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Lean is a practice to engage employees at all levels through the four routines of Daily Accountability

Process, Leader Standard Work, Gemba Walks, and Process Confirmation.

Lean major elements Leadership Auditing, Visual Controls, team work, meetings, no redesign

The theory of constraints is a problem-solving methodology that focuses on the weakest link in
a chain of processes.

Who said, "Without standards, there can be no kaizen." Taiichi Ohio.

It is called 5S (or 6S) because each of the practices within the system begin with the letter S: 1) Sort, 2)
Set in Order, 3) Shine, 4) Standardize, 5) Sustain, 6) Safety.

Theory of constraint: increased throughput, reduced operating cost and capacity balanced with

The area on the VSM where data is recorded and presented (C/O, C/T, Eff) is referred to as the Data

Demand Schedules Monday 450, Tuesday 800, Wednesday 750, Thursday 600, Friday 400, With 18
effective hours of daily work, and a TAKT time of 250 seconds/unit, would we meet average daily
demand? : NO.

The Improvement Kata is a pattern of activities for All of the above.

After setting the target condition, the learner is ready to : Analyze root causes for the gap between
target and current conditions

A laminate processing plant has a high level of Muri. What does that mean for employees?: The
employees feel overworked.

Which process improvement diagram, picture, or chart would a lean team use to show if the
improvements implemented in a project are improving over time? : A trend analysis.

A team has been asked to reduce the occurrence of a particular defect. They begin by brainstorming all
possible causes using a: Cause and Effect /Fishbone Diagram.

When eliminating barriers to flow it is useful to develop a diagram that uses graphical symbols to depict
the nature and flow of the steps within a process. This type of diagram is called which of the following? :

Current State process diagram

”Costs do not exist to be calculated; costs exist to be reduced” ~Taiichi Ohno’s

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