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The Role and Influence Of The Family On The Process Of Forming A

children’s Identity

Authors :
Khalif Fathi Farahat1 , Ryan Rafly Suratman2nd, Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus3rd

Psychology faculty of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

The family is the first and primary environment for a child. In the family, children are
introduced to various norms and values that form the basis of their identity. Parents act as a
mirror that serves as an example for their children in the family context. Therefore, parenting
is a set of responsibilities that parents must fulfill. In order to find out what role and influence
the family has on children's identity, the type of research method the author uses is a literature
study. Character, personality, and individual identity are formed from the influence of the
family, especially parents.

In every society that has ever been known, almost everyone lives in their family obligations
and rights, which are called role relations. A person is aware of these role relations because
of the socialization process that has taken place since childhood. This process involves
learning to understand what other family members expect from them, so that eventually
there is an awareness of the desired truth. Some research shows the importance of parental
figures in children's social environment to help them in identity formation.

The family becomes the first and main environment for a child. In the family, children are
introduced to various norms and values that form the basis of their identity formation. The
role of family members, such as parents, siblings, and other family members, has an
important contribution in shaping children's perceptions of themselves as men or women.

The role of parents in shaping children's identity has great significance. Parents can show
the extent of their children's identity formation through their daily behavior,
communication, and interactions. In addition, parents can also introduce gender
stereotypes, either directly or indirectly, through the division of children's tasks at home,
children's games, and other activities in the family environment.

Literature review

A. Family


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The family has a very important role in the childcare process, because children are raised and
educated in a family environment. Parents act as a mirror that serves as an example for their
children in the family context. Therefore, parenting is a series of responsibilities that parents
must fulfill. The inability to carry out parenting properly and correctly can often lead to
problems and conflicts, both within the child and in the relationship between the child and
parents, even affecting interactions with the surrounding environment.

The family plays a critical role as a social system that can shape a child's character and morals.
The family does not only function as a place for fathers, mothers, and children to gather, but
more than that. The family is the most comfortable place for a child. From within the family,
all aspects of life develop. This includes the ability to socialize, self-actualize, have an opinion,
and deal with deviant behavior. The family acts as an umbrella of life for a child and is the
most comfortable environment for him or her.

B. Child identity
Children's identity refers to a set of characteristics that separate and describe themselves. It
involves physical, emotional, social, and cognitive dimensions that shape a child's personality
and identity. The process of forming a child's identity occurs through interactions with the
environment, family, friends and life experiences. Ethnicity, religion and family values also
play a significant role in shaping children's identity. Through this process, they can understand
their role and purpose in society, and build a foundation for personal growth and psychological
well-being. Children's identity is an integral part of human development that continues to
evolve over time.

The author uses the literature study research method, which involves investigating a topic
by collecting, organizing chronologically and thematically, and providing a brief overview.
This research consists of several stages to illustrate the results. The initial stage includes the
collection of research articles, books, journals, and other literature relevant to the topic.
After that, the data will be organized, and the author will proceed to express his opinion.

Result and finding

Family has a very important role in the formation of children's identity. A harmonious,
loving and understanding family environment can help children find their identity and
control their emotions. Families can also help children get through identity crises that can
lead to deviant behavior and destructive actions. Parents function to provide love,
acceptance, appreciation, recognition, and direction to their children. The relationship
between parents and children is essential for building trust in others and oneself. In
addition, families can also help instill social and cultural values in children from an early
age. In the formation of adolescent identity, the family is the first social environment that
has a major influence on the development of children. Therefore, parents must provide


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love, respect each other, realize trust in children, provide peace in the family environment
and peace of mind for children, and often gather between children and parents.

The family environment is the initial foundation in the social process of each individual.
The family will shape the character, personality, and self-identity of the individual, so it
can be said that the family is the smallest unit that provides a major role that is fundamental
to individual development. The family environment will be the first place for individuals,
therefore the family environment plays an important role in individual self-identity. In
adolescence, it is a transition period, where children experience changes from the child
phase to adolescence, which will experience various changes both physically and
psychologically. Therefore, self-identity, character, and individual personality in
adolescence are the result and role of the formation of the family environment. The role of
the family environment is of course very influential, where this family environment will
shape the child's personality. Because in the family environment there is education,
nurturing, instilling values, morals, and so on. Therefore, the family environment must pay
attention to various aspects in shaping the child's world, so that the child can grow and
develop properly.

Communication in the family is very important to shape adolescent self-identity. Parents

should pay attention to the intensity of communication in the family so that children can
feel comfortable and open in talking. In addition, the culture, beliefs, traditions and values
adopted in a family also affect children's growth and development. In a study conducted
on Chinese-American parents, parents have a considerable share in regulating their
children's behavior, so problems related to behavioral deviations in children are rarely

In the formation of children's gender identity, parents also have an important role. Parents
must teach their children about the values, norms, demands, limitations, etc. of their
gender and train their children to be able to act in accordance with their gender. Gender
development theories are divided into three types, namely psychoanalytic theory,
cognitive theory, and reinforcement theory. These theories explain how children develop
a concept of themselves (male or female) and develop an understanding of what to do for
the gender concerned.

In conclusion, family has a very important role in the formation of children's identity. A
harmonious, loving and understanding family environment can help children find their
identity and control their emotions. Parents function to provide love, acceptance,
appreciation, recognition, and direction to their children. The family environment will
shape the character, personality, and self-identity of the individual, so it can be said that
the family is the smallest unit that provides a major role that is fundamental to individual
development. Therefore, parents must provide affection, respect each other, realize trust


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in children, provide peace in the family environment and peace of mind for children, and
often gather between children and parents.

In conclusion, family has a very important role in the formation of children's identity. A
harmonious, loving, and understanding family environment can help children find their
identity and control their emotions. Parents function to provide love, acceptance,
appreciation, recognition, and direction to their children. The family environment will
shape the character, personality, and self-identity of the individual, so it can be said that
the family is the smallest unit that provides a major role that is fundamental to individual

In the formation of children's gender identity, parents also have an important role. Parents
must provide teaching about values, norms, demands, limits, etc. regarding the child's
gender and train children to be able to play or behave in accordance with their gender.
Therefore, parents must provide affection, respect each other, realize trust in children,
provide peace in the family environment and peace of mind for children, and often gather
between children and parents.

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