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Business Etiquette Activity

NAME: __Marco Achilles O. Abang____________________

COURSE & YEAR: _____BSN-1F______________________

I. Answer the following questions.

A. During the previous class discussion, among the Business Etiquette practices, which of it
is vital in the workplace if you are the supervisor in an organization. Choose at least 5
etiquettes and why?

1.) Be Polite and Professional in all forms of communication

2.) Always be on time

3.) Dress appropriately

4.) Personal Hygiene

5.) Pay attention to names

As a supervisor, I think it is critical that you establish an environment in which workers are
comfortable enough to work and truly want to work rather than being forced to. It is critical to
maintain a friendly relationship while remaining professional. Being able to present oneself and
represent your department professionally enhances morale in the workplace and improves
employee productivity. With the etiquettes I outlined, I believe that this would be beneficial not
only to the working relationship but also to the company as a whole.

B. Which among the Business Etiquettes do you find it hard to practice on yourself? Why?
"Put your phone away" is the etiquette that I struggle with the most. With the ever-changing
times and the advent of technology, not looking at your phone may be very difficult, especially
given how vital it is in terms of communication. Our phones serve as a source of entertainment,
communication, and comfort for me. When I'm stressed, I listen to music on my phone, when I
need to contact someone, I call them on my phone, and when I'm bored, I watch movies on my
phone. It's a must-have when going out, and it's grown to hold a special place in my heart. As a
result, not having to be with it might be pretty difficult.

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