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Teak plantations and

management of natural
forests in Tanzania

©Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC)

Planted teak forest

Teak as a plantation species

The continued destruction of natural forests, Teak (Tectona grandis), a high-value timber
especially in the tropics, is reducing the supply species, occurs naturally in India and Southeast
of high-value hardwoods in global markets. Asia and has been planted in several countries.
The establishment of plantations is gaining In the United Republic of Tanzania, the
momentum as a way of both increasing Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC) has
supply and reducing harvesting pressure in recognized the value of plantation teak. This
natural forests. fact sheet describes its operation.
Growing teak KVTC
Teak is difficult to grow, and little scientific KVTC is the only company in the United
knowledge exists to guide its silviculture. Tree- Republic of Tanzania growing teak on a large
breeding programmes are advancing, however, scale (in cooperation with its outgrowers).
and improved genetic material and clones are Established in 1992, KVTC is one of Africa’s
being used to produce high-quality products most innovative forest management projects.
and increase resilience in the face of pests, At its heart is the planting and sustainable
diseases and extreme climatic conditions. harvesting of teak and the protection and
Seed is harvested and sown or cuttings taken management of over 20 000 hectares of natural
and planted. Young teak plants are reasonably forests and wetlands, which feature a wide
tolerant of fire and competition from weeds, range of wild fauna and flora.
and the species also coppices with ease.
KVTC has established an integrated processing
Multiple thinnings are required to obtain high- plant for the production of timber and value-
value end products from teak plantations. In added products, bringing long-term social
addition, flowering results in stem forking, development to the region and directly
after which corrective pruning is required employing 350 people. The company processes
to obtain the single stems needed to produce logs into lumber in its own sawmill and
high-value logs. also supplies logs to other sawmills. Major
shareholders include the Africa Sustainable
Forestry Fund and Finnish Development funds.

©Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC)

KVTC workers
©Kilombero Valley Teak Company (KVTC)

In the KVTC sawmill

KVTC’s success factors Outgrowers are located up to 100 km from the

main plantation. Contracts between KVTC
Establishing teak plantations in small and the outgrowers specify that KVTC covers
patches over a large area of rural land carries 50 percent of outgrower establishment costs
considerable risk. The KVTC shareholders and, in exchange, it has the first right of refusal
are focused on producing high-value, Forest to 25 percent of the timber harvest; outgrowers
Stewardship Council-certified timber. The may choose to sell the remaining 75 percent of
company is very supportive of local managers, a logs or process them themselves. Ultimately,
high proportion of whom having risen through it is envisaged that local outgrowing will help
the ranks of KVTC and now play senior roles. sustainably improve the economic and social
The company has a very good relationship with conditions of participating communities.
the community. KVTC has not taken on debt
to finance its operations, resulting in a business The bigger teak picture
that has become financially sustainable
well in advance of many similar plantation The isolated nature of the KVTC plantation
investments. The government has provided and the pioneering of teak as a plantation
impressive support, including by upgrading species could have meant costly trial-and-
error processes. KVTC minimizes this risk,
roads and bridges to enable greater access and
easier transport. Company stability has also however, by participating strongly in the wider
been crucial, with low management turnover teak industry, including in Brazil. KVTC has its
and good team dynamics. own clonal programme and a stable research
and development budget to enable continued
KVTC and outgrowers improvement. The company participates in
Teaknet, a grower network based in India
The establishment of company plantations has designed to advance and support teak growers.
encouraged local farmers to plant teak. KVTC Teaknet meets every two years to address areas
has helped them by establishing a formal of collective need.
outgrower scheme.

KVTC can be proud of its achievements, but • Marketing. The strong promotion of wood
the challenges are considerable, including the as a “green” product would stimulate wood
following: demand in the United Republic of Tanzania,
as would government procurement policies
• Lack of infrastructure. The area is remote stipulating the use of (certified) wood.
and a long way from markets. The continued
upgrading of infrastructure is crucial. • Fragmentation. The fragmented nature
of land use in the area, and the presence
• Outdated law. The country’s forest law was of large conservation areas, increases the
not designed for private companies active difficulty of managing forest encroachment
in forest management. Regulations need and fire.
to be modified to facilitate commercial
plantations, including by removing • Capacity. Forest managers are needed
requirements for tree marking, which is who can both run the business and train
designed for selective harvesting. personnel in commercial forest practices.

For further information, please contact:

Forest Products and Statistics Team

Forestry Policy and Resources Division (FOA)
Forestry Department
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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