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We had been driving for four hours when we saw the sign a
small hotel and decided to stop. It was just one more stop
along the way. Two days ago we were on vacation in San
Diego with my cousins, Cami and Nico, when we found out
that uncle Juan was on a trip in Carson City and we decided
to meet him there. We rented a car and started the trip. We
had already been driving for a long time and when we arrive
to Los Angeles we decided to stop.

We entered at the hotel and realized that it was not a small

one. There were people recording scenes from a film there
and the starring of our favorite series was there too!. We
couldn't believe it! It was amazing! At that moment the
security staff wouldn’t let us get close. Three hours later we
found the actor in the hotel lobby, he was very kind, we were
able to talk to him and we took us some pictures.

The next afternoon, after strolling along the beach for a while, we decided to continue on our way. After
several hours on the road we finally arrived in Nevada, just in time to have lunch with our uncle Juan.

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