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Rajasthan Junior Legal Officer Exam, 2023

Law of Limitation

1. All instruments for the purpose of Limitation Act, 1963 shall be deemed to be made with
reference to -

(a) Gregorian Calendar

(b) English Calendar

(c) Roman Calendar

(d) Swiss Calendar.

2. Section 30 of the Limitation Act provides for –

(a) Suits and any appeal or application for which the period of limitation is longer than that
prescribed by the Indian Limitation Act, 1908
(b) The period of limitation for suits is ninety days while that of an appeal or application preferred
or made is seven years after the commencement of the Act of 1963 or within the period prescribed
for such suits and appeal or application by the Indian Limitation Act, 1908 whichever period expires
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

3. Which of the following is true?

(a) The receipt of the rent or produce of such land in case where mortgaged land is in the possession
of the mortgagee, shall not be deemed to be payment under section 19

(b) Debt under section 19 does not include money payable under a decree or order of a Court

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

4. Section 16 provides for period of limitation in respect of suits by –

(a) legal representatives

(b) pauper
(c) purchaser of property at a sale
(d) insolvents

5. Under section 2(l) of Limitation Act “suit” includes

(a) appeal

(b) application

(c) execution

(d) none of the above.

6. Section 3 of Limitation Act does not apply to

(a) suits

(b) appeals

(c) applications

(d) execution

7. Under section 3, Limitation Act, 1963, a claim by way of is treated as a cross-suit

(a) set-off

(b) counter-claim

(c) set-off or counter-claim

(d) set-off and counter-claim.

8. Section 6 of Limitation Act applies to -

(a) minor

(b) idiot

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above

9. Section 6 of Limitation Act does not apply to

(a) suits

(b) execution of a decree

(c) suits to enforce rights of pre-emption

(d) none of the above.

10. Period of limitation stands extended, by virtue of section 6 of Limitation Act for a maximum
period of

(a) 1 year

(b) 3 years

(c) 6 years

(d) 12 years.

11. Time which has begun to run can be stopped in case of

(a) minority

(b) insanity

(c) idiocy

(d) none of the above.

12. In computing the period of limitation for appeal, review or revision, the time requisite for
obtaining a copy of the decree or order appealed shall be excluded under

(a) section 12(1)

(b) section 12(2)

(c) section 13(3)

(d) section 14(4)

13. In computing the period of limitation for application to set aside an award, the time requisite in
obtaining a copy of the award shall be excluded under

(a) section 12(1)

(b) section 12(2)

(c) section 12(3)

(d) section 12(4)

14. Limitation for filing an appeal commences from

(a) the date of judgment

(b) the date of signing of the decree

(c) the date of application for copy of the judgment

(d) the date of availability of copy of the judgment.

15. Where a suit is filed against a fraud committed by a defendant, the period of limitation for
institution of such suits shall –
(a) begin to run from the date of commission of fraud

(b) begin to run from the time the court fees are paid

(c) not begin to run until Plaintiff has discovered the fraud or mistake

(d) not begin to run until Plaintiff or Applicant has discovered the fraud or mistake or could, with
reasonable diligence, have discovered it.

16. In a suit for declaration, the period of limitation begins to run –

(a) within 3 years from the date when the right to sue first accrues

(b) within 3 years from the filing of the suit

(c) within 3 years from the date of cause of action

(d) None of the above

17. Section 13 of Limitation Act applies to -

(a) suit filed in forma pauperis

(b) appeal filed in forma pauperis

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above

18. Under section 13 of Limitation Act, the time is excluded

(a) if the application for leave to sue or appeal as a pauper is allowed

(b) if the application for leave to sue or appeal as a pauper is rejected

(c) in both the cases

(d) in none of the case

19. Section 15 excludes from computation of limitation

(a) period of notice

(b) time taken in granting previous consent

(c) time taken in grant of sanction

(d) all the above

20. Section 15 does not apply to

(a) suits

(b) appeal

(c) execution application

(d) none of the above

21. Period during which proceedings stand stayed by an injunction or order is excluded

(a) under section 14

(b) under section 15

(c) under section 13

(d) under section 16.

22. Section 15 applies to

(a) suits

(b) execution applications

(c) both suits & execution applications

(d) neither suits nor execution proceedings.

23. Time taken in proceedings to set aside the sale, in suit for possession by a purchaser in
execution, is liable to be excluded

(a) under section 15(4)

(b) under section 15(2)

(c) under section 15(3)

(d) under section 15(1)

24. Section 16 applies to -

(a) suits to enforce rights of pre-emption

(b) suits for possession of immovable property

(c) suits to enforce right to a hereditary office

(d) none of the above.

25. Section 17 takes within its ambit

(a) frauds

(b) mistakes

(c) concealments

(d) all the above

26. Section 17, Limitation Act, 1963, does not apply to

(a) criminal proceedings

(b) civil proceedings

(c) execution proceedings

(d) both (a) and (c)

27. The fraud contemplated by section 17, Limitation Act, 1963 is that of

(a) the plaintiff

(b) the defendant

(c) a third person

(d) either (a) or (b) or (c)

28. The Indian Limitation Act shall apply to –

(a) Marriage proceedings
(b) Divorce proceedings
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

29. Which of the following is true?

(a) Sections 25 and 26 deals with the direct acquisition of rights to easements by adverse possession

(b) Section 27 deals with the indirect acquisition of the ownership of corporeal property by

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

30. In a suit for execution wherein a receiver or interim receiver is appointed, the period of
limitation to be calculated shall be –

(a) the period beginning with the date of institution of such proceeding
(b) the period of 3 months from the date of appointment of such receiver or liquidator
(c) the period beginning with the date of institution of such proceeding for a period of 2 years
(d) None of the above

31. In which of the following cases, oral evidence of an acknowledgement in writing may be given?

(a) oral evidence may be given when the writing containing the acknowledgment is undated

(b) may be given of the time when it was signed and not be given of the contents

(c) Neither (a) nor (b)

(d) Both (a) and (b)

32. Which of the following is true with respect to the declaration relating to an alleged adoption?

(a) The period of limitation to file a suit for declaration relating to alleged adoption is one year

(b)The period of limitation begins when the alleged adoption becomes known to the plaintiff
(c) The period of limitation begins when the alleged adoption takes place

(d)None of the above

33. The period of limitation in a suit filed against a carrier for compensation for non-delivery of or
delay in delivering goods –

(a) is three years

(b) is three years from the date when the loss or injury occurs

(c) is three years from the date of contract for delivery of goods

(d) None of the above

34. The period of limitation in a suit for compensation for malicious prosecution-

(a) is three years

(b) is one year from the date when the plaintiff is convicted

(c) is one year from the date when the prosecution is otherwise terminated

(d) Either (b) or (c)

35. In a suit, the period of limitation for recording an adjustment or satisfaction of a decree is –

(a)thirty days from the date when the payment or adjustment is made

(b) sixty days from the date when the payment or adjustment is made

(c) ninety days from the date when the payment or adjustment is made

(d) None of the above

36. Under section 25, the easement rights are acquired by continuous & uninterrupted user

(a) for 12 years

(b) for 20 years

(c) for 30 years

(d) for 3 years

37. Under section 25, the easement rights over the property belonging to the Government are
acquired by continuous & uninterrupted user

(a) for 12 years

(b) for 20 years

(c) for 30 years

(d) for 60 years

38. Which of the following is true?

(a) The period of limitation for leave to appeal as a pauper to the High Court is sixty days from the
date of decree appealed from

(b) The period of limitation for leave to appeal as a pauper to any other Court is thirty days from the
date of decree appealed from

(c)Both (a) and (b)

(d)Neither (a) nor (b)

39.The period of limitation in case of review to any Court, other than the Supreme Court -

(a) is thirty days from the date of the decree or order of sentence sought to be reviewed

(b) is sixty days from the date of the decree or order of sentence sought to be reviewed

(c) is ninety days from the date of the decree or order of sentence sought to be reviewed

(d) is one year from the date of the decree or order of sentence sought to be reviewed

40. A suit for possession of immovable property based on title can be filed -

(a) within one year

(b) within three years

(c) within twelve years

(d) within six months

41. For a suit filed by or on behalf of Central Government or any State Government, the period of
limitation is -

(a) one year

(b) three years

(c) twelve years

(d) thirty years

42. Under section 21, a suit is deemed to have been instituted, in case of a new plaintiff
impleaded/added -

(a) on the date on which the new plaintiff is impleaded

(b) on the date on which the suit was initially instituted

(c) on the date on which the application for impleading a new plaintiff is made

(d) none of the above

43. Section 12 provides for exclusion of time in legal proceedings. Such proceedings are related to –

(a) Application for Revision of Judgment

(b) Application for Leave to appeal

(c) Application for Review of Judgment

(d) All of the above

44. In computing the period of limitation in case of a pauper suit, the application for leave to sue as
a pauper -

(a) must be made and rejected

(b) must be made within a prescribed period

(c) must be accepted

(d) must be made

45. The Court shall exclude the time during which the plaintiff has been prosecuting with due
diligence another civil proceeding where –

(a) the proceeding does not relate to the same matter in issue

(b) the proceeding is prosecuted in good faith by the Court on account of defect in jurisdiction

(c) in the earlier proceeding the suit was dismissed after hearing on merits

(d) All of the above

46. Which of the following shall be excluded from the time during which an injunction order is
passed in a suit for execution?

(a) The time of continuance of the injunction

(b) The day on which it was issued

(c) The day on which the time of operation of injunction expires.

(d) All of the above

47. Section 15 provides for exclusion of time in respect of –

(a) a suit for possession by a purchaser at sale in execution of a decree

(b) suit or application for execution of a decree by any receiver

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

48. In computing the period of limitation for any suit -

(a) the time during which a proceeding to set aside the sale has been prosecuted shall be excluded

(b) the time during which the defendant has been absent from India and from the territories outside
India under the administration of the Central Government shall be excluded

(c) the time during which the execution proceedings are stayed by an order of injunction are to be

(d) All of the above

49. Which section provides for the effect of acknowledgment in writing?

(a) Section 17

(b) Section 16

(c) Section 18

(d) Section 19

50. Section 16 provides for period of limitation in respect of suits by –

(a) pauper

(b) purchaser of property at a sale

(c) insolvents

(d) None of the above

51. Where a suit is filed against a fraud committed by a defendant, the period of limitation for
institution of such suits shall –

(a) begin to run from the date of commission of fraud

(b) begin to run from the time the court fees are paid

(c) begin to run from the time the defendant has discovered the fraud or mistake

(d) None of the above

52. The Court is empowered to extend the time for execution of a decree or order under section 17-

(a) upon the application made by the Judgment creditor before expiry of the period of


(b) in case where the judgment debtor has, by fraud or force, prevented the execution of a decree or
order within the limitation

(c) Such application must be made within one year from the date of the discovery of the fraud or the
cessation of the force, as the case may be

(d) Both (b) and (c)

53. In which of the following cases, oral evidence of an acknowledgement in writing may be given?

(a) oral evidence may be given of the time when it was signed

(b) oral evidence may be given of the time when it was signed and not be given of the contents

(c) oral evidence may be given of it’s contents

(d) oral evidence cannot be given of time when the acknowledgment was signed and of the contents

54. Under section 18, an application for the execution of a decree or order –

(a) shall be deemed to be an application in respect of any property or right

(b) shall not be deemed to be an application in respect of any property or right

(c) may be deemed to be an application in respect of any property or right

(d) none of the above

55. Which of the following is true?

(a) In the case of a continuing breach of contract, a fresh period of limitation begins to run at every
moment of the time during which the breach continues

(b) In the case of a suit for compensation for an act which does not give rise to a cause of action
unless some specific injury actually results therefrom, the period of limitation shall be computed
from the time when the injury results

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

56. Acknowledgment of debt made in criminal proceedings before the expiration of the period of
limitation –

(a) is valid under section 18 of the Indian Limitation Act

(b) is not valid under section 18 of the Indian Limitation Act

(c) is valid under section 19 of the Indian Limitation Act

(d) None of the above

57. A minor can institute a suit within –

(a) 4 years from the date of cessation of disability

(b) The limitation period as prescribed in second column of the schedule

(c) 2 years from the date of cessation of disability

(d) None of the above

58. The period of limitation in case of a suit for specific performance of the contract –

(a) is three years from the date fixed for the performance

(b) is one year from the date when the plaintiff has notice that performance is refused

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

59. Under the Act, the term "applicant" has been defined to include-

(a) a petitioner

(b) any person from or through whom an applicant derives his right to apply

(c) any person whose estate is represented by the applicant as executor, administrator or other

(d) All of the above

60. Which of the following is true?

(a) The term application has not been defined under the Act

(b) The term "application" includes a petition

(c) The term "application" excludes a petition

(d) None of the above

61. The term "bill of exchange" includes -

(a) a hundi

(b) a cheque

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

62. The term "bond" includes any instrument whereby a person obliges himself to pay money to
another, on condition that the obligation shall be _____ if a specified act is performed, or is not
performed, as the case may be


(b) Valid

(c) Voidable

(d) None of the above

63. Under the Act, "defendant" includes-

(a) any person from or through whom a defendant derives his liability to be sued

(b) any person whose estate is represented by the defendant as executor, administrator or other

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

64. Under the Act, the term "easement" is defined under -

(a) Section 2(j)

(b)Section 2(f)

(c) Section 2(l)

(d) Section 2(m)

65. Which of the following is true?

(a) The term good faith is not defined under the Act

(b) The term good faith is defined as nothing shall be deemed to be done in good faith which is not
done with due care and attention

(c) The term good faith is defined as nothing shall be deemed to be done in good faith which is not
done with due care or attention

(d) None of the above

66. Under the Act, "plaintiff" includes-

(a) any person from or through whom a plaintiff derives his right to sue;

(b) any person whose estate is represented by the plaintiff as executor, administrator or other

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

67. Which of the following is true?

(a) The term "period of limitation" is defined under section 2(j)

(b) The term "period of limitation" means the period of limitation prescribed for any suit, appeal or
application by the Schedule

(c) The term "prescribed period" means the period of limitation computed in accordance with the
provisions of this Act

(d)All of the above

68. "Promissory note" has been defined under -

(a) Section 2(j)

(b)Section 2(k)

(c) Section 2(l)

(d) Section 2(m)

69. Under the Act, "tort" means a civil wrong which is not exclusively the
(a) breach of a contract or the breach of a trust

(b) breach of contract

(c) breach of trust

(d) breach of contract and breach of trust

70. The term "trustee" does not include -

(a) a benamidar

(b) a mortgagee remaining in possession after the mortgage has been satisfied

(c) a person in wrongful possession without title

(d) all of the above

71. Which of the following is true?

(a) Where the prescribed period for any suit, appeal or application expires on a day when the court
is closed, the suit, appeal or application may be instituted, preferred or made on the day when the
court re-opens.

(b) A court shall be deemed to be closed on any day if during any part of its normal working hours it
remains closed on that day

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

72. Which section of the Act provides for extension of prescribed period in certain cases.

(a) Section 4

(b) Section 5

(c) Section 6

(d) Section 8

73. The period of limitation in case of a suit for an account and a share of the profits of a dissolved
partnership is –

(a) Two years from the date of the dissolution.

(b) One year from the date of the dissolution.

(c) Three years from the date of the dissolution.

(d) Neither (a) nor (b) nor (c)

74. Which of the following provides for Suits relating to Accounts?

(a) Part I

(b)Part II

(c) Part III

(d) Part IV

75. Which of the following provides for Suits relating to Contracts?

(a) Part I

(b)Part II

(c) Part III

(d) Part IV

76. The period of limitation in case of a suit for a seaman’s wages is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years from the end of the voyage during which the wages are earned.

(d) Neither (a) nor (b) nor (c)

77. The period of limitation in case of a suit by a surety against the principal debtor’s is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Three years from the date when the surety pays the creditor

78. The period of limitation in case of a suit by a surety against a co-surety is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Six Months

79. The period of limitation in case of a suit for the profits of immovable property belonging to the
plaintiff which have been wrongfully received by the defendant is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Twelve Years

80. The period of limitation in case of a suit for arrears of rent is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years from the date when the arrears become due.

(d) Six years

81. Which of the following provides for Suits relating to Declarations?

(a) Part I

(b)Part II

(c) Part III

(d) Part IV

82. The period of limitation in case of a suit to declare the forgery of an instrument issued or
registered is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Ten Years

83. The period of limitation in case of a suit to obtain any other declaration is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Three years from the date when the right to sue first accrues

84. The period of limitation in case of a suit to cancel or set aside an instrument or decree or for the
rescission of a contract is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Six Months

85. Which of the following provides for Suits relating to Decrees and Instruments ?

(a) Part I

(b)Part II

(c) Part III

(d) Part IV

86. Which of the following provides for Suits relating to Immovable Property?

(a) Part I

(b)Part II

(c) Part IV

(d) Part V

87. The period of limitation in case of a suit by a mortgagor to redeem or recover possession of
immovable property mortgaged is –

(a) Two years

(b) Ten year

(c) Thirty years

(d) Three years

88. The period of limitation in case of a suit to recover possession of immovable property
mortgaged and afterwards transferred by the mortgagee for a valuable consideration is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Twelve years

(d) Three years

89. The period of limitation in case of a suit to enforce payment of money secured by a mortgage or
otherwise charged upon immovable property is –

(a) Two years from the date when the money sued for becomes due

(b) One year from the date when the money sued for becomes due

(c) Three years from the date when the money sued for becomes due

(d)Twelve years from the date when the money sued for becomes due

90. The period of limitation in case of a suit by a mortgagee for foreclosure is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Ten years

(d) Thirty years

91. The period of limitation in case of a suit by a mortgagee for possession of immovable property
mortgaged is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Twelve Years

92. The period of limitation in case of a suit for possession of immovable property based on
previous possession and not on title, when the plaintiff while in possession of the property has been
dispossessed is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Twelve years

(d) Three years from the date of dispossession

93. The period of limitation in case of a suit by a landlord to recover possession from a tenant is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Twelve Years

94. Which of the following provides for Suits relating to Movable Property?

(a) Part I

(b)Part V

(c) Part III

(d) Part VI

95. The period of limitation in case of a suit for compensation for false imprisonment is –

(a) Two years from the date when the imprisonment ends

(b) Six Years from the date when the imprisonment ends

(c) One year from the date when the imprisonment ends

(d) Three years from the date when the imprisonment ends

96. The period of limitation in case of a suit for compensation for libel is –

(a) Two years from the date when the libel is published

(b) One year from the date when the libel is published

(c) Three years from the date when the libel is published

(d) Three years from the date when the surety pays the creditor

97. The period of limitation in case of a suit for compensation for slander is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Six Months

98. The period of limitation in case of a suit for compensation for wrongful seizure of movable
property under legal process is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year

(c) Three years

(d) Six Months

99. The period of limitation in case of a suit for compensation for diverting a water-course is –

(a) Two years from the date of the diversion

(b) One year from the date of the diversion

(c) Three years from the date of the diversion

(d) Six months from the date of the diversion

100. The period of limitation in case of a suit for compensation for trespass upon immovable
property is –

(a) Two years

(b) One year from the date of the trespass

(c) Four years

(d) Three years from the date of the trespass


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