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Unit 0
• El past simple utilitza expressions de temps per
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS a moments determinats del passat: yesterday,
last year, etc.
Verbs modals i semimodals Present perfet
• S’empra can i can’t per parlar d’alguna cosa que és o no Afirmativa I / You / We / They have been.
permesa i per demanar o donar permís per fer quelcom. He / She / It has been.
You can’t speak during the exam.
Negativa I / You / We / They haven’t been.
‘Can I play video games?’ ‘Yes, you can.’ He / She / It hasn’t been.
• S’empra be able to + infinitiu per dir que algú ha Interrogativa Have I / you / we / they been?
aconseguit fer alguna cosa en una situació determinada. Has he / she / it been?
I was able to get two tickets for the museum. Past simple
• També s’empra be able to per parlar d’habilitats en el futur. Afirmativa I / You / He / She / It / We / They went.
They won’t be able to finish the project.
Negativa I / You / He / She / It / We / They didn’t go.
• S’empra be allowed to en lloc de can per parlar de permís.
‘Am I allowed to watch this film?’ ‘No, you aren’t.’ Interrogativa Did I / you / he / she / it / we / they go?

• S’empra have to per parlar de normes.

‘Do I have to wear a shirt?’ ‘Yes, you do.’ Present simple i present continuous
• S’empra don’t / doesn’t have to quan alguna cosa no és • Es pot emprar el present simple per parlar de fets, rutines
necessària. i hàbits.
I don’t have to get up early tomorrow. I run every day.
• S’empra must i mustn’t per parlar d’obligacions. • També es pot emprar el present simple per parlar de fets,
You must listen to the instructor. sentiments i opinions.
You mustn’t tell Sarah – it’s a secret. I like history.
• S’empra should i shouldn’t per donar consell.
You should take a selfie here – it’s beautiful. RECORDEU! S’afegeix -s o -es al verb amb he / she / it,
però no s’hi afegeix en la forma negativa.
She speaks French. 
Present perfect i past simple She doesn’t speak French. 
• El present perfect s’empra per descriure esdeveniments She doesn’t speaks French. 
que van començar en el passat i que encara continuen
en el present. • S’empra el present continuous per parlar d’accions que
She has lived in England since 2019. estan passant ara o en el moment en què s’està parlant.
• El present perfect també s’empra per descriure We’re watching a film at the moment.
esdeveniments passats sense referències temporals
I’ve watched that film. It’s really funny.
• S’empra el present perfect amb les expressions de temps
just, yet, already, since i for.
I haven’t seen my aunt for ten years.
• El past simple s’empra per parlar d’una acció o un període
de temps del passat que està completat.
She did a mountain biking course in 2020.

1 © Oxford University Press

Unit 0
1 Choose the correct option. 4 Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect
1 I can’t / mustn’t / don’t have to do the tree top form of the verbs in brackets.
challenge with you this weekend. I’m busy.
A short history of Brighton
2 Should you / Must you / Are you allowed to play
Brighton is a city on the south coast of England.
videos games after school?
People (...)1 (live) there for hundreds of years, although
3 I tried surfing on holiday, but I didn’t have to /
it (...) (only / be) officially a city since 2000.
wasn’t able to / shouldn’t stand up – it was too difficult.
Brighton (...)3 (begin) as a village in the 5th century. At
4 You mustn’t / can’t / don’t have to log on to the Wi-Fi
that time, it was called Beorthelms Tun. The village (...) 4
every time you visit – it automatically connects.
(grow) bigger, and by the 14th century it (...) 5 (be) a busy
5 You are allowed to / must / can wear a helmet when
market town. It (...) 6 (be) called Brighton since 1660.
you’re mountain-biking – it’s dangerous not to.
Today Brighton is an exciting and popular city, but it (...) 7
6 You should / can / are able to come to play volleyball (experience) problems over the years. The French (...) 8
with us. It’s fun! (burn) many of its houses in the 16th century, and at the
2 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form beginning of the 18th century a terrible storm (...) 9 (kill)

of the words in the box. many people.

Things (...)
10 (change) in the late 18th century when the

be allowed to be able to can Prince of Wales and his friends (...) 11 (visit) Brighton. Since

not have to must not should then, many tourists (...) (make) Brighton their holiday

choice. There (...)13 (be) a railway station in Brighton since

1 I (...) come to the cinema tonight. I haven’t done my the middle of the 19th century, as well as a hospital, a
homework. museum and a library. The town’s swimming pools and
2 ‘(...) you surf?’ ‘No, I’m terrible at it!’ cinemas (...)14 (open) a few decades after that. In recent

3 I’m sorry I (...) come to your house yesterday. Maybe years, several big music festivals (...) 15 (bring) a party

next week. feeling to the city.

4 You (...) put a wetsuit on – it’s quite cold in the water. Today the population of Brighton is 156,000. In the last
5 You (...) wear special boots when we’re hiking – those few years it (...)
16 (become) a very expensive place to live,

trainers are fine. but it is a still a great place to visit.

6 You (...) use the laptops without permission.
5 Copy and complete the dialogue with the present simple
3 Copy and complete the questions and answers with or present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. be do get know like look rain take (x2)
1 (...) (eat) those vegetables yet?
Yes, but I (...) (not / like) them. Max What (...),
1 Eva?
2 (...) (be) on a plane before? Eva I (...) a selfie of course!

No, I (...) (not / fly) before. Max Well, I’m not sure that’s a very good idea. You
3 (...) (speak) Spanish on holiday? (...)
3 very close to the edge of the mountain – it’s

No, I (...) . dangerous.

4 (...) (see) the Eiffel Tower? Eva I (...)
4 selfies all the time – I (...)
5 what I’m doing.

Yes, I (...) (live) in Paris when I was young. Max OK, but hurry up. It (...)
6 dark and it’s a long walk to

5 (...) (Katy/bake) a cake? the bottom.

Yes, she (...) (make) one this afternoon. Eva Look – (...)7 it?

6 (...) (take) a selfie at the top of the mountain on Max It’s OK but the sky (...)8 weird.

Saturday? Eva That’s because it’s got a filter. Oh no – it (...).


Yes, I (...)! Max I told you we should hurry up!

2 © Oxford University Press

Unit 1
• S’empra el past perfect simple per parlar d’accions que
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS van ser finalitzades abans d’una altra acció o situació en
el passat. S’empra per centrar-se en el resultat de l’acció.
Temps narratius Ben didn’t want to see the film because he’d already seen it
three times.
• S’empra el past simple per a accions finalitzades,
repetides i per a coses que van tenir lloc una després Had the concert started by the time you got there?
de l’altra. Past perfect simple
She waited for him for half an hour. I / You / He / She / It / We / They had / hadn’t eaten.
He flew to Egypt three times.
Had I / you / he / she / it / we / they eaten?
I got home, sat down and turned on the TV.
Past Simple • Tingueu en compte que normalment s’empra el past
simple per fer referència a l’acció més recent.
I / You / He / She / It / We / They liked / didn’t like the film.
By the time we showed up at the party, Lucy had opened
Did I / you / he / she / it / we / they like the film? her presents.
• S’empra el past continuous per parlar d’una acció en • Sovint s’empra already amb el past perfect per emfasitzar
procés en un moment del passat. que l’acció va tenir lloc més aviat. Sovint també s’empra
At 3 p.m., she was still packing her bags. just per mostrar que l’acció va tenir lloc molt poc
temps abans.
Past continuous She’d already heard the song when he told her about it.
I / He / She / It was / wasn’t Sam had just left when we arrived.
You / We / They were / weren’t
Was I / he / she / it used to / would
Were You / we / they • S’empra used to + infinitiu sense to per als hàbits del
passat i comportaments típics o accions repetides i estats
• Sovint s’empren el past simple i el past continuous junts i situacions que ja no existeixen.
per parlar d’accions que van passar al mateix temps. She used to go to bed late when she was a teenager.
S’empra el past continuous per a l’acció més llarga We used to live in Hull. We moved here four years ago.
(o interrompuda) i el past simple per a l’acció més curta.
It was raining so I called a taxi. used to
While I was sitting on the train, I made a phone call. I / You / He / She /
used to / didn’t use to walk to school.
It / We / They
Normalment s’empra el past simple per descriure estats
del passat. Did you / he / she / it / we / they use to walk to school?
I hated carrots when I was a child.
(NO: I was hating carrots when I was a child.)
• També s’empra would + infinitiu sense to per a hàbits
del passat i comportament típics. No s’empra would
• S’empra while i as per dir que les accions van tenir lloc al per parlar de estats i situacions passats. També és més
mateix temps. Generalment, while o as s’empren amb el comú emprar used to que would en oracions negatives i
past continuous. L’altre verb també pot aparèixer en past interrogatives.
continuous o en past simple. She would go to bed late when she was a teenager.
While you were cooking, I was working in the garden. (NO: We would live in Hull before we moved here.)
They arrived as I was leaving.
• S’empra el past continuous i el past simple amb when per
I / You / He / She / It / We / They would walk to school.
parlar d’una acció interrompuda en el passat.
She was cycling home when she fell off her bike. • Tingueu en compte que l’ús de would és bastant formal i
• While, as o when poden anar al principi de l’oració o al normalment es troba en l’anglès escrit.
mig. Si es troba al mig, no hi haurà cap coma.
While you were cooking, I was working in the garden. RECORDEU! No es posa la -d final a use en
I was working in the garden while you were cooking. oracions negatives i interrogatives.
When I was walking home, it started to snow. He didn’t use to read much as a child.
It started to snow when I was walking home. Did you use to do any sports at school?

3 © Oxford University Press

Unit 1
1 Choose the correct option. For one sentence, both 4 Copy and complete the text with the correct form of the
are possible. verbs in brackets.
1 I was crossing the street
When I 1 was (be) a teenager, Sunday afternoons (...) 2
A while I heard the shop window break.
(be) always the best part of the week. As my mum (...) 3
B when I heard the shop window break. (cook) Sunday dinner, I (...)
4 (listen) to the pop charts in
2 While I was repairing my bike, my bedroom! I (...)5 (wait) patiently for two hours while
A I cut my hand. the DJ (...) (play) the best 40 songs of the week. What

B I was cutting my hand. (...)

7 (I / wait) for? My favourite songs of course, which I

3 The sea was coming in quickly as (...)

8 (record) on cassettes to keep and play again. By the

A we were walking along the beach. time dinner was ready, I (...)
9 (record) some songs, but I

B we walked along the beach. had to eat my dinner quickly and get back before I (...)10

4 As Dave was putting up the tent, (miss) the top five!

A when Mark made dinner.
B Mark was making dinner. 5 Choose the correct option. Sometimes, both are possible.
5 I heard a strange noise 1 When he was on holiday, Carl used to / would phone
A as I was falling asleep. home every day.
B when I fell asleep. 2 I remember I used to / would like my primary school
6 Selma was downloading songs teacher.
A when her best friend phoned her. 3 Did you use to / Would you do your homework
B while her best friend phoned her. every day?
4 My grandmother always used to / would always give
2 Write sentences and questions using the past simple me some money when we went to see her.
and past continuous. 5 When I was younger, I used to / would want brown eyes.
1 we / drive / when / the sun / come up 6 I didn’t use to / wouldn’t understand that song, but the
We were driving when the sun came up. meaning’s clear now.
2 I / not put / my hand up / while / the teacher / talk 7 On warm days, we used to / ’d have our breakfast in
3 Dad / walk / down the stairs / when / he / fall ? the garden.
4 while / you / climb / the Eiffel Tower / you / feel / ill ? 8 There used to / would be a big tree in front of our
5 Paul / drop / his ticket / as / he / get off / the train house. It fell down in the storm.
6 we / not wear / jackets / when / the rain / start
6 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use
3 Copy and complete the sentences with the past simple, would where possible. Alternatively, use use to / used to.
past continuous or past perfect form of the verbs in 1 When I lived on the coast, I would go (go) for long walks
brackets. along the beach.
1 Verity wasn’t in class when I got to school. She ’d gone 2 When Matt was young, he (...) (have) a bad attitude.
(go) to see the headteacher. 3 In the summer holidays, my friends and I (...) (play) in
2 Dad was really annoyed and he (...) (tell us off) for the fields behind my house for hours.
playing the music so loudly. 4 I (...) (be) much more active when I was younger.
3 I recommended Stormzy’s new album to Evan, but he 5 He (...) (respect) authority, but lately he’s been less polite.
(...) (already / buy) it. 6 Every year, we (...) (go) to the same place on holiday.
4 We saw Maria while we (...) (go) into town. 7 There (...) (be) a school here, but now there are houses.
5 Rita sang a song from the 90s to me, but I (...) (not hear) 8 (...) (you / live) near here?
it before.
6 Dad was listening to music as he (...) (cook) dinner.

4 © Oxford University Press

Unit 1

Societat Diem que alguna cosa és semblant

It’s similar to (my mobile).
(be) addicted to (adj) /(bi) əˈdɪktɪd tə/ (ser) addicte/a a És semblant a (al meu mòbil).
(be) dependent on (adj) /(bi) dɪˈpendənt ɒn/ (tenir) dependència de
(This is) (just) the same as (our home phone).
(be) selfish (adj) /(bi) ˈselfɪʃ/ (ser) egoista (Aquest és) (justament) el mateix que (el nostre
(be) spoiled (adj) /(bi) ˈspɔɪld/ (estar) aviciat/ada telèfon fix).
(be) unfair (adj) /(bi) ˌʌnˈfeə(r)/ (ser) injust/a (It’s just) like (my grandma’s old phone).
(have strong) values (n) /(ˌhæv ˌstrɒŋ) ˈvæljuːz/ (tenir) valors (sòlids) (És justament) com (el telèfon vell de la meva àvia).

attitude (n) /ˈætɪtjuːd/ actitud (It) looks like (something I saw in a film once).
S’assembla a (alguna cosa que vaig veure un cop en
authority (n) /ɔːˈθɒrəti/ autoritat una pel·lícula).
generation (n) /ˌʤenəˈreɪʃn/ generació
(It) is as good as (yours).
judge (v) /ʤʌʤ/ jutjar És tan bo com (el teu).
represent (v) /ˌreprɪˈzent/ representar Diem que alguna cosa és diferent
respect (v) /rɪˈspekt/ respectar (Mobiles) were much (bigger) (in the past).
stand up for (v) /ˌstænd ˈʌp fə(r)/ defensar (Els mòbils) eren molt (més grans) (en el passat).
(It’s) (nothing) like (this).
No té res a veure amb (això).
Phrasal verbs (How’s that) (different) to (before)?
ask somebody /ˌɑːsk ˌsʌmbədi convidar algú (En què) (es diferencia) amb (abans)?
over (v) ˈəʊvə(r)/ a casa (I moved it from one number to another) (whereas)
bring over (v) /ˈbrɪŋ ˌəʊvə(r)/ portar (now I’m letting it go back a bit first).
(El vaig passar d’un número a un altre), (però)
come along (v) /kʌm əˈlɒŋ/ arribar
(ara l’endarrereixo una mica).
end up (v) /end ˈʌp/ acabar
(This) isn’t as (easy) as (it looks).
get together (v) /ɡet təˈɡeðə(r)/ reunir-se (Això) no és tan (fàcil) com (sembla).
hang out (v) /hæŋ ˈaʊt/ passar l’estona
meet up with (v) /ˌmiːt ˈʌp wɪð/ quedar
remind somebody of (v) /rɪˈmaɪnd ˌsʌmbədi əv/ recordar algú a
show up (v) /ʃəʊ ˈʌp/ arribar, presentar-se
tell somebody off (v) /ˌtel ˌsʌmbədi ˈɒf/ renyar algú

EXTRA Relacions
advise (v) /ədˈvaɪz/ aconsellar
appreciate (v) /əˈpriːʃieɪt/ apreciar
assist (v) /əˈsɪst/ ajudar
commit (to) (v) /kəˈmɪt (tə)/ comprometre’s a
encourage (v) /ɪnˈkʌrɪʤ/ encoratjar
responsibility (n) /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ responsabilitat
volunteer (v) /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ oferir-se voluntari/ària

5 © Oxford University Press

Unit 2
• S’empra for per parlar d’un període de temps que dura
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS fins al present, p. e. for four years, for two days.
The company has been in business for four years.
Present perfect • S’empra since per parlar del moment que una activitat va
• Es pot emprar el present perfect simple per parlar començar. Pot ser una data, un dia, un mes, un moment
d’esdeveniments o accions recents. o un esdeveniment, p. e. since 1903, since yesterday, since
He’s broken his leg so he can’t play football today. May, since 8 a.m., since my birthday.
What have you done? You look terrible. I’ve been waiting here since 8 a.m.
I haven’t seen you since the wedding.
Present perfect simple
I / You / We / They have / haven’t
left. Formes interrogatives
He / She / It has / hasn’t
• Es poden emprar partícules interrogatives per preguntar
Have I / you / we / they sobre el subjecte o l’objecte de l’oració.
Has he / she / it • Quan es fan preguntes de subjecte, no es canvia l’ordre
del subjecte i del verb.
• El present perfect simple connecta el passat amb el
‘Who likes pop music?’ ‘Tia likes pop music.’
present quan alguna cosa que ha tingut lloc en el passat
afecta el present. S’empra el present perfect simple quan ‘Which student is going to get the best mark?’
no sabem quan ha tingut lloc alguna cosa o quan el que ‘Sandra is going to get the best mark.’
ha passat no és important. • Quan es fan preguntes d’objecte, s’empra un verb
She’s lost all her photos. (= Encara no sap on són les fotos.) auxiliar i es posa davant del subjecte.
I haven’t had a shower. (= No estic preparat/ada per sortir.) ‘Who did she meet?’ ‘She met Sarah and Kevin.’
• No es diu quan l’acció ha tingut lloc amb el present ‘Where has Mum put my trainers?’ ‘She’s put them in your
perfect simple. bedroom.’
I’ve read the report. • En les preguntes d’objecte amb who, what, which i where
(NO: I’ve read the report half an hour ago.) les preposicions normalment van al final.
• S’empra el past perfect simple per parlar d’activitats o Where are you from?
estats presents que van començar en el passat. What was she talking about?
I’ve lived in Spain since 2016.
RECORDEU! Tant les preguntes de subjecte com
• S’empra el present perfect simple per dir quantes vegades les d’objecte es poden contestar simplement
ha tingut lloc alguna cosa.
amb la informació clau.
I’ve read that book twice because it’s so good!
‘Who plays football?’ ‘Sam.’
• S’empra el present perfect continuous per parlar d’una ‘What did she buy?’ ‘A hat. ’
acció que va començar en el passat i que encara està ‘How do you feel?’ ‘Good’
en progrés.
It’s been snowing for two days.
Present perfect continuous Question tags
I / You / We / They have / haven’t been • Es poden emprar les question tags després
He / She / It has / hasn’t working. d’enunciacions per revisar la informació o per saber si
algú hi està d’acord. Si l’enunciació és negativa, s’empra
Have I / you / we / they been una question tag afirmativa. Si hi ha un verb auxiliar en
Has he / she / it working? l’enunciació, se l’empra per formar la question tag.
That was a great day out, wasn’t it?
• També es pot emprar el present perfect continuous per a
accions que han finalitzat fa poc i que tenen un resultat She won’t be happy if they arrive late, will she?
en el present. • Si no hi ha verb auxiliar, s’empra don’t, doesn’t o didn’t.
You look tired. What have you been doing? Alex likes chips, doesn’t he?
I’ve been setting up a new web page. You saw Katie yesterday, didn’t you?
• No s’empra un temps progressiu amb verbs d’estat com
know, like, love, understand o believe.
I’ve known Tom since I was seven.
(NO: I’ve been knowing Tom since I was seven.)

6 © Oxford University Press

Unit 2
1 Choose the correct option. 4 Read the answers. Then copy and complete the
1 Have you bought / been buying anything this week? questions asking about the underlined information.
2 George has babysat / been babysitting for Mr and 1 What does Rob like?
Mrs Lewis since last year. Rob likes dogs.
3 I sold / ’ve been selling unwanted clothes online 2 Where (...)?
for years. Mrs Harris lives in a small village.
4 Ben has washed / been washing the car, so you can 3 Who (...)?
drive it now. Sophie is Sam’s best friend.
5 The company hasn’t made / been making a profit this 4 What (...)?
year, so they can’t pay bonuses. Kyle asked for the teacher’s help.
6 Where have you been? I played / ’ve been playing 5 Which film (...)?
Shazam! is my favourite movie.
2 Write sentences using the present perfect simple or 6 Who (...)?
present perfect continuous and for or since. Elina argued with her sister.
1 I / not buy a video game / two years
5 Make questions using the prompts. Then choose the
I haven’t bought a video game for two years.
correct answer.
2 my class / study English / three years
1 Where / polar bears / live
3 you / read / that book / two hours
Where do polar bears live?
4 you / walk the dog / this morning ?
A the North Pole
5 Yola / save for / a new bike / January
B the South Pole
6 Pete / work / at the bank / long ?
2 Who / set up / YouTube in 2005
3 Copy and complete one sentence using the present A Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen
perfect simple and one sentence using the present B Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley and Steve Jobs
perfect continuous. Use the verb given. 3 Who / paint / The Scream
1 EAT A Gustav Klimt
a Who has been eating my chocolates? There’s only B Edvard Munch
one left. 4 Where / manga comics / come from
b How many chocolates have you eaten? A Japan
2 CLEAN B China
a You (...) your bedroom. It looks amazing! 5 Who / invent / the World Wide Web
b You (...) your bedroom for ages and it still looks A Bill Gates
a mess. B Tim Berners-Lee
3 TRAVEL 6 Which country / have / a blue and yellow flag
a Lucy’s back from Europe. She (...) for the last six A Greece
B Sweden
b Lucy (...) to a lot of European countries.
4 PREPARE 6 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct
a Dad (...) dinner for hours! question tag.
b Dad (...) an amazing meal for six. 1 They didn’t receive your email, did they?
5 LEARN 2 Mia will be at the party, (...)?
a Pedro (...) how to ride a bike and he’s only three 3 They finished making the video yesterday, (...)?
years old! 4 Mark doesn’t eat meat, (...)?
b Marco (...) Italian for three years and he speaks the 5 I’m not late, (...)?
language well. 6 You were babysitting last night, (...)?
a Julia (...) The Greatest Showman nine times! It’s her
favourite film.
b We (...) a really good wildlife series on TV recently.

7 © Oxford University Press

Unit 2

Diners i negoci Fem una presentació

(bank) account (n) /(ˈbæŋk) əˌkaʊnt/ compte (bancari)
Hello (everyone). / Good afternoon.
cash machine (n) /ˈkæʃ məˌʃiːn/ caixer automàtic
Hola (a tothom). / Bona tarda.
charge (n) /ʧɑːʤ/ cobrament
We’re going to (tell) you (why our business
entrepreneur (n) /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)/ emprenedor deserves to win).
expenses (n) /ɪkˈspensɪz/ despeses Us (explicarem) (per què la nostra empresa es
income (n) /ˈɪnkʌm/ ingressos mereix guanyar).

in exchange for (phrase) /ˌɪn ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ fə(r)/ a canvi de B

profit (n) /ˈprɒfɪt/ benefici As I’m sure you’re (aware), (families can’t always
afford to pay for expensive music lessons).
run (v) /rʌn/ dirigir
Com estic segur/a que ja (sabeu), (les famílies no
savings (n) /ˈseɪvɪŋz/ estalvis sempre es poden permetre pagar classes cares
set up (v) /ˈset ʌp/ muntar de música).
wages (n) /ˈweɪʤɪz/ salaris We’d like to (introduce) you to (Mad Music).
Ens plau (presentar)-vos (Mad Music).
Habilitats personals You’ll (notice) that (our logo is bright).
attention to detail (n) /əˌtenʃn tə ˈdiːteɪl/ atenció als detalls Us (adonareu) que (el nostre logotip és brillant).
communication skills (n) /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn skɪlz/ habilitats de comunicació D
computer /kəmˌpjuːtə programació In (summary), (we’ve been members of the
programming (n) ˈprəʊɡræmɪŋ/ informàtica school orchestra for three years).
En (resum), (som membres de l’orquestra de
creativity (n) /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ creativitat
l’escola des de fa tres anys).
critical thinking (n) /ˌkrɪtɪkl ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ pensament crític
So, to (sum) up, (we think our business will
design skills (n) /dɪˈzaɪn skɪlz/ habilitats de disseny help children).
leadership skills (n) /ˈliːdəʃɪp skɪlz/ habilitats de lideratge Així doncs, (a tall de conclusió), (pensem que la
negotiation skills (n) /nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn skɪlz/ habilitats de negociació nostra empresa ajudarà la canalla).

organizational skills (n) /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃənl skɪlz/ habilitats organitzacionals E

time management (n) /taɪm ˈmænɪʤmənt/ gestió del temps (Thank) you for listening.
(Gràcies) per escoltar-nos.

EXTRA Adjectius de personalitat

ambitious (adj) /æmˈbɪʃəs/ ambiciós/osa
calm (adj) /kɑːm/ tranquil/il·la
competitive (adj) /kəmˈpetətɪv/ competitiu/iva
curious (adj) /ˈkjʊəriəs/ curiós/osa
determined (adj) /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/ decidit/ida
generous (adj) /ˈʤenərəs/ generós/osa
keen (adj) /kiːn/ entusiasta
practical (adj) /ˈpræktɪkl/ pràctic/a

8 © Oxford University Press

Unit 3
• S’empra el present simple amb un significat de futur per
parlar de programes, programacions i horaris.
Temps del futur The train from London arrives at 8.31 a.m.
The school holidays start on 6th July.
be going to
• També s’empra el present simple per a plans personals
• Normalment s’empra be going to quan es parla de plans i quan es troben fixats, com ara un horari.
Helen gets home from school at 4.30 p.m.
I’m going to get a new phone.
Tomas has basketball practice at six o’clock.
• També s’empra be going to per fer prediccions sobre • Tingueu en compte que quan s’està parlant de plans
alguna cosa, normalment quan es veu que és probable
personals, normalment es comença amb el present
que tingui lloc.
continuous i, a continuació, es donen els detalls de la
Oh, no – I’m going to fall! programació tot emprant el present simple.
be going to We’re going on a tour of Italy next month. We start in
I am / am not Venice, then visit Florence, and finally spend a few
days in Rome.
He / She / It is / isn’t going to talk.
You / We / They are / aren’t
Am I Future continuous
Is he / she / it going to talk? • S’empra el future continuous per parlar d’accions o
situacions en un moment determinat del futur.
Are you / we / they
This time next week, I won’t be worrying about my exams!
‘Will you be working all day tomorrow?’ ‘Yes, I will.’
will ‘Where will you be living in ten years’ time?’ ‘I’ll be living
• S’empra will per fer prediccions sobre el futur o quan in a big city like London or Tokyo.’
alguna cosa és inevitable. Sovint s’empra think, be sure, Future continuous
expect, wonder, probably i maybe amb will per parlar
I / You / He / She /
d’un possible pla o per expressar una opinió. will / won’t be going
It / We / They
I’ll be 16 in December.
I / you / he / she /
I think I’ll go to the party. Will be going?
it / we / they
I’m sure you’ll enjoy this book.
I / you / he / she /
• S’empra will quan es pren una decisió en el moment en Yes / No,
it / we / they
will / won’t
què s’està parlant.
‘We’re really late.’ ‘OK. I’ll text Max to let him know.’ • Normalment s’empren expressions de temps amb el
‘Jenna will be here in a few minutes.’ ‘OK. I won’t leave yet.’ future continuous. L’expressió de temps pot anar al
principi o al final d’una oració afirmativa o negativa.
will Si es posa al principi, es posa una coma. Normalment,
I / You / He / She /
will / won’t win. l’expressió de temps es posa al final de la pregunta.
It / We / They This time tomorrow, I’ll be sitting on the beach!
I / you / he / she /
I won’t be worrying about my exams this time next week.
it / we / they What will you be doing in five years’ time?

Present continuous
• Es pot emprar el present continuous per parlar de plans i
propòsits amb un moment i un lloc fixat.
They’re coming home for the weekend.
I’m meeting Mike in the library at 10 a.m.

RECORDEU! Per als plans futurs amb el verb go, és preferible

emprar el present continuous abans que be going to.
I’m going to the supermarket after breakfast.
(NO: I’m going to go to the supermarket after breakfast.)

9 © Oxford University Press

Unit 3
1 Choose the correct option. 4 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form
1 A The phone’s ringing! of the verbs in brackets. Use the future continuous.
B I ’ll / ’m going to get it. 1 At seven o’clock tonight, I’ll be watching (watch) TV
2 A Why do you have that bucket? at home.
B I ’m going to / ’ll wash the car. 2 What (...) (Oliver / do) in his new job?
3 A What time does the film start / is the film starting? 3 It’s Saturday tomorrow. I (...) (not go) to school!
B At 8 p.m. I think. 4 ‘(...) (you / write) a blog about your trip?’
4 A Where’s Anna? She said she was coming tonight. ‘Yes, I (...).’
B I expect she’ ll arrive / ’s arriving in a minute. 5 In a month’s time, we (...) (sit) on the beach.
5 A I’ve just booked a skiing holiday for next winter. 6 Megan’s got a headache. She (...) (not come) to the
B Fantastic! Where are you going / do you go? cinema tonight.
6 A Dan hasn’t done his homework again! 7 ‘(...) (they / use) clean energy in their new house?’
B Oh dear. His teacher isn’t going to be / isn’t happy. ‘No, they (...).’
7 A Are you going out? 8 Who (...) (feed) the chickens while you’re away?
B Yes, Helen and I will go / are going to that new café 5 Copy and complete the conversation with the future
in town. continuous form of the verbs in the box.
2 Match the statements or questions 1–8 with the correct do ​dress up ​feel ​hope ​not wear ​
response A–H. sleep ​take part ​wear ​work
1 I can’t get there until just before the film starts.
2 What are you going to do after class? A What 1 will you be doing tomorrow morning?
3 Have you seen Saskia recently? B Believe it or not, I (...)
2 in the London Marathon.

4 Did you see the news? A Really? That’s amazing! I had no idea you’d been
5 The party starts at 7.30 p.m. training.
6 Can you help me? B I know. I haven’t told many people.
7 This desk is too big. A So, (...)
3 in a funny costume for the race, like a dinosaur or

8 We have to go now. something?

B Ha, no! I (...)
4 anything unusual! Just shorts and a top.
A Yes – things are bad and they are going to get worse. And I (...)
5 really good running shoes, of course.
B I’ll try, but you’re better at maths than I am. A Oh, yes. But it’s such a long way to run! How do you
C Great! I’m going to buy a new dress for it. think you (...)
6 after three hours?

D I’ll arrive early and buy our tickets. B It’s hard to imagine, really. I’ve done some long runs,
E I know. I don’t think it will fit in there. but I’ve never done a full marathon. I imagine by that
F I think I’ll study for an hour and then go to the concert. time everyone, including me, (...) 7 to see the finish line!

G Yes, the bus leaves in half an hour. A Yes, I should think so. (...)
8 the following day?

H No, but I’m meeting her for lunch next week. B No, definitely not. I expect I (...)
9 for most of the day!

3 Copy and complete the conversation with the correct 6 Write true sentences for you. Practise future tenses.
future form of the verbs in brackets. 1 (this evening) I’m going to the cinema with a friend.
A I 1 ’m meeting (meet) some people in the village this 2 (tomorrow)
weekend to plant trees. Do you want to come? 3 (on Saturday)
B I (...)
2 (be) busy. I told Mum I’d help her at home.
4 (next Wednesday)
A Can’t your brother help her? I think you (...) 3 (like) it.
5 (your next holiday)
We (...) (raise) money for some more trees, too.
6 (after you finish school)
B How (...) 5 (you / do) that?

A We (...)6 (have) a cake stall so people walking by can buy

coffee and cake.

B Oh OK. I (...)
7 (make) a chocolate cake for you.

A That’s great! Thanks.

B What time (...)8 (it / start)?

A We (...) (meet) at nine, but you don’t need to be there


that early.
B No, I definitely (...)
10 (not be) there at nine. I (...)
11 (see) you

about ten – I (...)

12 (sleep) late tomorrow!  

10 © Oxford University Press

Unit 3

Captació de fons (col·locació verb + nom) Demanem instruccions

Can / Could you tell me (what / how) … ?
achieve a goal (v) /əˌʧiːv ə ˈɡəʊl/ assolir un objectiu Pots / Podria dir-me (què / com)…?
give your time (v) /ˌɡɪv jɔː ˈtaɪm/ donar el teu temps
What does it (involve), exactly?
launch a campaign (v) /ˌlɔːnʧ ə kæmˈpeɪn/ començar una campanya Què (suposa), exactament?
make a difference (v) /ˌmeɪk ə ˈdɪfrəns/ marcar la diferència I’d like to (know) what …
promote a cause (v) /prəˌməʊt ə ˈkɔːz/ promoure una causa M’agradaria (saber) què…
raise funds (v) /reɪz ˈfʌndz/ recaptar fons Donem instruccions
reach a target (v) /ˌriːʧ ə ˈtɑːɡɪt/ assolir un objectiu Before you (begin), you should …
save the planet (v) /ˌseɪv ðə ˈplænɪt/ salvar el planeta Abans de (començar), hauries de…
donate money (v) /dəʊˌneɪt ˈmʌni/ donar diners The first thing you (need) to do is …
La primera cosa que (necessites) fer és…
sign a petition (v) /ˌsaɪn ə pəˈtɪʃn/ signar una petició
The (best) way to do it is …
hold an event (v) /həʊld ən ɪˈvent/ organitzar un
La (millor) manera de fer-ho és…
/faɪnd ˈspɒnsəz/ Once you’ve done that, …
find sponsors (v) trobar patrocinadors
Un cop ho hagis fet…
(While they’re) (+ -ing), you need to …
Naturalesa i medi ambient (Mentre ells estan)…, tu necessites…

absorb (v) /əbˈzɔːb/ absorbir

carbon footprint (n) /ˌkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/ petjada de carboni
climate change (n) /ˈklaɪmət ʧeɪnʤ/ canvi climàtic
damage (n) (v) /ˈdæmɪʤ/ dany / danyar
green (adj) /ɡriːn/ verd
greenhouse gases (n) /ˌɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæsɪz/ gasos d’efecte d’hivernacle
habitats (n) /ˈhæbɪtæts/ hàbitats
loss (n) /lɒs/ pèrdua
reduce (v) /rɪˈdjuːs/ reduir
species (n) /ˈspiːʃiːz/ espècie
suffer (v) /ˈsʌfə(r)/ patir
support (v) /səˈpɔːt/ recolzar
sustainable (adj) /səˈsteɪnəbl/ sostenible
threaten (v) /ˈθretn/ amenaçar

EXTRA Verbs relacionats amb el camvi

ensure (v) /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/ assegurar
establish (v) /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ establir
inspire (v) /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/ inspirar
recreate (v) /ˌriːkriˈeɪt/ recrear
transform (v) /trænsˈfɔːm/ transformar

11 © Oxford University Press

Unit 4
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS Verbs amb -ing i to + infinitiu
• Alguns verbs van seguits de -ing o to + infinitiu amb un
canvi de significat. Trobem els següents verbs:
Modals de deducció i possibilitat:
remember / forget
passat i present
• S’empra remember + -ing quan recordem alguna cosa
• S’empren els verbs modals can’t, may/might, could i must després d’haver-la fet. Es presenta el mateix cas amb
per parlar del grau de certesa de les situacions presents. forget + -ing.
subjecte + verb modal Infinitiu sense to I remember seeing that film when I was about ten.
It can’t be broken. He’ll never forget meeting Alice for the first time.
= Estic segur/a que no és cert. • S’empra remember + to + infinitiu quan es recorda alguna
cosa abans de fer-la. Es presenta el mateix cas amb forget
He could / may / might be at home.
+ to + infinitiu.
= És probable. I remembered to post your letter.
You must be sad. Don’t forget to invite her to the party!
= Estic segur/a que és cert. stop
It can’t be her birthday today – I know she was born in • S’empra stop + -ing quan es deixa de fer una acció o
June, not May. un hàbit.
Maya isn’t at school today – she may/could be ill. I stopped playing computer games when I was about 18.
You must like taking photographs – you’ve got hundreds! • S’empra stop + to + infinitiu quan es deixa de fer una
• No s’empra couldn’t per expressar la possibilitat en acció per fer-ne una altra.
negativa. S’empra may not o might not. Sorry we’re late. We stopped to get some petrol.
You might not get the job. A lot of people applied for it. regret
(NO: You couldn’t get the job.)
• S’empra regret + -ing per expressar penediment sobre
• S’empra must have quan es té una gran certesa que una acció del passat.
alguna cosa va tenir lloc en el passat. S’empra can’t have
I really regret telling her my secret.
quan es té una gran certesa que alguna cosa no va tenir
lloc. Couldn’t have té el mateix significat que can’t have. • S’empra regret + to + infinitiu per lamentar que alguna
The thief must have had a key to our hotel room because cosa està a punt de passar. S’empra en contexts formals.
the lock wasn’t broken. But they can’t/couldn’t have We regret to inform you that the train has been cancelled.
taken anything valuable because we didn’t leave
anything there.
• Quan no es té la certesa de què va passar, es pot emprar • S’empra try + -ing quan alguna cosa és fàcil de fer, però
pot ser que no funcioni.
could have, may (not) have i might (not) have.
I tried turning the key the other way, but I still couldn’t
They could/might/may have taken this photo in the UK –
open the door. (= Vaig poder girar la clau però no vaig
the traffic is on the left.
aconseguir obrir la porta.)
He might not have seen your message yet.
• S’empra try + to + infinitiu quan alguna cosa és difícil de
subjecte + verb modal + participi fer i pot ser que no sigui possible.
I tried to open the door, but the lock was broken.
He can’t / left his keys at (= No vaig poder obrir la porta; no hi ha informació sobre
couldn’t have home. com vaig intentar fer-ho.)
He could / may / left his keys at
go on
might have home.
• S’empra go on + -ing per fer referència a una situació
He may not / left his keys at
en procés.
mightn’t have home.
He went on telling the story but no one was listening!
Could / Might you have left your keys at
home? • S’empra go on + to + infinitiu per parlar d’un canvi en
una acció o una activitat.
You must have left your keys at
They started the concert with some older songs and then
they went on to play their more recent hits.

12 © Oxford University Press

Unit 4
1 Copy and complete the sentences with the words in 4 For each verb given, copy and complete one sentence
the box. with -ing and the other with the to infinitive.
can’t ​can’t ​could ​may ​mightn’t ​must ​must
1 Are you sure I got some new clothes that day? I don’t
1 That baby can’t be more than a few weeks old. It’s tiny! remember (...) anything.
2 I (...) not come to the party. I haven’t decided yet. 2 Don’t worry. I remembered (...) a birthday present
for Mum.
3 That woman (...) be Amy’s sister! She looks just like her!
4 They (...) know where we live. They haven’t been here
before. 3 We regret (...) you that you’ve failed your test.
5 Chris has bought a big can of cola. He (...) be thirsty. 4 I regret (...) her about my problems because she told
6 I know it’s warm today, but it (...) snow in the next week.
It sometimes snows here in May. HAVE
7 That (...) be Ella in that photo – she wasn’t on that 5 Let’s stop (...) a break. I’m tired after walking up that hill.
holiday with us. 6 I’m going to stop (...) lunch in that café. The food isn’t
very good anymore.
2 Choose the correct option. STUDY
1 A Where’s my notebook? 7 Amanda went on (...) until midnight because she had an
B I don’t know. Do you think you can / might have left exam the next day.
it at school? 8 Paul went on (...) geography at university after he
2 A I burned my hand on the iron. finished school.
B Ow! That must / might have hurt. PUT
3 A Jack didn’t answer my question. 9 If you’re cold, try (...) a jumper on. It might make you
B He could / might not have heard you. feel warmer.
4 A Olivia drove Billy to the airport. 10 Try (...) all your clothes in this suitcase. It’s very small,
B She couldn’t / may not have done that. She hasn’t but they might fit.
passed her driving test.
5 Copy and complete the sentences with -ing or the
5 A I’m sorry I’m late. to infinitive and the verbs in brackets.
B You must / could have phoned! 1 You forgot to buy (buy) the milk.
6 A Why did he ignore me? He didn’t even say hello! 2 Could you try (...) (not be) late tomorrow?
B He may / could not have seen you. 3 You can’t go on (...) (lie) to everyone.
3 Copy and complete the sentences with must have, 4 Don’t you remember (...) (meet) his wife at that party
may / might have or can’t have. at Christmas?
1 That man keeps walking up and down the road. He (...) 5 I’ll never forget (...) (arrive) in New York for the first time.
forgotten where he parked his car. 6 Can you stop (...) (take) photos of me?
2 I’ve looked all over the house for my phone, and I can’t 7 Did you remember (...) (tell) James about the meeting
find it. I (...) left it in Mum’s car. tomorrow?
3 The washing in the garden (...) dried because it’s been 8 If the computer doesn’t work, try (...) (turn) it off and
raining all day! on again.
4 Nathan went shopping today, so he (...) been at home
when Jane visited.
6 Write true sentences for you.
1 I always get a lot of homework and I sometimes
5 There aren’t any shops on that road in town now, so the
forget (...).
old sweet shop (...) closed down.
2 I remember (...).
3 I once tried (...).
4 I want to go on (...).
5 I regret not (...).
6 I’d like to try (...).

13 © Oxford University Press

Unit 4

Fotografia Especulem sobre una persona o una cosa

I (guess) (there was something behind me).
angle (n) /ˈæŋɡl/ angle (Suposo) que (hi ha alguna cosa darrere meu).
close-up (n) /ˈkləʊs ʌp/ primer pla
I (expect) (it was your mum).
contrast (n) /ˈkɒntrɑːst/ contrast (Suposo) que (és la teva mare).
depth (n) /depθ/ profunditat He / She / They / It (must) (have been someone else then).
effective (adj) /ɪˈfektɪv/ eficaç Ell / Ella / Ells / Elles / Això (deu / deuen) (haver estat una altra persona).
flash (n) /flæʃ/ flaix He / She / They / It (could) (just be a problem with your camera).
frame (n) /freɪm/ marc Ell / Ella / Ells / Elles / Això (podria) (ser un problema de la teva càmera).
highlight (v) /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ destacar He’s / She’s / They’re / It’s (likely) (to be the light).
Ell és / Ella és / Ells són / Elles són / Això és (probable) (que sigui la llum).
impact (n) /ˈɪmpækt/ impacte
He’s / She’s / They’re / It’s (definitely) (not just the light).
point at (v) /ˈpɔɪnt ət/ apuntar
Ell és / Ella és / Ells són / Elles són / Això és (indubtablement),
set up (v) /ˈset ʌp/ disposar, preparar (no és només la llum).
shoot (v) /ʃuːt/ fer una foto (Maybe) (the flash isn’t working / it’s not a person at all).
shot (n) /ʃɒt/ foto (Potser) (el flaix no funciona / no és cap persona).
subject (n) /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/ subjecte
viewer (n) /ˈvjuːə(r)/ visor

Frases preposcionals
at first (phrase) /ət ˈfɜːst/ en primer lloc
by chance (phrase) /ˌbaɪ ˈʧɑːns/ per casualitat
by far (phrase) /ˌbaɪ ˈfɑː(r)/ per molt
in / out of focus /ˌɪn, enfocat/ada /
(phrase) ˌaʊt əv ˈfəʊkəs/ desenfocat/ada
in a hurry (phrase) /ˌɪn ə ˈhʌri/ amb pressa,
in contrast (phrase) /ˌɪn ˈkɒntrɑːst/ per contrast
in fact (phrase) /ˌɪn ˈfækt/ de fet
in general (phrase) /ˌɪn ˈʤenrəl/ en general
out of the /ˌaʊt əv ði extraordinari
ordinary (phrase) ˈɔːdnri/

EXTRA Sufixos adjectivadors

cheerful (adj) /ˈʧɪəfl/ alegre
cultural (adj) /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ cultural
dependent (adj) /dɪˈpendənt/ dependent
effective (adj) /ɪˈfektɪv/ efectiu/iva
enjoyable (adj) /ɪnˈʤɔɪəbl/ agradable
hopeless (adj) /ˈhəʊpləs/ desesperat/ada
impressive (adj) /ɪmˈpresɪv/ impressionant
natural (adj) /ˈnæʧrəl/ natural
pleasant (adj) /ˈpleznt/ simpàtic/a
political (adj) /pəˈlɪtɪkl/ polític/a
powerful (adj) /ˈpaʊəfl/ poderós/osa
useless (adj) /ˈjuːsləs/ inútil
valuable (adj) /ˈvæljuəbl/ valuós/osa

14 © Oxford University Press

Unit 5
• S’empra unless amb les condicionals de tipus zero,
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS primera i segona amb el mateix significat de if not.
Unless you shout, we won’t hear you.
Condicional de tipus zero, primera i
RECORDEU! Were es pot emprar en lloc de was en
segona (if / unless) la segona condicional. Were sona més formal.
• S’empra la condicional de tipus zero per parlar de If I were rich, I’d travel the world.
fets verídics en general: esdeveniments o accions i els
resultats que en resulten.
If you click on the icon, the website opens.
Tercera condicional, What if … ? /
Condicional de tipus zero
I wish / If only
if + present simple Present simple
• S’empra la tercera condicional per parlar d’alguna cosa
If we add a purification tablet, it cleans the water. del passat que no va succeir.
Present simple if + present simple If we’d looked at the map, we wouldn’t have got lost.
(= No vam mirar al mapa, així que ens vam perdre.)
It cleans the water if we add a purification tablet.
Tercera condicional
• Es pot emprar when en lloc d’if amb el mateix significat.
if + past perfect would / wouldn’t + have +
When you mix red and yellow, you get orange.
participi passat
• S’empra la primera condicional per parlar d’una possible If you’d walked faster, you’d have finished earlier.
acció o situació en el futur i del resultat o conseqüència
que en resulta. would / wouldn’t + have + if + past perfet
participi passat
If we visit Paris, we’ll see the Eiffel Tower.
You’d have finished earlier if you’d walked faster.
Primera condicional
if + present simple will / won’t + infinitiu sense to • La clàusula if pot trobar-se en primer o en segon lloc
de l’oració condicional. Si es troba al principi, es posa
If you go hiking, you’ll need a first-aid kit.
una coma.
will / won’t + infinitiu sense to if + present simple If I’d known, I would have put some batteries in the torch.
You’ll need a first-aid kit if you go hiking. I would have put some batteries in the torch if I’d known.

• Es col·loca la clàusula de resultat abans de la clàusula • Sovint s’empra la tercera condicional per parlar de coses
if quan el resultat és important. No s’empra una coma de les quals ens en penedim.
després de la clàusula de resultat. If I’d put my clothes in a waterproof bag, they wouldn’t
We’ll reduce global warming if we save energy. have got wet.

• Es pot emprar la primera condicional per donar consells. What if … ?

If you drink less coffee, you will sleep better. • S’empren les preguntes amb What if i el past perfect per
• De vegades, la segona condicional es diu condicional demanar per les conseqüències d’una acció o situació
irreal. S’empra per parlar sobre coses en present o futur imaginària.
que són irreals o imaginàries. What if you’d fought back? You might have got hurt.
If children didn’t spend so much time indoors, they’d get What if she hadn’t checked the first aid kit?
more exercise. (= Els nens passen molt de temps a casa,
I wish / If only
així que no fan gaire exercici.)
• S’empra I wish + past perfet per expressar penediments
Segona condicional del passat.
if + past simple would / wouldn’t + infinitiu I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.
sense to
• Es pot emprar if only en lloc de I wish. If only és
If I were you, I’d take a torch. generalment un mica més fort que I wish.
would / wouldn’t + infinitiu if + past simple If only I’d spoken to him! I could have explained
sense to everything.
I’d take a torch if I were you.

15 © Oxford University Press

Unit 5
1 Match 1–8 with a–h. 4 Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional.
1 If you miss the bus, D 1 You spent all of your money shopping. You haven’t got
2 If I weren’t so ill, (...) any money now.
3 I wouldn’t be surprised (...) If you hadn’t spent all of your money shopping, you would
4 If I were rich, (...) have some money now.
5 If Manchester United beat Chelsea, (...) 2 I didn’t know you liked Coldplay. I didn’t buy you a ticket
6 If you watch that film, (...) for the concert.
7 Eggs break (...) If (...).
8 Plants die (...) 3 John didn’t pack the sandwiches. We didn’t eat them.
If (...).
a I’d live my life very differently.
4 The weather was bad. You didn’t go camping with
b they’ll probably win the championship. friends.
c you’ll love it. If (...).
d you’ll be late for class. 5 You didn’t do your homework on time. Your teacher
e I’d definitely come to your party. was angry.
f if Helen and Vernon got married. If (...).
g if you don’t give them enough water. 6 We didn’t have any matches. I didn’t start a fire.
h if you drop them. If (...).
2 Copy and complete the sentences using zero, first or 5 Copy and complete the sentences with wish or if only and
second conditional and the verbs in brackets. the correct form of the verbs in the box.
1 If they drive to Spain, it ’ll take (take) a long time.
2 If George (...) (wear) red boots, he would look silly. buy have ​
tell ​
say ​
stop visit
3 If they (...) (not leave) in five minutes, they’ll miss dinner.
1 They wish they hadn’t bought that house. It needs so
4 If you buy a cake, I (...) (eat) it! much work on it.
5 If Mandy knew me, I think she (...) (like) me. 2 We (...) more space to have a bigger desk in the office.
6 Ice (...) (melt) when you heat it. 3 (...) those awful things – I really hurt her feelings.
7 If we (...) (win) this match, we’ll play in the final next 4 (...) the truth the first time, the police wouldn’t have
week. arrested him.
8 If you haven’t got the map, you (...) (not find) their 5 I (...) singing that song. She was very good!
6 Adam (...) New York when he lived in the USA.
9 If Ted worked harder, he (...) (not worry) about exams.
10 Snakes (...) (bite) if they are scared. 6 Write What if … ? questions. Use the word in brackets to
help you.
3 Complete the sentences using the third conditional. 1 You went hiking in the mountains without a compass.
1 If I ’d taken (take) a whistle, I would have blown (blow) it. What if you had got lost? (lost)
2 Would you (...) (do) the survival course if Mr Neal (...) 2 You went for a walk and forgot your jumper. (...) (cold)
(ask) you? 3 You were hiking and you saw a bear. You hid behind a
3 If you (...) (train) harder, the hike (...) (not seem) so tree. (...) (not see)
difficult. 4 You went shopping without an umbrella. (...) (rain)
4 We (...) (not wake up) so early if the birds (...) (not be) 5 Your brother didn’t buy the car because it was
so noisy! damaged. (...) (buy)
5 If you (...) (come) camping, you (...) (have) fun. 6 We didn’t drink the water. It was dirty. (...) (drink)
6 If you (...) (know) it was Tia’s birthday, (...) (you / send)
her a card?

16 © Oxford University Press

Unit 5

Equipament de supervivència Demanem opinió

Don’t you (agree)?
compass (n) /ˈkʌmpəs/ brúixola No hi (estàs d’acord)?
first-aid kit (n) /ˌfɜːst ˈeɪd kɪt/ farmaciola de primers auxilis
What do you think (about …)?
magnifying glass (n) /ˈmæɡnɪfaɪɪŋ ɡlɑːs/ lent d’augment Què penses (sobre…)?
matches (n) /ˈmæʧɪz/ llumins Donem opinió
metal pot (n) /ˌmetl ˈpɒt/ pot de metall It’s (just) that …
multitool (n) /ˈmʌltituːl/ eina multiús És (simplement) que…
rope (n) /rəʊp/ corda As far as I’m (concerned) …
tarpaulin (n) /tɑːˈpɔːlɪn/ encerat Al meu parer,…
torch (n) /tɔːʧ/ llanterna Mostrem acord
waterproof bag (n) /ˌwɔːtəpruːf ˈbæɡ/ bossa impermeable I agree. / Agreed.
Hi estic d’acord. / Convingut.
water purification /ˌwɔːtə ˌpjʊərɪfɪˈkeɪʃn pastilles purificadores
tablets (n) ˌtæbləts/ d’aigua That’s true.
/ˈwɪsl/ És veritat.
whistle (n) xiulet
Perhaps you’re (right).
Potser (tens raó).
Desastres Mostrem desacord

avalanche (n) /ˈævəlɑːnʃ/ allau You can’t say that!

No pots dir això!
cyber attack (n) /ˈsaɪbər əˌtæk/ ciberatac
I (disagree).
drought (n) /draʊt/ sequera
(No hi estic d’acord).
earthquake (n) /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ terratrèmol
flooding (n) /ˈflʌdɪŋ/ inundació
forest fire (n) /ˈfɒrɪst ˌfaɪə(r)/ incendi forestal
global warming (n) /ˌɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/ escalfament global
hurricane (n) /ˈhʌrɪkən/ huracà
nuclear explosion (n) /ˌnjuːkliər ɪkˈspləʊʒn/ explosió nuclear
volcanic eruption (n) /vɒlˌkænɪk ɪˈrʌpʃn/ erupció volcànica

EXTRA Habilitats de supervivència

attitude (n) /ˈætɪtjuːd/ actitud
heat (n) /hiːt/ escalfar
protect (v) /prəˈtekt/ protegir
source (n) /sɔːs/ font
task (n) /tɑːsk/ tasca

17 © Oxford University Press

Unit 6
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS Preguntes, peticions i ordres en
discurs indirecte
Discurs indirecte • S’empra el discurs indirecte per dir-li a algú el que una
altra persona ha preguntat.
• S’empra el discurs indirecte per explicar-li a algú el que
una altra persona ha dit. Normalment el temps verbal Discurs directe Discurs indirecte
es canvia. Present simple Past simple
Discurs directe Discurs indirecte ‘What’s her job?’ she asked. She asked me what her job was.
Present simple Past simple Present continuous Past continuous
‘I’m a journalist,’ she said. She said she was a journalist. ‘What are you doing?’ he She asked me what I was doing.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Past simple Past perfect
‘I’m reading,’ he said. He said he was reading.
‘Was that your friend?’ he He asked me if / whether that was
Past simple Past perfect
asked. my friend.
‘I was an eyewitness,’ he said. He said he had been an
Present perfect Past perfect
‘Have you seen Jill recently?’ He asked me if / whether I had
Present perfect Past perfect
he said. seen Jill recently.
‘She’s already seen that film,’ He said that she’d already seen
he said. that film. • En les preguntes en discurs indirecte, el subjecte es
will would
col·loca abans del verb i els verbs auxiliars com ara do o
did no s’utilitzen.
‘They’ll be on time,’ she said. She said that they would be ‘What are you doing?’
on time.
→ She asked me what I was doing.
• Es canvien els pronoms. Where did you go?
‘I’m not interested in current affairs,’ he said. → He asked me where I had gone.
→ He said that he wasn’t interested in current affairs. (NO: He asked me where I did go.)
• Les expressions de temps també es canvien. • En les preguntes en discurs indirecte, la forma verbal que
‘I saw Alice yesterday.’ s’utilitza és l’anterior a la de la seqüència temporal de
l’oració en discurs directe i els pronoms i les expressions
→ He said that he had seen Alice the day before.
de temps sovint es col·loquen al darrere.
Discurs directe Discurs indirecte ‘Did you watch the news last night?’
now then → She asked me if I’d watched the news the night before.
yesterday the day before • Quan la pregunta en discurs directe comença per un
interrogatiu, aquest també s’utilitza en la pregunta en
today that day
discurs indirecte.
tonight that night ‘Where is Alex?’ he asked.
tomorrow the next / following day → He asked me where Alex was.
next week / month / year the following week / month / year • Quan la pregunta en discurs directe comença amb
last week / month / year the week / month / year before un verb auxiliar, s’empra if o whether per introduir la
pregunta. If és més comú.
• Sovint s’empren els verbs declaratius say i tell per dir ‘Are you listening to music?’ Rick asked me.
allò que algú ha dit. S’empra tell amb un objecte. Es pot → Rick asked me if / whether I was listening to music.
emprar that després d’un verb declaratiu. ‘Have you watched the news?’
She said (that) she didn’t watch the news. → Mum asked me if / whether I had watched the news.
She told me (that) she didn’t watch the news.
• S’empra ask + objecte + to + infinitiu per introduir una
petició i s’empra tell + objecte + to + infinitiu per introduir
RECORDEU! També es poden emprar altres verbs una ordre.
declaratius per introduir oferiments, disculpes,
promeses, etc. Per exemple, admit, offer. Discurs directe Discurs indirecte
‘I’ll help you with your homework, if you like.’ Peticions ‘Please meet me at He asked me to meet
→ He offered to help me with my homework. the library,’ he said. him at the library.
Ordres ‘Be quiet,’ she said She told the class to
to the class. be quiet.

18 © Oxford University Press

Unit 6
1 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct 5 Write the words in the correct order to make reported
verb forms. speech questions.
1 ‘That isn’t my phone,’ she said. 1 asked / seen / her / we / what / she / had
She said that it wasn’t her phone. We asked her what she had seen.
2 ‘I’m listening to a podcast,’ Jack said. 2 asked / my / had / name / if / I / he / forgotten / him
Jack said that he (...) to a podcast. 3 Eva / Jack / had / he / finished / asked / his / if /
3 ‘Sarah didn’t like the film,’ said Ella. homework
Ella said that Sarah (...) the film. 4 asked / him / home / what / Eric’s mum / time / he’d /
4 ‘I’ve seen the weather report,’ said Adam. arrived
Adam said that he (...) the weather report. 5 asked / been / Pete / me / where / I’d
5 ‘We won’t be long,’ said Mum. 6 asked / what / a woman / me / was / the time
Mum said that they (...) be long. 6 Rewrite the questions as reported speech.
6 ‘I am a reporter,’ she said. 1 ‘How much money have we spent?’ my mum asked me.
She said that she (...) a reporter. My mum asked me how much money we had spent.
2 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form 2 ‘Have you seen the news?’ Phil asked me.
of say or tell. Phil (...).
1 Xavier told me that he’d seen a frog. 3 ‘Did it rain yesterday?’ asked Gran.
2 Lisa (...) me that she did her homework every day. Gran (...).
3 Mum (...) me that we were having pizza for lunch. 4 ‘Are you watching a film?’ my brother asked me.
4 Neil (...) that he was looking for me. My brother (...).
5 Orla (...) she’d wait next to the cinema. 5 ‘When will my new phone arrive?’ I asked my mum.
6 Axel (...) me he was going to the cinema. I (...).
6 ‘Is it ten o’clock yet?’ I asked my dad.
3 Rewrite the sentences as reported speech. Remember I (...).
to change pronouns and time expressions.
1 ‘I like your painting,’ she said. 7 Rewrite the commands and requests as reported speech.
She said that she liked my painting. 1 ‘Sit down,’ the teacher said to us.
2 ‘We went to Poland on holiday last year,’ said Ali. The teacher told us to sit down.
3 ‘I’ll do my homework tonight,’ said Noah. 2 ‘Don’t feed the animals,’ the man told us.
4 ‘I’m getting a new car tomorrow,’ he said. The man (...).
5 ‘We’ve seen some interesting birds in our garden,’ 3 ‘Can you find my T-shirt, Mum?’ I said.
said Vera. I (...).
6 ‘I won’t see Bella until next month,’ said Tanya. 4 ‘Watch the cat,’ Frank said to us.
Frank (...).
4 Copy and complete the sentences with the correct form
of the reporting verbs in the box. 5 ‘Go and play football in the park,’ Dad told us.
Dad (...).
add ​
admit ​ mention ​
complain ​ reply ​
state 6 ‘Make me a drink, please,’ Maya asked me.
Maya (...).
1 Jo complained to the waiter about the food.
2 Billy eventually (...) that he had broken the window.
3 Cath (...) that you were going on holiday.
4 The student (...) to the teacher’s question.
5 The newsreader (...) that the news was bad.
6 He said that he’d studied German for five years and (...)
that he’d also studied English for seven years.

19 © Oxford University Press

Unit 6

Mitjans de comunicació Compartim notícies

Guess what!
breaking news (n) /ˌbreɪkɪŋ ˈnjuːz/ notícia d’última hora Saps què?
eyewitness (n) /ˈaɪwɪtnəs/ testimoni ocular
I’m (pretty) sure (that) …
headline (n) /ˈhedlaɪn/ titular Estic (molt) segur/a (que)…
journalist (n) /ˈʤɜːnəlɪst/ periodista Have you heard (about …)?
live (adj) /laɪv/ en directe Has sentit (que…) ?
news presenter (n) /ˈnjuːz prɪˌzentə(r)/ presentador/a de les notícies It (seems) that …
report (n) (v) /rɪˈpɔːt/ reportatge / informar (Sembla) que…
reporter (n) /rɪˈpɔːtə(r)/ reporter/a Responem a les bones notícies
source (n) /sɔːs/ font, origen Really?
De veritat?
update (n) /ˈʌpdeɪt/ actualitzar
That’s (fantastic).
És (fantàstic).
Noms compostos: mitjans de comunicació Lucky you.
Quina sort.
celebrity influencer (n) /səˌlebrəti ˈɪnfluənsə(r)/ influenciador/a famós/osa
I’m (really) (happy) for you / her / him / them.
clickbait (n) /ˈklɪkbeɪt/ pescaclics Estic (molt) (feliç) per tu / ella / ell / ells / elles.
conspiracy theory (n) /kənˈspɪrəsi ˌθɪəri/ teoria de la conspiració That’s (great) news!
current affairs (n) /ˌkʌrənt əˈfeəz/ temes d’actualitat Quina notícia més (bona)!
fake news (n) /feɪk ˈnjuːz/ notícies falses
media outlet (n) /ˈmiːdiə ˌaʊtlet/ mitjà de comunicació
newsfeed (n) /ˈnjuːzfiːd/ canal de notícies
paywall (n) /ˈpeɪwɔːl/ mur de pagament
social media /ˌsəʊʃl ˈmiːdiə plataforma de xarxes
platform (n) ˌplætfɔːm/ socials
visual medium (n) /ˈvɪʒuəl ˌmiːdiəm/ mitjà visual

EXTRA Col·locacions adverbials i adjectivals

absolutely delighted /ˌæbsəluːtli dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ completament feliç
(adv + adj)
completely different /kəmˈpliːtli ˌdɪfrənt/ totalment diferent
(adv + adj)
highly unlikely /ˈhaɪli ʌnˌlaɪkli/ altament improbable
(adv + adj)
incredibly friendly /ɪnˈkredəbli ˌfrendli/ increïblement simpàtic/a
(adv + adj)
ridiculously easy /rɪˈdɪkjələsli ˌiːzi/ ridículament fàcil
(adv + adj)
extremely weird /ɪkˌstriːmli ˈwɪəd/ extremadament estrany/a
(adv + adj)

20 © Oxford University Press

Unit 7
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS Quantificadors: (not) enough,
(a) few, (a) little, a lot of, plenty of,
Passiva en passat, present i futur too much / many
• S’empra la passiva quan hi ha més interès en l’acció • S’empren els quantificadors per dir quina quantitat hi ha
que en la persona que fa l’acció o quan no se sap qui fa d’alguna cosa. Es posa el quantificador davant del nom.
l’acció. La passiva es fa amb la forma del verb to be i el There are a lot of students here.
participi passat del verb principal. We’ve got plenty of time.
Temps verbal Veu passiva • S’empra (not) enough amb noms incomptables i noms
comptables en plural. Significa (no) tant / tants com es
Present simple Those houses are built from wood.
necessiten o es volen.
Present continuous The classroom is being decorated. There is enough cake for everyone.
Past simple That building was designed by We haven’t got enough chairs.
a famous architect. • S’empra a little amb noms incomptables i a few amb
Past continuous The paintings were being framed noms comptables en plural. S’empren per dir alguns o
yesterday. una petita quantitat.
Futur amb will Our house will be built next year. They have a little money in the bank.
Futur amb be going to The party is going to be cancelled.
There are a few apples left.
• S’empra little amb noms incomptables i few amb noms
• Sovint s’empra la passiva amb el present simple per comptables en plural. Tenen un significat negatiu i
parlar de processos i procediments. s’empren per dir no molt o no molts.
These cars are made in Japan. There’s little information about the trip in this leaflet.
The final is held in June. The city has few visitors in winter and some hotels
• S’empra la passiva amb el past simple per parlar don’t open.
d’esdeveniments i processos del passat. • S’empra a lot of i plenty of amb noms incomptables i
Our house was built in 1958. noms comptables en plural. A lot of significa una gran
The prizes were awarded to the best students. quantitat o un gran nombre de, i plenty of significa més
• Si es vol dir qui fa l’acció en passiva, s’empra la del que es suficient.
preposició by. There are a lot of oranges left.
All the articles in the magazine are written by the students. Don’t worry. We’ve got plenty of time.
The television was invented by John Logie Baird. • S’empra too much amb noms incomptables i too many
• Sovint no és necessari dir qui fa l’acció perquè no és amb noms comptables en plural. Signifiquen més del que
important o perquè és obvi. es vol o es necessita d’alguna cosa.
The oranges are grown in Spain. She drinks too much coffee.
(NO: The oranges are grown in Spain by There are too many shops here – we can’t go to them all.
Spanish farmers.)
• Sovint s’empra una preposició per dir on o quan.
The best pasta is produced in Italy.
My bike was stolen on Thursday.

Activa o passiva?
• Una oració activa respon la pregunta Què fa el subjecte?
My mother cooks chicken every Sunday.
• Una oració en passiva respon la pregunta Què li passa
al subjecte?
The chicken is always served with potatoes.

21 © Oxford University Press

Unit 7
1 Choose the correct option. 4 Copy and complete the sentences with too much,
1 The band’s new album was recorded / recorded too many or (not) enough.
in London. 1 You’ve got too much luggage. You can’t take all that
2 The butterflies’ habitat is being / was damaged when with you.
they built those flats. 2 A Can I make some coffee?
3 We’ll be / been given our test results tomorrow. B No, there’s (...) time. We have to leave now.’
4 I think he ’s going to be / ’ll be paid at the end of 3 I’ve got (...) chips, thanks. I don’t want any more.
the month. 4 There’s (...) traffic. We’re going to be late.
5 Our kitchen table isn’t / isn’t being made of steel. 5 A Is the museum website good?
6 A lots of old coins were / is being found when they B I don’t think so. There’s (...) information on it.
started to dig. 6 You’re hot because you’re wearing (...) clothes.
7 Was their house damaged / damaged their house 7 A This is an expensive restaurant.
during the storm last night? B Don’t worry. We’ve got (...) money.
8 Will you being / be invited to the party? 8 They show (...) advertisements at the cinema. You have
2 Copy and complete the sentences using the correct to wait a long time for the film to start.
passive form of the verbs in the box. 9 A There are (...) eggs to make this cake.
B Well, I’ll buy some at the supermarket later.
advise ​fix ​not harm ​not tell ​not organize ​ 10 He’s feeling sick. He ate (...) ice cream.
pronounce ​ put ​release
5 Copy and complete the sentences with few, a few, little
1 His latest single will be released next week. or a little.
2 I (...) about the meeting, so I didn’t go. 1 I didn’t eat all the chips. I saved a few for you.
3 Our house is so cold, but luckily our heating (...) by 2 I do (...) exercise every day.
an engineer today. 3 Ever since their exams started, Max and Emma have had
4 We (...) to use water purification tablets while on (...) time to go out.
holiday. 4 I saw (...) T-shirts that I liked, so I bought them all.
5 The rabbits (...) when they move them to their 5 You couldn’t lend me (...) money, could you?
new home. 6 I phoned Ben (...) times yesterday but didn’t reach him.
6 Solar panels (...) on the roof when they found a family 7 Rosa is unhappy at her new school because she’s made
of birds living there. (...) friends.
7 How (...) ‘adaptable’ (...)? 8 I’m looking forward to going to the National Gallery –
8 The course (...) very well and the leadership team didn’t there are (...) paintings there I really want to see.
communicate well.
6 Choose the correct answer.
3 Copy and complete the text using the correct passive 1 It’s an interesting city. There are (...) places to visit.
form of the verbs in brackets.
A plenty of B few C a little
Dubai 1 is known (know) for its amazing buildings and 2 I need (...) more time to finish my homework.
luxurious apartments and skyscrapers, but this wasn’t A few B plenty of C a little
always the case. In the 1980s a decision (...)
2 (make) to
3 There are always (...) photographers outside that hotel.
turn it into a luxury tourist destination. Very quickly, A few B a lot of C little
numerous buildings (...) 3 (construct) including the seven-
4 They are going to build (...) flats on that piece of land –
star Burj Al Arab hotel, which (...)
4 (open) in 1999. While
two hundred, I think.
the Burj Hotel (...) (build), so were many other office
A few B a lot of C a little
blocks and hotels, including the Emirates Tower. But 5 Janey is lucky. She has (...) problems.
the planners and architects in Dubai haven’t finished A few B a few C little
yet! There are plans to build further out into the desert 6 There are (...) tall buildings on the coast so the view isn’t
and many more hotels and flats (...) 6 (construct) over the
coming years. Not only this, they (...)
7 (expect) to be taller
A little B a little C few
than even the Burj Khalifa. So, it (...)
8 (not expect) to be
7 There are (...) oranges. Help yourself!
the tallest building in the world for much longer. A few B plenty of C a little
8 I’m sorry but I’ve got (...) advice for you.
A plenty of B little C a few

22 © Oxford University Press

Unit 7

Adjectius per descriure tecnologia Fem suggeriments

I think (we should) …
affordable (adj) /əˈfɔːdəbl/ assequible Crec que (hauríem de)…
adaptable (adj) /əˈdæptəbl/ adaptable
It’d be (brilliant) if (we could) …
energy-saving (adj) /ˈenəʤi ˌseɪvɪŋ/ que estalvia energia Seria (fantàstic) si (poguessim)…
experimental (adj) /ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl/ experimental (What) / How about + -ing … ?
high-tech (adj) /haɪ ˈtek/ d’alta tecnologia I si…?
innovative (adj) /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv, ˈɪnəvətɪv/ innovador/ora Maybe we (could) + verb …
inspiring (adj) /ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ/ inspirador/a Potser (podríem)…
smart (adj) /smɑːt/ intel·ligent Expressem certitud
solar-powered (adj) /ˈsəʊlə ˌpaʊəd/ que funciona amb energia solar It’s (bound) to (be) …
De ben segur que…
virtual (adj) /ˈvɜːʧuəl/ virtual
I’m (pretty) (sure) …
Estic (molt) segur/a que…
Construccions i materials Expressem dubtes

/brɪk/ I (doubt) (that) …

brick (n) totxo
(Dubto) (si)…
concrete (n) /ˈkɒŋkriːt/ formigó
It’s unlikely (that) …
hut (n) /hʌt/ cabana És improbable (que)…
iron (n) /ˈaɪən/ ferro
mud (n) /mʌd/ fang
skyscraper (n) /ˈskaɪskreɪpə(r)/ gratacels
steel (n) /stiːl/ acer
stone (n) /stəʊn/ pedra
storey (n) /ˈstɔːri/ planta / pis
tent (n) /tent/ tenda de campanya
tower (n) /ˈtaʊə(r)/ torre

EXTRA Informàtica i intel·ligència artificial

automated (adj) /ˈɔːtəmeɪtɪd/ automatitzat/ada
block (v) /blɒk/ bloquejar
bot (n) /bɒt/ bot
detect (v) /dɪˈtekt/ detectar
simulate (v) /ˈsɪmjuleɪt/ simular
software (n) /ˈsɒftweə(r)/ programari

23 © Oxford University Press

Unit 8
RESUM GRAMATICAL I ACTIVITATS Oracions de relatiu especificatives i
Determinants • Les oracions de relatiu van darrere d’un nom. Donen
informació sobre el nom. Comencen amb un dels
• Els determinants són paraules que es troben al principi pronoms de relatiu: who (per a persones), which (per a
d’un sintagma nominal. Identifiquen la cosa o donen coses), whose (per a possessions) i where (per a llocs).
informació sobre la quantitat d’alguna cosa de la quan The man who was at the bus stop is my maths teacher.
s’està parlant. Els determinants inclouen:
The film which we saw last night was really good.
Articles: a / an, the The girl whose father is a famous doctor is my best friend.
Demostratius: this, that, these, those
The village where I live is quite small.
Adjectius possessius: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Nombres: one, two, three, etc. • Sovint s’empren les oracions de relatiu per combinar
Altres paraules: each, all, another, other, etc. dues frases.
• S’empra a / an amb noms comptables en singular. Si hi ha The girl was very young. She answered the phone.
un adjectiu davant del nom, a / an es posa al davant. The girl who answered the phone was very young.
a game   a fantastic story • Una oració de relatiu especificativa dona informació
an apple   an incredible artist essencial sobre el nom a què es refereix. L’oració no
té sentit sense aquesta informació. Es pot emprar el
• S’empra a / an quan es menciona algú per primera pronom that en lloc de which o who en les oracions de
vegada. S’empra the quan la persona o la cosa han estat
relatiu especificatives.
anomenades anteriorment (de manera que ja se sap a
quina persona o cosa s’està fent referència). This is the man who / that I met at the wedding.
We went to a concert last night. There were so many The room which / that I sleep in is big.
people there, and the concert was amazing. The teacher whose students all passed the exam was
very proud.
• S’empra the davant d’un nom quan és clar a quina
persona o cosa s’està fent referència (és obvi perquè no • Quan who / that o which / that és l’objecte del verb en
n’hi ha més que un). una oració de relatiu especificativa, el pronom es pot
Mum is speaking to the headteacher. ometre.
Can you turn the radio on? This is the man. I met him at the wedding.
This is the man who / that I met at the wedding.
• S’empra this per mostrar que algú o alguna cosa es troba This is the man I met at the wedding.
prop de l’emissor i that quan es troba lluny de l’emissor.
S’empra these i those per a noms en plural. • Una oració de relatiu explicativa dona informació extra
This exercise is hard.   That music sounds beautiful. sobre el nom a què es refereix. L’oració té sentit sense
These crisps are tasty.   Those games are great! aquesta informació. L’oració de relatiu se separa de
la resta de l’oració utilitzant comes. Els pronoms de
• S’empren els adjectius possessius per mostrar que relatiu explicatius no es poden ometre i tampoc es pot
alguna cosa pertany a algú. emprar that.
my sister  our game  his leg Minecraft, which is really popular, is a video game.
• S’empra each i another amb noms en singular. My sister, who lives in Spain, is a teacher.
Each character was brilliantly written. JK Rowling, whose books have sold millions of copies, is a
Would you like another piece of cake? famous author.
• S’empra other amb noms incomptables i amb noms Rome, where I grew up, is the capital of Italy.
en plural. I lost my new denim jacket, which really upset me.
This T-shirt is too small. Do you have other sizes?
Would you like another piece of cake? RECORDEU! El pronom relatiu reemplaça el pronom de
subjecte o d’objecte.
The man works as a pilot. I was talking to him.
The man who I was talking to works as a pilot.
(NO: The man who I was talking to him works as a pilot.)

24 © Oxford University Press

Unit 8
1 Copy the sentences and identify the determiner in 5 Copy and complete the sentences with the defining
each one. relative clauses in the box.
1 How many other pairs of jeans have you got?
that are looking for waiters
2 I want all of these chocolates.
which is for young children
3 You need to tidy those things away this morning. which my brother plays
4 Have you got another book I could borrow? who drew the characters for the game
5 Each child needs to have a black pen and their own who plays video games
scissors. whose dog chased me
6 I’ve got twenty video games. My sister has got five.
7 The café in the village has got its own website. 1 That’s the game which my brother plays.
8 That cat has only got three legs. 2 She’s the artist (...).
3 He works in a school (...).
2 Copy and complete the sentences with the words in 4 Do you know any restaurants (...)?
the box. 5 A gamer is a person (...).
all another ​ each ​ its ​
my ​my ​my ​the ​ 6 She’s the lady (...).
their ​these ​this ​twenty-three ​your
6 Copy and complete each sentence with where, which,
1 All of my friends have got games consoles. who or whose. Add commas to the non-defining clauses.
2 There are (...) students in (...) class and we are good 1 My bedroom (...) is next to the bathroom is big.
friends. 2 Sylvie (...) mum works at the sports centre is my best
3 A Is this (...) pen? friend.
B Yes, it is, thanks. 3 He lent me his maths book (...) was very kind of him.
4 Where are (...) keys? I left them on (...) table. 4 The British Museum (...) is in London is a great day out.
5 A What’s (...) dog called? 5 My brother Dan (...) is a great basketball player is older
than me.
B Bubba.
6 Our dog (...) name is Bonzo is a black Labrador.
6 A Are (...) shoes yours?
7 He talked all evening about Truro (...) he’d been for a
B No, they aren’t.
7 If you don’t like (...) game, I’ve got (...) one we could play.
8 We spent the day with our parents (...) took us to
8 (...) animal has got (...) own bed. the beach.
3 Copy and complete the text with one word in each gap. 7 Combine the sentences using a non-defining relative
Since 1 its release in 2009, Minecraft has become (...)
2 clause.
of the world’s most popular games. It was built by (...)3 1 My sister is a nurse. She lives in London.
small team of people, but why is it so successful? It’s (...)
4 My sister, who’s a nurse, lives in London.
game with no rules, so players can build and explore 2 I was looking for my favourite video game last night.
however they want, so it’s great for children of (...)
5 ages. I’ve found it now.
They can play alone or with (...) friend or friends, and
6 3 Annie is in my class. She’s brilliant at Minecraft.
at any level. Some parents have said that (...)7 game has 4 Mr Kirk lives next door. He is an author.
improved (...) children’s social skills.
8 5 Alec has just visited Italy. His son lives in Italy.
6 Andy works with animals. His cat is called Bob.
4 Copy and complete the sentences with who, which,
whose or where.
1 A pilot is a person who flies planes.
2 That’s the café (...) they do amazing hot chocolate.
3 He’s the man (...) car was stolen.
4 An artist is a person (...) paints pictures.
5 Here’s the book (...) you wanted.
6 She’s the lady (...) cuts my hair.

25 © Oxford University Press

Unit 8

Videojocs Encoratgem algú a començar

You (might) as well (try).
addictive (adj) /əˈdɪktɪv/ addictiu/iva També (podries) (intentar-ho).
challenge (n) /ˈʧælɪnʤ/ repte
(Go) for it!
competitor (n) /kəmˈpetɪtə(r)/ competidor/a (Fes)-ho!
crash (v) /kræʃ/ xoc Donem consells encoratjadors
development (n) /dɪˈveləpmənt/ desenvolupament You (just) need to (jump over that bridge).
educational (adj) /ˌeʤuˈkeɪʃənl/ educacional (Només) has de (saltar pel pont).
entertaining (adj) /ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ/ entretingut/uda (Try) to (move to the left).
escape (n) (v) /ɪˈskeɪp/ fugida / escapar (Intenta) (moure’t a l’esquerra).
expand someone’s /ɪkˌspænd ˌsʌmwʌnz desenvolupar el Encoratgem algú perquè no es rendeixi
mind (v) ˈmaɪnd/ pensament (Keep) going.
gaming (n) /ˈɡeɪmɪŋ/ videojocs Segueix endavant.
hand–eye /ˌhænd ˌaɪ coordinació You’re (almost) there.
coordination (n) kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃn/ ull-mà Gairebé has arribat.
influence (v) /ˈɪnfluəns/ influència Elogiem algú
plot (n) /plɒt/ argument You’re doing (well).
social part (n) /ˈsəʊʃl pɑːt/ part social Ho estàs fent (bé).

take risks (v) /teɪk ˈrɪsks/ córrer riscos Wow, (that) was good.
Apa, (això) ha estat bé.

Noms abstractes
beauty (n) /ˈbjuːti/ bellesa
growth (n) /ɡrəʊθ/ creixement
happiness (n) /ˈhæpinəs/ felicitat
identity (n) /aɪˈdentəti/ identitat
joy (n) /ʤɔɪ/ alegria
loss (n) /lɒs/ pèrdua
mystery (n) /ˈmɪstri/ misteri
reality (n) /riˈæləti/ realitat
strength (n) /streŋkθ/ força
truth (n) /truːθ/ veritat
justice (n) /ˈʤʌstɪs/ justícia
victory (n) /ˈvɪktəri/ victòria

EXTRA Frases idiomàtiques

a piece of cake (phrase) /ə ˌpiːs əv ˈkeɪk/ bufar i fer ampolles
haven’t got a clue (phrase) /ˌhævnt ˌɡɒt ə ˈkluː/ no tenir-ne ni idea
in a nutshell (phrase) /ˌɪn ə ˈnʌtʃel/ en resum
lose track (phrase) /luːz ˈtræk/ perdre la pista
out of nowhere (phrase) /ˌaʊt əv ˈnəʊweə(r)/ del no-res
over the moon (phrase) /ˌəʊvə ðə ˈmuːn/ molt feliç
to be a pain (phrase) /tə ˌbi ə ˈpeɪn/ ser pesat/ada

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