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Graphical presentation of data – in that type of representation, the data are present on a graph paper by point and line –

it has two types, frequency distribution, histogram –

frequency distribution has five types, frequency, line diagram, rectangle diagram, polygon diagram, curve diagram, cumulative frequency curve –

frequency line diagram we use the frequency line diagram for representation of point linear presentation for discrete data. The values of term is display on X axis and then take the frequency of the point on Y axis and draw parallel lines.

Frequency rectangle diagram that type of diagram is the group of rectangles which are connected to each other. The height of rectangle are in ratio of frequency so we can say that frequency rectangle diagram is a group of rectangle diagram in which height of rectangle
are in ratio of frequency and width according to the class interval Frequency rectangle diagram is also known as staircase, b lock diagram and histogram with it. We can find mode

Frequency polygon diagram, the geometric diagram of side which based on midpoint of term and frequency, also known as frequency polygon diagram, the use of frequency polygon for continuous series and discrete series. With the help of frequency polygon, we can find

Frequency curve diagram when we meet the midpoint of upper side of histogram by free hand then we find the frequency cover diagram. There are four types of frequency curve,

normal frequency curve. It is in bell shape, symmetrical distribution frequency start from zero and increased word maximum and then decrease from maximum to 0

(2 ) simpal a symmetric curve. In this type of curve. The order of increment and decrement of frequency is different also kno wn as skewnes curve. further, it has two types positive and negative.

Most asymmetric curve, such type of cough in which the frequency is most either in initially or in terminating point it is also known as Jai shape.

You and V curve in that type of curve, the frequency start from maximum but in mid the frequency will minimum and at last the frequency again maximum

Cumulative frequency curve. It is also known as ozive curve occur that represent the cumulative frequency, distribution of group data or a graph. There are two type less than ozive and more than ozive curve

Determination of median V draw less than Oji and more than Oji curve combine, then the intersection point of both we find med ian


Median. It is the value of middle term of variable. When the observation are arranged according to their value either in ascending or descending median is the position. Average it depends on position. It is denoted by M

Merits of median. It is an average of position. Median is simple mean which we can find easily in order series median is not affected by extreme value. It is usually an actual value. It means different value can’t affect on it. Graphical representation of median. is possible
demerits when there is the change in number of terms, then midterm will change if the data are very small in that condition median tends to the midterm


Mode is an series of the value of that observation which occur highest frequency is known as more. The mode is the most fashionable value which is derived from French word la mode means fashion. It is defined the value that occur in statistical distribution merits. It is
easy to calculate and easy to understand. It is not affected by extreme value. There is also a possibility of graphical deter mination of mode which is known as frequency polygon diagram mode is most useful value on behalf of merit mode is the most representative item of
variable. Demerits of mode mode is not used. Suitable for mathematical treatment. Mode is sometime uncertain and indefinite. Value mode is affected by sampling fluctuation.


Mean arithmetic mean the arithmetic mean is widely used. It is easy and most popular measure. The earth Matic mean is that value of se ries where the data can find by the total value is derived by the number of item. It is determined by X bar X bar is equals to submission X
upon N for discrete series X bar is equals to submission FX upon submission F merits it is easy to calculate even a man can understand it It is based on all values exact figure which is determined by formula.


Geometric mean, the geometrical mean of X number is defined as the NT H root of product of N numbers. It is obtained by multiplying all the values then app ly NTHR of the function GM is equals to (x.X2.X3….xn)1/N merits. It depends on all the values. Algebraic treatment is
possible of GM. It is least affected by extreme value. It is also based on social field demerits of GM. Its calculation is too difficult. When the calculation of GM sometime we find uncertain value calculation by inspection is not possible.


Harmonic mean is equal to the total number of item of variable divided by the sum of reciprocal of the values of the variable. It is also known as harmonic. Average it is special type of arithmetic mean HM is equals to reciprocal of submission reciprocal of X upon N merits,
it gives less importance to large value and more importance to small value. It depends on all value. It is not affected by fluctuation of sampling .


Quadratic mean, the quadratic mean of values is that number which can be fine by square root of asthmatic mean of square of values, merits of QM. It depends on all value. This is useful for possibilities of problem demerits. It is difficult to calculate it can be imaginary


Relation between Am GM and HM

The GM of two values is equal to the GM of AM and HM GM is equals to under root AM multiplied by HN


Relation between mean mode and median in symmetrical distribution. The mean mode and median are on same place. It means all a re equal but in a symmetrical distribution, the relation between mean mode and median are as follows.



Measure of dispersion dispersion is the measure of variation of the item. In other word dispersion is the limit of variability. With the help of dispersion. We have to know that how many variation in the term of series, so we can say that the literal meaning of dispersion is
scatternes and variation

* It has two types, absolute measure of dispersion and relative measure of dispersion

.* Absolute measure of dispersion. In that type of measurement it has unit and the result is also in form of unit. It has four type range, quartile, deviation, standard deviation mean deviation

* Relative measure of deviation measurement are subtend as ratio or percentage. It has no units. It has four types, efficient of range, quartile deviation, mean, deviation and variation.~~~

Range. It is the simplest of all the measure of dispersion. It is the difference between extreme observation. In other words the range is the difference between highest and lowest value.

-coefficient of range it is not a reliable measure of variability,

interquartile range. It is the measure of partial range. It is calculated by deducting the values of lower quartile from the value of upper quartile. *

QUARTILE deviation if the first, second and third quartile of any series, then the relation between IR and QD

. Efficient of portal division portal division is absolute value. It has no unit. It is used for a comparative study between two or more variable. Co efficient of quartile. Deviation is equals to Q3 minus Q1 upon Q3 plus Q1.

Merits of QD it is simple to calculate an easy to understand. It depends on only two variable. It is not affected by two extreme values. Demerits of QD does not involve all observation not eligible for mathematical treatment. “”””

percentile range. It is also a measure of partial range. It is based on the difference between value of P9 and P 10 PR is equals to P 90 minus P 10 decile range. It is also measure of partial range. It is b ased on difference between values of D 90 minus D 10 DR is equals to D
90 minus D 10, Mary of PRN, DRPR is better than QR and DR is also better than QR depends on two variable. Both are does not depend on extreme value. “””

Mean deviation or average division is measure of dispersion which is based on all the item in the variable. It is thematic me an of division of the values from the measure of central tendency. Merits of mean division, it is easy to calculate it is based on. All observation
affected by extreme value calculated by central tendency, measure demerits not reliable sign are ignored in its calculation can be calculated from mean more than median. In different cases. result is different. It is not uniform.

@ standard division is the most popular and useful measure of his version. It is more accurate and scientific as compare to t he other measure of dispersion range, quartile, deviation and mean deviation. Standard deviation is the root of average of square deviation from
thematic mean of a distribution. It was firstly used by karl Pearson The coefficient. Standard division is an absolute measure for comparison of two series. From that we can relative measure of standard division has to be calculated which is known as coefficient of standard
division, merits of standard division. It is based on all values. It has a certain distinct measure. It is less affected by sudden fluctuation. It obis the law of algebra from SD. It is suitable for further treatment demerits it’s calculation is very difficult. There is much importance
to extreme values. ..

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