Past Exam - TSB - Level1 - G1-2 - 2023

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Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.


Thailand Spelling Bee, TSB2023

Level 1: (ป.1 – ป.2)
สอบวันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2566 เวลา 10.00 น. – 11.30 น.
ชื่อ – นามสกุล _______________________________ เลขที่นงั่ สอบ _______________________________
สถานที่สอบ _______________________________ ห้องสอบ ________________________________
กรุณาอ่านคาอธิบาย ก่อนลงมือทาข้ อสอบ
 ข้อสอบชุดนี้ มีท้ งั หมด 12 หน้า จานวน 80 ข้อ (ข้อ 1–ข้อ 80) คะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน
 ก่อนลงมือทาข้อสอบ ให้เขียนชื่อ – นามสกุล เลขที่นงั่ สอบ สถานที่สอบและห้องสอบ ลงใน
กระดาษคาตอบด้วยปากกา พร้อมระบาย รหัสประจาตัว 8 หลัก ลงในกระดาษคาตอบให้ถูกต้อง ด้วย
ดินสอดา 2B (หากไม่ระบายหรื อระบายผิด กระดาษคาตอบของท่านจะไม่ได้รับการตรวจให้คะแนน)
 ใช้ดินสอดา 2B ระบายในวงกลมที่เป็ นคาตอบที่ถูกต้องเพียงคาตอบเดียว (เต็มวงและเข้มทึบ )
ตัวอย่าง ถ้าตัวเลือก  ถูกต้อง ให้ระบายดังนี้
  ⚫  
 กรณีเปลีย่ นตัวเลือกใหม่ ต้องลบรอยระบายตัวเลือกเดิมให้สะอาด แล้วจึงระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกใหม่
 เมื่อหมดเวลาสอบ ให้ส่งเฉพาะกระดาษคาตอบเท่านั้น ส่ วนข้อสอบให้ นักเรียนนากลับไปได้
 หากเกิดการทุจริต ทางผูจ้ ดั จะไม่ประกาศผลสอบ และจะตัดสิ ทธิ์การเข้าร่ วมโครงการทุกปี

ข้อสอบฉบับนี้ เป็ นลิขสิ ทธิ์ของ บริ ษทั อคาเดมิค คอนเทสต์ (ประเทศไทย) จากัด
การทาซ้าหรื อดัดแปลงหรื อเผยแพร่ ถือเป็ นการละเมิด จะถูกดาเนินคดีตามกฎหมาย
Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.2)
page 1

Each question carries 1 mark (Total duration: 90 min.)

1. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) clothes (2) clohtes
(3) clorthes (4) chlothes

2. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) dificult (2) difficlut
(3) difficult (4) dificlut

3. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) Nobember (2) November
(3) Nobemver (4) Novemver

4. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) sandwitch (2) sanwich
(3) sandwich (4) sanwicth

5. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) hospital (2) hopsital
(3) hospatil (4) hospiatal

6. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) betwen (2) betwein
(3) between (4) beetwen

7. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) smockin (2) smaking
(3) snocking (4) smoking

8. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) Fabruary (2) February
(3) Febraury (4) Fabraury

9. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:

(1) waitress (2) waitres
(3) wairtress (4) wairtres

10. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:
(1) posiblle (2) posible
(3) posibble (4) possible

Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.2)
page 2

11. Out of the following options, select the correctly spelled word:
(1) biscunit (2) biscuit
(3) bisckuit (4) bisquit

12. Choose the correct antonym for the given word: wait
(1) unwait (2) leave
(3) await (4) proced

13. Choose the correct antonym for the given word: sometimes
(1) constantlly (2) often
(3) all-times (4) always

14. Choose the correct synonym for the given word: café
(1) restaurant (2) coffee
(3) coffe (4) restaruant

15. Choose the correct synonym for the given word: toilet
(1) bathroom (2) bathrom
(3) retsroom (4) restrom

16. From the options below, select the feminine form of the given word: dad
(1) mather (2) sister
(3) mum (4) mam

17. From the options below, select the masculine form of the given word: women
(1) mens (2) girls
(3) men (4) mans

18. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: icovrosantne
(1) overactions (2) conservartion
(3) conversation (4) renovations

19. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: yedawsden
(1) Wendesday (2) Wenedsday
(3) Wedensday (4) Wednesday

20. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: bermemer
(1) member (2) remember
(3) memberes (4) rememrbe

Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.2)
page 3

21. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: mecredbe
(1) December (2) Decebmer
(3) Descember (4) Decembre

22. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: thraewe
(1) weather (2) wreath
(3) heater (4) wheater

23. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: creahet
(1) create (2) teacher
(3) chaeter (4) taecher

24. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: eithnter
(1) thirteen (2) neither
(3) thriteen (4) neirther

25. Form the correct word from the given jumbled letters: nigxiect
(1) exiting (2) excinitg
(3) exciting (4) exigint

26. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) beard (2) beart

(3) bread (4) berad

Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.2)
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27. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) breackfast (2) breakfast

(3) braekfast (4) breackfats

28. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) kitchien (2) kitchen

(3) kitichen (4) kidtchen

Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.2)
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29. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) newpaper (2) newspepar

(3) newpepar (4) newspaper

30. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) two fisves (2) two fish

(3) two fishs (4) two fishess

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31. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) three sheeps (2) three sheepes

(3) three sheep (4) three sheeppes

32. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) tikets (2) trickets

(3) trikets (4) tickets

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33. Choose the accurate spelling for the provided image:

(1) vegatables (2) vegetebles

(3) vegetablas (4) vegetables

34. Determine the missing letter in this word: toge_her

(1) w (2) r
(3) d (4) t

35. Determine the missing letter in this word: senten_e

(1) n (2) t
(3) c (4) s

36. Determine the missing letter in this word: langua_e

(1) j (2) n
(3) m (4) g

37. Determine the missing letter in this word: hol_day

(1) i (2) l
(3) d (4) a

38. Determine the missing letter in this word: thank_

(1) y (2) s
(3) z (4) e

39. Find the extra letter in the word: speacking

(1) c (2) n
(3) e (4) i

Thailand Spelling Bee (LEVEL1, ป.1–ป.2)
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40. Find the extra letter in the word: travaeling

(1) a (2) e
(3) r (4) n

41. Find the extra letter in the word: museaums

(1) a (2) m
(3) s (4) u

42. Find the extra letter in the word: childrens

(1) l (2) r
(3) d (4) s

43. Find the extra letter in the word: nationallity

(1) l (2) a
(3) i (4) y

44. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"It took me some time to understend the difficult maths problem, but with practice, I finally
got it."
(1) problem (2) understend
(3) practice (4) difficult

45. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"The view from the top of the mountain was truly beautifull, with the sun shining over the
village, creating amazing colours with its light."
(1) mountain (2) amazing
(3) beautifull (4) light

46. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"Every season, I enjoy wearing diferent clothes to school. For example, I wear dresses in the
summer and warm sweaters in the winter to stay comfortable and look good."
(1) diferent (2) summer
(3) sweaters (4) clothes

47. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"Every year, when my birtday is here in May, I'm happy to have a fun party with family and
friends. We play games, tell stories, and enjoy a cake with candles."
(1) candles (2) birtday
(3) stories (4) friends

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48. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"Playing games with friends is always better than playing alone. The laughter and excitement
are greatar than when I'm by myself, and it makes the experience even more enjoyable."
(1) better (2) myself
(3) enjoyable (4) greatar

49. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"Many poeple like to visit the park. They enjoy playing games and having picnics with family
and friends. It's a fun place to be and have a good time."
(1) friends (2) playing
(3) picnics (4) poeple

50. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"I have an important meeting tomorow, so I need to prepare my presentation and ensure all
the details are in place."
(1) details (2) important
(3) meeting (4) tomorow

51. Identify the incorrectly spelled word in the provided sentence:

"Every day, I check my phone for updates and send texts to my friends. We share our
thoughts and make plans. It's a quick way to stay in touch and send a mesage."
(1) thoughts (2) mesage
(3) friends (4) phone

52. Determine the word that belongs to the group:

car, boat, plane, ________.
(1) orange (2) shoe
(3) train (4) dictionary

53. Determine the element that belongs to the group:

horse, pig, bird, ________.
(1) paper (2) river
(3) shop (4) dog

54. Determine the element that belongs to the group:

arm, nose, leg, _______.
(1) beer (2) mouth
(3) potato (4) cat

55. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) interetsing (2) university
(3) dictionary (4) expensive

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56. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) husband (2) address
(3) quartar (4) reading

57. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) writing (2) computer
(3) Septembar (4) dancing

58. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) problem (2) country
(3) behind (4) becuase

59. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) televishon (2) basketball
(3) something (4) yesterday

60. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) favourite (2) clasroom
(3) important (4) practise

61. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) shoping (2) supper
(3) anything (4) subject

62. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(1) website (2) homework
(3) tomatou (4) morning

63. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) bathrom (2) fotball
(3) question (4) chocolote

64. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) afternon (2) village
(3) trausers (4) Satruday

65. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) glasess (2) fractory
(3) summer (4) strret

66. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) beggin (2) vellow
(3) eartly (4) month

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67. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) smocke (2) tooths
(3) cheese (4) coffe

68. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) dolars (2) guitars
(3) potatos (4) sheeps

69. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) geting (2) putting
(3) speacking (4) countryes

70. Which of the following words isn't misspelled?

(1) tenis (2) sister
(3) shawer (4) litle

71. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: A job or work that makes money; a place where people work to sell things or services.
(1) bussines (2) busines
(3) business (4) bussiness

72. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: A girl child; a female child of one's parents.
(1) duagther (2) duaghter
(3) daugther (4) daughter

73. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: Everything is okay; nothing is wrong.
(1) allright (2) alwright
(3) allwright (4) alright

74. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: The evening of this day; the time between evening and morning.
(1) tonight (2) toonight
(3) tonaight (4) toonaight

75. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: The two days at the end of the week, Saturday and Sunday, when people often rest or
have free time.
(1) weekend (2) wekend
(3) weekeend (4) wekeend

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76. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: A mother or father; a person who takes care of and looks after a child.
(1) perants (2) paretns
(3) parent (4) perant

77. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: Not interesting; making you feel tired and uninterested.
(1) borning (2) broning
(3) broing (4) boring

78. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: The lowest part; the part that is under something.
(1) butom (2) button
(3) botom (4) bottom

79. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: Something you say or write; a unit of language that means something.
(1) wolrd (2) wordl
(3) word (4) world

80. Match the correct spelling to the definition below.

Definition: To make words or letters on paper or a computer; to create text with a pen, pencil, or
(1) wraite (2) whrite
(3) writhe (4) write

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