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NoamAL Hh letter eut by quau Gobid Singh o

Ans Zafanana
. How diel people Kneo at Gwu Gobrnel Sigh uns
olng to be cLttcckd?
thea a odisiple a

3. hat usas the Omg a t u people aqaunst ue

heuem met ?
Ans People uWAL av

beccu H Onekmewt had ovcleul fov e

maitundp u omfes Saluhzadas ybatEed,

e n alve
u shat ovdutte cl'd
apue ne o quu
Ans-kapeue diseo Pquuji uat hidkama Dhab
saqoool plate to a t
GShy olud Gusm i e d tt aond
O nd
hiola.cma Dhab
F l s -a u u i ired tue 9%ond o K hidsama
bhab becauuse viCto
he Aiole ushun hos sal pos session
Ounol without tthe bhab o4 hiosaua tuere
Was mo sim o wat e in his o e aR

W h uwas Ro Ss Afe tue

enen Cwn
Ams The Six thops hidsng e bushes
atlackeed t enemny. So u losS ke
Kai Toclh was heseAvemt ot Lwhuel Gusu
Ans SAL Guu Hangobiud Salub
The asa o Molua was tu 3tAonalhald of
whiel people
Ans Sidhu Basans.
Whh letler Gusu J wAot om Macthiuwada ?
Aws Foutehnamaa
Qu-tic ettes Gu T wAote iow Dina(ztt)
Ans ZatuAemaa
s WLet olicl Gquu i wAt Zefasmcauna
0 Aurang zeb)
Ans-Guin has olescaibed unusb Omd
wwwoAthy deeds m 2afasudna 1t s a

Stetement ' uu Sclhib unwavesAng

c d An Aralpuaakh ausl u s img at

Wtot is henow a u0
Gwu ahar?
Ams Woma t uqim otee
olnelopmewt CAeatton, tne bass
80iuty ond motter a e at m
Call her bad ?

C2. N e the fommDus Women

Sih Hsery?
A n s - B e b e Namti , Mata khivi Ti, Bibi
Bhom I , Mola Gamaa 3, Mate Gui 3i
Mata Schib kau, Mata Sumdas Kaul
aud Bib Shaam taua 3

3. y wa Guu Cked o vaeat
Anemdpus Saib 2
incicasi na
Ans-Feasio powrs v buu
iol Stng Ji ad being PADvoked by +e
ftnas Aucmzed uu 1
to aCale e fov
Qu hhene ws ue
wwiqML wa

Ans In homm o u Sahib
oud Bibi Shasan Kawn Knous ccbeuuh
mastyAde Seuhebradas )
homtnq Ak Psarn,
Ans - Aftt
Bibi 3 vllag
weul ao a
Gu skec ccbout
Shaaon Kau
Then Bibi oLd ue Lohe
Sahibzadasa auuel Gasu
Sitha t e n hal Actte
Who e c o q m i sed
C6. Hteu Bibi hasan kau
booy Rcuma
u l o ka
Ans: Sendas Kaw
esioleuts Bibi ShaCam


was s Geeral. Palt7
And Baba Bada Sinal Babaduh

HtGutu Gydl Sahil

3whe aud Lohese was 6da Sth Balod
boy n?
60 AD abwu
Villogt Poonh distuict Ja l
why w
Why Bnda Sing PRahadut Aad
enale oleer aluhuntiug
Ans:0mce wtule umting,
Baba Bcda Singh
Buhad's ario w hit a
dlees Tuvo babies
6ouin n te. beUy
Hin Cund u
iun o te eewals
a l olee
o o ildacaw
e t a Bcda Sinahs died
muclet, Bcuuda Siug
imucdet eyes Aftu
Bauhadur C becawe
a e dipRav
5WhH did Bauda Sivg Beuladus
eeA Guau ? cut+u fuil
Aws Bcuta BpndaSingh
put cllhas
u u Sa powess
hhen uekydii beccau
futl,hefelu dlousn at Guau Souli b et
why wo ck by hacr Au Sashid

Ans To take evênq Sechb2cde

Wth wa e Capila halsa Atate ol
ttne o{ Kudo Siqh Poladutt)

sested aud
How was Bamda Stq Bechadur
o wheh placc he w a ateled?

Auns He uas aussesled tou Gqwdas Namgl, I5-6

mi a awcu uu Gurdaspus He us
bAougt to Dethn qe alonqtoiu
i uo Singhs
id c
omg cudd
not my ohesa

When eut c Coupkaiutd

Ho e
ka for He uleae On Ha

my sen ot C Sint ecwe h

wwu en e

Citol scud+uect
MynoHheu Rull me quekly wt Snghs
uCS Bouuela Stuah Bcuhodur mastuaed
AvnsA Sinan 8n
hacked ue u fec ald child +oleces ott
aa Aona nike) dacaqed cut h auvelng
eas Mc hhst itauto e mouh

fathei iu ts ist noed

Me p0 nt e a butchirs Kihe H
eet amod HeCu u tuO Kands ueske

Besed eom i l flesh was

Pid -
hot pin cess -oued
L 12 13, 4

tO eutes SIKhesm
whcct necesa
Ans Amiit
2 Wto u callecd aH?
and ouner M
Ans A
qeupf CMkitdhait

colled o t u
3 who isCOnsidesKcd as Cusu body
ths Fiue beloneds a wade Guuus hody
4ln kat luglut cle
fa rauas take olecislons
fAM-Tey take deis iond keepig lt qred id
Hoo Amiit desechated 7
No+dunrigapAccious obect e Auit
oesechatitn e Amiut
How do you kmou
aut tobac U
Ans lo bacco Contams
poisen Call ed uDlne
Ifa piece PuRL tobacto neu to acchickew
tolies iuwicduately
huie does e SODt me
fAom m t e Awngs
m emo Ke
Ams-|heAmoke h a t Coms Lut by Su0 K ng
beedi accumilaley Soot
A e
8 Wat ducoLs Caan Us tobacco t
Ans TB, A thma Camo CCmn OCCuL due to
is Natusal beaily et teethu los
and ue quws also decay
why olo Sikhs uu not touc tobacco
Ans Because 6uo ku'ng ud MautuK tobaCO
DAohibiec uu
PsohebitedSikhusw oucl One uho
o we
tobecc o does not Ceae to be GLu STeh
He beCane Apnaned
ohy sheuld vmot let u e CAaLtle

buctt fau towasds you7

hs: BecausL i causes blackues to +O acUnulale

m unasKespixctory ducaAe aud au

ohe lseased au OCCu

WhyHe a diihcteuce Le Presprct
Ans A olsunkaid alsayd +hents hu e r
mtcuking nonAense qpAspi but cusieeople
uug at aus ealishmi
o h y clont ue pecple st ea dsunkasds ?
A - Because a kasd
Ans ult
enh s druml, So people olo uo
eal a caLkad

3 Exp le +u ebcct altooL

n health 9
Ans DAueng alcoAal Cawse a to
oleteiDAati ouuucl 8to wac stautu to8
ire a
balloen E ecLKen
lu booly Most eastpectie ci altohelics
t g do
pe eple wakefu alcoLelice
Ans A ma ho olAiut culohal Roses
Cewsciecus ne auol Jeqtu to 6abble adeett
Auen slatu uaks

LLeld lild4cu R0 neas aloholics ?

Aus Clulo4cu sheulc et 0 heai alkahol
ec se Amey lo no w eod educalutn
Ful n u b lcuk

Amaut sC VOw t o ente SiRhs nA

The o u p Amtlhai Singlcn Sinalemis u
coulled Peul
Theiue beloneds ae nsiclesed to be boo
H GLuu
People olo not i e n n paitcLK A s t due
Lack eh Kueoled e
5. To bacco e pOLsOmous
what tpe 6pouOn thele U t o bacco

MostMost &6 +te pcliems Asthua_CA

A tobacco u o kes does mot Cece to e
Gusu's Sirt
lo A pesn Lo diiuks alco hol lo ses
Concousnes auc statu peakAna aibbeiush wveer
e CO itoxi calitn
Wise peeple clo hot sit neas dsunicasds
12Dstnring aleotol devaqo e
13 Moy
people tare o olsuntasds
by b alcolal
H P e eple ee addieled otnriug alcolol do
mot e geed_ educatibn auyene
5 Wome ae DANn cotte cleuelepmect
CAeal C
( womet housbeen acepted
Te qcatne
nesueke AM SIR Histo
u 1 Aetfor fo reat e Maclhiuoade
8 He cid paaye and lit
19 uuru Gobiud Siug i LOAole a lettes +
20 hab Khdiaua s a plac
e Was
sE lash o te
e meues was Hhe
Singhs Pai Sigsb
Ma Sakhs Mata Bhago Cll
23 Yeople uses ad be_cawsi wGituide
Cutu Cobiud Siugh euleed u
along wt i
Singhs H banks
Geaa r e
s sl aucua eye mucst ydous

6 Stouachs e uc captused Situs

st uaw
You mem black ww.toTus oesceded
On us k e f u s
2 Nlhas ham who was ttng outside
bcasing ekt the kattle fteld_onol eicaped.
30 By e wn hat
bAaes Com
Ra P TOnt o oy SiKh

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