Psy 204 Protocol Analysis - Student College Admission

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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Academic Year 2020-2021

Program/ Major : MOP/MAP

Course Code : PSY 204
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



• Name of Student: Student: Chrischelle Bulgado Calvadores

• Gender: Female
• Date of Birth: December 23, 1995
• Address: Brgy. Bagong Silang, Babatngon, Leyte
• Contact Number: +639227733355
• Email Address:


The student is seeking admission to Leyte Normal University and has been referred for a
psychological assessment to gain insights into their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning.
The purpose of this assessment is to ensure that the student is well-suited for the academic challenges
and social environment of Leyte Norman University under the program Bachelor of Secondary
Education major in Values Education.


Developmental History: Born under optimal prenatal conditions with her mother prioritizing a
healthy lifestyle, had no reported exposure to smoking, caffeine, or alcohol. Born at full term with a
normal birth weight, she showed on-track developmental milestones. However, given the family
history of asthma on her mother's side, there were ongoing concerns about her respiratory health.
Regular check-ups and monitoring were initiated to address potential challenges.

Medical History: She has been hospitalized few times at EVRMC due to incidents of nosebleeds and
dengue. While her asthma is not severe, she maintains it with regular medication intake, and there is
a prescribed regimen for red blood cell support. These medical factors collectively contribute to her
comprehensive health profile.

Psychiatric History: has no recorded psychiatric history. However, she has mentioned seeking a few
school counseling sessions in response to stress related to family issues. It's important to note that
these counseling sessions were not indicative of problematic mental health concerns.

Educational History: recently graduated with high honors from Senior High School after starting
her academic journey with honors in Junior High School at Pagsulhugon National High School,
Babatngon, Leyte. Aspiring to be a Values Education teacher, she prioritizes instilling ethical values
and empowering students. she achieved distinction by winning the Best Research Paper at the SHS
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


Research Paper Defense and Presentation. Beyond academics, she serves as the SK Barangay
Secretary and volunteers at the local church, showcasing a well-rounded educational experience
focused on personal and community development.


a. Intelligence Test:
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test Date of Administration: June 7, 2023

Memory: Chrischelle earned a Memory index score of 97, signifying an average performance at
the 42nd percentile compared to her peers. Notably, her Memory score stands out as a strength
relative to her Reasoning index scores, indicating proficiency in tasks involving recall of multiple
features simultaneously. She faced no challenges in tasks related to discrimination, labeling,
organization, and categorization within the Memory composite subtests.

Reasoning: In the Reasoning composite, consisting of Analogic Reasoning and Cube Design
subtests, she scored 88, classifying her performance as Below Average, ranking at the 21st
percentile. Notably, her Reasoning score is significantly weaker than her Memory and
Quantitative scores. She faced challenges in tasks involving pattern processing, visual-spatial
awareness, and understanding geometric relationships, but there was no significant difference
between the subtest scores within this scale.

Quantitative: Her quantitative reasoning outshines her nonverbal reasoning, showcasing a more
advanced development. Chrischelle excels in processing and manipulating systematically taught
relationships, demonstrating greater strength compared to her ability to incidentally discover and
use information. Moreover, her proficiency in utilizing numerical facts and processes for problem-
solving surpasses her ability to apply general facts and processes in similar activities.
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


b. Personality Assessment:
16 Personality Factor Test Date of Administration: June 7, 2023

Extraversion Sten 7- She is more extroverted than the majority, actively engaging in social
interactions and likely enjoying activities that involve others. She dedicates energy to initiating
and sustaining social relationships.
Independence Sten 7 – Typically, Chrischelle opts for an independent and self-directed lifestyle.
Although she can occasionally accommodate others' wishes, she tends to assert control or attempt
to persuade others to align with her perspective.
Tough-Mindednes Sten 3 - She tends to appreciate a wide range of experiences, showing
openness to different ideas, people, or situations. When addressing problems, she may prioritize
subjective or emotional considerations over cold, hard facts.
Self-Control Sten 5 - At times, she demonstrates the self-discipline and conscientiousness
required to fulfill her responsibilities. On other occasions, she may be less restrained and more
inclined to follow her own desires.
Anxiety Sten 5 - Currently, she perceives herself as having a level of anxiety that is neither higher
nor lower than the average person. She believes she can handle life's demands with a level of
calmness similar to most individuals and tends to be trusting and accepting of other people and
their motives. She is no more prone to self-doubt or self-criticism than the average person. Overall,
she typically presents a composed demeanor, yet she possesses a sense of urgency that allows her
to meet the demands placed on her.

c. Career Assessment
The Holand Codes (RIASEC) Career Test Date of Administration: June 7, 2023

Artistic = 9
Chrischelle exhibits personality traits aligned with Artistic individuals, expressing herself through
various modes such as art, music, design, writing, acting, and composing. Similar to Artistic
individuals, she may display an adventurous and open-minded nature, occasionally being
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


immersed in thoughts and ideas linked to the creative process. Optimal performance for
Chrischelle may occur in an unstructured and flexible environment. It is worth investigating
whether she has an appreciation for aesthetics and possesses talents in art, design, or music.
Potential occupational fields include art, music, design, theater, and writing.
Investigative = 7
Chrischelle shares traits with Investigative individuals, displaying strong reasoning and problem-
solving skills. She tends to be curious, critical, and may prefer independent work. Chrischelle is
likely interested in scientific ideas and theories, making exploration of research or complex
problem-solving valuable.
Occupational fields: Science, Math, Research, Medicine and Health, Computer Science.
Social = 7
Chrischelle exhibits Social characteristics, enjoying association with others in a warm and
sympathetic manner. She is comfortable with diverse views, making her suitable for roles
involving regular social interaction.
Occupational fields: Teaching, Counseling, Psychology, Social Work, Health Services.
Degree of compatibility between top two themes (Artistic and Investigative): Highly
compatible, suggesting common jobs involving both areas for Chrischelle.

V. Recommendations:

Based on the comprehensive psychological assessment conducted on Chrischelle Bulgado Calvadores, it

is evident that she possesses a well-rounded profile that aligns with her academic aspirations in pursuing
a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Values Education at Leyte Normal University.

Chrischelle's cognitive abilities, as assessed through the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test, reveal a
balanced performance. While her Memory index score of 97 indicates proficiency in tasks involving recall
of multiple features simultaneously, her Reasoning index score of 88, though below average, is
complemented by her strength in quantitative reasoning. This suggests that Chrischelle can effectively
navigate the academic challenges of her chosen program.

Her personality assessment, as evaluated through the 16 Personality Factor Test, indicates a combination
of traits that align with her academic and social goals. Her extraverted nature, independence, and openness
to experiences make her well-suited for social interactions and creative endeavors. Additionally, her
inclination towards investigative traits suggests strong reasoning and problem-solving skills, valuable for
academic pursuits in Science, Math, Research, Medicine, and Computer Science.

Moreover, the career assessment using the Holland Codes (RIASEC) Career Test highlights Chrischelle's
compatibility with both Artistic and Investigative occupational fields. This suggests a diverse range of
potential career paths, including art, music, design, theater, teaching, counseling, psychology, and
St. Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500


In light of her balanced cognitive abilities, positive personality traits, and strong compatibility with her
chosen field of study, it is recommended that Chrischelle be considered favorably for admission to Leyte
Normal University. Moreover, her diverse interests and abilities suggest that she could contribute
positively to the academic and social environment of the university.

The psychological assessment provides valuable insights into Chrischelle's cognitive, emotional, and
behavioral functioning, ensuring that she is well-suited for the academic challenges and social
environment of Leyte Normal University, particularly under the Bachelor of Secondary Education major
in Values Education program.

Prepared By:

Maria Theresa M. Herbolingo, RPm

Master of Psychology – Major in Clinical Psychology

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