3.3V3) © M, (6,2 )u5 Mz (2,2) 9M; (0,2) 3 all CAs Yh ues (2 Be (x,y) > (0,0) gh Ashi AS JS ony! Ge Dau p = yx? + y? y 9 = artg> p=VO+e=2 s : a= op a) 5s M302) olen ae Sul Geb My (2,5) © Ms(O.2)4%5 fnoctersso- z MA(2 ,2)=> tan@ My (2N2.2) @ Mg(2.2)445 A(1,2,3) 4 it plas) Aaa) la (|) Ap ge fl ES) SY! oo SC, yz) > (90,2) ed pax? +y? Z @= artg 2=Z pa ee = A(1,2.,3)=> tan A(V5,2,3) — A(1.2,3)443 PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDE LMDI/ST La lps pl pd x = pcos@ = 4cos= =2 x MG 3.4) dy = psing = 4sin= = 2v3 z=4 M(2,2V3, 4) = M (4,2,4)a45 M'(2,2,3) dota) pouty) AY es (2 p = V2? +2? = VB = 7 7 M’(2 ,2,3)=> | M’ ( 2V2.2,3) — M(2,2,3)4, ai el Ci 77) setah wate aac gcd + 9 9 a Aa i+ 2x] ANB ete yA Bigelil sa ca(t B stl d 5B by Aah tax pd ow (2 dal eth ela lead An B sel clinlt tans hee pele ela! PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDE Lost 13 wolf og » + + AMB=|xq YA ca) E-(vaty~Xpza) P+ (AYE m NBVADR wm 8 oo fi x > = > ANB =|x 0) =€(2x).0-(-2).0) # (0-400) j + (x-2)— 4,209) k la =-10rk ANB 38s sianph heen 2 oy Ear pee AAR elect lal oS VY AY BOS a > An B=—10e kU) GLI Mall go 7 beg = +73 >_> AHNIFING gia yay Le x=0 pb OSI Ld Mine a An B= 100k = 0 > + as BEM ty gleY A gail lyase pe, A=0 Elias AL BOS x eb he a +o eee AB call ola OS IY AL BSS A.B=0ALB Up ial Spall G4 AB = dae C08) xpd Gp Lage Hae gag, AB ded = 0 YSAIDI LD1/ST gp Sill yo gle! ah PAibiad - 55) lie 555 Yl deal GS pals AG) A boalt S=2e90 4121 spia 3) Asay Sade yale Ail Aegiwall AS yal) t Aba bg aly ej Gaal /| Ftakal Jas ota og ob ening) too ell ett al ata jg Led A As ae (Bibi gh fe ke AS lt Jay xesin?t, y=1 + cos2t : Qyilsles Ai pall A ioc! AS pst) le Gye Oxy alee ph anal) Mata a, Atal) ciateally Mo patalt AS yall ota, (agi ik) oalainy aalaie alae Gd (H=tel,y(attel AE S35 Oxy alaall ooh eal! Utes /1 M Gystall, ¢ all Clady, VW Ae pull Clad cbtlas| (Ais) A a) ANGI cvaleally MG yaall 45 yal sand, (0,4 K) cailaciag alia alee 58 M Gusta a gsldll platy, V dol pled cutiua! | Bal) Bayi Oz ges RE Lag) j hey Ele Ne Gl canny V Ela Ala gh eenlig hah CHS otidalag, G1 ARAM Gye pL gga cgi Mba ins x= int; y=te? Oxy leat i jleeall Ustes op - B= 2sinwti + 2coswtj Val Gy Ak das ell 9 Mo Absit Ag at) casio yh aah / adheall sles git - p = 2acos@: 0 ot coed Gy Unit! das a seeaal) lata pein! 9 MP Aba 2.5 Asal) abst yl angi /D -S(0) = 0 gitde $(6)usi /2 CGLV, gates y()=aVjew 1b Ox yaa hy Asya Jf vy Abi gs heey Oa ge £V) dn GHB) clans a LL PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 45 -YSAIDL Lup1/st 9p Sy pla asa notes VCOp=O Apia) Abad cob Go tale yy pastel x(a) Absolil 6 ue am (2, IM ate AS pall dae gata ai x(n) Letky ia (3 Asal hy olin Sta iy guys O= wi aA Gels Rw Vo tee x = Reoswt: y = Rsinat;z = Vot NOY A uw w/t PAS ay 5 Le Mall oe antl ood gla ye all y OM ee yell plat She oss /2 ate OZ § Vio 3 ,gquanall Xgl 3! quuual /3 Tg Spe EG GIS AS pat Je glad J gb Guel/4 Salata SeUiNy Aad pal) (x,y) 45 salt aubiony! ted M Said) ores es SR peor See y=Rsing 49 x=R(l+cose) 2500) (7,j) Meteidly ee dae o M Jute Asta 33 (1 (Givin) Aacdgcally Saatacall Seti, LH al) ny A acall Aalst) LUIS YI (9,9) O55 (2 a (8) jesus! Asia = | 090 6R Ay V de pal clas PER ll Eiken ph] El Ebay AnaBlly y, Aannbaall cases pall am (3 wR eUaay! es dat bo: 6 = wt & p = be? Wied Gy Mas Leedises F Bomeal -1 R eliaTy SS haa y 7 E lcill lads y, Aabililly y, Apudealt Cutss pall aa -2 S(0) Neeal) dpe cueal 3 osu 45 {Sul Coy! dae (1 ~ + + 29 OM = ait) i + y(t) F+2U0)K = FO) pepe) cus [] oo) = GOW _ ax. ay. | aeloe x : VO sre =e” Fpl Bled (ot a(p) _ a2 _ OREM» +274 ae HO = Sele eel ae Esha ele Halal CADaw Yl Hen (2 OM = ||OMllttp = p(edit, weasel clas [] PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD1/ST_ 16 ben sl ply ple aaah com _ a6) ala, do TF _ 5 + pdt 4 st OH = Siete) =p Me. 2, =p, + pb Be pall Ca ( di, = — St = Big -6.9, e Eakeatll Blak (€ pe) = Hd Ue + 79a) dp. OM(t) = pleit, + z(t) aP doe we tom vip == BO ee oS We) = yO + yyw B = [lilly => tir = = llbll = ds = |l#ljae > ff as = | llde => S= f,|lVllae + 50 PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021, W a, + pti, + £8 F(t) = (6 — pb*)it, + (ph + 2p8)iig + Zh aes y= Vr? + Yn? R dU, dé_. dU = gree * one 7 pt hg Me + OT Sb ee) Sy) tee (3 ee salt elas () ii, + pbiig + 2 AE pull gla Eda let (> Gri y) Ape ersinyieg AGM CAB se Geaial Gas gd WS yall lee JE yl Lene Cri yess Aidt clshtan yh He jeaill Ela cette sang Glad sii, ceed Eel Sis yp tae oA 6 Peal as yy Vy Chas Sa Relies) jab Gnas NW Asia! Meotdl LMD1/ST gp Sill yo glell ah PAibiad «65 ysis 555. Y! deale NGS yall: ARN) ALLO) fn las 907+ 1241 al Edel de yall ae (1 V(t) = S = ot? 18t + 12 te pal y(t) = 2 = 12e-18 ed $0 coll coe ce 5M Sa jy LU) Aaa aS pa ad p(s yV slapd SLR Aust go coe apt ABR As ye Aut pal V = 6t?-18t+12=0 A=b? —dac = 18? 4.6.12 24-288=36 — A)O da Ui Asta scala yt jana =b+Va 18-6 ara rie av 18 y(t) == 126-18 =O slyde de dad t=5=15 dt 12 t oO O5 1 IS. Vv + 2 + + y E = - + y¥ : * : + Sples Lae ee ae fe Sy lees dt Alexie & Math => -1 Qxsl4| 2x42 YAie ast ASeahige sje ged ype? = 2042 te, pl yQ=P4l syate-IPsl= PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 ae -SAIDL Lupi/sT Ga gl iS yo ple! ad J tisbiad 95 site 555 YI dele Eskdale dV, =x x dt dV, Pr ae xet-3t, y=-30, 2t43t Us M Goat, yp sla plans, V Ae pel pled ction) | Abatl b tea/| vx = HO - 32-3 Vy Vy = 22 - or fe pall Ela Cutan ta = 20 vz=—- = 3743 ax “a ot Ye YM = Ge 7 76 Eel Ela ee Oz + BU A,)j piney Pla Ns GJ Quy V pled ab yb dawg V clatllab sbe Poll = We OVO +20) = | (3t2—3)? + (—6t)? + (3t? + 3)? [Peoll = (Ge = 18 + 9) + 360? + Get + Tat + 9)=V TEE + Sort + 18 Weel] = fr8¢? + 1) Weel] = av2 ce? + 1) Oe gap tas)j chy Vela 3) Oni * V-K=||VI|[El| cos8, RY =s cos?) = Wil CR Oz 5 Vian eth otal) hay Yl agit Vk = (Vx.kx) + Wy.ky) + (V2. Vz) PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 ag XSAIDL LMDI/ST sh iS yo lel asad _ [Vx =32-3 v( vy Vz VR = (Vz.kz) = 30? +3 aay \lell =4 Saye ey] = BVT ee) et a ath +o cos(V,) AD 4 Gags cos(¥,%) = 2 => (0,8) = Z rad au = 5 > (Vi)= 5 2 yet Jad Oxy peal fi janall Ustea (1 x= Int => t =e ad yateta>ysettteryset+e* yd tiniuam yaer+ enX — prcalf isles ding B= 2sinwti+ 2cos wtf tal M Asai 46 sal slay) /1 Vie pull Glad Dats 9 9 45 Sl) CABlany! Gla d 0M v= => d0M =V dt de OM = [Pac = [vedei fvvae j= [ 2sinot ae + J 2eosae ae 7 tia J2sinat de = -2 coswt 3 J2cosat de == sincot aos 2 OM = —=coswti + —sinatj +c Ass o @ spine gt GASH GY Jalal cust PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDE LMDI/ST Ln gl piSill ys glell asl [Abid «65 y sie 555 Y! deale 2 x= —— cost @ ASSN GeV GH 2 ik y = 7 sin fond Get ry aV _ d¥x@)— | avy, Pe) = = SE Sd +A dV(t) 2dsinwt, 2dcoswt , “ad a at asinwt — wy coset deosut wy sinwt a ot 4 ie vy a(t) 7) = oe = 2w coswt? — 2w sinwt] 2 o == coswt => cOSwt = —> => Cos? wt wo 2 2_. w =sinwt => sinwt => y => sin? a @ 2 2 2 (cos? on+sin? on) = dies 2 w’ 5 1= per +y* cal COs? wt + SIN? wt o Gis phi inal (0, 0a Bi io tee go tytn Tops MM Ashi 5 st casa y! shal /I p = 2acos0: 6 = mu x= pcosd psind f = pcos@ = 2acos@ cos@ = 2acos 0? y = psinO = 2acos0 sind Stl 3 cos sind = se, Ley Aad) dy gl Sy ax day Fadi aa 45 JS CAon yl cos 6? = PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDE LMDV/ST 2 1+ cos26 x= 2a—5— = all + c0s28) => x—a = acos26 sin20 . . y =2a—j— = asin2@ => y = asin2 prawns => (x — a)? = a* cos? 28 y=asin2@ => y= @ sine20 (xa)? + y? = a? (cos? 20+sin? 20 = (xa)? + y? =a aes S(8) tam 2 S = ||] as = |lPljac ute ais te yi VO) =YOE+Y(O7 elle x=a+acos26 oo katy Mey , y= asin20 Sd Ga Diallo Ve (OY, (t) sual AS pall lace a Ke & =-2$sin20 gy - = 7 = 2a (-sin267 + cos20j) ly 4 @ 2 W= ee 2a5cos20 = V = aw(-sin207 + cos207) = | =, Caw)? (sin? 26 +cos? 20: 7 ds = ||V||dt = ds = awat Aisha HAD Suess do=Sdr d= 20 dak 5g = Sus w ds=aw2d0=2ad0 298 Aiud 5 jlall 4 iad dt Gay = s(0) = 2a f do= (0) = 200 +6 IVI day p20) Glatt anass LAS CC 4 [dO= 0S PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDE LMDI/ST @ Lin gl piSill yo gle! au [Abid «65 y sie 555 Y! deale 0=0>5=0 Lea wey) by pall ay edd =OW 5(0) = 200+C S(0) = 200+ C =0=C=0 S(O) = 200 ig S(O) Meal 5 he sins 8 hae HEV, a ate yi Wsa A Wo) S55 24! [Vo ma) ny fav]e[yl-ms? Gd ms" it) Lats pea Fyfe de = VO =falige dh Via hyde tepthate ted eh! ¥ je"dr= 1 PBN a a We an, VW)=a¥pfe dt =a +c) oo RPS yD Lesa Sop apie oe LUE I gs 1=OF=0e FO)=0 Bavdan yy 1-0 O=-0¥y = te sepaly SEL ve navy ne +My SV WD=Vol- en") He pall Be Alay a Mt) = [Vddt = x(t) =| Vole Jat Aged Lol! Ls MN =Vol toe “Yee 1=0 AMY ay Dla Ail (Soy LAS CUS opty avotrtem re == lb re se =0 a x)= Volts tenety ALolill ale aiay a We wn dis IYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 LuiDi/sT_ Ln gh piSill ys glell aust PAibiad «65 ysis 555 Y! deale MO =H aati he 123 x70 u te0= x28 @ Aelita RaSlies pial 2S yelling 7?) bass yyy Wd wfian eget 4S yal aan ») x=Reoswt, y= Rsinwt, z = Vot al og Sia gM lie! on Sh! X(t) SM Colaba) Gar Le Ga 5 lid Ge BY oxyegsied gf Chall aall dlolee Ly (I ya Reoswt = Reosd => R ia ed ass 5 (0, 0) oS ped gle oe Bye a aul Aste ca) x? + yp? = eh atid WS al) kes DLS Gay 2 = Vota OZ oysdll Ge ti DG LOZ Sig Si dita aaa (31 46 pad em AY BUEN alata Asie AS lly Bla Ge She Ally Uygedl 2S poll OS fs ae dg 45 oe Eset de pally egal pat UK) ABS Citta / OM = x(tlity()j+ OK Wa hes wells eo > > + 4 OM = Reoswt i+Rsinwt j+Vot k Ball ob Goes Vee) = SOE Hz, HOG, APM DY phage pga deh) & “ae * >) dOM d(Reoswt)? diRsinwt)? d eae os 12, See. i+ ii & a3 2) vi de a at i dcosw > > > 2 V=-Rwsinwe F+Rweosws j+Vy k aay PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 za SAID Lost Lan sh pS y pla aa [Atsbiad «og sila 555 Yl deal > > + 4 V =Rw(-sinwe i+coswr j)+Vy k > dV avy? Vy dv.> ess : 54 AV D2 Ag Uy phar gual pL ow ede ae ae Girma any Giall Sell 6 dV _dRwsinwe) >, déRweoswt) > dae seb Set dt dt gee tone : EE > av > = y = 4". _aweosw i - Rw? sin wt j aay di — > av + + 7 a pw? (coswi i tsinue J) dt Albu cay OM(t) = pil, + 2(C)K otal ey AY gi wa les & x=Rcoswt, yre pax? + y? oS p Suse a Rsinwt, z = Vot (eos wt) = RAB %al) jules ‘ + 5 OM (t= Ru +Vot k genpllgltan, Cis pay es pall Gla an Sat Me pall Glad ow [Reasw2)? +(Rsinwry payesy?= p=R & V(t) = pit, + pbiiy + 2k Spb Miia) Sauls (199) Ml sh dp =R> p=Leo Pp poe O= wr O= 5 ently in Ban, V(0) = Reig + Vok ay LMDV/ST gp Sill yo gle! ah [Abid «65 y sie 555 Y! deale Bika eda gall Glas site ghd ut ay To) - OM()= Ru Not k an ~ Ve FO Ghia), AVE Onn k dt de we 10 sang mwie 7 ell ge dua Fi nna ao up =—wi'p Vi)= Rwuo+Vy k o Eom ela © a > * tun Pay 4V _ diRw ua), Vo ei Mow k A ar ee ata ae - ¥() = T= —Rw*il, diay clonal ge M Abt se (iy, Ty 6) sat i atl de pull plat weed plat LE o OZ 3 Vow tapers Ly\3t ual B V.K=[|PI|fEl| cosC8, KY = cov.) = Wiel . (RY Oe 5 Ves cecbal claps Ghaens Yyl at VK = (Vxkx) + Vy.ky) + (Vz. Vz) PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 YSAIDI LuDI/sT 26 Lan sh Say pla aad [itis «og sila 555 Yl deal Vy =-Rowsin wt ko Viv, =Rweosmt 5 E( 0 ky = 0) San yak kz=1 VR = (Vz.kz) =Vo Aus Well =1 tan seletk Vie pall Ela lage tee VO) = Reity+VoR [||] = Ro)? + Vo? 23> Va Yo See cos(¥, y= A = Nags 8D Gels ME] Yer? +¥0" “ shed dob ead a7 Al = as = |lV}ae seg fla we uli Vo gy > SCD= [Vat = FYCRW)? VO) dt =YMCRW)? + V0") ft +My aay 3Om=RUp a Omiip NY XOY S Small GEE MIC plo > HO=-Rw Up sing 5 x= R(lecosp) Gal jal! illen (7 dies ditosR e g=or Ge y= x x x= RUL+ C089) +cosg = 2 - l= cose R Rsing ? R ues Re Ru Sahih CAB YI(2 pl) = 5 fre Rdecose) Rsing PHYSIQUE 12020-2021 Lost ban sl pS yo ple aaah pig = x2 + y? = YR cos)? +R? sin? SARL fb Ga gt (aes els) — (l+ eos) P@) = R? (14 cose +c0s7 9) +R? sin? pe a 201+ 2cose + (co 7 + Leosp+cos* 9 re Py) = ply) = YR2(2+ 2cosg) = RYA1+ cose) Leose=2e0s"(f) ANEW Cy gal ope aed Mikal Ud Gd Gag p(9)= 2Reos® Ghai) Wales diay pO)=2Reos®@ = 0 ped Os05R yay deli gutste(2 GH = pWit, Ayal CATA iG pill aoe ll pL SS YI OM = pU p =2RcosOU p SHADY Gi Gag OF sep de gull Pla Guus hy 8 ue V= pili, + pbiiy Byles Maal ls (1991 A yb =2Re p=tP..-2™ pat p=2Reos0 => p= 3 zh sino 2.8, pL 2-2 dt 2 +4 os + yw V=pU p+ poua= —Rwsin OU p+ 2R— cosdU 9 ang V =—Rwsin OU p+ RweosOU 9 = Rw(—sin OU p+cos0U a) pls gate gal la thy 9 hb 438 ye PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 LD1/sT Lan lS lll ma > 3 * OM = pU p =2Re0s0U p > Vf _ dom ad Sy Ve =2R—(cosOU. 2s di aaa) “sy OF ge | ae, a au a alall eo 2 2 avy a ee) Ver. cheb ovono te] oon Suen Sonal A cos OU p) Seo ol p + ~ ~ ~ q V =—Rivsin OU p+ RweosOU 9 = Ru{-sinOU p+cos0U 9) diy Ye Sebel 8 p53 ~ Yr oA ig Jat ad dt > > > V=Rw(-sinOU p+cos0Ug) Wssl V5)e pull Clad Ub yb aus as a MI djv|_acewy = =0 > =0 ‘sia dt 7% % Yn = VY? = vr? sep ya Yr + Yue Ua yy Bije Sg lull gt Vy ag PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 gg -YSAIDE LMS Len gl piSill yo pled! ah [Abid «65 ysis 555 Y! deale ~ > + 2 _dV _ pg, d(-sindU p+eos0U 9) dt dt I i nd iv, Oe av, = Ry L8G sing U2 MOOT) 5 cos VO | dt at It dt L + ee, 7 =-2Rw™ (cosOU p+sin0U 0) y =-Rw?(cosOU p+sind Uo) Rw? |sin? 0-+e0s70) g ae gfe plat yh =p? 73 = yaw?) -0= Rw? ay SG yas clas) hf ia P= an? 4 SU bw 3 8 = wt & p = be? Uses ‘p= be® p= bwe™) __ (i = due" Bal >{ b-a } > d=0 } Suh CU Seal gla ( OM = pip =be" Up ~ V-8OM AU ps piva ae yall Gla > a ee * a V =O. aU p+ pOU 9 =bwe™ U ptowe™ Uo be" (U p+U a) Pinte “S141 = J2bwe™ He pall Glad Ayla v a - > 2 odV | ant» wt PU pte ng dU ual plat y cn U pret PET Vore gota > vuav wry tT, wy, wo 7 == wb (oe U px we™! Yarr(we™ Yo-we™ Up) PHYSIQUE 1 2020-2021 LMDI/ST_ cs Lin hp Sill yo ple aust PHibiad «65 y sie 555 Y! deale aa Phe U9 fy]=2wibe"™ shell Glass aly gle wt pat deze aay deo pctaal gl at dt rw = V7 = 17? =VQn*be")? (Tie webull gl t= Five pat Rime")? 5 yur shai jad as ty fibwter ' 1 Poe er S= [Vee = [V2ube" dr =V2wb fede Apes Lott 0 0 s= Jiwoje" dt = cea z } w Rueid Lou! PHYSIQUE 12020-2021 LMDI/ST_ Uap gl iG y a lal ait Lelie: odie Ay pat ABN) ALL Lat oF BS OES ppt aga Gla any F= (3t?-6t) c-4t87+(3t+2) K (m) push se 5 Sigal 5s! ange haya gay 3 ll 956-2 Be 8G oO Layall Ayaly QS yall dae 9 AS all Gas 3 8! js Cag) 4g ASG) C92 GIF) Ra jb ind aula ys 58 wind Ad ale Baga ye m AGS pee Aapic yo Sava rm Alsat ale allt ay 3h cee pl, pen gh B55 ll ssl Gyan sae (7 m 5,9,0%313 Mepish All Ae pal 9 3591 pean pe by ill 49138 ag gl (2 Geigy HELLY ph Soph giall A ARE) ea ye Gye 9 gS Gye Ags Ais albs eli os sill ABCD uu JR Ua bb Gita Gina Ce BME CD cli pain. ys) je BN ce Uw AB Ouse Be pie yoda Cte Yt a 2 Dae pie ps a 3 Es GUE a, MRS Ml ie Upe y a Le CD yl gall DB D Abad) ye gt PHYSIQUE? 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STY 1 Lan gl piSilly a glall aud TAisbind 5 giia 593) deal, ANGS lass Law ssl pn T= m2 = Most 93 pUBE ented g A alt glad Glad Cosy AUS ag 5S ja jae a BUS Qt ak Cut gy m= 005M Auta) hed 9 Rio! AGEN 6 555 fa = Hr heal! pha Leste « Goyal cya pl gibt) | isis Bg galt AGL DB. frp = 0.60 rrr Aiteaall Lads) Lad juae gd ma, m2 GELS! am hua Ais AUBIN g adh ya Ls Chaygill odgl g Aad ph le ~ -2 Ma ylescn ALN g 55 uy g GBS plas CLS pull: Ade ™ m iy Mya Ae all am fo-Keyy ISI! Gye 6 ogll Aa glad Lys gain Qe | yo Us glen yyy AGS dae LV tke bm = _ Sept Fl=a.sin(wt)i ;F2 = b.cos(wt)joss!) 26 05 eed ay iagy MOO ;y) Adi aie Mist oogs t=O Mutsy) Aad GA clays OY y Cue eV = VOR a b yO= ail VO = -a/mw Eu 546 a9) 1 de pall Fhe sy) 2 eal) Ashes 35913, ABCD jes ge py (28 pei pats BSaY! Jag A de Moye gy Gd Btdaliys mie pee (i CARR of peal 4d Gils (gl) U ASin} Jala 29.9) G8 BC 6 jall oo AEN GB abe y) Luar y C URRY Gh Ae pall ong) LI BC eal heel (© (k i343) SGD: PHYSIQUE? 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STY (2 Lensl siSiD ya glall aad WAidbind gia 55891 deal Ro M 8 c & cigs oath 5 (Aitbeadh Naga) cs geld Ug! gy sl = Lal sh rae A gill Cys ith ae gle gb ae 8g Slagle 557 Le eile pee US Dial) 2S yall Malate Ladi 1S pa Ue 8 LFext = Sig Ad jaggy pall AAT Napali: csi gall SU gy gall. 4S jal Be oe 0 8 Bm GS Lae ite 7-5 Pal) yy Dall Ning!” pc atl EMA 9 gilNI(3, Fans” A" ell ce Be "BY ool ob Fans BY ee By! A pall gis Dall 2p REN g eal panes sll gan olay A aS gly ll bala cast oe salad cad 5 SAT Aa sid 3 all 2 Si! 6 Be Lalla GSS 5 lees Quadaw Ayal ae Cand = too = EL YR = nly md sted ats AISI 5 6 LASS Laat Rises jaa (thee gl BE) gle gb chin pee Ui Gam 2,6 sell AS - f=-kn¥ Goole co TOU a I jal pla) Ge antiad a igleul ot gyal! sill - Fr = -kOM Gat PHYSIQUE? 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STI 3 Uap siya phe anid GQ Aeall Gels PLS ys Sy mL HS Mash Gad US jal 5 jally Salt aja - Txtio = OMAP seta Jill ay PAS lans, OM glad etal clash Bak oka gh Ale lal 52) jeg gles Asks Aba GS pall pally GS yall pall ABS - aly = a Fexr/0 yall ov es dass plsall te Miaka 5 il auam JI a all pata Nall aS 2 Beall plnal) 885 og sta ab JSAM NS 1) 2h jill ate!) Uo caatiall pled! 8813 gia Pr be ch pital yA pend Yamal! gle enaall Gaal plead! gb Aye Lantll 48 mhal! Lota! (3, PHYSIQUE? 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STI 4 LanslsiSilly a glall aad WAisbind ¢ sgiie 55891 deal A eal) Aa Atl Ja speapll oe yal a 2 > F soy VS SR eas pac le 3 yall gd 7G? 6) 7-43 j De we = j+Gr4+ 2k ual Eola plas pb de gull lab hens Vl git > : > a Va at jee Vn =(6r-6) i~12r? j+3k tepid e dv ¥ Wy Pav Te Que. oF = ey 61-2 y Jul gles “di dt ‘ dt j dt a i # epee + 3 + gh + . Se F=m.y¥ =6.(6r) i- 60247) j =36 F—lddr j 8D Gs m= 6kg Ree oy 2 >> Myo(P)= Pn F tau Sealy ge ee i 7 K Myo (F) = FAP = force 42 3t+2 1440 0 Mo (F)=(-Ar?.0- 2r42)(-L441) 7 G14 .360 4G? 61-144) G64?) Mya (F) = (43207 + 288 E+ (1O8t + 72)7 + (-288e + 86422) aS jal AyS.3 > + Pemy :Spallaus 3 + > > 44 P=mV > p=6(6t-6) i -6.127 j+63k PHYSIQUE! 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STY 5 LenslsiSilly a glall aud WAisbind ¢ sgiie 55891 deal > gob ob - p=36¢-1)i-727 j+18k Sal Sar, + Nagald Apia pS pal p dle ++ 4 Ljg(F)= AP ldbads GS sal ll ae i i k Tio (F) = FAP = |se2oe a? 3+ 2 see-36 a 592 18 . yo F)= (AP AB8- Bt + 294-1227) § — (GBP 64).18)- (361 -36).38+2)) j 4+ (361? ~ 61).-728*) ~ (G61-36)(-41°)) T = (14403 + 14407) 74 (S40? + 72¢ = 72)7 + (1a + 288t°)k dP? oes =F ga a > dP > P =36-1) F-727 f+18k oP 2367-148] x _ + > 4 GPF ey F=36i-144j 5 dt 7 }, & dh M/F) oss at > Sean EP reach > bose? L = (14413 +1441?) f+ dr? 4720-27) f+ (—T2r* + 28879) k ~ aL _ (430)? 4.2881) 1 + (OB +72) j+ (288 486412) iyo (F) = (4320? + iat (Oar + 72)7 + (=2880? + 864e7)R ’ > aL Mo) dus fot (BSia! ayn ase ) pecall Ae gi Gall sll E yee P dilisg. Wy ob dail 253,8- PHYSIQUE? 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STI 6 LenslsiSilly a glall and WAisbind apie 55891 deal M Alek aie Jali 2) 3d tee Vy) QueiM Qn sie alll 259 uel M Abit se ae pl layed lal Koza) Goa EPs = my +3 + p+N=my Sy sila aa AS pall OY SIM abel jas ~ = | psi / pur psind N. Uri 0 ¥ = > UNI pcos Uns -N . av Psind = my; =m = Pcos@ —N = myy =m. 5 av ‘ mre mgsin@=m Be pall uso pi (J) Asta Ge dt RB) Ae pall oe wea Saas de pl V Say = Reo = RE: tal Ys SS pl hye MJ ge Msteall Cops : ae) bet gored, ay mgsind am AO VY ya gue ar eT aa ae | ° gsino 2 VY yay = Resino dg iy diode R aS Gib jaa Lay Resin d0=VdV => RgfsinO dd ={VvdVv Jsin@ d0=—cos0 jvav aa “= -Re cos 0 +e = V7 =-2Re cos +c Aly PHYSIQUE! 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STI 7 LenslsiSilly a glall aad WAisbind ¢ ygiie 55891 deal SE dog ll Jeans cy ull LY Va=0s 0=0 A thal se V?=-2RgcosO +c) Vi =2RgcosO+e)=0 > c =2Re Vv -2RgcosO+2Rg AI = Rg aus Rg(1~cos0) aes V = /2Rg(1— cos) im iS Ubi aie Heal y2 = Ne Peoso = mt Dail) 5 haa p85 (2) Walaa = + Peosd= mY > N= Peosd= mn — al BV 3be Gap 2Rg(1-cos 9), N = Pecos —m Peosd —m( N= Peosd - m(2R0—229) . ame cos - 2mg : m4a§ Abad) se N dail a3 le aly WN = mg (3cos6 - 2) GSD) pend gg pala cpill Ay gh) aw! -2. N=O egies G82 daill ay spall Li) N= mg(3cos6=2)=0 =3cos0-2=0 >0=2 wl =>6= arecose = 48.187" PHYSIQUE! 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STI 8 Lan gl 9G y 9 plall anit WAisbiad 5 a giia 5 9391 Reale B se st Fe ee ile (1 (Sef) AB 5 Laall GANAS a alg days lal hazel Gules + + + +4 EFext=my > P+N=my ge deed oxy Ge SELL ox=> mg sina = my. a vy Q) ta AS jell Moy Ghy MS jm FY Vx = gsina = cle s Ty=0 Yye=gsina > Or gsina Asal (1) 42340) Ge d MM gece sais t= Ss sinaeds dx by dS Gy &Y ae=gsinade >dv"=gsinady => VdV =gsina de dt a ¥ aed LlSdy 9 gis vB Lt \"e [VaV = gsinafdx = = gsinalsiy va 0 Iva 0 qed L=ABos Vg-V4 =29 H Vi=2sH & Va= UGS ie GI pel V, = y2gH B se Side ay Mei) Ade yl) Gla PHYSIQUE! 2020-2021 YSAIDI LMD/STI 9

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