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Módulo 01

Descomplicando o VERBO TO BE


AM / IS / ARE - (Interrogativa)

Am I … ?
Are you … ?
Is he … ?
Is she … ?
Is it … ?
Are we … ?
Are they … ?
AM / IS / ARE - (Neg.

Am I not your friend?

Aren’t you my friend?
Isn’t he your friend… ?
Isn’t she your friend… ?
Isn’t it easy … ?
Aren’t we friends… ?
Aren’t they our friends… ?

I am not - I’m not

Is not - isn’t
Are not - aren’t
WAS / WERE - (Neg. Interrogativa)

Wasn’t I your friend?

Weren’t you my friend?
Wasn’t he your friend?
Wasn’t she your friend?
Wasn’t it easy?
Weren’t we friends?
Weren’t they our friends?

WILL BE - (Neg. Interrogativa)

Won’t I be your friend?

Won’t you be my friend?
Won’t he be your friend?
Won’t she be your friend?
Won’t it be easy?
Won’t we be friends?
Won’t they be our friends?

Am I not your friend?

Yes, you are my friend.

No, you aren’t my friend.

Weren’t you tired today?

Yes, I was tired today.

No, I wasn’t tired today.

Won’t he be my teacher?

Yes, he will be your teacher.

No, he won’t be your teacher.
Isn’t she my sister?

Yes, she is your sister.

No, she isn’t your sister.

Won’t it be very easy?

Yes, it will be very easy.

No, it won’t be very easy.

Aren’t we in Brazil?

Yes, we are in Brazil.

No, we aren’t in Brazil.

Weren’t they co-workers?

Yes, they were co-workers.

No, they weren’t co-workers.


cada pronome, e suas respectivas

Am I … ?
Are you … ?
Is he … ?
Is she … ?
Is it … ?
Are we … ?
Are they … ?

Was I … ?
Were you … ?
Was he … ?
Was she … ?
Was it … ?
Were we … ?
Were they … ?
Will I be… ?
Will you be… ?
Will he be… ?
Will she be… ?
Will it be… ?
Will we be… ?
Will they be… ?

Instagram: teacher.murilo

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