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Family is weeping.

MOTHER: Our apologies, my dear, but destiny echoes through our tears. Regret
lingers, for a more fitting union eluded us. cries

PSYCHE: Do not weep now; your tears should have flowed in anticipation. Beauty,
invites the wrath of Heaven. This is my fate.

FATHER: Apologies, my dearest Psyche.

Family embraces Psyche individually. She ascends the stairs, casting a lingering
gaze backward. Psyche moves forward.

Family is in the market. Family engages in conversations and purchases items.

Psyche distances herself from the family to interact with someone. Admirers
gather around her.

ADMIRER 1: Oh, enchanting Psyche! Your beauty leaves me astounded!

ADMIRER 2: Indeed! Even Aphrodite herself does not own such radiance!

ADMIRER 3: It wouldn't surprise me if you were a goddess in mortal guise!

ADMIRER 4: Absolutely! Neither mortal nor immortal can rival your resplendence!


The crowd below pauses. Spotlight shifts to Aphrodite at the top of the stairs.
Aphrodite is visibly angered.

APHRODITE: What is this?! Where are the people who faithfully attended my temples?
Ah, there they are. Wait, what are they doing over there? And who is that mortal? Why
do they admire her and not me?

descends the stairs examines the temple below with horror

No! This cannot be! My temples stand empty. The honors once bestowed upon me now
given to a mere mortal? Cupid, my son, the god of love, I command you to rectify this.

CUPID: Yes, mother, whatever you desire. sarcastic tone. As Aphrodite speaks,
Cupid casually plays with his arrow.

APHRODITE: Have you seen that girl, that…mortal? She's the reason my temples are
empty. My favored towns are now desolate. People no longer acknowledge me; they lost
their respect! And it's because of that mortal! Cupid! I need you to use your power and
make her fall for the vilest, most despicable creature in existence!

CUPID: Can't I just make her fall for someone poor and unattractive? It'd be simpler.
complaining tone

APHRODITE: Do as I command!
CUPID: Yes, mother. rolls eyes


Psyche is sleeping. Cupid approaches stealthily, bow and arrow in hand.
Cupid studies the countenance of Psyche.

CUPID: gasps Beautiful. Truly exquisite.


Psyche awakens, unaware of Cupid's presence. Cupid shakes his head in wonder.
Cupid accidentally pricks himself with his arrow.

Family gathering. Two sisters with their husbands. Psyche extends
congratulations. Psyche takes a seat, her demeanor subdued.

Cupid observes from the top of the stairs.

FATHER: Are you alright, Psyche?

PSYCHE: I have many admirers, but they only remain admirers. Both my sisters are
married, and still, no suitor has approached me. When will I find a husband?

FATHER: Fear not, my dear. We shall seek a kind and handsome match for you.

Father and Psyche embrace. Psyche exits; mother enters.

MOTHER: Is something wrong with Psyche?

FATHER: She worries the absence of a husband. I assured her we will find a fitting

MOTHER: We should consult the Oracle of Apollo; divine counsel may hold the

FATHER: Wise counsel. The gods surely have a destined path for Psyche.

Cupid descends the stairs, murmuring his determination to possess Psyche.
Aphrodite descends as well.

APHRODITE: Well done, my son. No one falls to the enchantment of the "Psycho" girl. I
shall find the perfect monstrous match for her. evil laugh

CUPID: I'll take care of that. I'll seek out the beast for her.

APHRODITE: Very well, but ensure no mistakes.

Aphrodite ascends. Cupid glances up, waiting until she's gone.

CUPID: In the realm of love, I, Cupid, aimed my arrow true. Struck my own heart, a
victim of love’s debut. In my own game of love, her heart forever entwined.

CUPID: Apollo. I need Apollo.

Cupid calls out to Apollo and ascends slowly. Apollo appears by the railings,
clearing his throat.

CUPID: There you are. I need your assistance. You know Psyche, right? The mortal girl
my mother rants about? Well, I must make her my wife. Immortality loses its purpose
if I cannot be with Psyche.

APOLLO: You just mentioned that Aphrodite is envious of her. How can this happen if
even your mother disapproves?

CUPID: Come on, Apollo, I believe you can find a solution.

APOLLO: Oh, all right... let us see, let us see...


Oracle is seated. Father enters.


ORACLE: I anticipated your arrival. Spare yourself the explanation; sit. Your daughter,
Psyche, will marry a fearsome winged serpent. She must be placed atop a rocky hill,
left alone. And there, her husband will claim her as his own. That is all I can do.


Father bows and departs without uttering a word.




*Psyche awakens within the opulence of a grand palace.*

SERVANTS: We are but humble servants, at your beck and call, prepared to fulfill
your every desire.

PSYCHE: Who are you? From where do your voices come from? Reveal yourselves. And
where am I?

SERVANTS: Fear not, fair Psyche. We mean you no harm. Simply express your wishes,
and they shall be granted beyond your heart's desire.

PSYCHE: If it is so, where is my husband?

SERVANTS: Tonight, he shall return. Worry not.


*The lights dim.*

*As the lights gradually brighten, Psyche stands at the center, a visage of
concern. A spotlight envelops her as Cupid slowly approaches.*

PSYCHE: Where might my husband be? Night has fallen, yet he has not— *Cupid
gently touches her shoulder, arresting her words.*
CUPID: My beloved wife, here you are at last. There is one thing I must impose upon
you. You must not look at me. Never attempt to see me, for it shall only lead you to

PSYCHE: I do not understand, why—

CUPID: Speak no more, my love. Let happiness be our companion. Promise me,
however, to obey this sole directive.

PSYCHE: Yes, I promise.

*Psyche, seated and idle, inhales the fragrance of a flower.*

SERVANTS: Is there something we can do for you?

PSYCHE: No, but I appreciate your offer.

Alone and devoid of company, I, who once conversed with many, now find myself
isolated. *sighs* Even my husband conceals his appearance from me. *She rises and
ascends the stairs.*

PSYCHE: In the shadows of my solitude, I yearn for the echoes of familiar laughter.
Their faces in my memory. I ache for the embrace of those I once called family.

PSYCHE: My beloved sisters! How I yearn for your presence! *cries

*Cupid enters.*

CUPID: What is your worry, my love?

*Cupid's countenance turns grave.*

PSYCHE: I wish for my sisters to visit me.

CUPID: But I sense impending danger if I permit it.

PSYCHE: Oh, please, allow me. I can't see you, and now I can't even see them? Please,
I implore you!

CUPID: *sighs* Very well, but be cautious.

PSYCHE: Oh, thank you! Thank you!

*She descends to her sisters.*

PSYCHE: My sisters! *She embraces them.*

SISTER 1: How are you? We are worried about you.

PSYCHE: I am well. Come inside; I shall fetch refreshments. *Psyche exits.*

SISTER 2: I am relieved. She deserves none of this.

SISTER 1: The gods have smiled upon her. Where is her husband?

SISTERS: In shadows cast by Psyche’s radiant grace, Envy breeds within our sisterly
Her charm, a beacon, stealing our spotlight,
Jealous hearts in darkness, yearning for light.

*Psyche returns.*

SISTER 2: Dearest Psyche, why have we not seen your husband? It is a bit suspicious.

PSYCHE: My husband leaves in the day and returns in the night. I have not
questioned him, for he forbids it, fearing grave consequences. Yet, I share my nights
by his side.

SISTER 1: Psyche, our concern deepens. We were warned that your husband is a
monstrous creature. You, who haven't laid eyes on him, must act. He may be plotting

SISTER 2: Tonight, as he sleep, light a candle, get a dagger, and pierce his heart. Free

SISTER 1: Darkness is already here; we must depart. Do it, sister, for your own

In a realm bathed in subdued illumination, a symphony of delicate melodies
permeates the air.

Cupid, the ethereal embodiment of love, lies dormant upon a celestial bed,
cradled in the soft embrace of a solitary spotlight. The radiance then gracefully
drifts, caressing the figure of Psyche, poised atop a staircase.

In her hands, a dagger and a luminous vessel flickering with the warm glow of a
candle. She approaches Cupid with measured steps, and as the spotlight
expands, their divine figures converge.

Psyche, with her eyes shuttered, raises the dagger in solemn contemplation. The
gateway to her soul flutters ajar as she gazes upon her beloved. The blade, once
poised, surrenders to the gravity of her revelation.

PSYCHE: I once perceived my husband as a creature of nightmares. Yet, behold, the

truth lies before me like petals in bloom. My husband, the object of my deepest
affections, is none other than the sublime god of love.

Her fingers, an extension of adoration, graze Cupid's divine countenance. In a

moment unscripted, wax from the flickering candle dances, an unwitting
harbinger of pain, as Cupid recoils with an anguished cry.

CUPID: You pledged not to cast your gaze upon me!

Cupid ascends the celestial stairs, cradling the wounded fragment of his essence.

PSYCHE: No, I did not mean it! Forgive me. Wait!


Psyche, a mere echo in the celestial expanse, pursues Cupid. But the path ahead,
a cascade of stairs, becomes an unforgiving terrain. Amidst the echoes of her
sobs, the ethereal lights fade into obscurity.

As the cosmic tapestry gradually reveals its luminescent hues, Psyche's plea
resonates in the aether.

PSYCHE: Cupid! Return to our sacred haven. Where are you? Speak to me, I beg you.
Aphrodite! Aphrodite! I call for you!

Psyche, now a mere silhouette against the cosmic canvas, succumbs to the
weight of solitude, seated and cloaked in sorrow.

PSYCHE: [Whispering to her solitude] A little hope keeps me alive, and despair
shatters my being. [Lifting her gaze to the divine expanse] Yet, in this desperate hour,
one final gambit remains.

VENUS: [Her inner thoughts reverberating] That mortal should be punished!

PSYCHE: [Timidly, addressing the divine] O goddess of love and beauty, grant me your
mercy. I approach as a poor one seeking redemption.

VENUS: [Narrowing her divine gaze] Why should mercy weave itself into the fabric of
your fate, a fate tainted by betrayal?

PSYCHE: [Pleading, her voice a fragile melody] I submit, O goddess, to serve as your
humble vessel. Every command, every decree, I shall obey. Spare me and the one who
once claimed my heart.

VENUS: [Mocking laughter echoing through divine realms] Love, you say? The same
love that withered in the face of infidelity? He abandoned you.

PSYCHE: [Tears, like liquid diamonds, tracing her visage] Love, lingers in my soul.
Permit me the chance to rekindle our affection.

VENUS: [A moment of contemplation] Very well, Psyche. To prove your loyalty, you
shall accomplish three tasks. The first one. By nightfall, these seeds must be in order.
Attend to it, for your own salvation.

Venus departs, leaving the girl alone with the mound of seeds.

PSYCHE: [looks at the heap with trepidation] How can I accomplish this task?

PSYCHE: [sighs] A task so impossible. How may I ever assort these seeds?

ANT 1: [speaking to other ants] Hello Psyche! We are here to help your distressed soul.

PSYCHE: [amazed] Thank you, tiny allies! This task is beyond my skills alone.

The task was accomplished

VENUS: [angry] This is not true! How did you do this?!

VENUS: Well, for my next task. Down there near the riverbank, where the grass
thickens, full of sheep with golden fleece. Retrieve for me their luminescent wool.

PSYCHE: Oh Gods in heaven! How can I fulfill this chore?!

REED: Hello fare Psyche. The sheep, though formidable, rest beside the river at dusk.
Psyche you shall find the golden wool adorning in our prickly grass ends.

PSYCHE: Thank you reeds! This has helped me a lot.

Task 2 accomplished
VENUS: [Angry] Impossible once again! I know you received assistance. For my last
task, I am sure you will not triumph. Observe the dark river from yonder hill, the
source of the dreaded Styx. Fill this flask.

River Styx

PSYCHE: My friend can you help me with this task? I can not do this alone.

Eagle: That is not a bother, Psyche. I will surely help you.

PSYCHE: Gratitude, noble eagle. Once again, you've spared me.

The task was accomplished.

VENUS: THIS IS ATROCIOUS! I cannot let this happen. I shall give you the deadliest
task that will surely challenge you. Convey this casket to the underworld, implore
Proserpine to fill it with her beauty. Inform her it's needed for the care of my son.

*Psyche exits.

PSYCHE: Another problem has come to me. How can I enter the Underworld?

TOWER: Dearest Psyche, grant Charon a coin for passage across the river and give
Cerberus a cake at the palace gates.

*Psyche arrives in the underworld.

PSYCHE: Thank you for your guidance, Persephone. I shall deliver this to Aphrodite.

PSYCHE: (disappointed) My curiosity conquers me. I cannot keep myself opening this
box. What is this? It has nothing inside.

PSYCHE: (feeling lethargic) What is happening to me? *falls unconscious


Cupid enters the scene with an air of delicate determination.

CUPID: Foolish Psyche.

Gently wipes away a trace from her visage, carefully placing it within an ornate
box. Psyche stirs from her slumber.

APHRODITE: Cupid! You shall stay where you are.

CUPID: No, Mother. End your interference. My affection for her is rich. Your influence
will no longer sway my resolve.


ZEUS: Cupid, What brings you here?

CUPID: My mother seeks to separate Psyche, my cherished love, from me. There exists
but one resolution—grant her mortality no more. Zeus, sovereign ruler of gods, I
implore you. Bestow upon her immortality. I yearn for her presence, an eternal

ATHENA: Father, may I express my contemplation on the matter?

ZEUS: Speak, my daughter.

ATHENA: Psyche has tirelessly striven, even unto self-sacrifice, to regain Aphrodite’s
favor and unite with her true love, Cupid. Her resilience echoes. I propose, this alone
grants the gift of immortality.

ZEUS: Very well, let it be known.


PSYCHE: Cupid, my husband!

APHRODITE: Psyche, your endeavors have left a mark upon my expectations. I

confess, you have underscored your part as Cupid's equal. Let us forget our problem,
shall we not?

PSYCHE: Thank you!

A tender embrace envelopes Aphrodite.

ZEUS: Decreed. Cupid, present her. Psyche, partake in this ambrosial essence. This
elixir shall render you immortal at last. With the gods bearing witness, I hereby
announce your union with Cupid.

*Resounding applause resonates through the divine assembly, harmonized by a

symphony of celestial lights and melodic cadence =))
*Cupid embraces Psyche



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