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Cynthia does not currently have a job.

The interviewer has prepared an agenda with questions and topics.

Interviewer -"What are your salary expectations for this position?"

Cynthia -"Well, first I would like to know more details about this position to be sure that we
are the best fit for each other."

At this point, the interviewer nods and moves on to other topics. Later…

Interviewer - “So if you're happy with what we've discussed so far, I'd like to get back to your
salary expectations. What would you expect from this role?"

Cynthia - “Thank you, I like the position. I would especially like to work on (a major project), I
noticed searching your website that you don't have (a missing element) - so I can probably help
there. What kind of budget did you have in mind for this role?”

Interviewer -"Sam, the guy who did the job before you, was earning £25,000."

Cynthia -"But now you are looking for someone with more experience to work on major client

Interviewer- "Yes, ideally we want someone with more experience who can handle our
larger clients."

Cynthia -"So my salary for this job should be significantly higher than Sam was paid?"

Interviewer -“I should check. I'm not sure to whatbudget the boss would have in mind''

Cynthia - “It's okay, tell me what your boss has in mind. I have 3 years more experience than Sam
and I'm looking for a higher position than he had, so I would expect more than that."
Interviewer - “OK, I have to warn you now. We have a limited budget, I'll try my best, but I
wouldn't expect much more than Sam earned, the boss is very unlikely to offer more money
than he was offering Sam, are you willing to accept £25,000 just for starters?"

Cynthia - "I'm looking for a senior position, so if this is the role you're offering and it's valued
at the right level, then I'm very interested." If it isn't, then there are probably better people out
there for the job.
I have two friends who are looking for roles in this field, but they don't have that much
experience, they would be more suitable if you are looking for something at the junior

Interviewer - “No, we are interested in you. I'll talk to the boss and see what I can do for
you. We should be able to get back to you by the end of the week."

A few hours later, he received a call offering £30,500 a year with the possibility
of rising.
Cynthia's perspective
The objective of the negotiation

Specific: Cynthia wants to get a better salary than Sam for the position she applied for, to do
this she presents her significantly greater skills and experience compared to Sam
Measurable: This wants a salary increase of at least 10% higher than what Sam had before,
taking into account the skills that Cynthia has and her experience, an increase of at least 10% is a
realistic and even expected
Realistic: Cynthia has 3 years more experience than Sam, for this reason, she has the right
to ask for a more representative salary for her skills and experience
Temporary: Taking into account skills and experience, Cynthia wants a salary increase right from
the start of work with the possibility of growth along the way
Stages of negotiations

Pre-negotiation (preparation)

Before going to the interview, Cynthia was interested in certain aspects of the company, the big
projects the company is working on at the moment, the needs they have, and the lacks they have
and could help fill those gaps
Cynthia sets a clear goal for herself, that of receiving a suitable salary for her tasks, and prepares
herself with suitable counter-arguments before the interview: "I have two friends who are looking
for roles in this field, but they don't have that much experience, but it would be more suitable if you
are looking for something at the junior level."

The actual negotiation

During the actual negotiation, Cynthia shows her interest in the company and the fact that she
has studied its needs: "I would especially like to work on (a major project), I noticed that
searching on your website, you don't have (missing element) - so I can probably help there.''
Cynthia reaches the goal of these negotiations by discussing the budget that the company is
willing to offer in exchange for her services.
The company wants her to work on the same budget as Sam, her predecessor, even
though Cynthia has 3 years more experience
Cynthia knows her skills and experience and does not agree with an inappropriate salary for her
skills and experience.
Cynthia knows her level and is willing, if the company does not want to recognize it, to send to
the company 2 friends with skills and experience more suitable for the budget have to offer

Post negotiation
The company understands the need and the addition that Cynthia could bring to the
company and offers her the growth that she wanted

The elements of communication are verbal and non-verbal, being calm throughout the discussion
and even being willing to invite 2 friends for an interview when the company does not agree
with its requirements

Negotiation techniques used Tactic

"Not being willing to negotiate"

-Purpose: to cause insecurity in the Interviewer.
Cynthia is willing to end the interview when they do not agree with her conditions
"I'm looking for a senior position, so if this is the role you're offering and it's valued at the right level,
then I'm very interested. If it's not, then there are probably better people out there for the job.''

The "You should make me a better offer" tactic

- Application conditions: to have a very good negotiating position, to have alternatives, to be
sure that the partner will respond to your request.
Cynthia knows her value and the advantages she can bring to the company, and she is aware
that the company can see this too
She is very interested in reaching an agreement, but she is disappointed when the company does
not want to meet her requirements, showing this by being willing to send 2 other friends with
considerably fewer skills to the position and the conditions they agree to offer them, ''I have two
friends who are looking for roles in this field, but they don't have that much experience, but they
would be more suitable if you are looking for something at the junior level.''

The "Good news, bad news" tactic

The goal: is to make the interviewer feel insecure.
Cynthia gives him the bad news that she does not agree to work for the company under the
conditions they impose, but she would agree to invite 2 other friends to interview but with weaker
skills than hers

Negotiation result: WIN-WIN

Both sides win. It is a viable long-term strategy. It is based on cooperation, the gain of one party
does not mean the loss of the other: it is not a zero-sum game, but the aim is to increase the "cake"
The company gained an employee with considerably greater skills and experience who can deal with
larger clients of the growing company number of large clients that the company can have and
Cynthia obtained amore suitable salary for her level.
The Interviewer's Perspective
The objective of the negotiation

The interviewer wants Cynthia to be part of the company's team because he is aware of her professional
training, she has 3 years more experience than her predecessor and he realizes the impact that Cynthia's
knowledge would have on the big clients. At the same time, he wants to convince her that the company
has a limited budget and the salary that the former employee received is sufficient for this as well.
He tries to be a mediator between the directives received from the company and Cynthia's will to
be remunerated as appropriate for the position. He does everything possible to reach a mutually
beneficial agreement.

SMART analysis:

SPECIFIC: The interviewer wants to convince Cynthia to join the company by accepting a salary below
her experience. The objective is important because Cynthia would be a great addition to the team. The
interviewer and the person interested in the position are involved. She is in an office. The limits
regarding the salary are involved.

MEASURABLE: For the experience she has and considering that a senior position is requested, Cynthia
expresses her opinion that she would like to be remunerated with a higher amount of money compared
to the amount received by her predecessor, and the interviewer does not consider that this is necessary.

ACCESSIBLE: The Interviewer's goal is to convince Cynthia to join the team, but this goal should be
achieved with the available capacity and resources. He tries to find the right balance so that this
goal is a source of motivation and not a brake on development Cynthia.

RELEVANT: The specific objective of the Interviewer must contribute to the achievement
a bigger objective, more precisely in collaborating with bigger clients through Cynthia.

"IN" TIME: The interviewer notices Cynthia's potential and doesn't want to waste time, that's why he
manages to debate the salary issue so quickly.


The interviewer collects and processes information about the interviewed person, finds out his financial
situation, and observes his dominant negotiation style. He chooses that the negotiations take place in
one of the offices
of the company. He sat at the head of the table and let Cynthia choose where to sit. He analyzes
his objective, the interests of the company, which are finding a competent person, and the costs
of the negotiation from the point of view of the company representative in money and time.

The actual negotiation

The representative of the company paid attention to the punctuality, the greeting, the presentation, the
smile, the volume, the intensity, and the inflection of Cynthia's voice and made a good impression on her.
They create a relaxed communication relationship.
The interviewer tells his interests, the fact that he is looking for an experienced person, his perceptions,
and initial expectations, and listens to Cynthia's as well. Regarding the exchange of requests and
The interviewer states that by the end of the week, she will receive an answer regarding the
management's decision.


The negotiation ends with an agreement, Cynthia is satisfied with the salary offered and chooses to join the

Communication: The elements of verbal communication can be found in the confidence the interviewer
has when he addresses Cynthia, he inspires her seriousness but does not manage to dominate the
discussion. And from the non-verbal communication it appears when the interviewer ``At this moment,
the interviewer gives head and moves on to other topics. Later...'' This gesture shows that he wants to go
directly to the subject.

Negotiation techniques:

"Make concessions" tactic

The interviewer wants to make the job seeker perceive the concession regarding a possible salary
negotiation as a great favor to make her more lenient regarding her claims. He wants to establish
a mutually beneficial agreement.

"Not being willing to negotiate" tactic

This tactic appears when Cynthia brings plausible arguments that attest to the fact that she deserves the
senior position and a commensurate salary, and the Interviewer initially did not want to negotiate
insisting on the fact that the management has a limited budget.

The "Good news, bad news" tactic

The interviewer gives bad news to Cynthia, saying that the budget is too limited for her salary desire, but
after the end of the interview, he returns with good news and offers her a much higher salary than her

Negotiation result: WIN-WIN

Both parties reached an advantageous agreement.

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