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Edition July 2023

Part 1 General regulations

Chapter 2 Class notations

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DNV rules for classification contain procedural and technical requirements related to obtaining and
retaining a class certificate. The rules represent all requirements adopted by the Society as basis
for classification.

© DNV AS July 2023

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes - current

This document supersedes the July 2022 edition of DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2.
The numbering and/or title of items containing changes is highlighted in red.

Changes July 2023, entering into force 1 January 2024

Topic Reference Description

Additional class notations Sec.4 The following notations have been updated:
— Mooring.

Editorial corrections
In addition to the above stated changes, editorial corrections may have been made.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Contents

Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3

Section 1 Class notations........................................................................................ 6

1 General................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 6

Section 2 Construction symbol and main class notation......................................... 8

1 Construction symbols.......................................................................... 8
1.1 General........................................................................................... 8
2 Main class notation..............................................................................8
2.1 General........................................................................................... 8

Section 3 Ship type notations................................................................................. 9

1 Introduction.........................................................................................9
1.1 General........................................................................................... 9
2 Dry cargo ships................................................................................... 9
3 Container ships.................................................................................. 11
4 RO/RO ships...................................................................................... 11
5 Passenger ships................................................................................. 12
6 Oil tankers......................................................................................... 12
7 Chemical tankers............................................................................... 15
8 Liquefied gas tankers........................................................................ 16
9 Compressed gas tankers....................................................................18
10 Service vessels................................................................................ 18
11 Vessels for special operations......................................................... 19
12 Non-self-propelled vessels...............................................................24
13 Fishing vessels.................................................................................25
14 Naval vessels................................................................................... 25

Section 4 Additional class notations..................................................................... 26

1 Introduction.......................................................................................26
1.1 General..........................................................................................26
2 Structural strength and integrity....................................................... 26
3 Propulsion, power generation and auxiliary systems......................... 32
4 Navigation and manoeuvring............................................................. 40
5 Cargo operations............................................................................... 42
6 Equipment and design features......................................................... 47
7 Cold climate....................................................................................... 54

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8 Environmental protection and pollution control................................. 58

Part 1 Chapter 2 Contents

9 Living and working conditions........................................................... 61
10 Survey arrangements.......................................................................62
11 Naval................................................................................................65
11.1 General........................................................................................ 66
12 Digital features................................................................................ 66

Section 5 Service area.......................................................................................... 68

1 Service area notation.........................................................................68
1.1 General..........................................................................................68

Section 6 Descriptive notation.............................................................................. 69

1 General.............................................................................................. 69
1.1 .................................................................................................... 69
1.2 .................................................................................................... 69
1.3 .................................................................................................... 69
1.4 .................................................................................................... 69

Changes – historic................................................................................................ 70

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 1

1 General

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 All vessels classed with the Society may be assigned
— construction symbol
— main class notation
— ship type notation
— additional class notation
— service area notation
— descriptive notation,
as applicable.

1.1.2 Class notations are assigned in order to determine applicable rule requirements for assignment and
retention of class. Applicable class notations are given in Sec.2 to Sec.6.

1.1.3 Class notations are either mandatory or optional. The mandatory class notations are indicated in the
tables given in Sec.2 to Sec.5.

1.1.4 In accordance with Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.2.5] optional class notations from the Society's other rule books
may, upon special consideration, be assigned to a vessel complying with those rules.

1.1.5 Class notations may be given one or more qualifiers which are supplementary symbols used to identify
variants of the class notation or a design parameter. Qualifiers typically denote differences in levels of
complexity and/or special requirements or limitations, and may be assigned additional requirements.
Qualifiers follow immediately after a class notation and are indicated in parenthesis. Multiple qualifiers are
separated by comma and space.

1.1.6 Class notations and qualifiers are shown in bold. See Table 1 for examples of class notations and

1.1.7 The tables in Sec.2 to Sec.5 include the following information:

— name of class notation
— indication of class notation being mandatory
— reference to design requirements
— reference to survey requirements for fleet in service (FIS)
— qualifiers as relevant
— purpose of class notation
— application, giving additional information on when and/or where a class notation can be applied and/or
under what condition a class notation is mandatory.
NA indicates no requirements.

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1.1.8 Examples of typical class notations are shown in Table 1.

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 1

Table 1 Examples of class notations

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Construction symbol (see Sec.2 [1]) ✠ ✠ ✠

Main class notation (see Sec.2 [2]) 1A 1A 1A

Ship type notations (see Sec.3) Container ship Tanker for oil Offshore service

Additional class notations (see Sec.4):

Related to structural strength and integrity CSR Strengthened(DK)

Related to propulsion, power generation and E0 E0 E0

auxiliary systems

Related to navigation and manoeuvring NAUT(AW, INS+) NAUT(OSV)

Related to cargo operation RSCS+ Bow loading

Related to equipment and design features DG LFL HELDK(S, H) SF

Related to cold climate Ice(C) Ice(1A) Winterized

Related to environmental protection and Clean Clean(Design)

pollution control

Related to survey arrangement BIS TMON ESP TMON

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 2

1 Construction symbols

1.1 General
1.1.1 The construction symbol ✠ will be assigned to vessels built under the supervision of the Society.

1.1.2 The construction symbol will be assigned to vessels built under the supervision of a classification
society recognized by the Society and later assigned class with the Society. For such vessels the class
notations which the Society considers to have the equivalent intent will be assigned.

1.1.3 Vessels other than those described in [1.1.1] and [1.1.2] will not be assigned a construction symbol
when classed with the Society.

2 Main class notation

2.1 General
2.1.1 The main class notation 1A will be assigned to vessels with hull, machinery, systems and equipment
found to be in compliance with applicable rule requirements as given in Pt.2, Pt.3 and Pt.4. Requirements
given by ship type notations and additional class notations may supersede the requirements given in Pt.2,
Pt.3 and Pt.4. In such cases the main class notation 1A will still be assigned.

2.1.2 The main class notation 1A will also be assigned to vessels designed and constructed in accordance
with the rules of another classification society, and later assigned class with the Society.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

1 Introduction

1.1 General
1.1.1 Vessels that comply with requirements defined in Pt.5 may be given a ship type notation as indicated
in Table 1 to Table 13 of this section.

1.1.2 A vessel may be assigned more than one ship type notation provided that the respective requirements
are met.

1.1.3 Certain ship type notations are mandatory based on e.g.:

— type of cargo
— number of passengers
— the ability to execute special operations.

2 Dry cargo ships

Table 1 Ship type notations for dry cargo ships

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

General dry cargo ship <None> Carriage of unitized and dry Mandatory for ships
Mandatory: bulk cargo. occasionally carrying
yes dry cargo in bulk, unless
ship type notation Multi-
Design requirements:
purpose dry cargo ship is
Pt.5 Ch.1 assigned.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Multi-purpose dry cargo <None> Carriage of unitized and dry Mandatory for ships
ship bulk cargo. occasionally carrying dry
Mandatory: cargo in bulk, unless ship
type notation General dry
cargo ship is assigned.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.1
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Bulk carrier <None> Carriage of dry bulk cargo. Mandatory for sea-going
Mandatory: single deck ships with
cargo holds of single
and/or double side skin
Design requirements: construction, with a double
Pt.5 Ch.1 bottom, hopper side tanks
and top-wing tanks fitted
FIS survey requirements:
below the upper deck, and
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 intended for the carriage of
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 solid bulk cargoes.

Ore carrier <None> Carriage of ore cargo in dry Mandatory for sea-going
Mandatory: bulk. single deck ships having
two longitudinal bulkheads
and a double bottom
Design requirements: throughout the cargo
Pt.5 Ch.1 region, and intended for
carrying ore cargoes in the
FIS survey requirements:
centre hold only.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

X carrier <None> Specialised for the carriage Mandatory unless ship type
Mandatory: of a single type of dry bulk. notation Bulk carrier
is assigned. X denotes
type of bulk cargo to be
Design requirements: carried, limited to either,
Pt.5 Ch.1 Woodchips, Cement, Fly
ash, or Sugar.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Great lakes bulk carrier <None> Carriage of dry bulk cargo. Designed to operate within
Mandatory: the limits of the Great
Lakes and St. Lawrence
river to the seaward limits
Design requirements: defined by the Anticosti
Pt.5 Ch.1 Island.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3
3 Container ships
Table 2 Ship type notation for container ships

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Container ship <None> Carriage of containers. Ships primarily intended for

Mandatory: the carriage of containers.
Carriage of break bulk
on inner bottom may be
Design requirements: accepted in special cases.
Pt.5 Ch.2
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

4 RO/RO ships
Table 3 Ship type notations for RO/RO ships

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

RO/RO ship <None> Loading and unloading the

Mandatory: cargo by roll on / roll off
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.3
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Car carrier <None> Carriage of vehicles.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.3
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3
5 Passenger ships
Table 4 Ship type notations for passenger ships

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Passenger ship <None> Carriage of passenger. More than 12 passengers.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.4
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Ferry A Carriage of passengers and More than 12 passengers

Mandatory: vehicles. and vehicles on enclosed
Design requirements: B Carriage of passengers and More than 12 passengers
vehicles. and vehicles on weather
Pt.5 Ch.4
decks only. Requires
FIS survey requirements: service area restriction R2
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 or stricter.
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

6 Oil tankers
Table 5 Ship type notations for oil tankers

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Tanker for oil <None> Carriage of oil in bulk. For carriage of oil.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Tanker for oil products <None> Carriage of oil products in For carriage of all oil
Mandatory: bulk. products except crude oil.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Barge for oil <None> Carriage of oil in bulk. For carriage of oil.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5,
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for oil products <None> Carriage of oil products in For carriage of all oil
Mandatory: bulk. products except crude oil.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5,
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Bulk carrier or tanker for oil <None> Carriage of dry bulk cargo Combination carrier.
Mandatory: alternating with carriage of
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.1
Pt.5 Ch.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Tanker for oil products with <None> Carriage of all types of oil For carriage of all types of
flashpoint above 60°C products with flashpoint oil products with flashpoint
Mandatory: above 60°C. above 60°C.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Tanker for asphalt/bitumen <None> Carriage of liquid asphalt/ For carriage of liquid
Mandatory: bitumen in bulk. asphalt/bitumen in bulk.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.12
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for oil products with <None> Carriage of all types of oil For carriage of all types of
flashpoint above 60°C products with flashpoint oil product with flashpoint
Mandatory: above 60°C. above 60°C.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5,
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for asphalt/bitumen <None> Carriage of liquid asphalt/ For carriage of liquid
Mandatory: bitumen in bulk. asphalt/bitumen in bulk.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.5 and
Pt.5 Ch.11
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.12
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Bulk carrier or Tanker for <None> Carriage of dry bulk cargo Combination carrier.
oil products alternating with carriage of
Mandatory: oil products.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.1
Pt.5 Ch.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3
7 Chemical tankers
Table 6 Ship type notations for chemical tankers

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Tanker for C <None> Carriage of specific type of Chemical carriers according

Mandatory: liquid chemical. C denotes to the IBC or BHC code.
the type of cargo for which Cargoes not requiring full
the ship is classed. compliance with Pt.5 Ch.6
Design requirements: Sec.1 to Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.17.
Pt.5 Ch.6
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Tanker for chemicals <None> Carriage of chemicals. Chemical carriers with

Mandatory: cargos listed in the IBC
code Ch.17 and Ch.18 with
additions given in IMO
Design requirements: MEPC.2/Circ. XX List 1.
Pt.5 Ch.6
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for chemicals <None> Carriage of chemicals. Barge for chemicals with
Mandatory: cargos listed in the IBC
code Ch.17 and Ch.18 with
additions given in IMO
Design requirements: MEPC.2/Circ. XX List 1.
Pt.5 Ch.6
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for C <None> Carriage of specific type of Chemical carriers according

Mandatory: liquid chemical. C denotes to the IBC or BHC code.
the type of cargo for which Cargoes not requiring full
the ship is classed. compliance with Pt.5 Ch.6
Design requirements: Sec.1 to Pt.5 Ch.6 Sec.17.
Pt.5 Ch.6
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Tanker for chemicals with <None> Carriage of non-flammable Chemical carriers built in
flashpoint above 60°C liquid chemicals or liquid compliance with Pt.5 Ch.6
Mandatory: chemicals with flashpoint Sec.1 [1.3.6] and Pt.5 Ch.6
above 60°C and which are Sec.1 [1.3.7].
not heated to within 15°C or
Design requirements: more of its flashpoint.
Pt.5 Ch.6
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for chemicals with <None> Carriage of non-flammable Barge for chemicals built in
flashpoint above 60°C liquid chemicals or liquid compliance with Pt.5 Ch.6
Mandatory: chemicals with flashpoint Sec.1 [1.3.6] and Pt.5 Ch.6
above 60°C and which are Sec.1 [1.3.7].
not heated to within 15°C or
Design requirements: more of its flashpoint.
Pt.5 Ch.6
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

8 Liquefied gas tankers

Table 7 Ship type notation for liquefied gas tankers

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Tanker for liquefied gas <None> Carriage of liquefied gas.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.7
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Tanker for C <None> Carriage of specific type of Tanker for C will be

Mandatory: liquified gas. C denotes the considered in each case,
type of cargo for which the depending on the nature of
ship is classed. the cargo to be carried.
Design requirements: Mandatory for ships
Pt.5 Ch.7 dedicated for transport of
FIS survey requirements: specific product(s) as in
Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Barge for liquefied gas <None> Carriage of liquefied gas.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.7
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Barge for C <None> Carriage of specific type of Barge for C will be

Mandatory: liquified gas. C denotes the considered in each case,
type of cargo for which the depending on the nature of
ship is classed. the cargo to be carried.
Design requirements: Mandatory for ships
Pt.5 Ch.7 dedicated for transport of
Pt.5 Ch.11 specific product(s) as in
Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

FSU for liquefied gas <None> Floating storage unit for Mandatory for floating
Mandatory: liquefied gas to be operated storage units dedicated
at a fixed location. for storage of products
given in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19.
Design requirements: Not applicable for units
Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.25 designed for transportation
of liquefied gas.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

FSU for C <None> Floating storage unit of Mandatory for floating

Mandatory: liquefied gas to be operated storage units of specific
at a fixed location, where C product(s) as given in Pt.5
indicates the name or group Ch.7 Sec.19. Not applicable
Design requirements: of product(s) for which the for units designed for
Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.25 FSU is classified for storage. transportation of liquefied
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3
9 Compressed gas tankers
Table 8 Ship type notation for compressed gas tankers

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Tanker for compressed <None> Carriage of compressed

natural gas natural gas.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.8
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

10 Service vessels
Table 9 Ship type notations for offshore service vessels

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Offshore service vessel <None> For vessels providing

Mandatory: services for offshore
Design requirements: + For services in harsh
weather conditions.
Pt.5 Ch.9
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.15 Anchor handling Towing of floating objects
and handling of anchoring
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 and Pt.7 Towing Towing floating objects in
Ch.1 Sec.6 [29] open waters.

AHTS Towing of floating objects, Compliance with qualifiers

handling of anchoring Anchor handling and
equipment, and platform Towing and the additional
supply services. class notation Platform

Standby vessel <None> Rescue operations and

Mandatory: standby services.

no S Rescue operations and

Design requirements: standby services in harsh
weather conditions, e.g. the
Pt.5 Ch.9
North Sea.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Windfarm service <None> Transport of equipment
Mandatory: and personnel in relation
to installation and
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.9 Sec.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

11 Vessels for special operations

Table 10 Ship type notations for vessels for special operations

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Crane vessel <None> Crane operations.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4, Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.6 [6]

Cable laying vessel <None> Cable laying.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 and Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.6 [7]

Pipe laying vessel <None> Pipe laying.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.4
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 and Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.6 [7]

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Semi–submersible heavy <None> Carriage of heavy unitized Designed to load and
transport vessel dry cargo. unload deck cargo by
Mandatory: temporarily submerging its
cargo deck through ballast
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

DSV SAT Equipped with a saturation

Mandatory: diving system classified by
the Society in compliance
with DNV-RU-OU-0375
Design requirements: Diving systems.
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.6
Surface Equipped with a surface
FIS survey requirements: diving system classified by
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 the Society in compliance
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 and Pt.7 with DNV-RU-OU-0375
Ch.1 Sec.6 [9] Diving systems.

Ready Vessel prepared for

installation of diving
system with the supported
interfaces listed in the
appendix of class.

OCS IACS classed saturation

diving system installed as
per Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.6 [1.8].

Seismic vessel <None> Seismographic research. Requirements to hull

Mandatory: arrangement and strength.

no A Seismographic research. Requirements to systems

Design requirements: and equipment.
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.7
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Well stimulation vessel <None> Well stimulation.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.8
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 and Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.6 [2]

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Fire fighter <None> Fire fighting.
I Fire fighting with active
no protection, giving it the
Design requirements: capability to withstand
higher heat radiation loads
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.9
from external fires.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 I+ Fire fighting with active and
passive protection, giving it
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 and Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.6 [1] the capability to withstand
the higher heat radiation
loads also when the active
protection fails. In addition,
the vessel incorporates a
longer throw length.

II Continuous fire fighting of May be assigned in

large fires and cooling of combination with Fire
structures. fighter (I).

III Continuous fire fighting of May be assigned in

large fires and cooling of combination with Fire
structures with larger water fighter (I).
pumping capacity and more
comprehensive fire fighting
equipment than for II.

Capability Fire fighting capability. Vessels not specifically built

for fire fighting purposes
but having fire fighting
capabilities in addition to
their regular service.

Icebreaker <None> Ice breaking.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.10
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Tug <None> Towing of other vessels by

Mandatory: towlines.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4, Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.6 [29] and Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.6 [29]

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Escort tug F Steering and manoeuvring One of the qualifiers F, N
Mandatory: operations of other vessels or O is mandatory
by towlines. Only one of the qualifiers F,
Escort rating numbers based N or O may be assigned.
Design requirements:
on full scale test.
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.11
N Steering and manoeuvring
FIS survey requirements:
operations of other vessels
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 by towlines.
Sec.3, Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4, Pt.7
Escort rating numbers based
Ch.1 Sec.6 [29] and Pt.7 Ch.1
on numerical calculations.
Sec.6 [29]
O Steering and manoeuvring
operations of other vessels
by towlines.
Escort rating numbers
established by another
classification society.

(FS, t, v) (FS, t, v) are escort rating Mandatory qualifier.

numbers, where: Maximum two sets of
FS indicates maximum escort rating numbers may
transverse steering pull in be assigned.
ton, exerted by the escort For escort tugs with the
tug on the stern of the qualifier O, the escort
assisted vessel rating number values are
t is the time in seconds replaced by '-'.
required for the change of
the tug's position from one
side to the corresponding
opposite side
v is the speed in knots
at which this pull may be

Dredger <None> Dredging.

Suction Suction dredging.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.12
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Pusher <None> Pushing.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.13
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Slop reception vessel <None> Floating facilities for

Mandatory: reception and processing of
oily water and oil residue.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.14
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Reefer <None> Carriage of refrigerated

Mandatory: dry cargo and fruit and
vegetables under controlled
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.15
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [4]

Refrigerated fruit juice <None> Carriage of refrigerated fruit

carrier juices and similar liquid
Mandatory: cargoes in bulk.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.15
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [4]

Tanker for potable water <None> Carriage of potable water in

Mandatory: bulk.

Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.16
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 3

Deck carrier <None> Vessels specially intended
Mandatory: for carrying cargo on deck
only, without a cargo hold.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.17
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

12 Non-self-propelled vessels
Table 11 Ship type notations for non-self-propelled vessels

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Barge <None> Vessels with cargo hold. No means of self-

Mandatory: propulsion for transit.
Hopper Vessels for dredging
yes operations with self-
Design requirements: unloading through the
Pt.5 Ch.11
FIS survey requirements: Concrete Vessels made of concrete
and with cargo hold.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1

Pontoon <None> Vessels specifically intended No means of self-

Mandatory: for carriage of cargo on deck propulsion for transit.
Design requirements: B Unmanned vessels of
simple box shape intended
Pt.5 Ch.11
for carriage of on-deck
FIS survey requirements: cargo or used as working
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1 platform within restricted
Sec.4 environmental conditions.

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13 Fishing vessels
Table 12 Ship type notations for fishing vessels

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Fishing vessel <None> Fishing.

S Arranged for carriage of fish
no in bulk, with shifting boards
Design requirements: in cargo holds.
Pt.5 Ch.12 N Fishing vessel complying
FIS survey requirements: with the requirements of
the Norwegian Maritime
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Directorate (NMD).
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Stern trawler <None> Fishing. Stern trawling.

S Arranged for carriage of fish
no in bulk, with shifting boards
Design requirements: in cargo holds.
Pt.5 Ch.12 N Fishing vessel complying
FIS survey requirements: with the requirements of
the Norwegian Maritime
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Directorate (NMD).
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

14 Naval vessels
Table 13 Ship type notations for naval and naval support vessels

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Naval <None> Naval operations. Naval flagged vessels and

Mandatory: administered by a national
naval administration.
Design requirements:
Pt.5 Ch.13
FIS survey requirements:
DNV-RU-NAV Pt.7 Ch.1

Naval landing craft <None> For vessels intended to Naval flagged vessels and
Mandatory: carry troops, vehicles and administered by a national
equipment combined with naval administration
beach landing operations. Lpp < 40 m.
Design requirements:
FIS survey requirements:
DNV-RU-NAV Pt.7 Ch.1

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

1 Introduction

1.1 General
1.1.1 Vessels that comply with the requirements provided in Pt.6 may be assigned corresponding additional
class notation as indicated in Table 1 to Table 10 of this section.

1.1.2 Certain additional class notations are mandatory for certain types of installation, features, or
equipment installed; (e.g. Bow loading, Battery(Power), Inert) where the Society has found that these
constitute possible hazards to personnel and/or the vessel. Mandatory additional class notations are indicated
in the tables referred below.
Additional class notations made mandatory for different ship types are also referred in Pt.5.

2 Structural strength and integrity

Table 1 Additional class notations related to structural strength and integrity

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Grab 1-X Strengthened inner bottom Mandatory for ships with

Mandatory: for grab loading and freeboard length LLL > 150
unloading with grab mass X m and carrying solid bulk
≥ 10 t. cargoes having a density ≥
Design requirements: 3
1.0 t/m .
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.1 Voluntary for other ships.
FIS survey requirements:
2-X Strengthened inner bottom, Cargo holds unloaded with
NA and lower part of transverse grab and where additional
bulkhead and longitudinal protection of lower part of
bulkhead for grab loading transverse bulkhead and
and unloading with grab longitudinal bulkhead is
mass X ≥ 10 t. found necessary.

3-X Strengthened inner bottom, Mandatory for Ore carrier

and lower part of transverse with class notation OC(M)
bulkhead and longitudinal or OC(H).
bulkhead for grab loading Mandatory for ships with
and unloading with grab class notation HC(A),
mass X ≥ 20 t. HC(B)or HC(B*).
Voluntary for other ships.

Strengthened HA Weather deck hatch covers

Mandatory: strengthened for heavy
Design requirements: DK Weather deck strengthened
for heavy cargo.
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements: IB Inner bottom strengthened
for heavy cargo.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

HL ρ Tanks or holds strengthened
Mandatory: for heavy liquid, where
ρ denotes the maximum
no 3
density in t/m in specified
Design requirements: cargo tanks.
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements:

HC A Strengthened to carry dry HC with one of the

Mandatory: bulk cargoes of density ≥ qualifiers A, B, B*, C or M
1.0 t/m with specified holds are mandatory for:
empty at scantling draught,
— General dry cargo
Design requirements: in addition to HC(B).
ship designed for
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4 carriage of solid bulk
B Strengthened to carry dry
FIS survey requirements: bulk cargoes of density cargoes, with L ≥ 150
3 m, having minimum five
NA ≥ 1.0 t/m with all holds
loaded, in addition to cargo holds
HC(C). — Multi-purpose dry
cargo ship designed
B* Strengthened to carry dry for carriage of solid bulk
bulk cargoes of density cargoes, with L ≥ 150
≥ 1.0 t/m with any hold m, having minimum five
empty at scantling draught. cargo holds
C Strengthened to carry dry — Bulk carrier without
bulk cargoes of density < CSR notation, with L ≥
1.0 t/m . 150 m.

M Designed to carry dry bulk

cargoes as described in the
loading manual.

Maximum cargo density ρ Designed for a maximum Mandatory for ships with
Mandatory: cargo density ρ in t/m . class notation BC(A),
BC(B), HC(A), HC(B) or
HC(B*) designed for a
Design requirements: maximum cargo density <
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4 and DNV-RU- 3.0 t/m .
FIS survey requirements:

No MP <None> Ships not designed for May be applied to ships

Mandatory: loading and unloading in with class notation BC(A),
multiple ports. BC(B), BC(C), HC(A),
HC(B) or HC(C).
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4 and DNV-RU-
FIS survey requirements:

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

Block loading <None> Ships intended to operate in May be applied to ships
Mandatory: alternate block condition. with class notation BC(A)
or HC(A).
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4 and DNV-RU-
FIS requirements:

OC M Strengthened for loading Mandatory for ships with

Mandatory: and unloading in multiple class notation Ore carrier
ports, in addition to OC(H) with L ≥ 150 m, unless
notation. OC(H) is assigned.
Design requirements:
H Designed to carry ore Mandatory for ships with
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.5
cargoes in seagoing class notation Ore carrier
FIS requirements: homogeneous loading with L ≥ 150 m, unless
NA conditions. OC(M) is assigned.

Holds n may be empty <None> Holds may be empty at Mandatory for ships with
Mandatory: maximum draught where n class notation BC(A),
is the identification number HC(A), HC(M), if alternate
for each hold that may be loading conditions are
Design requirements: empty. included in the loading
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.4, and DNV-RU- manual.
FIS survey requirements:

Plus <None> Extended scope of fatigue

Mandatory: strength assessment for hull
structural details.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.6
FIS survey requirements:

CSA 1 Fatigue strength control in

Mandatory: accordance with CSA(FLS1)
and ultimate strength
check based on direct load
Design requirements: calculations.
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.7
2 Fatigue strength control in
FIS requirements: accordance with CSA(FLS2)
NA and ultimate strength
check based on direct load

FLS1 Fatigue strength control

based on direct load

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

FLS2 Additional fatigue strength
control based on direct
load calculations with
increased scope compared to

RSD <None> Structural strength Mandatory for vessels with

Mandatory: verification by means class notation Container
of global finite element ship having one of the
assessments (FEA) for 25 following characteristics:
Design requirements: years worldwide operation.
— novel design
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.8
X Structural strength — complex structural
FIS requirements: verification by means of arrangement
NA global FEA for a design — L ≥ 290 m
operation time X in years > — B ≥ 47 m
25 for worldwide operation. — v ≥ 25 kn
— hatch coaming built of
NV D47 or NV E47 steel

Optional for ships with

class notation Container
ship not having the
characteristics above.
Optional for ships with
class notation General
dry cargo ship or Multi-
purpose dry cargo ship.

NAS, X Structural strength Optional for ships with

verification by means of class notation Container
global FEA for specific North ship.
Atlantic service NAS and for
a design operation time X in
years ≥ 25.

SFA, X Additional assessment

for highly utilized hatch
corners applying a more
sophisticated spectral
fatigue analysis for a design
operation time X in years ≥

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

COAT-PSPC B Additional requirements Dedicated seawater ballast
Mandatory: for corrosion prevention of tanks of all types of
tanks and spaces/areas for vessels.
newbuildings. The notation
Design requirements: C provides compliance with Cargo oil tanks of crude
SOLAS Ch.II-1 Pt.A-1, oil tankers (corrosion
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.9
Reg. 3-2 and IMO Res. protection by coating).
FIS survey requirements:
CA MSC.215(82), SOLAS Cargo oil tanks of crude
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.3 Ch.II-1, Reg. 3-11 and IMO oil tankers (corrosion
Res. MSC.288(87). protection by alternative

D Double side-skin spaces of

bulk carriers.

V Void spaces of bulk carriers

and oil tankers.

COLL X Hull side structures specially The qualifier X shall be an

Mandatory: evaluated for collision integral number between
impacts. 1 and 6 and denotes the
amount of strengthening of
Design requirements: the side structures against
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.10 collisions.
FIS survey requirements:

WIV <None> Fatigue and ultimate hull Container ship

Mandatory: girder strength verified
under explicit consideration
of wave induced vibrations
Design requirements: (whipping and springing).
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.11
FIS survey requirements:

Hot TC Cargo tanks designed for Mandatory for ships with

Mandatory: high temperature cargo with notation Tanker for
a maximum design cargo asphalt/bitumen and
temperature of TC in °C. other oil tankers intended
Design requirements: for the carriage of liquid
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.12 cargo at a temperature
higher than 100°C at
FIS survey requirements:
atmospheric pressure.

NAABSA <None> Structural strength of May be applied to ships

Mandatory: bottom structure is verified with L ≤ 90 m and
to allow for resting aground. designed with a flat
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.13 [3]
FIS requirements:

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

HDS 35 Improved collision behaviour Application of steel grade
within the cargo hold region HD35 in accordance with
by using higher ductility Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.2 [10].
no steels.
50 Application of steel grade
Design requirements:
HD50 in accordance with
Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.14 Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.2 [10].
FIS requirements:

Guidance note:
L is the rule length as defined in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4.


Table 2 Additional class notations related to vessels in accordance with IACS common structural
rules only

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

CSR <None> Vessel designed and built Mandatory for:

Mandatory: according to IACS common Bulk carrier with LLL ≥
structural rules. 90 m and cross section in
accordance with CSR Pt.1
Design requirements:
Ch.1 Sec.1 [1.2.1]
Tanker for oil, Tanker
FIS survey requirements: for oil products,
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 with LLL ≥ 150 m.
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

BC A Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for ships

Mandatory: bulk cargoes of density ≥ with class notation Bulk
1.0 t/m with specified holds carrier with LLL ≥ 150 m,
empty at scantling draught, unless BC(B) or BC(C) is
Design requirements: in addition to BC(B). assigned.
B Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for ships
FIS survey requirements: bulk cargoes of density with class notation Bulk
NA ≥ 1.0 t/m with all holds carrier with LLL ≥ 150 m,
loaded, in addition to BC(C). unless BC(A) or BC(C) is

C Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for ships

bulk cargoes of density < with class notation Bulk
1.0 t/m . carrier with LLL ≥ 150 m,
unless BC(A) or BC(B) is

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

Grab X Strengthened for grab Mandatory for ships with
Mandatory: loading and discharging with class notation BC(A) or
grab mass X ≥ 20 t. BC(B).
Design requirements:
FIS survey requirements:

3 Propulsion, power generation and auxiliary systems

Table 3 Additional class notations related to propulsion, power generation and auxiliary systems

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Battery Power For vessels where the EES — All-electric vessel, i.e.
Mandatory: power is used for electrical all main sources of
propulsion of the vessel. power are based on
Design requirements:
— Hybrid vessel where
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.1 one of the main sources
FIS survey requirements: of power is based on
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1 EES.
Sec.4 — Hybrid vessel having an
operational mode where
the vessel is operating
on EES power only, with
the other main source
of power in standby.
— Hybrid vessel using
the EES system as a
redundant source of
power for main and/
or additional class
notations, e.g. dynamic

Safety For vessels where the — Hybrid vessels not using

aggregated EES installation the EES power as a
in one EES space has an main source of power.
rated capacity of 20 kWh or — Hybrid vessels using
above and not having the the EES power for only
Battery(Power) notation. peak shaving and/or
load levelling.
— Vessels using EES
power solely when

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

E0 <None> Unattended machinery
Mandatory: space.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [24]

ECO <None> Centralised

Mandatory: operated machinery.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [24]

FC Power Fuel cell installations. Mandatory where the

Mandatory: fuel cell power is used for
essential, important or
emergency services.
Design requirements:
Safety Fuel cell installations where Mandatory where the fuel
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.3
the fuel cell power is not used is a gas or a liquid
FIS survey requirements: used for essential, important fuel with flash point below
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 or emergency users. 60°C.
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Fuel ⱱ, ρ, T Fuel treatment and

Mandatory: conditioning system, where
ⱱ is maximum viscosity in
cSt at 50°C, ρ is maximum
Design requirements: 3
density in kg/m of the
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.4 fuel oil at 15°C, and T
is minimum outside air
FIS survey requirements:
temperature in °C for
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 which the installations are

Gas fuelled LNG <None> Application of LNG as fuel. Mandatory when installed.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

Fuel ready Ammonia Ships designed for future Minimum one of the fuel
Mandatory: conversion to an alternative specific qualifiers are
LFL fuel. mandatory.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.8 LPG
FIS survey requirements:

LFL fuelled <None> Application of low flashpoint Mandatory when installed.

Mandatory: liquids as fuel.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.6
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1

Gasoline INST <None> Low flashpoint liquid fuel

Mandatory: storage and bunkering
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.6
FIS survey requirements:

AP PM Enhanced reliability of Single propulsion systems

Mandatory: propulsion. and associated steering
fulfilling main class
requirements: in addition,
Design requirements: an alternative prime mover
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.7 capable of providing power
to the propulsion system
FIS survey requirements:
(e.g. via a clutch and
NA gearbox, or a power-take-
in unit).
Upon a failure (see Pt.6
Ch.2 Sec.7 [2.1.2]) causing
loss of the main prime
mover, the alternative
prime mover shall be
capable of providing at
least x% of the maximum
propulsion power. The
restoration of propulsion
provided by the alternative
prime mover shall be
possible to complete within
30 minutes.

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

P Enhanced reliability of Single propulsion systems
propulsion and steering. with associated steering
fulfilling main class
requirements: in addition,
an alternative propulsor
with steering capabilities.
Upon a failure (see Pt.6
Ch.2 Sec.7 [2.1.2]) causing
loss of main propulsion
system, the alternative
propulsor shall be capable
of providing at least
x% of the maximum
propulsion power with
steering capabilities.
The restoration of the
alternative propulsor shall
be possible to complete
within 30 minutes.

x Alternative propulsion power. Denoting alternative

propulsion power in % of
the maximum propulsion
power, mandatory for all
AP notations.

RP B Enhanced reliability of Duplicated propulsion

Mandatory: propulsion and steering. system with associated
steering forming two
redundancy groups:
Design requirements: common auxiliary systems
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.7 (except lubrication oil
systems which shall be
FIS survey requirements:
Upon a failure (see Pt.6
Ch.2 Sec.7 [3.1.2]),
one redundancy group
providing x% of the
maximum propulsion
power and steering shall be
possible to restore before
the vessel has lost steering
The remaining propulsion
power shall provide a speed
of at least 7 knots at calm
weather conditions.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

2 Enhanced reliability of Duplicated propulsion
propulsion and steering. system with associated
steering forming two
redundancy groups,
redundant steering
actuators within each
group: dedicated systems
for fuel oil, lubrication oil,
freshwater cooling and
control air for each group.
Upon a failure (see Pt.6
Ch.2 Sec.7 [4.1.2]),
one redundancy group
providing x% of the
maximum propulsion
power and steering shall be
possible to restore before
the vessel has lost steering
The remaining propulsion
power shall provide a
speed of at least 6 knots
while heading into BF 8

3 Enhanced reliability of Duplicated propulsion

propulsion and steering. system with associated
steering forming two
redundancy groups
segregated by A60-class
and watertight bulkheads,
redundant steering
actuators and dedicated
auxiliary systems within
each group.
Upon a failure (see Pt.6
Ch.2 Sec.7 [4.1.2])
including incidents of fire or
flooding, one redundancy
group providing x% of
the maximum propulsion
power and steering shall be
possible to restore before
the vessel has lost steering
The remaining propulsion
power shall provide a
speed of at least 6 knots
while heading into BF 8

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x Remaining propulsion power. Denoting the remaining
propulsion power in % of
the maximum propulsion
power, mandatory for all
RP class notations.

+ Continuous availability. Optional for RP(2, x)

and RP(3, x), denoting
continuous availability
of propulsion and
steering: after failure, one
redundancy group shall
remain in operation without
disruption, see Pt.6 Ch.2
Sec.7 [].

Scrubber ready D Ready for installation of a Mandatory, mutually

Mandatory: dry scrubber system. exclusive qualifiers.

no C Ready for installation of a

Design requirements: wet closed scrubber system.
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.9 H Ready for installation of a
FIS survey requirements: wet hybrid scrubber system.
NA O Ready for installation of a
wet open scrubber system.

IL Ready for in-line installation Mandatory, mutually

of scrubber system with one exclusive qualifiers.
individual linear scrubber
unit per consumer.

MI Ready for installation of

scrubber system with
multiple inlets to one or
more scrubber units.

HS Structural supports and ship

structures are prepared for
installation of a scrubber
system at newbuilding

R Review of the future Complete review according

scrubber installation system to main class rules.
for compliance according to Includes piping and
relevant class rules. electrical systems. Control
and monitoring verification
is limited.

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MISC An agreed number of Certification and installation
systems and or components of parts of the scrubber
are included from systems before delivery
newbuilding stage and based on agreement
followed up by the Society between owner and yard,
throughout the new building with detailed list provided
process. to Society for acceptance.

S The future scrubber If the Society is authorized

installation complies with by the flag administration
Marpol annex 6 regulation 4 to issue the IAPP
and 14, and MEPC.259(68). certificate. Review
according to IMO resolution

Shaft align 1 Intended for propulsion

Mandatory: systems installed on vessels
with conventional hull forms
and incorporates enhanced
Design requirements: aft bearing performance
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.10 during normal and turning
operating conditions.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [31] 2 Intended for propulsion
systems requiring additional
calculations to estimate
hydrodynamic propeller
loads during turning
conditions. Typical
installations are vessels with
non-conventional hull forms
such as asymmetric stern,
twin skeg, etc.

SRTP <None> Increased safety level of Mandatory for passengers

Mandatory: passenger ships through ships, SPS ships and naval
more redundant system vessels in accordance with
arrangements, providing Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.11 [1.4].
Design requirements: increased robustness and
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.11 fault tolerance.
FIS survey requirements:

WAPS <None> Wind assisted propulsion

Mandatory: systems installed on
seagoing ships.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.12
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1

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Gas fuelled LPG <None> Application of LPG as fuel. Mandatory when installed.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.13
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

Gas fuelled ammonia <None> Application of ammonia as Mandatory when installed.

Mandatory: fuel.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.14
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

OR ER1 Enhanced reliability of

Mandatory: propulsion, steering and
electrical power.
Design requirements: ER2 Enhanced reliability of
Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.15 propulsion, steering and
electrical power with
FIS survey requirements:
additional redundancy.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 EMR1 Enhanced manoeuvring

EMR2 Enhanced manoeuvring ER2 is mandatory for

reliability with enhanced EMR2.

OP Operational flexibility and

predictability through
enhanced redundancy and
capacity in auxiliary systems
for propulsion, steering and
electrical power.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4
4 Navigation and manoeuvring
Table 4 Additional class notations related to navigation and manoeuvring

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

DYNPOS AUTS Dynamic positioning system Includes single DP control

Mandatory: with no redundancy. system and manual levers
control back-up.
Design requirements: AUT Dynamic positioning system Includes single DP control
with no redundancy. system, single joystick
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1 and Pt.6 Ch.3
Provides higher availability control system and manual
and robustness compared to levers control back-up.
FIS survey requirements: DPS(1).
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [12]
AUTR Dynamic positioning system Includes redundant DP
with redundancy in technical control system, single
design. Provides higher joystick control system and
availability and robustness manual levers control back-
compared to DPS(2). up.

AUTR-CB Dynamic positioning

mode(s) with closed bus-
AUTR-CBS ties.

AUTRO Dynamic positioning system Includes redundant DP

with redundancy and control system, single
separation in technical joystick control system and
design. Provides higher manual levers control back-
availability and robustness up. In addition a single
compared to DPS(3). DP control system in a
separated back-up control

AUTRO-CB Dynamic positioning

mode(s) with closed bus-

E Dynamic positioning system Includes redundant DP

with enhanced reliability. control system and single
Position and heading independent alternative DP
keeping ability meets control system and manual
intentions comparable to or levers control back-up.
exceeding DPS(2). Provides flexibility and
increased availability of
power and thrust by use of
connected power systems,
standby start and change-
over of generator sets and

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ER Dynamic positioning system Includes, in addition to the
with enhanced reliability. properties of qualifier E,
Position and heading fire resistant separation
keeping ability meets between redundancy
intentions comparable to groups, which in addition is
or DPS(2) and DPS(3) watertight below main deck.
(depending on which failure
mode being evaluated).

A Annual survey to be carried In combination with

out in accordance with qualifiers AUTR, AUTRO, E,
scope for renewal survey. ER.

DPS 1 Dynamic positioning Includes single DP control

Mandatory: system with no redundancy system, single joystick
corresponding to IMO control system and manual
guideline IMO MSC/Circ.645 levers control back-up.
Design requirements: Guidelines for vessels with
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1 dynamic positioning systems
DP equipment class 1.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [12] 2 Dynamic positioning system Includes redundant DP
with redundancy in technical control system, single
design corresponding to IMO joystick control system and
guideline IMO MSC/Circ.645 manual levers control back-
Guidelines for vessels with up.
dynamic positioning systems
DP equipment class 2.

2-CB Dynamic positioning

mode(s) with closed bus-
2-CBS ties.

3 Dynamic positioning system Includes redundant DP

with redundancy and control system, single
separation in technical joystick control system and
design corresponding to IMO manual levers control back-
guideline IMO MSC/Circ.645 up. In addition a single
Guidelines for vessels with DP control system in a
dynamic positioning systems separated back-up control
DP equipment class 3. space.

3-CB Dynamic positioning

mode(s) with closed bus-
3-CBS ties.

A Annual survey to be carried In combination with

out in accordance with qualifiers 2 and 3.
scope for renewal survey.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

NAUT NAV Requirements within Basic requirements.
Mandatory: bridge design, bridge
OC instrumentation and Enhanced requirements
no for vessels operating world
workstation arrangements.
Design requirements: Vessels with NAUT will wide.
Pt.6 Ch.3 AW comply with the principles Enhanced requirements for
and aims of SOLAS V/15 vessels operating in coastal
FIS survey requirements:
and IMO MSC/Circ.982. and narrow waters.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [13]
OSV Vessels operating as
service vessels for offshore

INS+ Enhanced multi functional Vessels with class notation

workstation arrangement NAUT.
for integrated navigational

NAVI <None> Requirements within bridge

Mandatory: design covering the basic
principles and aims of
Design requirements: Circ.982.
Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.6
FIS survey requirements:

5 Cargo operations
Table 5 Additional class notations related to cargo operations

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Bow loading <None> Bow loading arrangement. Mandatory for Tanker for
Mandatory: oil when installed.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.1
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2

CCO <None> Centralised cargo control for For vessels with class
Mandatory: liquid cargoes. notation Tanker for oil or
Tanker for oil products
or Tanker for chemicals.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

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EL <None> Easy loading of cargo holds. Ore carrier
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [27]

ETC <None> Effective tank cleaning.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.4
FIS survey requirements:

MCDK <None> Movable car decks.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.5
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2

LCS <None> Loading computer system. Mandatory if a loading

Mandatory: computer calculating
stability and/or hull
strength is installed.
Design requirements:
DC Loading computer system Optional.
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.6
to assist the master as a
FIS survey requirements: decision aid under damage
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [19] conditions.

REGAS <None> Regasification plant. Mandatory for vessels fitted

Mandatory: with regasification plant.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.7
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [32]

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

RCP X/Y Refrigerated container
Mandatory: stowage positions, where
X represents total number
of certified refrigerated
Design requirements: stowage positions, and
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.8 Y is the percentage of
refrigerated containers
FIS survey requirements:
carrying fruit/chilled
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [20] cargoes. Y shall be at least

RM X°C/Y°C sea Cargo refrigeration plant,

Mandatory: where X°C is lowest
chamber temperature and Y
°C sea maximum seawater
Design requirements: temperature.
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.9
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [4]

RSCS+ <None> Route specific container

Mandatory: stowage on long haul as well
as costal voyages based on
weather forecasts.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.10
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

STL <None> Submerged turret loading Mandatory when installed.

Mandatory: system.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.1
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

VCS 1 Systems for control of For vessels with class

Mandatory: vapour emission from cargo notation Tanker for oil or
tanks and in compliance with Tanker for oil products
IMO MSC/Circ. 585. or Tanker for chemicals.
Design requirements:
2 Systems for control of
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.11
vapour emission from cargo
FIS survey requirements: tanks and in compliance
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [15] with IMO MSC/Circ. 585 and
USCG CFR 46 Part 39.

3 Systems for onboard vapour

processing with a minimum
recovery rate of 78% of non-
methane VOC.

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B Additional requirements to For vessels with class
vapour balancing. notation VCS(1) or

L, X% For installations used on For vessels with class

laden voyages only, with notation Tanker for oil or
a recovery rate of X% of Tanker for oil products
NMVOC. or Tanker for chemicals
May be combined with

CA <None> Carriage of fruits and

Mandatory: vegetables under controlled
Design requirements: port. Carriage of fruits and
vegetables under controlled
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.12
atmosphere, using a
FIS survey requirements: portable device.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [4]

ITC C Designates the coverage Tanker for oil

Mandatory: of the washing machines Tanker for oil products
in %. The coverage shall
not be less than 80%. The
Design requirements: inserted value shall be based
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.13 on the tank with the lowest
FIS survey requirements:
NA S Designates the stripping
efficiency. I.e. the amount of
residue left in a cargo tank
and associated piping after
discharge and stripping in
m . The amount shall not
exceed 3 m per cargo tank.
The inserted value shall be
based on the test results
for the tank with the lowest
stripping efficiency.

A Designates the upward

facing area of horizontal
structures and piping in m
where cargo and sludge may
accumulate. The inserted
value shall be based on
the tank with the largest
horizontal area.

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REGAS ready <None> The unit is prepared Gas carriers planned
Mandatory: for future regasification and partly prepared for
operation and installation later installation of a
of a regasification plant regasification plant in
Design requirements: onboard based on general compliance with class
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.14 principles of regasification notation REGAS or
plant design. general REGAS(ES).
FIS survey requirements:
principles of regasification
NA plant design.

C The unit is prepared

for future regasification
operation and installation
of a regasification plant
on board with an selected
regasification plant design.

SC The unit has carried out

sloshing calculations.

SR Equipped with cargo

containment system of
reinforced configuration.

IP Increased pressure for cargo

tanks for REGAS operation.

ES Enhanced safety review.

Ready for C <None> Vessels, which during C denotes the new

Mandatory: the newbuilding phase product(s) given from Pt.5
are planned for, and Ch.7 Sec.19 Table 2.
partly prepared for, later C can be replaced with
Design requirements: conversion to transport of a LPG Products as defined
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.15 new product. in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.19 Table
FIS survey requirements: 2 when found applicable
and than a specific list of
relevant product(s) will be
given in appendix to class

ARCS PSA Risk reduction of excessive Ships with the class

Mandatory: roll motions with an notations Container
predictive software ship or vessels with
application, see Pt.6 Ch.4 the additional notation
Design requirements: Sec.16 [2.3.2]. Container.
Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.16
ARD Risk reduction of excessive
FIS survey requirements:
roll motions with an
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [40] integrated anti roll device,
see Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.16 [3].

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4
6 Equipment and design features
Table 6 Additional class notations related to equipment and design features

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Container <None> Equipped for carriage of For vessels other than

Mandatory: containers. Container ship.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.1
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1

Hatchcoverless <None> For hatchcoverless container Mandatory for vessels with

Mandatory: ships, multi-purpose dry class notation Container
cargo ships and general ship, General dry cargo
cargo ships equipped with ship or Multi-purpose dry
Design requirements: the appropriate facilities to cargo ship intended for
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.2 operate without or with open operating without or with
hatch covers. open hatch covers.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2

Crane <None> Onboard crane. Onboard crane certified by

Mandatory: the Society.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [6]

F A Additional fire protection in

Mandatory: accommodation area.

no C Additional fire protection in

Design requirements: cargo area.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.4 M Additional fire protection for
FIS survey requirements: machinery spaces - general.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [11] M-P Additional measures for
machinery spaces - fire

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FCS A Additional fire protection in Ships with the class
Mandatory: accommodation area. notation Container ship.

no C Additional fire protection in

Design requirements: cargo area.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.4 and Pt.6 Ch.5 M Additional fire protection for
Sec.23 machinery spaces - general.
FIS survey requirements:
M-P Additional measures for
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [11] machinery spaces - fire

HA Hazard identification Ships with the class

assessment of container notation Container ship
fires. and at least one of the
qualifiers FD, FD+, FF or

FD Enhanced fire detection Ships with the class

systems for container cargo notation Container ship
areas. and the notation FCS(C).

FD+ Enhanced fire detection

systems, with container
identification, for container
cargo areas.

FF Enhanced fire fighting

systems for container cargo

HF Fire fighting by container

hold flooding for container
cargo areas.

HELDK <None> Helicopter deck.

S Additional requirements to
no vessel safety.
Design requirements:
H Additional requirements to
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.5 helicopter safety.
FIS survey requirements:
F Additional requirements to
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [8] helicopter facility.

CAA-N Helicopter facility has been

evaluated for additional
requirements specified by
the Norwegian Civil Aviation

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SF <None> Compliance with Offshore service vessel
Mandatory: requirements to damage
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.6
FIS survey requirements:

SPS <None> Ships carrying special

Mandatory: personnel who are neither
crew members nor
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.7
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [26]

Inert <None> Inert gas system. Mandatory if installed on

Mandatory: Tanker for oil DWT < 8
000 ton.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.8
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1

LFL 1 Designed for carriage of Mandatory for vessels

Mandatory: liquid with flashpoint lower intended for transportation
than 60°C. of liquids with flashpoint
below 60°C in bulk to and
Design requirements: 2 Designed for carriage of from offshore installations
liquid with flashpoint lower except ship types Tanker
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.9
than 43°C. for oil and Tanker for
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1

DG B Arranged for carriage of solid

Mandatory: dangerous goods in bulk
in compliance with SOLAS
Design requirements:
P Arranged for carriage
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.10
of dangerous goods in
FIS survey requirements: packaged form in compliance
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [5] with SOLAS Reg.II-2/19.

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DBC <None> Arranged for carriage of solid
Mandatory: bulk cargoes in compliance
with SOLAS regulation
II-2/19 as applicable and the
Design requirements: technical provisions of the
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.10 IMSBC Code.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [5]

OILREC <None> Recovered oil reception and All ships except Tanker for
Mandatory: transportation. oil.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.4 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [3]

OILREC FP> 60°C <None> Recovered oil reception and All ships except Tanker for
Mandatory: transportation for oil with oil.
flashpoint above 60°C.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.11
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.4 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [3]

SPM <None> Single point mooring. Mandatory for Tanker for

Mandatory: oil when installed.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.12
FIS survey requirements:

ESV DP Enhanced verification of

Mandatory: dynamic positioning.

no TAM Enhanced verification of

Design requirements: thruster assisted mooring or
automatic thruster assisted
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.13
mooring systems.
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [28] PMS Enhanced verification of
power management system.

SPT Enhanced verification of

steering, propulsion and
thruster system.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

ICS Enhanced verification of
integrated control and
monitoring system.

DRILL Enhanced verification of

drilling control system.

BOP Enhanced verification of

blow out prevention system.

Crane Enhanced verification of

crane control system.

HIL-IS “Hardware-In-the-
Loop” (HIL) testing where
HIL test package is provided
by independent HIL supplier.

HIL-DS “Hardware-In-the-
Loop” (HIL) testing where
HIL test programme package
and HIL test package report
are provided by independent
HIL supplier and HIL test
simulator package is
provided by the organization
delivering the HIL target

Gas bunker <None> Equipped with dedicated Tanker for liquefied

Mandatory: gas fuel transfer equipment gas or Tanker for C and
for supply of bunker to gas barges specifically intended
fuelled ships on a regular for carriage of liquefied
Design requirements: basis. gas.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.14
VR-x Equipped for handling of
FIS survey requirements: excess vapour return from
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [37] the receiving ship with
vapour recovery capacity of
x kW.

EPC Equipped with enhanced

positioning control system.

TC Equipped with enhanced

transfer control system.

Platform supply AA Ship designed for carriage Mandatory for vessels

Mandatory: of either oil cargoes, liquid intended to carry cargoes
carbon dioxide- and liquid covered by Pt.6 Ch.5
nitrogen and/or dry mud- Sec.15.
Design requirements: and cement.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.15
P Ship designed for carriage of
FIS survey requirements: pollution hazards cargoes.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
S Ship designed for carriage of
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4
safety hazardous cargoes.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

T Ship designed for carriage of
toxic cargoes.

Walk2work <None> Vessel with permanent

Mandatory: installed gangway where the
gangway is certified by DNV.
Design requirements: Operability Denotes the maximum sea
conditions in which the
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.16
offshore gangway system
FIS survey requirements: may be safely operated.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [33]

Walk2workready <None> Vessel intended to have

Mandatory: gangway system installed
onboard. The gangway is
outside the scope of the
Design requirements: notation.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.16
Operability Denotes the maximum sea
FIS survey requirements: conditions in which the
NA offshore gangway system
may be safely operated.

ADW <None> Ships intended for anchoring

Mandatory: in deep and unsheltered
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.17
FIS survey requirements:

BCLIQ Cat1 Ships strengthened for BCLIQ with one of

Mandatory: liquefaction in design qualifiers, either Cat1 or
category 1 group A cargo. Cat2, is mandatory for
ships intended for the
Design requirements: Cat2 Ships strengthened for carriage of solid bulk cargo
liquefaction in design shipped at a moisture
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.18
category 2 group A cargo. content in excess of its
FIS survey requirements:
transportable moisture limit
NA which may liquefy during a

RO/RO <None> Designed and arranged for For ships other than RO/
Mandatory: roll-on and roll-of cargo RO ship and Car carrier.
handling and transportation
of rolling vehicles.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.19
FIS survey requirements:

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Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

Gas power plant <None> Vessels arranged with a gas
Mandatory: fired power plant for the
production and export of
electrical energy.
Design requirements:
Performance Additional performance Optional qualifier for Gas
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.20
requirements related to power plant.
FIS survey requirements: the rated electrical power
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [34] delivered from the power

P Rated electrical power, P, Optional qualifier when

[MW] delivered from the Performance is assigned.
power plant.

V Supply voltage, V [kV] Optional qualifier when

delivered from the power Performance is assigned.

f Supply frequency, f, [Hz] Optional qualifier when

delivered from the power Performance is assigned.

Cyber secure <None> Establish barriers to identify, Initial level of cyber

Mandatory: protect, detect, respond, and security based on IMO
recover from cyber security resolution MSC.428(98)
incidents. and MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3.
Design requirements:
Essential Essential level of cyber
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.21
security for the vessel's
FIS survey requirements: essential systems.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [36]
Advanced Advanced level of cyber
security for the vessel's
essential systems.

+ Selected level of cyber

security for specified

Smart OPH Operations and maintenance Requires a minimum of

Mandatory: enhancements related three (3) enhancements for
to structural integrity each qualifier. One qualifier
management and is required to obtain the
Design requirements: performance of hull and class notation Smart.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.24 structure.
FIS survey requirements: OPM Operations and maintenance
NA enhancements related to
maintenance management
of machinery and
equipment, condition
monitoring, systems and
vessel performance.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

EEN Energy efficiency
and environmental
enhancements related to
fuel consumption, emission
and noise.

Mooring D Compliance with MSC.1/ Newbuildings.

Mandatory: Circ.1619 and MSC.1/
Design requirements: IM Compliance with MSC.1/ Ships in operation.
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.25
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [41]

SBC 1 Compliance with IMO Ships designed for

Mandatory: resolution MSC.277(85). occasional carriage of solid
bulk cargoes.
Mandatory only for
Design requirements:
General dry cargo ships
Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.26 and Multi purpose cargo
FIS survey requirements: ships with LLL above 150
NA m and with five (5) cargo
holds or more.

7 Cold climate
Table 7 Additional class notations related to cold climate

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

Ice-C <None> Vessels intended for Light ice conditions and

Mandatory: navigation in light ice light localised drift ice, in
conditions. river mouths and coastal
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements:

Ice 1A*F High powered vessels for Vessels constructed

Mandatory: regular traffic in heavy Baltic according to Finnish-
ice. Swedish ice rules.
Design requirements: 1A* Vessels intended for Constructed according to
navigation in ice-infested Finnish- Swedish ice rules
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.3
waters. (1A Super). Ice thickness
FIS survey requirements: 1.0 m.
1A Vessels intended for Constructed according to
navigation in ice-infested Finnish- Swedish ice rules
waters. (1A). Ice thickness 0.8 m.

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1B Vessels intended for Constructed according to
navigation in ice-infested Finnish- Swedish ice rules
waters. (1B). Ice thickness 0.6 m.

1C Vessels intended for Constructed according to

navigation in ice-infested Finnish- Swedish ice rules
waters. (1C). Ice thickness 0.4 m.

Polar C Operation in ice free waters

Mandatory: within polar waters.

no Operation in open waters

within polar waters.
Design requirements:
Operation in ice conditions
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.5
less severe than those
FIS survey requirements: included in categories A and
NA B within polar waters.

B Operation in other ice

conditions within polar
waters as listed in Pt.6 Ch.6
Sec.5 Table 6.

A Operation in other ice

conditions within polar
waters as listed in Pt.6 Ch.6
Sec.5 Table 6.

PST Polar service temperature, Mandatory when the ship

PST, in °C. is intended to operate
in low air temperature
where mean daily low
temperature (MDLT) is
below -10°C.

PC 1 Vessels intended for Year-round operation in all

Mandatory: navigation in ice-infested polar waters.
polar waters.
no 2 Year-round operation in
Design requirements: moderate multi-year ice
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.7
FIS survey requirements: 3 Year-round operation in
second-year ice which
may include multi-year ice

4 Year-round operation
in thick first-year ice
which may include old ice

5 Year-round operation in
medium first-year ice
which may include old ice

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

6 Summer/autumn operation
in medium first-year ice
which may include old ice

7 Summer/autumn operation
in thin first-year ice
which may include old ice

Winterized <None> Occasional operation in cold For ambient temperatures

Mandatory: climate for short periods. down to -20ºC.

no BST Regular operation in cold For ambient temperatures

Design requirements: climate for an extended colder than -20ºC.
period of time where
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.4
BST is the Baltic service
FIS survey requirements: temperature in °C.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [23]

DAT-B t Providing material Mandatory for vessels

requirements for vessels intended to operate
intended to operate in low in areas with low air
yes air temperatures during temperatures, i.e. design
Design requirements: winter in the northern Baltic temperatures colder than
Sea, or in areas with similar -10°C.
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.6
conditions. t denotes the
FiS requirements: lowest mean daily average
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1 air temperature in °C.
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

DAT Providing material Mandatory for vessels

Mandatory: requirements for vessels intended to operate in polar
intended to operate in low waters with polar service
air temperatures in polar temperatures, PST, colder
Design requirements: waters. t denotes the lowest than -23°C.
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.6 mean daily average air
temperature in °C.
FIS survey requirements:

DAV PC(1) For vessels intended to Year-round operation in all

Mandatory: operate with stern first in ice polar waters.
infested polar waters.
no PC(2) Year-round operation in
Design requirements: moderate multi-year ice
Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.8
FIS survey requirements: PC(3) Year-round operation in
second-year ice which
may include multi-year ice

PC(4) Year-round operation

in thick first-year ice
which may include old ice

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

PC(5) Year-round operation in
medium first-year ice
which may include old ice

PC(6) Summer/autumn operation

in medium first-year ice
which may include old ice

PC(7) Summer/autumn operation

in thin first-year ice
which may include old ice

Ice(1A*) Normally capable of

navigating in difficult ice
conditions without the
assistance of icebreakers.

Ice(1A) Capable of navigating in

difficult ice conditions,
with the assistance
of icebreakers when

Ice(1B) Capable of navigating in

moderate ice conditions,
with the assistance
of icebreakers when

Ice(1C) Capable of navigating

in light ice conditions,
with the assistance
of icebreakers when

Icebreaker For vessels intended to Ice management and

operate as icebreaker with escort services.
stern first in ice infested
polar waters.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4
8 Environmental protection and pollution control
Table 8 Additional class notations related to environmental protection and pollution control

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

BWM E[m] Ballast water exchange at m denotes method of

Mandatory: sea is accepted. exchange as follows:

no s - sequential method

Design requirements: f - flow-through method

Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.1 d - dilution method.

FIS survey requirements: T Compliance with regulation

Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [21] D-2 of the BWM Convention
by means of a type
approved ballast water
treatment system (by the
BWMS Code). Ballast water

Clean <None> Arrangements for controlling

Mandatory: and limiting operational
emissions and discharges.
Design requirements: Design Additional design
requirements for protection
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.2
against accidents and for
FIS survey requirements: limiting their consequences.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [16]
Tier III Compliance with the NOx
emission requirements of
Tier III according to MARPOL
Annex VI, Regulation 13.

ECA SOx-A Designed to operate all Fuel and lubrication oil

Mandatory: machinery on marine system and arrangements
distillate fuel. for meeting regulations in
emission control areas.
Design requirements: SOx-P Designed to operate
machinery components
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.3
used while in port on marine
FIS survey requirements: distillate fuel.

ER <None> Installations for the Applicable for emission

Mandatory: reduction of NOx or SOx reduction system for
emissions by novel means. NOx and/or SOx by novel
means which does not fall
Design requirements: under any of the defined
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.7 additional qualifiers. Such
systems shall generally
FIS requirements:
comply with the principles
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2 and Pt.7 Ch.1 of these rules.
Additional qualifiers for NOx reduction systems.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

SCR Installations for the Applicable for all vessels
reduction of NOx emissions where SCR systems are
by selective catalytic installed in one or more
reduction systems. exhaust lines.

EGR Installations for the Applicable for all vessels

reduction of NOx emission by where EGR systems are
recirculation of exhaust gas. installed in one or more
exhaust lines.

TIER III Installations for the

reduction of NOx emissions
certified in compliance
with the NOx emission
requirements of Tier III
according to MARPOL Annex
VI, regulation 13.

Additional qualifiers for SOx reduction systems

EGCS open Installations for removal Applicable for all vessels

of SOx by use of seawater where open loop scrubber
spray without means for systems are installed.
recirculation (open loop
scrubber system).

EGCS closed Installations for removal of Applicable for all vessels

SOx by use of water spray in where closed loop scrubber
a closed circulation system systems are installed.
(closed loop system).

EGCS hybrid Installations for removal Applicable for all vessels

of SOx by use of sea- or where any configuration of
freshwater spray in open or hybrid scrubber systems
closed circulation (open and are installed.
closed loop system).

EGCS dry Installations for removal of Applicable for all vessels

SOx by use of a dry medium where dry scrubber
through which the exhaust systems are installed.
stream is passed.

Optional additional qualifiers

Enhanced Installations with enhanced Additional qualifier defining

availability. emission reduction systems
as a system supporting
the main functions of the
vessel according to Pt.4

Zero Discharge (x) Installations for removal Additional qualifier for

of SOx with holding tank closed and hybrid exhaust
capacity for (x) days. gas cleaning (EGC) systems
with holding tank designed
for 100% EGC system load
for (x) days.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

Recyclable <None> Inventory of hazardous
Mandatory: materials.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.4
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [30]

Shore power <None> Electric shore connections. Mandatory for the following
Mandatory: installations:

yes — vessels with HV shore

Design requirements:
— vessels with LV shore
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.5
connection of a power
FIS survey requirements: rating greater than or
NA equal to 1 MVA.

Silent A Vessels complying with Vessels using acoustical

Mandatory: specified maximum equipment.
underwater noise emission.
no S Vessels conducting seismic
Design requirements: surveys.
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.6 F Fishing vessel.
FIS survey requirements:
R Research vessel.
E Vessels demonstrating a
controlled environmental
noise emission.

Quiet I-qrn Requirements related to External airborne noise

Mandatory: external airborne noise emission during idle
emission of vessels in port. condition while berthed.
Design requirements: W-qrn External airborne noise
emission during working
Pt.6 Ch.7 Sec.8
condition while berthed.
FIS survey requirements:

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4
9 Living and working conditions
Table 9 Additional class notations related to living and working conditions

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

COMF C-crn Habitability requirements to All vessel types.

Mandatory: indoor climate.

no V-crn Habitability requirements All vessel types except

Design requirements: to noise and whole-body yachts and naval vessels.
Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.1
FIS survey requirements: Y-S Habitability requirements Yachts and superyachts.
to noise and whole-body

Y-M Habitability requirements Megayachts.

to noise and whole-body

NAV Habitability requirements Naval vessels.

to noise and whole-body

VIBR <None> Limitations to vibration

Mandatory: levels.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.2
FIS survey requirements:

SAFELASH <None> Increased safety level Container ships and

Mandatory: for crew members and vessels assigned the
stevedores engaged in the additional class notation
handling and securing of Container.
Design requirements: containers.
Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements:

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4
10 Survey arrangements
Table 10 Additional class notations related to survey arrangement

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

BIS <None> Built for in-water survey

Mandatory: of the vessel bottom and
related items.
Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.1
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.5 [1.6]

ESP <None> Vessels subject to Mandatory for vessels with

Mandatory: an enhanced survey class notations:
programme. Bulk carrier
Design requirements: Tanker for oil

Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.2 Bulk carrier or tanker for

FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.2, Pt.7 Ch.1
Sec.3 and Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4 Tanker for chemicals
Tanker for C
having integral tanks
intended for carriage of
liquid chemicals in bulk in
accordance with the IBC

HMON An Hull monitoring at various Sensor monitoring

Mandatory: locations to reduce the need acceleration along one axis.
for internal survey through
no B Statistical back-up and
increased focus on hull
Design requirements: stress warnings. n denotes trigged time series to
number of sensors. be sent annually to the
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [14] C Online link to loading
computer which is
continuously updating the
loading condition.

D Online data link between

hull monitoring system on
board to office ashore. The
link shall make it possible
to operate the system
from an onshore computer,
perform maintenance and
transfer data.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

En Sensor monitoring the
propulsion shaft(s) output/

Gn Sensor monitoring global

hull strain.

Hn Sensor monitoring the

liquid motion pressures in
tanks (sloshing).

In Sensors for ice thickness


IRM Ice response monitoring,

further described by Ln.

Ln Sensor monitoring local hull


M Device for monitoring of

hull rigid body motions (six
degrees of freedom).

Nn Sensor to measure noise.

On Navigation sensors
(position fixing system
(e.g. GPS), speed log, gyro
compass, rudder angle,

Pn Sensor monitoring the sea

pressure acting on the hull.

PR Parametric roll sensors

based on roll and pitch
based on Mn.

Rn Rudder response

S Device for monitoring the


Tn Sensor monitoring the


Vn Velocimeter: sensor
monitoring velocity along
one axis or about an axis.

VDVn Free axial sensors for

estimation of vibration dose

Wn Wind sensor for wind speed

and wind heading.

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

TMON Oil lubricated Tail shaft monitoring enables Oil lubricated tail-shaft
Mandatory: operators to continuously stern tube bearing.
observe and assess the
no Closed loop water Water lubricated tail shaft
condition of the shaft(s)
Design requirements: which may extend interval stern tube bearing with
between tail shaft surveys/ closed loop.
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.4
Open loop water tail shaft withdrawal. Water lubricated tail shaft
FIS survey requirements:
stern tube bearing with
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [17]
open loop.

+ Enhanced monitoring and Vessels with class notations

control of shaft system TMON(Oil lubricated)
health. and Shaft align.

BMON <None> Boiler monitoring. Reduces the need for

Mandatory: internal survey at every
alternate survey through
increased focus on water
Design requirements: management.
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.5
+ Automation of boiler feed
FIS survey requirements: water testing and treatment.
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [25]

CMON <None> Construction monitoring of

Mandatory: hull critical locations.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.6
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.4

UWILD <None> Underwater inspection in lieu For permanently moored

Mandatory: of drydocking. vessels.

Design requirements:
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.7
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.5 [1.5] and Pt.7
Ch.1 Sec.5 [1.8]

ASP <None> Extended and flexible Liquefied gas storage units

Mandatory: scheduling of internal cargo (e.g. FSU and FSRU).
tank(s) survey.
Design requirements: MRU Motions reference unit
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.8
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [35]

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 4

ASP ready <None> Prepared for extended Liquefied gas storage units
Mandatory: and flexible scheduling (e.g. FSU and FSRU).
of internal cargo tank(s)
Design requirements:
MRU Motions reference unit
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.8
(MRU) installed.
FIS survey requirements:

11 Naval
Table 11 Additional class notations related to naval vessels

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

NAUT Navy Basic requirements to All naval flagged vessels

Mandatory: bridge design, bridge and administered
instrumentation, and by a national naval
workstation arrangement. administration, except:
Design requirements:
— vessel of less than 24
Pt.6 Ch.10 Sec.1 metres LOA
FIS survey requirements: — submarines.
DNV-RU-NAV Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6

Naval support <None> Naval operations and naval Naval flagged vessels and
Mandatory: support operations. administered by a national
naval administration.
yes Hull Naval requirements for
Design requirements: arrangements, loads and hull
Pt.5 Ch.13 Sec.3
FIS survey requirements: STAB Naval requirements for
DNV-RU-NAV Pt.7 Ch.1
System Naval requirements for
piping, machinery, electrical,
control and monitoring.

Fire Naval requirements for fire


EVAC Naval requirements for safe


RADHAZ Naval requirements for

radiation hazards.

EMC Naval requirements

for electromagnetic

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SAM Naval requirements
for storage rooms for

11.1 General
11.1.1 The class notation Naval support may be combined with ship type notations in Pt.5.

11.1.2 The qualifiers to Naval support are optional.

11.1.3 Any combination of qualifiers for Naval support are allowed. For example Naval support(Hull,
STAB, Fire).

12 Digital features
Table 12 Additional class notations related to digital features

Class notation Qualifier Purpose Application

D-INF <None> An essential data collection Based on customised

Mandatory: infrastructure to facilitate requirements defined by a
the collection and exchange specific data collection use
of data. case and not incorporating a
Design requirements: vessel server component.
Pt.6 Ch.11 Sec.1
G A generic data collection Based on standardised
FIS survey requirements: infrastructure to facilitate requirements and defined by
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [38] the collection and exchange proprietary protocols used
of data. for data interfacing.

S A standardised data Based on standardised

collection infrastructure to requirements defined by a
facilitate the collection and specific standard.
exchange of data.

DDV AVA Fleet in service verification

Mandatory: of specified target systems
can (partly or fully) be
based on data-driven
Design requirements: verification by application
Pt.6 Ch.11 Sec.2 of an algorithm-based
verification agent (AVA).
FIS survey requirements:
Pt.7 Ch.1 Sec.6 [39] BITE Fleet in service verification
of specified target systems
can (partly or fully) be based
on data-driven verification
by application of built in test

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DSA Fleet in service verification
of specified target systems
can (partly or fully) be based
on data-driven verification
by application of digital
survey applications.

DT Fleet in service verification

of specified target systems
can (partly or fully) be based
on data-driven verification
by application of digital

SVS Fleet in service verification

of specified target systems
can (partly or fully) be
based on data-driven
verification by application of
target system self verifying

REW <None> Connectivity, tools and Onboard arrangement

Mandatory: infrastructure enabling direct for live streaming of
online witnessing from a activities at bridge, deck,
remote location. accommodation, engine
Design requirements: spaces, and control rooms.
Pt.6 Ch.11 Sec.3 The coverage may also
include specified confined
FIS survey requirements:
spaces, like tanks and
NA boilers.

HMI1 Including arrangement

for online sharing of
onboard target systems
screens/views, to a remote
witnessing centre.

HMI2 Including arrangement for

online sharing and access to
onboard target systems HMI
from a remote witnessing
centre to enable remote
control of the target system
HMI interface.

NAUTConnect <None> Processes, communication

Mandatory: and cooperation among
parties that create, certify,
utilize and manage ICT
Design requirements: based integration of
Pt.6 Ch.11 Sec.4 navigational systems.
FIS survey requirements:

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 5

1 Service area notation

1.1 General
1.1.1 The service area notation R followed by a number or a letter will be assigned to vessels with modified
requirements to arrangement, equipment or scantlings, in relation to vessels built for unrestricted trade.
The service area restrictions, given in nautical miles and representing the maximum distance from nearest
port or safe anchorage, are given in Table 1 of this section. For the various service area notations the
restrictions are related to the zones, areas and seasonal periods as defined in the International Convention
on Load Lines, 1966, Annex II.
The service area notation RE is limited to enclosed waters such as fjords, ports, rivers and lakes.
The service area restrictions as related to the assigned service area notation will be included in the appendix
to the class certificate.

Table 1 Service area restrictions

Seasonal zones (nautical miles) Corresponding

Service area
significant wave
notations Winter Summer Tropical 1)
height HS in meters

R0 250 No restrictions No restrictions Not applicable

R1 100 200 300 0.9Cw

R2 50 100 200 0.8Cw

R3 20 50 100 0.6Cw

R4 5 10 20 0.5Cw

RE Enclosed waters 0.4Cw

1) Cw is the wave coefficient as defined in Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.4. The significant wave height (HS) assumes reduced speed in
head sea and that heading is changed when necessary to avoid resonance and extreme rolling.

1.1.2 Modified requirements related to the various service area notations are given in the relevant sections
of the rules. The modifications may affect:
— design hull girder loads
— design pressures on shell, weather decks, superstructures and deckhouses
— anchoring and mooring equipment
— stability.

1.1.3 The flag administration, the domestic requirements of which are being applied under the provision of
Ch.1 Sec.2 [1.3.5] (local trade), shall be indicated in parentheses after the service area notation, by using
lower-case country codes in accordance with ISO 3166, R2(nor), should the flag administration be Norway
or R2(usa) should the flag administration be U.S.A. etc.
1.1.5 Other service restrictions or operational limits included in the design assumptions for a vessel will be
stated in the appendix to the class certificate and/or on special signboards.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 68
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 6

1 General

For a vessel with purpose, function or feature not covered by existing notations, this may be recognized by
assignment of a descriptive notation.

The descriptive notation may be assigned upon request to the Society.

There are no class requirements associated with a descriptive notation.

The descriptive notation will be identified by use of square brackets, e.g. [Research vessel].

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 69
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic

July 2022 edition

Changes July 2022, entering into force 1 January 2023

Topic Reference Description

New ship type notation Sec.3 [10] The following notation is new:
— Windfarm service.

Mandatory additional class Sec.4 The following notation has been made mandatory:

New additional class notations Sec.4 The following notations are new:
— AP
— Gasoline INST
— Mooring
— NAUTConnect
— SBC.

New qualifiers Sec.4 The following qualifiers are new:

— DPS(2-CB)
— DPS(2-CBS)
— DPS(2-CBT)
— DPS(3-CB)
— DPS(3-CBS)
— DPS(3-CBT)
— TMON(Oil lubricated, +).

Discontinued qualifiers Sec.4 The following qualifiers have been discontinued:

— RP(1)
— Offshore service vessel(Windfarm maintenance).

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 70
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic
July 2021 edition

Changes July 2021, entering into force 1 January 2022

Topic Reference Description

New ship type notation Sec.3 The following notation is new:

— Deck carrier.

New additional class notations Sec.4 The following notations are new:
— Fuel ready
— OR
— Gas fuelled ammonia
— Ready for C.

New qualifiers Sec.4 The following qualifiers are new:

— HMON(Nn)
— HMON(Rn)
— HMON(Vn)
— Quiet(I-qrn)
— Quiet(W-qrn).

Discontinued qualifiers Sec.4 The following qualifier has been discontinued:

— Quiet(I[Ls,Lp,d,h])
— Quiet(W[Ls,Lp,d,h])

Rebranding to DNV All This document has been revised due to the rebranding of DNV
GL to DNV. The following have been updated: the company
name, material and certificate designations, and references to
other documents in the DNV portfolio. Some of the documents
referred to may not yet have been rebranded. If so, please see
the relevant DNV GL document.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 71
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic
July 2020 edition

Amendments October 2020, entering into force 1 January 2021

Topic Reference Description

New class notations Sec.4 The following notations are new:

— Smart

New qualifiers Sec.4 The following qualifiers are new:

— Cyber secure(Essential)
— Cyber secure(Advanced)
— Cyber secure(+)

Changes July 2020, entering into force 1 January 2021

Topic Reference Description

New class notations Sec.4 The following notations are new:


New qualifiers Sec.3, Sec.4 The following qualifiers are new:

— BMON(+)
— Pontoon(B)
— DAV(Icebreaker)

Removed class notation Sec.4 The following class notation has been removed:

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 72
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic
July 2019 edition

Changes July 2019, entering into force 1 January 2020

Topic Reference Description

New class notations Sec.3 and Sec.4 The following notations are new:
— FSU for liquefied gas
— FSU for C
— Walk2workready
— REGAS ready
— Gas fuelled LPG
— Platform supply
— Polar
— Quiet
— ASP ready

New qualifiers The following qualifiers are new

— VCS(L, X)
— Winterized(BST)

Deleted class notation Sec.4 The following class notation is deleted:


Deleted qualifiers Sec.3 and Sec.4 The following qualifiers are deleted:
— Offshore service vessel(Supply)
— Winterized(Basic, Cold, Polar)

July 2018 edition

Changes July 2018, entering into force 1 January 2019

Topic Reference Description

Update of name and qualifiers Sec.3 [11] Diving support vessel class notation is changed to DSV. New
of a ship type notation for qualifiers Ready and OCS are introduced.
vessels for special operations

Cyber security Sec.4 [6] Introducing new additional class notation Cyber secure related
to mitigation of cyber risks.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 73
Class notations

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Topic Reference Description

Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic

New class notation for SOx Sec.4 [8] New additional class notation ER (emission reduction) related
and NOx cleaning systems to environmental protection and pollution control.
(Scrubbers and selective
catalytic reduction systems

Survey requirements for Sec.4 [4] Added reference to requirements for fleet in service.
fleet in service (FiS) for class
notation Walk2work

Maintenance of rules for ore Sec.4 Table 1 The additional class notation Holds n may be empty is
carriers removed for ships with the additional class notation OC(M) .

Underwater inspection in lieu Sec.4 Table 10 New additional class notation UWILD for permanently moored
of dry docking vessels is introduced.

Revision of requirements for Sec.4 Table 5 New qualifier ES (enhanced safety) for the REGAS class
notation REGAS notation is introduced, focusing on enhanced safety features.

Revision of individual route Sec.4 Table 5 Updated and enhanced additional class notation RSCS+ for
calculation route specific container stowage on long haul as well as costal
voyages based on weather forecasts. The sign + is added to
differentiate the enhanced notation.

January 2018 edition

Changes January 2018, entering into force 1 July 2018

Topic Reference Description

Implementation of new Sec.1 [1.1.1] Descriptive notation added to list of content of class notation
descriptive notation string.

Sec.6 [1.1] to Sec.6 New requirements offering the option of assigning a descriptive
[1.4] notation to a vessel.

New ship type notation - Sec.3 Table 10 For vessels intended to carry potable water in bulk.
Tanker for potable water

New additional class notation - Sec.4 Table 6 Designed and arranged for roll-on and roll-of cargo handling
RO/RO and transportation of rolling vehicles.

New additional class notation - Sec.4 Table 6 For vessels arranged with a gas fired power plant for the
Gas power plant production and export of electrical energy.

New additional class notation - Sec.4 Table 6 For anchoring in deep and unsheltered water.

New additional class notation - Sec.4 Table 6 For vessel intended to carry solid bulk cargo that may liquefy
BCLIQ during a voyage if shipped at a moisture level exceeding the
transportable moisture limit of the cargo.

New additional class notation - Sec.4 Table 6 Designed and arranged for roll-on and roll-of cargo handling
RO/RO and transportation of rolling vehicles.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 74
Class notations

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Topic Reference Description

Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic

New additional class notation - Sec.4 Table 3 For enhanced design, installation and operating margins of the
Shaft align propulsion shaft bearings beyond the main class requirements
for shaft alignment.

July 2017 edition

Changes July 2017, entering into force 1 January 2018

Topic Reference Description

Notations for Service area Sec.5 Table 1 Inserted column with corresponding limiting significant wave
restrictions (R notations) height Hs for each R notation.
and corresponding limiting
significant wave height, Hs Sec.5 Table 1 Inserted footnote related to operational assumptions.

Clarification of requirements for Sec.2 [2.1.1] Inserted text clarifying that requirements for ship type
ship type and additional class and additional class notations may superseed main class
notations requirements.

Correct reference Sec.3 Table 10 Inserted correct reference to Fleet in Service requirements.

Update Table 10 according to Sec.3 Table 10 Inserted class notation Escort tug with new qualifiers.
Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.11

Update Table 10 according to Sec.4 Table 10 Inserted four new qualifiers according to the introduction in the
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.4 rules.

Update Table 10 according to Sec.4 Table 10 Inserted new class notation CMON.
Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.7

January 2017 edition

Main changes January 2017, entering into force 1 July 2017

• Sec.3 - Ship type notations

— Sec.3 Table 5: added class notation Barge for oil products with flashpoint above 60°C
— Sec.3 Table 5: added class notation Barge for asphalt/bitumen
— Sec.3 Table 6: added application for class notation Tanker for chemicals with flashpoint above 60°C
— Sec.3 Table 6: added class notation Barge for chemicals with flashpoint above 60°C

• Sec.4 - Additional class notations

— Sec.4 Table 6: added class notation Walk2work

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 75
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic
July 2016 edition

Main changes July 2016, entering into force 1 January 2017

• Sec.3 Ship type notations

— Sec.3 Table 5: Added class notation Barge for oil.
— Sec.3 Table 5: Added class notation Barge for oil products.
— Sec.3 Table 6: Added class notation Barge for chemicals.
— Sec.3 Table 6: Added class notation Barge for C.
— Sec.3 Table 7: Added class notation Tanker for c.
— Sec.3 Table 7: Added class notation Barge for liquefied gas.
— Sec.3 Table 7: Added class notation Barge for c.
— Sec.3 Table 10: Added class notation Slop Reception Vessel.
— Sec.3 Table 10: Added class notation Reefer.
— Sec.3 Table 10: Added class notation Refrigerated fruit juice carrier.

• Sec.4 Additional class notations

— Sec.4 Table 5: Class notation REGAS changed from optional to mandatory.
— Sec.4 Table 5: Additional class notation CA.

January 2016 edition

Main changes January 2016, entering into force 1 July 2016

• Sec.3 Ship type notations

— Table 5: Added class notations:
— Tanker for oil products with flashpoint above 60°C
— Tanker for asphalt/bitumen.
— Table 6: Added class notation Tanker for chemicals with flashpoint above 60°C.

• Sec.4 Additional class notations

— Table 1: Added class notations:
— Hot
— Block loading.
— Table 3: Added class notation Scrubber ready
— Table 6: Added class notation CHEM
— Table 10: Added qualifiers for class notation TMON:
— Closed loop water
— Open loop water.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 76
Class notations

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Part 1 Chapter 2 Changes – historic
October 2015 edition
This is a new document.
The rules enter into force 1 January 2016.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.1 Ch.2. Edition July 2023 Page 77
Class notations

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About DNV
DNV is the independent expert in risk management and assurance, operating in more than 100
countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable
performance, sets industry benchmarks, and inspires and invents solutions.

Whether assessing a new ship design, optimizing the performance of a wind farm, analyzing sensor
data from a gas pipeline or certifying a food company’s supply chain, DNV enables its customers and
their stakeholders to make critical decisions with confidence.

Driven by its purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, DNV helps tackle the
challenges and global transformations facing its customers and the world today and is a trusted
voice for many of the world’s most successful and forward-thinking companies.


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