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Roll No.941o 2oocb.


B.Tech-4th Year (EE) First Class Test, (Odd Sem) 2022-23
Subject Code:-KEE077 Subject Name:- POWER SY PROTEC.
Time: 1:00 Hours Total Marks: 30

Note:-Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Q1. Attempt all parts: (6/2=12)
A- What is application of directional relay? (CO 2)
B- What is wave trap? (CO 1)
R- What is unit protection? (CO1)
B- What is backup protection? (CO 1)
E- What is IDMT? (CO 1)
K- Explain differential relay? (CO2)


Q2. Atempt any three questions: (4%3=12)

AA relay is connected to a 400/5 A current transformer and set for
150%. The primary fault current of 2400A.calculate the PSM.
(CO 2)

B- Thecurrent rating of a relay is 5A. PSM=1.5, TMS=0.4, C.I.

ratio=400/5, fault current-6000A. determine operating time of
relay at TMS=1, operating time at various PSM are (CO2)
PSM 4 5 8 10 20

Operating 10 5 4 3 2.8 2.4

in sec.
L- Explain differential relay and gives the application. (CO 2)
- Explain 220/132 kV sub-station protecting equipment
Arrangement. (CO1)

Q3.,Attempt any one questions: (6x1=6)
X Explain the characteristics of relay and also explain relation
Between C.B. and relay. (C0 2)

B- Explain shaded pole relay and TMS relay.

(CO 1)
B.Tech-4th Year (EE) Second Class Test, (Odd Sem) 2022-23

Subject Code:-KEE077 Subject Name:- POWER SY PROTEC.

Time: 1:00 Hours Total Marks: 30

Note:- AlI Questions are compulsory.

Q1. Attempt all parts: (2x6=12)
A. Define Buckholts relay. (CO 3)
B. What do you understand by the term "Current Chopping"? (CO 4)
E. Define breaking capacity of a circuit breaker. (CO 4)
D. Define OFF-SET MHO relay. (CO 3)
E. What is operating sequence or duty cycle of C.B.? (CO 4)
F. What is Recovery Voltage? (CO 4)

Q2. Attempt any three questions: (4x3=12)

A. Discuss the properties of SF6 which makes it most suitable for circuit
breakers. (CO 4)
B Describe briefly various method of fault detection. (C0 3)
"C Describe the construction, operating principle and application of
vacuum circuit breaker. What are its advantages over other circuit
breakers? (CO 4)
D. What do you understand by Carrier Current Protection scheme? Explain
Phase Comparison Carrier Current Protection in detail. (CO3)

3. Attempt any one questions: (6x1=6)

A. In 220kV system, the reactance and capacitance up to the location of
Circuit breaker is 8 ohms and 0.025 micro fared, respectively.
A resistance of 600 ohms is connected across the contacts of the circuit
breaker. Determine the following:
(a) Natural frequency of oscillation
(b) Damped frequency of oscillation
(c) Critical value of resistance which will give no transient oscillation
(d) The value of resistance which will give damped frequency of
oscillation, one-fourth of the natural frequency of oscillation
B. What are the different methods of testing circuit breakers? Discuss their
merits and demerits. Which method is more suitable for testing the
circuit breakers of large capacity? (CO 4)
Roll No. oB4 Ao 2 oo


B.Tech-4th (EE) CT1, (Odd Sem) 2022-23
Subject Code:-KEE074 Subject Name:- Power Quality and FACTS
Time: 1:00 Hours Total Marks: 30

Note: Al Questions are compulsory.


Q1. Attempt all parts: (6*2=12)

A. Define the term Power Quality". (CO1)
B. Define the term "Transient". (Co1)
C. What do you understand by short duration variation? (CO1)
D. What do you understand by long duration variation? (Co1)
E. What do you understand by DCOffset? (Co1)
F. What do you understand by Voltage fluctuation? (Co1)
Q2. Attempt any three questions: (C01) (3*412)
.A. What is long duration Voltage Variation? How we can classify it?
B. What is short duration Voltage Variation? How we can classify it?
e Differentiate between Impulsive transient and Oscillatory transient.
D. What do you understand by Voltage Imbalance? How it will affect the
electric power quality?

Q3. Attempt any one questions: (1*6=6)

,A. What do youunderstand by Waveform Distortion? Discuss its type and
their effects on power quality. (COi)
B. What do you understand by Power Frequency Variation? Discuss the
common power frequency disturbances with suitable examples.(CO1)
Roll No. lo s422dode1
B.Tech-4th (EE)CT2, (Odd Sem) 2022-23
Subject Code:-KEE074 Subject Name:- Power Quality and FACTS
Time: 1:00 Hours Total Marks: 30

Note: All Questions are compulsory.


Q1. Attempt all parts: (6*2=12)

A. What are the different sources causing voltage sag. (CO2)
B. How to calculate sag severity during full voltagestarting? (CO2)
C. Define voltage regulator and state its type. (C02)
D. What are the sources of transient overvoltage? (CO3)
E. Explain clamping device. (CO3)
F. Write the advantages of using capacitor bank in a power system. (CO3)
Q2. Attempt any three questions: (3*4=12)
A Describe the Rotary UPS with the help of block diagram. (CO2)
B. How the fault clearing issues in voltage sag and interruption can be
C. Howutilities can deal with problems related to capacitor switching
.D. Summarize the methods to reduce the effects of overvoltage transients.
Q3. Attempt any one questions:
A. Write short notes on the following and also state their (1*6=6)
uses: (CO2)
[il Lsolation transformer [ii] Voltage regulator [ii]
Active series
B. Explain power factor improvement using
capacitor switching transients.
No of Pages :2


B. Tech-4th (CS/EEIEL) CT2, (Odd Sem) 2022-23
Subject Code: -KHU-701 Subject Name: -Rural Development
Administration &Planning
Time: 1:00 Hours Total Marks: 30

Note: All Questions are compulsory.


Q1. Attempt all parts: (6x2=12)

A. What is the concept of self-help groups? (C04, K3)
B. What is the nutritional status? (C04, K1)
C. What is the need and importance of rural industrialization? (CO5, K2)
D. How can technology help rural India? (CO3, K3)
E. Discuss Structure of rural finance. (CO3, K4)
F. How can technology help rural India? (CO5, K5)


Q2. Attempt any three questions: (4x3=12)

A. What is thedifference between CBO and NGO? (C03, KI)
B. What is rural entrepreneurship and what is its need? (CO5, K2)
K. What are the major challenges faced by HRD for rural development?
(C04, K4)
measuring nutritional
D. What are the different tools and methods for
status in the community? (C04, K5)


Q3. Attempt any one questions: (6x1-6)

A. What is the role of women entrepreneurship in rural
(CO4, K2)
with respect to
B. Rural Industries under Make in India: Explain
Government's Schemes.
(COs, K5)
RollNo. 13|so2olo o6i
No of Pages :2


B.Tech-4th (CS/EE/EL) CT1, (0dd Sem) 2022-23
Subject Name:-Rural Development:
Subject Code:-KHU-701
Administration &Planning
Total Marks: 30
Time: 1:00 Hours

Note: AlI Questions are compulsory.


QI. Attempt all parts: (6x2-12)

A. What is the basic importance of rural development for creation
of sustainable livelihoods in India? (CO-1, K-1)
B. What are the main objectives of SriNiketan experiment?
C. What are the main features of Gurgaon experiment? (CO-2, K-2)
D. Discuss National Social Assistance Programme(NSAP) (CO-1,K-2)
’E. Discuss in brief about MGNREGA. (CO-1, K-2)
F. What was Gandhian view of self-sufficient Village Economy?
(CO-2, K-1)


Q2. Attempt any three questions: (4x3=12)

A.What are the maincomponents of rural development? (CO-1, K-2)
.What is Nilokheri development project? (CO-2,K-1)
(CO-1, K-2)
C. Explain PMGSY.
(CO-1, K-2)
p Problems associated with rural development. Discuss Page:(2]


Q3. Attempt any one questions: (6x1-6)

A. How can yousay that Gram Sabha is the basic unit of Panchayat Raj
B.What are the policiesand programs for rural development?
(CO-1, K-1)

v ILIIe help of di:

Printed Pages:02 Sub Code: KEE074

Paper ld: 231775 Roll No.Ao41o2 oo lob1

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 10 = 20

(a) What is the meaning of power quality disturbances?

(b) What are the causes of sags and swell?
(C) Name two types of sag mitigation devices.
(d) What is the importance of estimating sag performance?
(e) What are the types of transient over voltages?
() Define effect of capacitor switching transients on network?
(g) Define the need of FACTScontrollers in the power system.
(h) Draw VIcharacteristics of SVC. 1 4 8 . 1 4 3

(i) Mention the harmonic sources from industrialLloads.

(i) What is harmonic index? State it's significant

2. Attempt any three of the following:
ká) Discuss about the Power Quality Evaluation Procedure. Explain General Classes
of Power Quality Problems.
(b) Discuss about the Inforrmation Technology Industry Council (1TIC). Explain
about the events described in the curve.
(c) Define lightning? Explain in detail about the surge arrestors and surge
sd), Discuss in detail about the types of facts controllers with diagram.
Je What are the two important harmonic indices used in power system? Explain
about it briefly

3. Attempt any one part of the following:
(a) Explain short duration voltage variation and its mitigation technique with
suitable example
6) Define wavefornm distortion?RExplain the waveform distortion categories.
4 Attempt any one part of the following:
(a) Discuss briefly about the Static Transfer Switches. How it is used tominimizing the
severity of sags?
6) Explain the following sag mitigation techniques.
() Hybrid UP with energy storage
(ii) Flywheel wheel energy storage

QP23DP1 841 | 17-01-2023 13-28:07 | 47.9.148 143

5. Attempt any one part of the following:
(a) What is the range of current induced due to lightning stroke? Explain in detail the
mechanism of iightning
(b) Explain briefly about the fundamental principles of overvoltage protection of load

Attempt any one part of the following:

a) Explain the operation of DSTATCOM used for sag mitigation. Compare STATCOM and
(b) What is static VAR System? Explain its advantages and applications

Attempt any one part of the following:
(a) What is harmonic filter? Write the short notes on the benefits of active harmonic filter
(by Explain for the following terms in detail :
(1) individual and total harmonic distortion
(1) Zig-zag transformer

Q P 2 3
1 D
8 P
4 1

4 71. 9
4 1
8 4
. 3

| 1 7 - 0 1 - 2
1 0
3 2
: 2
3 8 : 0 7

OP230P1 8411701-2025 28 07 479 148 142

Sub Code:KEE077
Printed Pages:2 Joel
Paper Id: 231359 Roll No.14091o 2lo
Total Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
2 x 10= 20
1. Attempt all questions in brief.
(a) What are the types of protection relays?
(b) What is summation transformer?
(c) Why Buchholz relay is called gas actuated relay?
(d) What are the advantages of differential relay?
(e) Discuss about the different kind of fault and their effects.
() Explain Pilot protection schemes.
(g) What are the steps in test procedure?
(h) Explain the properties of arc.
(i) Why logic circuit used in protection system?
) Write the advantages of computer based protection system.

10 30
2 Attempt any three of the following:

Explain need of power system protection. What are the different attributes of
protection system? Explain in brief 41
(b Explain following relays:
(i) Shaded pole type induction disc relay
(i) Induction cup type relay
(c) Draw the schematic ofa Merz-price circulating method of protecting an alternator
.Explain the operating principle.
(d) Draw & describe the construction, working principle of vacuum circuit breaker.
Explain the working principle of electronic relay and its advantages.

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x 1= 10

(2) What is meant by primary protection? Why is back-up required? Discuss different
types of back-up protection
(b What are the essential qualities of protective relays? Explain classification of
protective scheme.

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x 1= 10

Describe the operating principle, constructional features and arca of applications

distance relays or directional relay
(b) Explain stepped a time-distance characteristics of three distance relaying units used
for first, second and third zones of protection.

QP23DP1 841 |11-01-2023 13:31:331 117.201 253.5

5. Attempt any one partof the following: 10 x 1= 10

(a) Briefly explain the various methods of overvoltage protection of overhead

transmission line
(b Explain in detail about the operating principle of reverse power protection of
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x 1= 10

(8 Briefly explain about the re-striking voltage transient and the arc interruption
(b) Write the short notes on:
(1) SF6 Circuit breaker
(i) Bulk oil Circuit breaker

7. Atempt any one part of the following: 10 x 1= 10

With the help of neat & clean diagram explain the microprocessor based digital
1 1 7 . 2 0 1 . 2 5 3 . 5

static relay protection system.

(b) What is level detector? Explain PNP and NPN transistor as level detector.
Q P 2 3 D P 1

1 3 : 3 1 : 3 3

1 1 - 0 1 - 2 0 2 3

QP23DP1_841 |11-01-2023 13:31:33 |

Printed Pages: 02 Sub Code:KHU-701

Paper ld: 2 3 1 o 6s Roll No.9 o8 4 1 o2 o d 6 1

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: Attempt allSections. If you require any missing data, then choose suitably.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2x10 = 20

(a) State the mandate of MGNREGA.

(b) List out the various policies or program for social security of rural
sector undertaken by government of India.
(c)) Enlist various approaches to achieve rural community development.
(d) State the basic elements of Gandhian approach to rural community
(e) State the role of Article 73 in emergence and growth of PRIs in India.
2 0 . 5 3

() Explain the objectives of Regional Rural Banks.

(g) Describe the significance of nutritional status in rural development.
(h) Explain the need for human resource development (HRD) in rural
(i) Describe the significance of rural industrialization.
() State the scope of women entrepreneurship in rural sector.


2. Attempt any three of the following: 10x3 = 30

(a) Explain the need and importance of rural development in India.

(by Explain the reasons behind successful outcomes of Nilokheri
(c) Describe the structure of Panchayti Raj Institutions in India along with
the role and functions of each level:
Explain the significance of various dimensions of HRD for rural
(e Describe the Gandhian approach to rural industrialization.


3. Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1 = 10

sa Explain the basic elements of rural development in detail.

(b) Describe in detail any one policy or program undertaken by
government of India for ruraldevelopment in agriculture sector.
4. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x1 = 10

Describe the major initiatives of Gurgaon and Marthandam experiment.

(b) Explain in detail the various elements of Tagorian approach to rural
development with major emphasis on Sriniketan experiment.
5. 10x1 = 10
Attempt any one part of the following:

(a) Explain the structure of rural finance in India along with the functioning of
Describe the role and functioning of CBOs and SHGs in rural development.

6. Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1 = 10

a Describe the importance of access to various basic amenities for rural

Explain the concept of population composition and the role of
population pyramids for understanding population of a country.

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1 = 10

Describe the role and benefits of rural entrepreneurshipin rural

(b) Explain the various problems and issues in development of rural
Printed Pages: 02 Sub Code:KOE-074

Paper Id: 3 1| 6 Roll No.

o 2o
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: Attempt all Sections. If you require any missing data, then choose suitably.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 10 = 20

(a) State the importance of solar cells.

(b) Define the scope of Renewable energy.
(C) Comment on Solar radiation and its benefits.
(d) State Solar Irradiance and sun peak hours.
(e Enlist the sources of Geothermal energy in our environment.
Enlist the types of MHD system.
(g) State Thermo ionic conversions.
(h) Define briefly about cut in speed and tip speed ratio.
(i) Enlist 2 advantages of Anaerobic digestiÍn . 1 9 7 . 7 5

Define Methanogenesis.

2. Attempt any three of the following: 10 x3-0
(ay Discuss briefly about) various conventional energy resources with
renewable energy.
6 Explain in detail abont Solar cell power plant and its applicaiohs
(c) Illustrate briefly about different geothermal energy resorces and
mention its direct uses.
Examine in brief about the tidal and wave energy mechanism
(e) State Briefly about Solid Biomass, Liquid biofuels -and Biogas
generation process. 13
3. Attemptany one part of the following: 10x 1 = 10
(a} Explain Renewable Energy and its elassification with the help of flow
chart also State Solar absorption radiation and the conversion process
happening directly from the stn. Enlist the parameters for achieving
high efficiency.
(b) Discuss in detail \aboút Solar Thermal Power plant and its
methodological processwith suitable process flow diagram.
4. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x1= 10
Explain the working of Solar Flat plate collectors with the help of a
diagram and briefly explain its components
(b) Describe in detail about solar concentrators and the process involved in
the making of solar concentrators with the help of diagrams.

QP23DP1 841 09-01-2023 13:34:18 |

5. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 x1= 10

(a) Explain in detail about Flash steam and Dry steam plant systematic
process with clear flow chart diagram.

(b) Ilustrate in detail about MHD Power generation system. Classify its
systems with clear flow chart diagram, applications and its uses.
10 x 1 = 10
6. Attempt any one part of the following:
á) Explain Wind energy and its importance in detail. Describe
about the main components of the windmill.
(b) State Thermo-electrical conversions towards field. Discuss in detail
about performance and limitations of thermoelectric power generator.

10 x 1 = 10
7. Attempt any one part of the following:
Describe in detail about Anaerobic digestion and its Process steps in
(b) Explain in detail about OTEC and its types.
Q P 2 3 D P 1 _ 8 4 1
4 7 . 1 5 . 1 9 7 . 7 5

1 3 : 3 4 : 1 8

0 9 - 0 1 - 2 0 2 3

QP23DP1 841 09-01-2023 13:34:18 |

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