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Medieval History
Shorts Notes
By:- Parmar SSC
By: Parmarv Sir
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Qutbuddin Aibak (1206-1210) :

Slave of Ghori
Also known as Lakh Bakhsh
Died while Playing Polo/Chaugan
Constructed 2 Mosques : Adhai Din ka Jhopra(at Ajmer) , Quwat-ul-Islam(at Delhi)

Patronised : Fakhruddin (author of Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi)

Died while playing Chovgan (Polo)

Iltutmish {1211-1236}
Slave of Aibak
Made Delhi as capital
Introduced Silver coin Tanka & Copper coin Jital
Setup : Chahalgani (grp. of 40 slaves)

Patronised : Minhaj-us-Siraj (author of Tabaqat-i-Nasiri)

RAZIA SULTAN {1236-1240}

1st & Only Muslim lady ruler in India

Bahram Shah {1240-1242}

BALBAN {1266-1287}
Disbanded Chalisa
Established the Military Dept. : Diwan-i-Arz
Introduced : Sijda & Paibos
His tomb is built in Mehrauli (Delhi)

Founder : Jalaluddin Khilji


Seperated Religion from Politics
Introduced Dagh (Branding of Horse) & Chehra (Descriptive role of Soldiers)

Mustakharaj : collected the Renue

Setup 3 Markets : Food Grains,Costly Cloth,Horses/Slaves/Cattle (Each Market under the

control of an officer called Shahna)
Diwan-i-Riyasat & Shahna-i-Mandi were 2 officers which kept a check on market.
Goods for sale were brought to open market called Sara-i-Adal
Built Alai Darwaja & Palace of thousand Pillars(Hazar Sutun)

Malik Kafur,his commander General called Hajardinari carried expeditions in South & defeated
Pandya ruler Vir Pandya

He introduced 3 types of taxes : Gharai,Charai,Jizya

Conquered Chittor in 1303

(Padmaavat : Malik Muhammad Jayasi)



Real Name : Ghazi Malik

Mohammed-bin Tughlaq (1325-1414)

Also known as : Prince Jauna

Administrative Reforms introduced by him:-

Taxation in Doab

Diwan-i-Kohi : Dept. for Agriculture

Transferred the Capital from Delhi to Daulatabad(Devgiri)

Introduced Token Currency made of Bronze (in place of Silver coins)

Firoz Shah Tughlaq (1351-1388)

He extended the principle of Heredity to the Army

Soldiers were not paid in cash but by assignments of land revenue (Vajeha)

4 kinds of taxes were imposed during his tenure : Kharab,Zakat,Jizya,Khams

(Khams : 1/5th of the Booty captured during war)

Haque-i-Sharb & Hasil-i-Sharb : Water Tax

Built the cities of Fatehabad ,Hisar ,Jaunpur, Firozabad

Built a Hospital at Delhi - Dar-ul-Shafa

A new dept. Diwan-i-Khairay was setup to make provisions fro the marriage of poor girls
Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul was his Prime Minister

Sayyid Dynasty {1414-1450}

Khizr Khan,a nominee of Timur started ruling over Delhi
Mubarak Shah ruled after Khizr Khan
Alam Shah - last Sayyid ruler

Lodhi Dynasty {1451-1526}

Bahlol Lodhi : founder
Sikandar Lodhi
Shifted capital from Delhi to Agra
Gaz-i-Sikandari : land measuring system of 32 digits
Composed poems in Persian under the pen name 'Gulrukhi'
Moth ki Masjid was built during his tenure by his PM Wazir Miya Bhoiya

Ibrahim Lodhi
Last king of Lodhi Dynasty
Lost to Babur in 1st Battle of Panipat


Tahqiq-i-Hind : Alberuni
Tughlaq Nama : Amir Khusrau
Fatwa-i-Jahandari : Ziauddin Barani
Tarikh-i-Firozshahi : Ziauddin Barani
Shahnama : Firdausi
Kitab-ul-Rihla : Ibn Battutah
Tarikh-i-Firiz Shahi : Shams-i-Shiraj


BABUR {1526-30}
Autobiography : Tuzuk-i-Baburi (Translated into Persian by Abdur Rahim Khanekhana)

Compiled 2 anthologies of Poems : Diwan(in Turki) & Mubaiyan(in Persian)

Risal-i-Usaz : Letters of Babur

Battles of Babur
1526 : 1st Battle of Panipat
1527 : Battle of Khanwa (with Rana Sanga)
1528 : Battle of Chanderi (with Medini Rai)
1529 : Battle of Ghaghra

HUMAYUN {1530-40 & 1555-56}

Fought 2 Battles with Sher Shah Suri
Battle of Chausa : 1539
Battle of Kannauj/Bilgram : 1540

He died while climbing down the stairs of his Library

His biography Humayunnama was written by : Gulbadan Begum (his sister)

He built Din Panah at Delhi as his 2nd Capital

Rule of Sher Shah Suri (1540-45)

Father : Hasan Khan
Issued the coin : Rupia
Built Purana Quila at Delhi
Buried in : Sasaram,Bihar
Title : Hazarat-i-ala

Land was measured & 1/3rd of the average was fixed as land tax . Peasant was given a Patta
(title deed) & a Qabuliyat (deed of agreement)

AKBAR (1156-1605)
Bairam Khan was his regent
2nd Battle of Panipat was fought between Hemu & Bairam Khan

Battle of Haldighati (1576) : fought between Rana Pratap of Mewar & Mughal Army led by Man
Singh of Ajmer

Akbar Proclaimed a new Religion : Din-i-Ilahi (in 1581) {Birbal followed it}

Akbar built - Fatehpur Sikri,Agra Fort,Lahore Fort,Allahabad Fort, Humayun's Tomb

He built Buland Darwaza in 1575AD to commemorate his Victory over Gujrat

9 Jewels of Akbar's court

1. Birbal : Administrator
2. Abul Fazal : Scholar
3. Faizi
3. Today Mal : Finance Minister
4. Tansen : Musician
5. Abdur Rahim Khanekhana : Statesman
6. Mulla Do Pyaja
7. Man Singh
8. Bhagwan das

Jahangir (1605-1627)
Established Zanjir-i-Adal (Chain of Justice)
Wife : Mihar-un-nisa , JodhaBai (Jagat Gosai)

In 1608 Capt. William Hawkins a representative of East India Company came in his court.
In 1615 Sir Thomas Roe came to his court

5th Sikh Guru - Guru Arjun Dev was sentenced to death for his blessing to Khusrau
(Shahjahan's son who Revolted against him)

Buried in : Lahore

Shahjahan (1628-1658)
His reign is described by : Bernier,Tavernier,Manucci,Peter Mundi
He built : Red Fort,Jama Masjid,Taj Mahal
Book by Bernier : Travels in Mogul Empire
Book by Tavernier : Travels in India

Buried in : Taj (Agra)

Aurangzeb (1658-1707)
Defeated Dara Shikoh at Dhatmat (1658)
Samugarh : 1658 (War of Succession b/w the sons of Shahjahan)
Title : Alamgir
He executed 9th sikh Guru Teg Bahadur for not accepting Islam
He executed Shivaji's son Sambhaji
He was called Zinda Pir
He re-introduced Jaziya


Sangam Dynasty (1336-1485) –

Founders : Harihar & Bukka
The bone of contention between Vijaynagara & Bahmani was the Raichur Doab, between river
Krishna and Tungabhadra and Krishna-Godavari delta.

Saluva Dynasty (1486-1505 AD) – smallest reign

Founder : Saluva Narsimhan
Immadi Narsimha succeeded him. He was a weak ruler and hence the control of state fell into
the hands of Narsa Nayaka. Vasco da Gama landed in Calicut during his time in 1498.

Tuluva Dynasty (1505-1570 AD)

The son of Narsa Nayaka, Vira Narsimha was the founder of Tuluva dynasty. He was
succeeded by his half brother, Krishnadeva Raya in 1509 AD.
Krishnadeva Raya

At the time of Krishnadevaraya’s accession to the throne, the condition of the empire was
unstable, as he had to deal with rebellious subordinates and aggression of the Gajapathis of
Orissa and the Muslim kingdoms in the north. Krishna Deva Raya won the Gajapati kingdom in
present day Orissa and extended the Vijaya
nagara empire to that region as well. Krishna Deva Raya defeated the Deccan Sultans in the
battle of Diwani. He then invaded Raichur Doab(between Tungabhadra and Krishna river,
known for its fertile soil) confronting Sultan of Bijapur, Ismail Adil Shah. He also captured Bidar.

He helped the Portuguese to conquer Goa from the Bijapur rulers in 1510 and maintained
friendly relations with them. This relationship also helped him obtain high bred Arabian horses
and expansion of overseas trade of the empire. Portuguese travelers Domingo Paes and Durate
Barbosa visted his court and have left accounts.

Krishna Deva Raya was a contemporary of Babur. So, when the First Battle of Panipat(1526)
was fought, Krishnadeva Raya was was the ruler of Vijayanagar in the southern India.

Krishna Deva Raya was a Vaishainaite but respected all religions. He was a devotee of Lord
Venkateshwara of Tirupati. Vallabhacharya and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the renowned saints of
the bhakti movement visited his court. Madhwa saint Vyasathirtha was the Rajaguru of

He is also known as ‘Andhra Bhoja’, for his patronage of art and literature. Also known as
Abhinava Bhoja, he himself was also a scholar, he wrote the Telugu work Amuktamalyada and
a Sanskrit play, Jambavati Kalyana. In his court, eight eminent scholars known as
‘Astadiggajas’ were patronized, like – Allasani Peddana (Andhra-kavita-pitamaha) and Nandi
He built Vijaya Mahal, Hazara Ramaswamy temple and Vithal Swami temple at Vijayanagar
. He also built ‘Rayagopurams’. A new city was built called ‘Nagalapuram’ in memory of his
queen Nagaladevi. Also a reservoir across river Tungabhadra called Vallabapuram and a
channel called Basavanna were constructed.

Acchutadeva suceeded Krishnadeva . The later rulers was Sadashiva Raya but defacto ruler
then was Rama Raya.

Battle of Talikota (Battle of Rakshasa- Tangadi)

Rama Raya took active part in Muslim politics. In 1565 AD, all the Sultanates joined a coalition
against Vijayanagr except Berar. The Battle of Talikota, also known as Battle of Rakshasa-
Tangadi, led to execution of Rama Raya after being taken prisoner. Thereafter, the city of
Vijayanagar was destroyed and looted.
Aravidu Dynasty(1570-1650 AD)
Tirumala Raya ruled in name of Sadashiva Raya. They failed to repopulate Vijayanagar and
shifted to new capital at Penugonda and then to Chandragiri.

The last ruler of Vijayanagar was Sri Ranga III.

Administration under Vijayanagar Empire:

The kingdom was divided into provinces known as Mandalam, headed by ‘mandaleshwar’. It
was further divided into nadu, sthala and grams.

Land revenue was fixed at 1/6th of the produce.

The Ayagar system: It was an important feature of the village organization in vijayanagar.

They were granted tax-free lands (manyams) which they were to enjoy in perpectuity for their
services. Once granted, these ayagars had a hereditary right over their offieces.
The ayagars could also sell or mortgage their offices.

The highest grade officers in army were known as ‘Nayaks or Poligars‘. They were awarded
land in lieu of their services.

The Nayakara system: Under this system, the king was considered to be the owner of the soil
and he distributed the lands to his nayakas.

Foreign Visitors of Vijayanagara Kingdom:

Ibn Bututa (1333-1347 A.D.) — Moroccan traveller, who visited India during the reign of
Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq. And came to Vijayanagar during the reign of Harihar I.

Nicolo Conti (1420-1421 A.D.) — Venetian traveller, who gave a comprehensive account of the
Hindu kingdom of Vijayanagar.

Abdur Razzaq (1443-1444 A. D.) — Persian traveller, who stayed at the court of the Zamorin at
Calicut. He came during the reign of Deva Raya 2

Duarte Barbosa (1500-1516 A.D.) — came during Krishnadeva Raya.

Domingos Paes (1520-1522 A.D) — Portuguese traveller, who visited the court of Krishnadeva

Fernao Nuniz (1534-1537 A.D) — Portuguese merchant, who wrote the history of the empire
from its earliest days to the closing years of Acchyutdeva Raya’s reign.

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