Clomipramina Si Sarcina

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Eur J Clin Pharmacol

DOI 10.1007/s00228-015-1944-6


Pharmacokinetics of clomipramine during pregnancy

P. G. J. ter Horst 1,5 & J. H. Proost 2 & J. P. Smit 3 & M. T. Vries 1 & L. T. W. de Jong-van de
Berg 4 & B. Wilffert 5,6

Received: 28 May 2015 / Accepted: 10 September 2015

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract (mg). We compared differences in ratios between trimesters by

Purpose Clomipramine is one of the drugs for depression using the Friedman test.
during pregnancy; however, pharmacokinetic data of clomip- Results Studying 12 women and 13 pregnancies, we found no
ramine and its active metabolite desmethylclomipramine in changes in mean clomipramine concentrations, a statistically
this vulnerable period are lacking. In this study, we describe significant decrease in mean desmethylclomipramine concen-
clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine concentrations in- trations (p=0.014) and a significant decrease in the ratio of
cluding their ratios during pregnancy. Second, we describe desmethylclomipramine/clomipramine mean concentrations
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D) during pregnancy (p=0.014) compared to the post-partum pe-
scores during pregnancy. riod. Sub-therapeutic concentrations of clomipramine and
Methods During 13 pregnancies, every trimester and 3 months desmethylclomipramine were found in three patients during
after pregnancy, the clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine whole pregnancy.
concentrations were measured with LC-MSMS and the severity Conclusions The mean concentrations of the pharmaco-
of depression was assessed by taking the CES-D score. All logically active metabolite of clomipramine and
concentrations used in our calculations were in fact the ratio desmethylclomipramine changes during pregnancy, where a
between actual plasma concentration (μg/l) and the actual dose decrease in mean concentrations was found during pregnancy.
In case of recurrent disease, we recommend to control clomip-
ramine and its metabolite concentrations, while both are
* P. G. J. ter Horst
Keywords Clomipramine . Desmethylclomipramine .
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Isala Klinieken, Dr van Heesweg
2, 8025 AB Zwolle, The Netherlands
University Centre for Pharmacy, Unit of Pharmacokinetics, Introduction
Toxicology and Targeting, University of Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Drugs of choice for maternal depression during pregnancy are
Department of Psychiatry, Isala Klinieken, Dr van Heesweg 2, 8025
AB Zwolle, The Netherlands
SSRI’s and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), including clo-
mipramine [1–3]. Clomipramine is also indicated for anxiety
University Centre for Pharmacy, Unit of PharmacoEpidemiology and
PharmacoEconomics, University of Groningen,
disorders because of the serotonergic activity of clomipramine
Groningen, The Netherlands compared to other TCAs [4, 5]. Also, the metabolite,
University Centre for Pharmacy, Unit of Pharmacotherapy and
desmethylclomipramine, has antidepressant actions due to its
Pharmaceutical Care, University of Groningen, noradrenergic activity [5]. The use of clomipramine during
Groningen, The Netherlands pregnancy is limited, while the use of TCAs during pregnancy
Department of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy, University Medical is about 10 % of all antidepressant users, which means about
Centre Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands 0.3 % of all pregnant women use TCAs [6].
Eur J Clin Pharmacol

In general, during pregnancy, an increase of the volume of concentrations and their ratios during pregnancy. Secondary
distribution (increase in plasma volume, total body water, and we describe Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
amount of body fat), and lower concentrations of drug- scale (CES-D) scores during pregnancy.
binding proteins are observed, as well as an increase in hepat-
ic, renal, and cardiac blood flow, and in the end, an increase of
metabolic clearance (possibly by induction of metabolizing Methods
enzymes by progesterone and estrogen) [7, 8]. Clomipramine
is hydroxylized by CYP2D6 to hydroxyclomipramine [9]. Setting
CYP2C19, CYP3A4, and CYP1A2 are responsible for the
demethylation of clomipramine to desmethylclomipramine, This observational study was performed in Zwolle,
and CYP2D6 converts desmethylclomipramine to The Netherlands, with patients from the Isala Clinics, a large,
hydroxydesmethylclomipramine. The half-lives of clomipra- 1000-bed, secondary teaching hospital with about 3000 deliv-
mine and desmethylclomipramine are between 16 and 60 h eries each year. The study was approved by the hospital’s
[10]. So, the elimination of clomipramine concentration under medical ethics committee and the central medical ethics com-
normal conditions is a combined effect of all mentioned cyto- mittee of The Netherlands (CCMO). Once written informed
chrome P450 enzymes, while the elimination of the main me- consent was obtained and the subject was enrolled in the
tabolite desmethylclomipramine is only dependent on study, the subjects’ GP and pharmacist were informed that
CYP2D6 activity. The hydroxyl metabolites are rapidly con- his/her patient participated in this trial and that clomipramine
jugated to glucuronides and excreted in the urine, and so, their was dispensed by the hospital pharmacy. The study protocol
pharmacological activity is limited [9]. follows the guidelines (until now only draft guidelines are
According to Kirchheiner, different genotypes of CYP2D6 available) of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
and CYP2C19 are responsible for variations in plasma con- on pharmacokinetic studies in pregnancy [20].
centrations of clomipramine [11]. The activity of CYP1A2
and CYP2C19 decrease to 35–50 % at the end of pregnancy Inclusion and study scheme
compared to the first trimester, which possibly may lead to
increased plasma concentrations at the end of pregnancy At the decision of the patient and the psychiatrist (JPS) women
[12–14]. In contrast to CYP1A2, the activities of CYP3A4 used clomipramine when the benefits of using this drug out-
and CYP2D6 are increased during pregnancy [14]. The un- weigh the possible concerns of using TCA during pregnancy,
predictable net effects of changing activities of these enzymes especially clomipramine. In the first trimester of pregnancy,
and the implications for the clomipramine concentration dur- women were asked by the psychiatrist (JPS) to participate in
ing pregnancy need further investigations. For clomipramine this study. Inclusion criteria for the pregnant women were
summed with the concentration of desmethylclomipramine, written informed consent for the study protocol, expected un-
an equipotent metabolite [15], a relationship between plasma avoidable use of clomipramine during the whole pregnancy,
concentrations and the therapeutic effect and toxicity has been and age >18 years. We excluded women who were mentally
established, and the target ranges from 50 to 600 μg/l [10, 16]. incapable, had twin pregnancies, used drugs of abuse (not
Recent literature supports the idea to conduct more re- nicotine or alcohol), used additional antidepressants or anti-
search into the field of pregnancy and pharmacokinetics [17, psychotic drugs, used drugs with the same or higher terato-
18]. As an example, we know that plasma concentrations of genic risk classification, or used any additional drugs with any
TCAs may be changed during pregnancy. A small study with influence on TCA metabolism. At the following times, data
nortriptyline showed that the dose of nortriptyline to prevent were collected: time of inclusion, 6-months pregnancy, 8.5-
relapse was elevated 1.6-fold, when the first trimester was months pregnancy, time just prior to delivery, 1 week after
compared to the third trimester; however, the number of pa- delivery, and 3 months after delivery. The following data were
tients was small (n=6) [19]. then collected: CES-D score (Center for Epidemiologic Stud-
Taken into account the well-established therapeutic win- ies Depression scale, the only validated score to be used dur-
dow of clomipramine concentrations, the variations of phar- ing pregnancy) [21]; antidepressant and dose; demographic
macokinetic parameters during pregnancy, and the changes in data (only at inclusion); body height (only at inclusion) and
activity of the main metabolizing enzymes during pregnancy, weight; plasma concentration of clomipramine; and
it is of importance to investigate possible increases or de- desmethylclomipramine. Extra blood was withdrawn at inclu-
creases in clomipramine concentrations and the pharmacolog- sion time for pharmacogenetic analysis for the CYP2D6 and
ically active metabolite desmethylclomipramine during preg- CYP2C19 status, which are of importance for clomipramine
nancy to prevent women from relapse of psychiatric disease or metabolism [12]. Pharmacogenetic analysis was performed by
possibly clomipramine toxicity. In this study, we describe clo- real-time allelic discrimination polymerase chain reaction
mipramine concentrations including desmethylclomipramine (PCR) for the following polymorphisms: CYP2D6*3,
Eur J Clin Pharmacol

CYP2D6*4, CYP2D6*6, CYP2D6*7, CYP2D6*8, purchased from LGC (Wessel, Germany), and formic acid
CYP2D6*9, CYP2D6*10, CYP2D6*35, CYP2D6*41, was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals (Zwijndrecht,
CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3, and CYP2C19*17 and by long- The Netherlands).
distance PCR for the CYP2D6 duplicates and CYP2D6 dele-
tion (CYP2D6*5). Statistics

Dosing and sampling We divided the period in four trimesters of 91 days each,
where trimesters 1, 2, and 3 represent the trimesters of preg-
Because the study was performed in an out-of-hospital setting, nancy and the post-partum period. When two concentrations
we used Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) were measured during a particular pregnancy for a single pa-
packages to be sure about dosing times (MEMS-6 track tient in the same trimester, we used the mean of these values,
cap®, Aardex ltd, Switzerland). MEMS medication bottles despite the fact that throughout a trimester, plasma concentra-
contain a microelectronic chip that registers the date and time tions also may be changed. We normalized plasma concentra-
of every bottle opening. Assuming that bottle openings repre- tions for the actual dose by dividing the actual plasma con-
sent medication intake, MEMS provides a detailed profile of centration by the actual dose, see Fig. 1. We justified these
the patient’s adherence behavior. Sampling times were record- calculations because of first-order pharmacokinetics of clo-
ed electronically at times blood was withdrawn at times of mipramine. Differences between trimesters in concentrations
through levels. of clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine and their ratio
were tested with the Friedman test using the software package
Plasma concentration analysis SPSS statistics (version 22, IBM inc, Armonk New York,
Plasma samples were analyzed with a UPLC-MSMS tech- Smoking may affect steady-state clomipramine concentra-
nique (Acquity® UPLC system, Acquity® TQD detector, tions [16]. Another covariate in our analysis was the pharma-
and Acquity® UPLC BEH C18 column, and Masslynx v4.1 cogenetic status at the level of poor metabolizer, extensive
software for concentration calculations, all from Waters Chro- metabolizer, intermediate metabolizer, and fast metabolizer
matography, Etten-Leur, The Netherlands). Samples were according to the definition of the Dutch working group on
processed as follows: 50 μl plasma was added to 200-μl in- pharmacogenetics [20]. Possible relationships between CES-
ternal standard solution (nortriptyline-D3 0.1 mg/l in D scores and clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine con-
acetonitril/methanol 2:1), mixed thoroughly and frozen for centrations were tested using linear regression analysis.
10 min at −20 °C. One hundred fifty microliters of the super-
natant and additional 600 μl of Millipore water were mixed.
Injection volume was 20 μl. Samples were eluted with a flow Results
rate of 0.6 ml/min with a gradient elution system containing
200-ml Millipore water added to 200-μl formic acid (A) and From 2004 until 2009, 12 mothers, all of Caucasian race and
200-ml acetonitrile added to 200-μl formic acid (B). During using clomipramine, were eligible for this study and all wom-
elution, the ratio A/B changed from 75:25 during the first 30 s, en could be included. From these 12 mothers, the data of 13
to 60:40 until 2.5 min. Thereafter, a 0.5-min column cleaning pregnancies were included. Women started this study after
procedure was performed using 100 % acetonitrile to remove signing informed consent, and then the first blood samples
interfering phospholipid structures from plasma. The linearity were collected. Demographic data and drug information are
of our developed method was between 5 and 450 μg/l for both presented in Tables 1 and 2. Three out of 13 pregnancies were
clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine, which was suit- complicated by pre-eclampsia, and 1 pregnancy was compli-
able for the expected plasma concentration range (50– cated by gestational diabetes mellitus. Four neonates were
450 μg/l). Within day variations and between day variations born with help from a cesarean section.
for three concentrations (75, 150, and 225 μg/l) were lower None of the patients used grapefruit juice (a cytochrome
than 4.8 %, and the lower limit of quantification was 5 μg/l for 3A4 inhibitor), two patients smoked during their pregnancy
both analytes. All reagents were of analytical grade. (see Tables 1 and 2), and two patients did not give informed
Acetonitril (UV grade) and methanol were purchased from consent for pharmacogenetic screening. Four patients were
Labscan® (Cuijck, The Netherlands), nortriptyline-D3 was intermediate metabolizer for CYP2D6, and one patient was a

Fig. 1 Formula for normalizing plasma concentrations of clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine

Table 1 Patient demographics

ID Age Pre-pregnancy Daily dose at Daily dose at Tablet formulation Indication Complianceb Co-medication CES-D score Complications
(years) weight (kg) time of inclusion in delivery in (%) (min-max)
milligrams (mg) milligrams (mg)

1 32 70 37.5 37.5 Immediate release Obsessive-compulsive 100 Novorapid® 11–27 Intra-uterine death
disorder (insulin)
2 36 90 37.5 37.5 Immediate release Panic disorder 100 – 0–11
3 41 84 75 75 Sustained release Major depressive 97 Multivitamin 1–7
disorder preparations
4 36 64 75 113 Sustained release Panic disorder 100 – 22–25 Cesarean section, due to
meconium containing
amniotic fluid, diabetes
gravidarum, pregnancy-
related hypertension
5 40 81 75 100 Sustained release Panic disorder 100 – 0–16 Pre-eclampsia, sec. cesarean
section due to delayed
6 32 80 60 60 Immediate release Major depressive 96 – 1–1 Cesarean section due to
disorder delayed delivery
7 30 63 50 50 Immediate release Major depressive 96 – 0–0 Diabetes, not pregnancy related
8 34 60 100 125 Immediate release Obsessive-compulsive 97 – 5–14 Cesarean section, due to
disorder unsuccessful vacuum
extraction and delayed
9a 26 50 50 50 Immediate release Panic disorder 100 – 3–3 Pre-eclampsia
10 26 50 50 50 Immediate release Panic disorder 100 – 7–20 Pre-eclampsia
11 31 125 20 25 Immediate release Panic disorder 100 – 9–17 –
12a 29 52 125 125 Immediate release Obsessive-compulsive 76 – 24–24 –
13 28 83 25 25 Immediate release Obsessive-compulsive 100 – 0–0 –
Same mother, second pregnancy in study period
Calculated with MEMS-recorded administration times
Eur J Clin Pharmacol
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Table 2 Plasma concentrations and possible variables in plasma concentrations of clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine

ID Smoke Cytochrome P450 Cytochrome P450 Clomipramine plasma Desmethylclomipramine plasma Breast
D6 sub-enzyme b 2C19 sub-enzymeb concentration (μg/l; min-max) concentration (μg/l; min-max) feeding

1 N NC NC 22ƒ 8ƒ N.A.
2 N 4 3 13–30 5–20 N
3 N 1 1 57–97 5–34 Y
4 Y 1 1 74–156 140–193 N
5 N NC NC 63–86 11–62 N
6 N 1 1 12–20 23ƒ N
7 N 1 1 34–64 10ƒ Y
8 N 1 3 49–125 51–174 Y
9a N 4 1 23–29 27–66 Y
10 N 4 1 33–80 19–75 Y
11 N 2 2 11–37 7ƒ Y
12a Y 4 1 58–88 220 N
13 N 4 1 36–70 – Y

NC no consent for pharmacogenetic testing. ƒ only 1 observation > lower limit of quantification during pregnancy
Same mother, second pregnancy in study period
1 designates normal metabolizers, 2 poor metabolizers, 3 fast metabolizers, and 4 intermediate metabolizers according to the Dutch working group on
pharmacogenetics [10]

poor metabolizer for CYP2D6. For CYP2C19, we found two slightly; however, not statistically significant, see Fig. 2 and
fast metabolizers and 1 poor metabolizer (see Table 2). Three Table 3. The variation in clomipramine concentrations among
patients (id 1, 2, and 6), had summed sub-therapeutic concen- the 12 patients is high, and the number of included patients is
trations (range from 50 to 600 μg/L) [10, 16] of clomipramine relatively low, which made us to decide that analysis with co-
and desmethylclomipramine (see Table 2). factors like smoking, weight, height, and P450 enzyme status
All samples were taken as trough concentrations at steady would not contribute to the aims of our study. We depicted the
state, which means that in more than 4 weeks, the same dose change in median concentrations of clomipramine and
was administered. During pregnancy, the concentrations of desmethylclomipramine normalized for daily dose and their
clomipramine (normalized for ingested dose) decreased ratio in Figs. 2 and 3. It can be seen that during pregnancy, in

Fig. 2 Median concentrations of desmethylclomipramine and clomipramine, normalized for ingested dose, during pregnancy and the first 3 months after
pregnancy (post-partum). Therapeutic range 50–600 μg/l [10, 16]
Eur J Clin Pharmacol

Table 3 Median concentrations and ratio of clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine concentrations during pregnancy

Trimester Median concentration clomipramine Median concentration Ratio desmethylclomipramine/ Number of

normalized for ingested dose desmethylclomipramine normalized clomipramine concentration observations
(median (range)) for ingested dose (median (range)) (median (range))

1 0.89 (0.03–1.44) 0.51 (0.03–1.87) 0.96 (0.07–3.79) 6

2 0.72 (0.13–3.07) 0.41 (0.03–2.53) 0.77 (0.04–2.50) 12
3 0.7 (0.03–1.99) 0.1 (0.03–1.72) 0.23 (0.04–2.00) 19
Post-partum 0.7 (0.33–1.29) 0.58 (0.38–2.78) 1.29 (0.35–3.08) 6

Not all patients provided blood samples at all times due to pre-term delivery which was not congruent with sample times or post-partum loss of follow-up

contrast to clomipramine concentration, the post-partum period, the mean desmethylclomipramine con-
desmethylclomipramine concentration decreased during preg- centrations returned to the situation before pregnancy.
nancy and also the ratio (desmethylclomipramine/clomipra- Normal ratios for desmethylclomipramine/clomipramine
mine) decreased during pregnancy, both p=0.014. The nor- are between 0.8 and 2.6 [10]. The means of the ratios were
m al i z e d c o n ce n t r a t i on d e c r e a s e d w i t h 8 0 % fo r comparable with the normal population; however, as a whole,
desmethylclomipramine during pregnancy. Details of the me- ratios varied between 0.04 and 3.79. Although the number of
dian concentrations and the ranges are given in Table 3. patients are small, it might be that pregnancy is of importance
Sub-therapeutic concentrations of clomipramine and in interpreting the ratios found in individual patients.
desmethylclomipramine were found in three patients during The CES-D scores did not change during pregnancy. Also,
whole pregnancy. CES-D of all patients were not related to we found no relation between the CES-D score and the con-
time of pregnancy, see Fig. 4. centrations of clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine.
This might suggest that individual therapeutic clomipramine
and desmethylclomipramine concentrations were maintained
Discussion during pregnancy. However, in four patients, the dose of clo-
mipramine was increased during pregnancy. This dose adjust-
We present the first study on pharmacokinetics of clomipra- ments were made by the psychiatrist not related to this study.
mine and its main metabolite desmethylclomipramine during Covariates like body weight, smoking behavior, and phar-
pregnancy. We found that the mean plasma concentration of macogenetics, were not tested in our analysis due to the large
clomipramine did not significantly change during the different variability in the data combined with a relative low number of
trimesters of pregnancy. We found a statistically significant included patients. The presumed increase of body weight dur-
decrease in the mean concentration of the pharmacologically ing pregnancy might influence clomipramine metabolism;
active metabolite desmethylclomipramine during pregnancy. however, from other studies, we know that body weight did
The ratio of mean desmethylclomipramine and clomipramine not have an effect on clomipramine concentrations [10, 22].
concentrations decreased with 80 % from 0.5 to 0.1. In the The absence of a weight effect, however, has never been tested

Fig. 3 Mean ratio of

clomipramine during pregnancy
and the first 3 months after
pregnancy (post-partum). Normal
ratios for
clomipramine are between 0.8
and 2.6 [10]
Eur J Clin Pharmacol

Fig. 4 CES-D scores during pregnancy. a CES-D(20) cutoff score of 16 is indicative of Bsignificant^ or Bmild^ depressive symptomatology, whereas
higher scores indicate greater symptoms

in pregnant women. As far as we know, no influence of of pre-eclampsia. These findings should be further studied.
smoking on clomipramine metabolism was reported; howev- Recent literature suggests that within the group of TCA, clo-
er, we could not exclude this possible co-variable, because mipramine should be avoided because of septal defects [24].
some intermediates in the clomipramine metabolism are de- Neonatal withdrawal symptoms of the 10 neonates from this
pendent on CYP1A2 activity, which is known for its induc- cohort were published earlier and will not be discussed here
ibility by smoking [14]. [22].
From Ververs et al., we know that demethylation across All results and conclusions are hampered by a relatively
pregnancy is dependent of the specific genotype of CYP2D6. low number of patients and limited the generalization of the
Extensive metabolizers and ultra-rapid metabolizers showed data. We included only 12 patients (13 pregnancies) during the
decreasing levels of paroxetine, while intermediate 5 years of our study. This means that more centers should be
metabolizers and poor metabolizers show higher paroxetine included for patient recruitment to enlarge the study popula-
concentrations during the course of pregnancy [23]. tion. The reasons for not doing this were the intensive logistics
Clomipramine and desmethylclomipramine are also (MEMS, refill of dose, sample transport from delivery rooms,
metabolized by CYP2D6 into hydroxyclomipramine and umbilical cord samples), while the time of delivery was almost
hydroxydesmethylclomipramine, respectively. In this study, always during out-of-office time further complicated data col-
we found that the ratio desmethylclomipramine/ lection. In light of the safety discussion of clomipramine dur-
clomipramine decreased during pregnancy, suggesting de- ing pregnancy, it is unlikely that a larger cohort will be studied
creased metabolism of clomipramine or increased clearance in this way.
of desmethylclomipramine. We cannot find a reasonable ex-
planation for this because of the complex metabolism of clo-
mipramine into different metabolites, which were not all ana- Conclusion
lyzed. We only found a decrease in the concentration of
desmethylclomipramine, which has equal pharmacological Limited by the low number of patients, we could not demon-
activity as the parent clomipramine [15]. strate a change in mean plasma concentration normalized by
Another important point of our observational study is the actual dose of clomipramine during the whole pregnancy; how-
high number of complications in our cohort. One intra-uterine ever, we found a decrease in mean desmethylclomipramine
death because of placental infection, unlikely to be related to concentrations normalized for actual dose of clomipramine,
clomipramine therapy, four cesarean sections, and three cases the equal pharmacologically active metabolite. Most patients
Eur J Clin Pharmacol

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