Understanding Man As A Social Being 1

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Values Education

Chapter 4.
the concept of
social graces
ang grooming
EJ Mar Galigao
what is an example of a
social graces

This means putting other's needs before your own in some

cases, like offering a chair to an elderly person rather than
sitting down on it first. It also means paying attention to your
own behavior to make sure you aren't offending others. Social
grace is extremely important when meeting new friends.
What are social
graces or good

Social graces are the polite manners that a child can use in certain
situations. Grace can be defined as simple elegance or refinement of
movement. Teaching children social graces is essential because it
ultimately helps children feel better about their actions!
How do you Be open and confident.
Introduce yourself and others with
warmth and enthusiasm.
social Be courteous.
graces? Build rapport for better relationships.
Master the art of small talk and
making polite conversation.
Listen and show genuine interest in
10 Tips to Help You Refine
Convey warmth and competence.
Your Social Graces
Viesca elaborates, “Social graces
Is social are applied in all areas of our life.
graces From learning to conduct oneself
applicable to ace an interview, to making
in your proper introductions, to dining
daily with proper table manners, and on
lives? to dressing for success, we need to
practice codes of behavior to
enhance our personality, make
friends, and fit in.
Jaycee Codera
Social graces and grccming -
essential that which are
often associated to the
success and the failure of a
persson. These are physically
observable in person's social
interaction in which
consciously or
unconsciously turned out to
be the gauge of other people
in judging even before one
can say or do anything.
50% Appearance
7% Words used
Wagner - study
35% tone of voice
revealed that
● Essential Role
● Shoe impact on
Success and
Julia Peed - psychiatrist ( Experimental Methods and
Clinical 0bservation of Clothing )

Agreed that dress People who dress for While there are some
REFLECTS personality comfort are secured differences between
Such attributes as and can relate well to males and females,
sociability and a sense others, while tight, there is also a
of insecurity have been uncomfortable relationship between
linked with varzing clothing reflects dress and personality
types of clothing. insecurity and for both sexes.
perhaps sense of
clothing and
A form of nonverbal Serves as
clue that will give the expressing one's
wearer identification he identity and
or she would like to be influencing how
known. Speak a silent others perceive
and subtle language. them.
Clothing silently
communicates our
personality traits.
Common sense and
Good taste in clothing.
Occupation, Economic Level, and rosen
Social Status.
What we wear can give others an
idea about our jobs and social
The world Blue - collar job
divided workers
white - collar job
into two workers
Individual's good physique
and physical

Attractive could be
Physical attractiveness obtained. They concluded
was immeasurable and that beauty not only has a
hard to define when more important part upon
photographs were used one's life than previously
in the suspected but also its
influence starts very early.
appearance, happiness and
early perceptions

impacts on
role in early
happiness perceptions

Looking good can actually contribute People tend to judge us based on how
to feeling happy. When you're we look, even from a young age.
dressed well, you might feel more Teachers and peers might form
confident and positive, which affects opinions about us just by observing
your overall happiness. our appearance, and that can impact
our experiences growing up.
social graces
and grooming
among youths

Influence on Personality - How young people

act and dress reflects their values and
positive attitudes. It's like saying, "Even at a
young age, our behavior and appearance can
show what kind of people we are becoming."
connection to
Looking good can boost
confidence, contributing to
success in various aspects of life.
If you feel good about yourself,
you're more likely to take on
challenges and succeed.
bearing of social
graces and grooming
Factors Affecting Social Graces and Influence on Interpersonal
Grooming: - Relationships: -
We explore how where we live, our Acting well and looking good can
schools, and our parents can help us build better relationships and
influence how we behave and look. succeed in life. It's about
It's recognizing that our understanding that our behavior and
surroundings and upbringing play a appearance aren't just about us; they
role in shaping who we are. affect how we connect with others
and achieve success.
This report essentially
highlights how important it
is to act and look our best.
It's not just about personal
satisfaction; it's about
creating a positive and
successful society where
our actions and appearance
contribute to the greater
The Bearing of Social
Graces and Grooming
Ailen Cagadas
Social Graces and Grooming
practices among the youngsters of
today, maybe believed to be
affected by some factors such as
location of the residence, type of
school enrolled in, membership in
school clubs, and organization,
parents education attainment and
lastly parent's monthly income. Let
it be them supported by the
following theories and concepts.
Educational Theorist
Jean Piaget's most
central assumptions
that it is the nature
of the human
organism to adapt to
it's environment.
The type of
school enrolled
in reflects the
kind of students
it produced.
Psychologist Elizabeth
Hurlock - The membership
in school clubs and
organizations and
participation in it's social
activities is very important
among adolescents
because of its prestige
Parents educational
Ability to Make
Positive 1st
Dhanna Hortelano
Ability to make a positive first impression is one of
the smartest things one can do; it is indeed a self-
help skill that is worth investing.
In the business world for instance, or even in
professional, personal acquaintances and
encounters, there are no second chances in making
a positive first impression. First impressions
connote how people initially view and perceive one
another during the very first time. While it is often
possible for someone to change their opinions of
each other over time, first impressions are usually
Your personality package will tell people a lot about
you and yourself, even before you say and do
anything. Your attitudes, education, socio-economic
status, social and religious affiliations and the like are
being deduced from it. Clothing and appearing
generally presentable are extremely important in all
first impression situations. It also includes your
posture, eye contact, facial expressions, body
language, the firmness of your handshake - even the
makeup and the perfume you put on, everything
about your physical package, these and more
perceived confidence, comfortableness of one's self,
of You! Never go out of your comfort zone in an
attempt to make a positive first impression
Being yourself is generally the
best way to make a first
impression. Do not change
your personality or wardrobe
just to fit in, camouflage
eventually unveils! Rather, be
mindful and aware of your
surroundings, and be extra
cautious and sensitive in what
you say to others and how you
say it!
courtesy to
others at all
Sandara Salahay
Represents a genuine respect for the
human spirit and how we should interact.
Acknowledge the inherent worth of every
6 Reasons Why
Courtesy Still
Matters Respect and Dignity
Positive Interactions
Social Cohesion
Professional Success
Role Modelling
Conflict Resolution
Common courtesy is
concerned with sending
positive message as
opposed to negative.
One of the manifestation
of common courtesy is
shaking of hands.
Concerned can
be achieved by:
•Complementing on some personal attributes
•Inquiring about a person's family
•Asking about an event the person recently experienced. •Commenting on
something newsworthy
A good basic
greeting can
wonders in
and relations
Marjorie Ysabel Gabales
Awareness of
another person
Emotional Intelligence -
Experience the widest range
and variety of feelings
Reliving - These emotion to
guide our thinking and
Fairness to
Consideration to Rose Lumbay
Fairness and Consideration to

Fairness is when everyone is treated

equally and no one is left out.
impartial and just treatment or
behavior without favoritism or

Consideration is thoughtful for

other people, something that needs
to be considered before deciding or
Words of gratefulness

A simple
acknowledgement of
every favor of a good
thing we received from
other people.
Proper decoratum
(a). clothes you wear such as
(color, the style, the texture, even
the jewelries, shoes, and shoes

(b). the over all manner

Exhibiting politeness
Politeness is a practical
application of good manners
or etiquette. A culturally
defined phenomenon , thus
what may considered polite
in one culture can sometimes
be rude or unethical in
another cultural context.
Positive Politeness- seeks
to establish a positive
relationship between
parties, respects a
The 2 kinds of politeness person’s use to liked and
according to Penelope understood, direct speech
Brown and Stephen acts, as in swearing.
Lewinson (British Negative Politeness-
Anthropologists) making a request less
infringing such as
1. If you don’t mind…
2. If it isn’t too much trouble…
3. If I may say something…
This introductory
Statement may be use
“undue” favor, permission,
or a defense mechanism for
being aggressive, or a way
for saying advance “sorry” if
others might get offended of
the things that you will say.
Rhen Heart Mocoy
People nowadays,
lack with “self
respect” and
“respect for

Rhen Heart Mocoy

Paying respect from
others emanates from
oneself, as one cannot
respect others if, first
s/he do not have self
Rhen Heart Mocoy
Though, they’re still
people specifically
young adults who
still showed the lack
of “character
education” for one’s
self and the others.

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