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RESEARCH Determinants of Going-Public

includes research articles that

focus on the analysis and
Decision in an Emerging Market:
resolution of managerial and
academic issues based on
analytical and empirical or case
Evidence from India
Manas Mayur and Manoj Kumar

During the past two decades, numerous Indian firms have gone public by undertak-
Executive ing Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of their equity shares. Yet, many other Indian firms
Summary have intentionally chosen to remain private even though they fulfill the eligibility
criteria of going public. This raises the question as to what are the determinants of
firms’ going-public decision.

While researchers have propounded several theories to explain the firms’ going-pub-
lic decision, yet the empirical studies conducted to test the proposed theories are still
scarce, mainly due to lack of data on privately held firms necessary for a direct inves-
tigation of the choice between going public and remaining private. None of the exist-
ing studies have assessed the determinants of Indian firms’ going-public decision.
Besides, no consistent stylized facts have so far emerged. Rather contradictory find-
ings have been reported in some of the existing studies. Further these individual stud-
ies have not been comprehensive as each of them has focused only on a limited number
of determinants.

This study investigates the determinants of going-public decision of the Indian firms,
juxtaposing the following two related research issues:

• What ex-ante (pre-IPO) characteristics of going-public Indian firms differentiate

them from those Indian firms that continue to remain private even though they
fulfill the eligibility criteria of going public?
• What ex-post consequences of IPOs on firm characteristics influence their going-
public decision?

The preceding research issues are examined using two independent analyses. First, a
panel probit regression analysis is done to identify the ex-ante characteristics of go-
ing-public Indian firms that differentiate them from those Indian firms that continue to
remain private even though they fulfill the eligibility criteria of going public. This
analysis reveals that going-public Indian firms tend to be younger, riskier, transpar-
ent, more profitable, experiencing higher sales growth, and larger-sized than firms
that decide to remain private. Also if a firm belongs to retail trade sectors, it increases
its probability to go public. In the second analysis, ex-post consequences of IPOs on
KEY WORDS firm characteristics are examined by comparing pre-IPO characteristics of IPO firms
with their post-IPO characteristics using Wilcoxon two-sample signed rank test. This
Initial Public Offerings analysis suggests that Indian firms go public to:
Going-Public Decision • finance their growth and investments
Emerging Market • diversify owners’ risk
• rebalance their capital structure
India • bring down their borrowing rates.


he last decade had witnessed significant changes taposes the following two related research issues: What
in the Indian capital market. During this period, ex-ante (pre-IPO) characteristics of going-public Indian
it graduated into a mature market, to be at par firms differentiate them from those Indian firms that con-
with or even better than the developed capital markets on tinue to remain private even though they fulfill the eligi-
certain parameters. India has the second largest number bility criteria of going public? What ex-post consequences
of listed companies after the USA. According to Standard of IPOs on firm characteristics influence their going-pub-
and Poor’s Fact Book 2009, India is ranked 7th in terms of lic decision? In the extant literature, the above two re-
market capitalization and 15th in terms of turnover ratio. search issues have always been studied together. Pagano,
Panetta and Zingales (1998) argue that if the relevant de-
During the past two decades, numerous Indian firms have cision makers have rational expectations, the answers to
gone public by undertaking Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)1 the above stated research questions should be consistent:
of their equity shares (Table 1)2. Yet many other Indian the motives to go public uncovered on the basis of ‘ex
firms have intentionally chosen to remain private even ante evidence’ should square with the actual post-IPO
though they fulfill the eligibility criteria of going public. consequences on the firm characteristics. But in practice,
This raises the question as to what factors influence the rather than being redundant, ex-post information is likely
firms’ going-public decision. to complement the evidence based on the ex-ante charac-
Traditionally, most corporate finance textbooks suggest teristics of the companies that go public, for two reasons.
that firms go public primarily to raise equity capital re- First, the importance of some variables can be assessed
quired for financing their growth. While researchers have only by looking at ex-post data; for example, the control-
propounded several alternate theories to explain the firms’ ling shareholders’ intention to divest after going public
going-public decision, yet the empirical studies conducted can hardly be assessed from the ex-ante analysis. Sec-
to test the proposed theories are still scarce, mainly due to ond, in some cases, the effects of going public may not be
the lack of data on privately held firms necessary for a fully anticipated, so that only ex-post information can
direct investigation of the choice between going public uncover them. Thus, in this study and the existing stud-
and remaining private (Albornoz & Pope, 2004; ies of this type, researchers have attacked the issue of
Chemmanur, He & Nandy, 2005). The authors, in their why companies go public by using both ex-ante and ex-
literature review, came across only six empirical studies post information on their characteristics.
on this topic (Table 2)3. None of the existing studies have
assessed the determinants of Indian firms’ going-public LITERATURE REVIEW
decision. While these studies have unfolded a wide vari- Finance literature documents two major approaches to
ety of factors influencing the firms’ going-public decision, find out the determinants of going-public decision. The
no consistent stylized facts have emerged. Rather contra- first approach is to examine managerial perceptions of
dictory findings have been reported in some of the exist- determinants of going-public decision by conducting sur-
ing studies. Further, these individual studies have not veys of companies’ managers. The second approach is to
been comprehensive as each of them has focused only on statistically analyse the fundamental financial data of
a limited number of determinants. Therefore, the existing companies and macro-economic variables to know the
empirical literature cannot provide clear insights into the determinants of their going-public decision. The results
determinants of the Indian firms’ going-public decision. of survey-based studies are discussed first, followed by
the discussion on the results of studies based on funda-
This study investigates the determinants of going-public
mental financial data of companies and macro-economic
decision of the Indian firms. The above investigation jux-

1 We take the meaning of IPO and going public as the same. Survey-Based Studies
2 All the Tables are given in Appendix. Brau and Fawcett (2006) conducted a managerial survey
3 The research design of these studies has mostly been probit analy-
sis. This study uses a similar research design. There is another set of
of 336 CFOs of the US firms which hitherto either (a) had
research studies which has used survey research design (Brau & successfully completed their IPO; or (b) had initiated their
Fawcett, 2006; Brau, Ryan & DeGraw, 2005, etc). This study does
IPO process but later on chose to call off their IPO; or (c)
not follow survey research design.


were eligible to do an IPO but decided to remain private. and indirect costs related to going public were major con-
Their survey sample of 336 CFOs was the result of a re- cerns for CFOs in IPO.
sponse rate of 18.1 percent. The survey revealed that: the
Marchisio and Ravasi (2001) conducted a survey on fam-
acquisition purpose was a major factor that motivated
ily-owned companies of Italy. The result of the study was
the US companies to do IPO; issuers timed their IPOs to
based on the responses of 54 family-owned firms (with
take advantage of prevailing market conditions; and pres-
73% response rate) who went public during 1996-2001.
ervation of decision-making control and ownership were
The research question of the study was, “Why do family-
the main reasons for remaining private. The major
owned firms do IPO?” Specifically, authors investigated
strength of their study was their large survey sample of
strategic motives behind going-public decision. The sur-
336 CFOs. However, the sample was derived from within
vey revealed that beside the usual financial motives, fam-
a narrow time span of only two years, i.e., from 2000 to
ily-owned firms go public to increase the visibility and to
2002. Due to the narrow time span used for deriving the
expand and strengthen the network of relationships that
sample, their study did not allow for variations in mana-
can sustain entrepreneurial activity.
gerial perceptions resulting from changes in market con-
ditions and mechanisms over a larger time frame. Block (2004) carried out a survey on the US firms that
went private between January 2001 and July 2003. Out of
Burton, Helliar and Power (2006) conducted a survey on
a total of 236 firms that went private, 110 firms partici-
managers and intermediaries associated with the going-
pated in the survey (response rate 46.65%). The study
public decision of the UK firms. They conducted their
investigated the reasons behind ‘going private’ decision
study in three steps. First, personal interviews through a
of the firms and found that the following factors can mo-
semi-structured questionnaire were undertaken with vari-
tivate a company to become private again: (a) the costs
ous parties involved in the IPO process. The interviews
associated with being a public company in terms of pres-
were conducted with ten organizations that had been
sure and time constraint on top management, (b) absence
involved in IPOs. Second, postal questionnaires were sent
of liquidity, and (c) threat of delisting by the stock ex-
to the UK companies that had an IPO in the last two years.
Out of a total of 450 companies, 102 companies responded
back, representing a response rate of 23 percent. Third, Park (1990) carried out a survey on Korean companies.
information about the amount that each company had The study showed that while the most important benefits
raised and their market capitalization was obtained of going public were easy access to a source of funding
through secondary sources. The survey revealed that: the and gaining market credibility, fear of loss of control was
benefit in terms of increased visibility and reputation as- considered as one of the critical obstacles for Korean com-
sociated with IPO had major influence on the going-pub- panies.
lic decision; the need for growth was the most important
determinant of timing of the issues and the biggest diffi- Though the research question was not exactly the same
culty encountered by the managers was to manage both, with the present study, there are a few surveys done on
the IPO process and the company operations together. issues related to IPOs. For example, Eije, Witte and Zwaan
(2000) conducted a survey of Dutch companies which
Brau, Ryan and DeGraw (2005) carried out a survey of went public between 1987 and 1997 and found that IPO
CFOs of 438 US firms (with a response rate of 44.5%). The could cause changes within a company like effectiveness,
sample was divided into pre-Internet bubble (1996-1998) planning and control, capital budgeting, internal com-
and post-Internet bubble (2000-2002) IPOs. Due to the munication, etc., and that the changes could contribute
anomalous nature of the IPO market during Internet positively to the long-term performance of a company.
bubble, the study did not survey firms that went public
during the height of the Internet bubble between 1998 Studies Based on Fundamental Financial Data of
and 2000. They found that: financing of growth and in- Companies & Macro-economic Variables
crease in liquidity were the two major motivations be-
A number of studies have searched for empirical rela-
hind the going-public decision; CFOs’ sentiment remained
tionship between the companies’ characteristics and go-
the same in bull and bear periods and underwriting fees
ing-public decision. Numerous regression models


incorporating a wide variety of explanatory variables or other equity investments; Chaebol subsidiaries experi-
have been specified to reveal the determinants of going- enced a fall in interest rates after the IPO which was con-
public decision. The theoretical costs and benefits associ- sistent with IPO motive of lowering the cost of capital to
ated with going public have formed the basis for the fund takeovers.
models specified. While most of these studies have ar-
Boehmer and Ljungqvist (2004) examined 330 German
rived at some common determinants for companies’ go-
firms that went public between 1984 and 1995. The result
ing-public decision, there are some contradictory findings.
of the study was based on a hazard analysis of factors
Further, the proxies used to capture the same theoretical
influencing the timing of IPOs. Authors argued that the
costs/benefits, at times, have varied across different re-
probit and logit models, used by most of the studies, do
search studies. Table 2 provides a summary of a few such
not analyse the time factor associated with the variables,
studies, showing the type of statistical analysis con-
which according to them can be incorporated using a
ducted, the explanatory variables adopted, and the em-
hazard model. The firms were observed from the date of
pirical results.
IPO announcement to the date of their IPO. Following
Pagano, Panetta and Zingales (1998) investigated the de- factors were found to be positively affecting the likeli-
terminants of going-public decisions of Italian compa- hood of IPO: sales, profit margins (relative to other firms
nies through a probit model. They compared 69 Italian in its industry) and stock market returns of the firms in
public companies, which completed their IPOs between the same industry, and uncertainty about the future prof-
1982 and 1992, with 12,391 Italian private companies, itability. To preserve the private benefits of control was
which were eligible to do their IPOs but preferred to re- found to be a major motivation behind staying private.
main private during the above period. The study analysed
Albornoz and Pope (2004) analysed 830 public firms that
both, the ex-ante characteristics of the companies and ex-
were listed on London Stock Exchange. The research de-
post consequences of IPO on the companies that had an
sign of the study was similar to Pagano et al (1998). They
IPO. They found that the probability of going public in-
found that going public decision of companies was re-
creased with the increase in stock market valuation of
lated: (a) positively to their size, stock market valuation of
other firms within the same industry and company’s size;
other companies within the same industry; and (b) nega-
financing of subsequent investment and growth were not
tively to their leverage levels and profitability. Based on
amongst the major motivations behind going public; IPOs
the analysis of post-IPO evidences, the study suggested
helped companies in borrowing cheaply from the banks;
that ‘financing needs’ and ‘reduction of leverage’ were
and incumbent’s wealth increased in the post-IPO pe-
not the major factors influencing IPO decisions in the UK.
Rosen, Smart and Zutter (2005) conducted a sector-spe-
Chun, Lynch and Smith (2002) adopted the approach of
cific study wherein they investigated 240 US banks which
Pagano et al. (1998) and investigated the factors influenc-
completed their IPOs between 1981 and 2002. The ad-
ing the going-public decision for Korean firms. Their
vantage of doing a study on banking sector was the easy
sample consisted of (a) 304 Korean firms which completed
accessibility of required data, even of the private banks.
their IPOs between 1986 and 1995; and (b) 1,722 Korean
Unlike the other sectors, both public as well as private
firms which remained private during the above period.
banks are required to disclose their annual financial data
They also carried out analysis on sub-samples of: (a)
to the regulators. Authors found that: the riskier banks
Chaebol or large conglomerate subsidiaries vs. Indepen-
were more likely to go public; the chance of getting ac-
dent firms; and (b) financially healthy firms and mar-
quired increased the probability of going public; the
ginal firms. They found that the: IPOs are timed to take
chance of becoming an acquirer also increased the prob-
the advantage of windows of opportunity; financially
ability of going public, and the banks went public to take
marginal firms are more likely to go public to take advan-
the advantage of prevailing market condition.
tage of windows of opportunity; a high (low) industry
market-to-book value (MTB) increases (decreases) IPO Chemmanur, He and Nandy (2005) investigated the rela-
probability; firms do not go public to fund investment in tionship between product market characteristics and prob-
fixed assets; returns on assets decreased in the post-IPO ability of going public for a large sample of US firms. The
period; Chaebol subsidiaries use IPOs to fund takeovers


investigation was based on two types of firms: (a) all those Pin and Wei (2006) studied 383 IPOs of Taiwan, for the
firms that had an IPO between 1972 and 2000 and (b) all sample period of 1989 to 2000. The probit model used to
those firms that stayed private during the period. A probit analyse the determinants of IPOs in the study concluded
model was used to examine the relationship between the that: Taiwan IPOs were not motivated by financing needs
product market characteristics of firms immediately be- or constraints and larger and profitable firms were more
fore going public and its likelihood of going public. The likely to go public.
following characteristics were found to be positively af-
Breinlinger and Glogova (2002) examined the influence
fecting the likelihood of going public: firms with larger
of macro-economic factors on going-public decision. Their
size, sales growth, total factor productivity (TFP), market
sample consisted of firms from six European countries
share, and capital intensity; firms operating in less com-
(Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, and the
petitive and more capital-intensive industries; firms in
Netherlands) that went public between 1980 and 1997.
industries characterized by riskier cash flows; firms with
They explored the determinants of IPO volumes through
projects that are cheaper for outsiders to evaluate; firms
a panel data analysis of the following macro-economic
operating in industries characterized by less information
factors: stock index returns, changes in savings deposits,
asymmetry; and firms with greater average liquidity of
GDP growth, interest rates, and exchange rates. The au-
already listed equity.
thors found that the overall IPO volume was dependent
Kim and Sung (2005) carried out their study on group- on stock market returns but the dependence was not sig-
affiliated Korean firms. Their sample size consisted of 35 nificant for all the stock price levels. Also, except Finland
group-affiliated firms that had an IPO between 1997 and and Austria, the relationship was not significant for other
2002 and private firms that were eligible for IPO but re- countries. Other factors like changes in savings, GDP
mained private during the period. The study hypothesized growth, interest rates, and exchange rates exhibited non-
that the following factors increase the probability of go- significant influence on IPO volumes.
ing public: (a) direct share ownership by group-control-
ling shareholder, (b) each firm’s contribution to group THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESES
control, and (c) internal capital market. A probit model DEVELOPMENT
and a multivariate regression model were used to analyse Researchers have propounded several alternate theoreti-
the pre-IPO firms’ characteristics and consequences of cal models to explain the firms’ going-public decision4.
IPO on the performance of firms respectively. The analy- These models view the firms’ going-public decision as a
sis showed that the probability of going public increased trade-off between the benefits and costs of going public,
for the firms: (a) where group-controlling shareholder held as are summarized in Table 3. First, the hypotheses based
high direct share ownership in the firm; (b) where its con- on the discussion of benefits-based theories are devel-
tribution to group control was low; and (c) when it could oped. Next, the hypotheses based on the discussion of
not benefit from the internal capital market. costs-based theories are developed. Table 5 summarizes
Kim and Weisbach (2005) explored the underlying moti- all the hypotheses developed in this section. Table 4 pro-
vations behind going public decision using a large sample vides detailed definitions of all variables used for testing
of 16,958 IPOs from 38 countries. Their sample consisted of the hypotheses developed in Table 5.
of three types of offerings: (a) IPOs where new primary
shares were issued, (b) IPOs where exclusively second-
Benefits-Based Hypotheses
ary shares held by insiders were issued and (c) IPOs with Raising capital for growth and expansion: Most theoreti-
a combination of the above two. Authors concluded that cal models assert that firms go public to raise additional
capital raising was an important motive for going public. capital required for financing their growth and expan-
Their result was based on their following observations. sion. The opportunity to tap public markets for equity
First, maximum proportion of IPOs around the world in- capital is appealing for high growth firms with large cur-
volved issuance of primary shares. Second, IPOs with
primary share offerings were associated with a higher 4 Pagano et. al (1998) in their seminal work observed that factors
demand for capitals than IPOs with secondary share of- influencing firms’ decision to become public are far more complex
ferings. to be captured in any single model.


rent and future investments that may have limited access Therefore, it can be conjectured that firms which go pub-
to other financing alternatives due to high leverage and lic tend to have higher financial leverage than the firms
high growth (Pagano et al., 1998; Huyghebaert & Hulle, which decide to remain private. It is further assumed that
2005). Therefore, it is conjectured that firms which go a firm’s debt-equity ratio should come down after it be-
public tend to have higher leverage levels and should be comes public.
experiencing higher sales growth than firms which re-
Lowering cost of capital: The tax shield advantage of debt
main private. Further, firms after going public tend to
helps the firms to reduce their overall cost of capital. But
enhance their capital expenditure and investments.
a company cannot continuously minimize its overall cost
Risk diversification: Some studies have explained the of capital by employing debt. A point or range is reached
companies’ going-public decision as risk sharing and di- beyond which debt becomes more expensive because of
versification vehicle for the initial owners. Huyghebaert increased risk of excessive debt to creditors as well as to
and Hulle (2005) asserted that companies with major in- shareholders. When the degree of leverage increases, the
vestments on current projects for the future growth tend risk of creditors increases, and they demand a higher in-
to be risky. The initial owners of such high growth com- terest rate and may not grant loan to the company at all,
panies, therefore, dislike investing more of their own per- once its debt has reached a particular level. Further, the
sonal wealth into their companies. Hence they rely on excessive amount of debt makes the shareholder’s posi-
external finance for funding of their major investments. tion very risky. This has the effect on increasing cost of
The time lag between investments and cash generation capital. Thus, up to a point, the overall cost of capital
makes debt financing unsuitable for the risky projects. decreases with debt, but beyond that point, the cost of
The high premium charged by venture capitalists dis- capital would start increasing. According to Scott (1976)
courages such risky companies from raising money and Modigliani and Miller (1963), companies conduct a
through them. Hence for risky firms, raising equity capi- public offering when external equity minimizes their cost
tal through IPOs is the most suitable form of financing. of capital.
Therefore, it can be conjectured that firms which go pub-
Diamond (1991) and Holmstrom and Tirole (1993) added
lic tend to be riskier than firms which decide to remain
that raising public equity offered the opportunity to ob-
tain low-cost direct financing without the intervention of
A related motive behind going-public decision of firms is financial intermediaries such as banks or venture capi-
the initial owners’ desire to divest or diversify their wealth talists. Trading on major stock exchanges increases the
(Pagano, 1993; Zingales, 1995; Stoughton & Zechner, 1998; visibility of the companies. Also a sufficiently large num-
Chemmanur & Fulghieri, 1999). The owners of a closely- ber of quoted shares help in attracting more number of
held firm tend to have a large investment in their com- investors (e.g. institutional investors). The visibility and
pany and hence are overexposed to the business risk of popularity amongst the large number of investors also
the company (Albornoz & Pope, 2004). An IPO creates a helps in reducing the cost of capital (Booth & Chua, 1996;
public market for the company’s shares, which in turn Maug, 1998). Therefore, it is conjectured that firms: (a)
enables the company’s initial shareholders to convert which go public have higher cost of capital than firms
their shares into cash at any point of time (Zingales, 1995; which decide to remain private; (b) face lower cost of capi-
Mello & Parsons, 1998). Black and Gilson (1998) added tal after becoming public.
that the IPOs provided venture capitalists an attractive
Liquidity: Listing on major stock exchange provides li-
opportunity to harvest their investments into the risky
quidity in the stock and makes share trading cheaper
businesses. Therefore, it is conjectured that the level of
(Amihud & Mendelson, 1986; Booth & Chua, 1996; Bolton
promoter’s ownership should come down after IPO.
& Thadden, 1998). Shares of private companies can be
Capital structure rebalancing: Pagano et al (1998) found traded only by informal searching for a counterpart, at a
that companies undertook IPO to rebalance their capital considerable cost for the initiating party (Pagano et al.,
structure. As per this argument, companies having higher 1998). Therefore, companies may go public to facilitate
amount of debt in their capital structure tend to go public the trading of their shares by listing them on formal stock
to bring down the ratio of debt in their capital structure. exchanges aftermath of their IPOs.


The ease of share trading is particularly necessary when nies do their IPOs during the periods when the compa-
firms want to raise capital from the dispersed small in- nies in the same industry are overvalued. More the over-
vestors to avoid close monitoring by the bigger block in- valuation, more is the possibility that a company will go
vestors. As a result, if the initial owners raise money from public (Ritter, 1991). Therefore, it is conjectured that firms
dispersed investors, they factor in the liquidity benefit are likely to do their IPOs when peer firms in their indus-
provided by being listed on an exchange. As highlighted try are overvalued. Moreover, the industry peers of firms
by Pagano, Panetta and Zingales (1998), many microstruc- which have recently gone public should suffer signifi-
ture models document that the liquidity of a firm’s shares cant erosion in their valuations. Also, firms tend to
increases with the trading volume which is, in turn, re- underperform after becoming public.
lated to firm size. Therefore, it is conjectured that firms
Publicity: The high visibility of severely discounted IPOs
which go public are likely to be larger than firms which
serves as a marketing vehicle for issuers. Recent theoreti-
decide to remain private as the former firms are better
cal works on IPOs emphasize the benefits of publicity to
positioned to reap the benefit of improved liquidity after
both customers and issuers. When companies go in for
becoming public.
IPOs, they get publicity that helps them to reduce the in-
Monitoring: In a private company, addition to the exist- formation asymmetry between insiders and outsiders.
ing shareholders can be very costly as each new share- The stock prices of publicly listed firms are visible to all
holder expends time and effort to check that the company and hence customers can easily assess the value of such
is a sound investment. Pagano and Roell (1998) empha- firms (Subramanyam & Titman, 1999).
sized that private companies owned by large sharehold-
Stoughton, Wong and Zechner (2001) argued that the de-
ers experienced excessive monitoring. A large share-
cision of a company to go public could serve as a signal of
holder, such as a venture capitalist, more closely moni-
its high quality to the product market. They proposed a
tors the company than a large group of small investors.
model where high-quality firms distinguished themselves,
Therefore, companies intentionally try to limit the stake
and thereby built product market share, by incurring the
of large shareholders and raise the expansionary capital
indirect cost of underpricing and subjecting themselves
by dispersing the stake across small and dispersed share-
to the scrutiny of secondary market investors engaged in
holders. If the scale of a planned expansion is very large,
costly information production. In their model, consum-
and thus needs to be financed by many investors, the cost
ers related the quality of a company’s products to the
of avoiding over-monitoring at the hands of large share-
market prices of its listed stocks. Consumers perceived a
holders becomes so large that it is preferable to go public.
company’s products to be better if its stock prices were
In a public company, expanding the shareholders’ base
high and hence, were ready to pay more for its products.
is comparatively inexpensive. Therefore, it is conjectured
Therefore, a good company could charge higher product
that firms tend to do higher capital expenditure and in-
prices in high market conditions. They showed that firms
vestments after becoming public as the very reason for
with higher first-day returns gained larger market share
going public is the subsequent planned large scale ex-
in the product market. Helwege and Packer (2001) ar-
gued that these benefits should be higher for companies
Windows of opportunity: The firms’ managers are oppor- with a large customer base. Therefore, it is conjectured
tunistic and approve a public offering only when they that companies belonging to retail trade sectors should
perceive their firm to be overvalued (Myers & Majluf, 1984; have higher propensity to become public.
Dharan & Ikenberry, 1995). The above argument was
Currency for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As): Some re-
based on the following assumptions: (a) managers act
searchers have highlighted the role of IPOs in facilitating
solely for the welfare of existing shareholders; and (b)
corporate M&A activities. Zingales (1995) argued that an
managers have superior insider information.
IPO could serve as a first step in acquiring a company at
Viewed in the above background, companies apply for an attractive price. Brau, Francis and Kohers (2003) sup-
listing in a prestigious exchange at a time when their ported Zingales (1995) that IPOs could create public
performance is at the peak, and hence firms have a greater shares for a company which might be used as a “cur-
chance of making a successful listing. Moreover, compa- rency” in either acquiring other companies or in being


acquired in a stock deal. This theory is not tested in this itability. A visible profitability can send positive signals
paper for want of required data. to the investors about the company’s quality, and hence a
young company can also think of accessing public capi-
Cost-Based Hypotheses tal market through IPO. Therefore, it is conjectured that
firms which go public tend to be bigger, established, and
Information asymmetry and adverse selection costs: The
visible than firms which decide to remain private.
economics of information is based on the premise that
different parties of a transaction often have different lev- Loss of confidentiality and higher taxes: In most coun-
els of information about the transaction. Information tries, the securities market regulator(s) have more strin-
asymmetry refers to a situation in which sellers often have gent disclosure requirements for the public companies
superior information than buyers about some aspect of than the private companies. Some of the mandatory dis-
product quality. Akerlof (1970) pointed out that informa- closures to be made by public companies may be inter-
tion asymmetry prevailed in all markets. He identified nally sensitive and whose secrecy may be crucial for their
the fact that if the good quality sellers had no means to competitive advantage5. This may deter the companies
signal high quality, all products in the markets would be from going public (Campbell, 1979; Yosha, 1995;
sold at a single price reflecting the average quality level of Maksimovic & Pichler, 2001).
the market. This would lead to a situation where the high
quality sellers will have no other choice than to with- Pagano et al. (1998) argued that tax outgo of companies
draw from the market because high quality sellers in an as a fraction of their operating income should experience
information asymmetrical market have to sell products at a permanent increase in the post-IPO period. They attrib-
lower prices than actual worth of their products. Ulti- uted this increase to the close scrutiny of public compa-
mately only “lemons” (bad quality products) are sold in nies from tax authorities, reducing their scope for tax
the market, which is how buyers also view the products elusion and evasion relative to private companies. Hence,
being sold in the market place. This leads to a market companies which are relatively less transparent (paying
failure situation referred to as “adverse selection”. Leland low taxes) and hence probably fear large confidentiality
and Pyle (1977) noted that the information asymmetry loss on becoming public may not like to go public. There-
was particularly high in the primary markets. In IPO situ- fore, it is conjectured that firms which go public tend to
ations, investors are generally less informed than the is- pay higher taxes as compared to firms which decide to
suers about the true value and quality of the company remain private.
doing an IPO. Thus, prevailing information asymmetries
Initial and subsequent expenses: The initial and subse-
about the quality of issuers in IPO market results in ad-
quent expenses associated with IPO can discourage com-
verse selection and should be a factor influencing the
panies from going public (Bhattacharya & Ritter, 1983;
firms’ going-public decision (Pagano et al., 1998; Albornoz
Ritter, 1987). Some of the major initial costs include: the
& Pope, 2004). They insisted that information asymmetry
lead underwriter’s commission; out of pocket expenses
adversely affected the average quality of the companies
for legal services; accounting services; printing costs; per-
seeking a new listing and thus affected the price at which
sonal marketing “road show” by managers; ongoing le-
their shares could be sold.
gal, accounting, filing, and mailing expenses; and other
Chemmanur and Fulghieri (1999) predicted that infor- unforeseen expenses. Ritter (1987) observed that approxi-
mation asymmetry could result in an IPO price lower than mately 18 percent of the total proceeds were paid as ini-
that raised by selling private equity to a small group of tial expenses by the US companies.
venture capitalists. They, therefore, argued that adverse
All public companies also have to keep incurring several
selection can work as an obstacle for the young and small
recurring expenses on an ongoing basis. Such expenses
companies which have little track record and low visibil-
ity. Chemmanur and Fulghieri (1995), Rock (1986), and
Welch (1989) empirically confirmed a positive relation- 5 Public companies are required to release all operating and finan-
ship between age and probability of going public. Dia- cial details to the public, at the time of filing and on the annual
basis after IPO. These details include sensitive information about
mond (1991), however, asserted that the adverse selection
their markets, profit margins, Research & Development (R&D)
problems could be avoided if a company had visible prof- projects, and present and future strategy.


may include: listing fee to be paid to stock exchange(s), (
π (IPOit = 1) = f β1Sizei,t-1 + β2Agei,t-1 + β3IAi,t-1 +
relatively high annual auditing fees compared to being a
β4Betai,t + β5SGi,t + β6PBDITi,t-1 +
private company, high printing charges of annual reports,
high costs of arranging shareholders’ meetings and main- β7Disci,t-1 + β8Leveragei,t-1 + β9 B +

taining investors’ relations, etc. The existence of initial

and recurring costs of going public suggests that the like-
β10Industry ) (2)

lihood of an IPO should be positively correlated with com-

pany size.
π (IPOit = 1) = f β1Sizei,t-1 + β2Agei,t-1 + β3IAi,t-1 + β4Betai,t +

β5SGi,t + β6PBDITi,t-1 + β7Disci,t-1 +

Increased possibility of litigations: Possibility of getting M
β8Leveragei,t-1 + β9 B + β10Retaili,t +
entangled into litigations increases significantly for the i,t-1

public companies. Because litigations are costly, compa- β Time) (3)

nies have incentives to avoid them. Hence companies may
decide against going public to minimize the possibility of There has been considerable interest in random effects
legal suits (Tinic, 1988). This theory is not tested in this models for longitudinal and hierarchical, clustered or
paper for want of required data. multilevel data in corporate finance. But there has been
very less focus on random-effects models for discrete data.
METHODOLOGY Our study uniquely applies the random effect probit model
In the extant literature, the determinants of going-public to analyse the determinants of going-public decision.
decision are viewed from two complementary perspec- The model variables are explained below.
tives. The ex-ante firm characteristics of going public firms
are studied along with the ex-post consequences of going Dependent Variable
public decision of the firms. This study follows the same
design by carrying out two related but independent analy- The nomenclature of dependent variable is ‘IPO,’ a
ses. First, a panel probit regression analysis is done to dummy variable, which equals 1 if the company is pub-
identify the ex-ante characteristics of going–public Indian licly held and 0 if the company is a private in a particular
firms that differentiate them from those Indian firms that year. Individual companies are indexed i: for each year t,
continue to remain private even though they fulfill the in the sample. At any time t, the sample includes all com-
eligibility criteria of going public. In the second analysis, panies which are private at that point in time, and the
ex-post consequences of IPOs for firms are examined by companies which go public (had an IPO) in that year.
comparing pre-IPO characteristics of IPO firms with their After a company goes public, that company is dropped
post-IPO characteristics. The methodologies for both the from the private sample.
analyses are described below.
Independent Variables
Panel Probit Regression Analysis Table 4 provides detailed definitions and calculations of
Based on the hypotheses in Table 5 regarding the ex-ante all the independent variables used in the above model.
determinants of going-public decision of firms, initially, The selection of the independent variables in the model is
the following probit regression model specification (1) is based on hypotheses included in the Table 5. The brief
estimated justifications for inclusion of each of the independent
variables in the model are as follows:
π (IPOit=1) = f(β1Sizei,t-1 + β2Agei,t-1 + β3IAi,t-1 + β4Betai,t +
Size is included in the model as review of literature indi-
β5SGi,t + β6PBDITi,t-1 + β7Disci,t-1 +
cates that bigger firms (a) tend to attain more liquidity
β8Leveragei,t-1 + β9 B + β10Retaili,t) (1) benefits than the smaller firms; (b) tend to face lower in-

formation asymmetry and adverse selection costs than

Further, specification (2) and specification (3) are esti- the smaller firms; and (c) have relative ease in bearing the
mated by one way random effect probit regression. Speci- initial and subsequent expenses owing to the firm be-
fication (2) is estimated to control industry effects and coming public. Based on the above discussion, a positive
specification (3) is estimated to control year effects.


relationship between size and probability of going pub- are relatively less transparent. Therefore, a positive rela-
lic is anticipated. tionship between ‘Disc’ and probability of going public is
Age is included in the model as the review of literature
indicates that younger firms are perceived to be riskier Leverage (Debt to Equity ratio) is included in the model to
than the older firms. Therefore, a negative relationship measure financial leverage of the firms. The literature re-
between age and probability of going public is anticipated. view indicates that firms do IPO to rebalance their capital
structure. Therefore, a positive relationship between Le-
IA (Intangible assets to Total assets ratio) is included in verage and probability of going public is anticipated.
the model as review of literature indicates that firms with
higher IA are perceived to be riskier than the firms with M/B (Industry market to Book ratio) is included in the
lower IA6. Therefore, a positive relationship between IA model to access whether firms take advantage of win-
and probability of going public is anticipated. dows of opportunity or not. The literature review indi-
cates that firms belonging to overvalued industry are more
Beta is included in the model as a measure of the system- likely to go public. Therefore, a positive relationship be-
atic risk of the particular firm. Firms with higher beta are tween M/B and probability of going public is expected.
riskier and have higher cost of capital than firms with
lower beta. The review of literature indicates that firms go Retail is included in the model as the review of literature
public to facilitate the risk diversification by the initial indicates that firms belonging to the retail sectors tend to
owners and to bring down their cost of capital. Therefore, drive more benefits from the higher publicity arising from
a positive relationship between the firm’s beta and prob- the public listing. Therefore, it is anticipated that firms
ability of going public is anticipated. To the best of the belonging to retail trade sector are more likely to go pub-
authors’ knowledge, this is the first ever study to gauge lic. Hence we have also included a dummy variable Re-
the influence of firm’s beta on its going public decision. tail in the model, which takes the value 1 if a firm belongs
to the retail trade sector.
SG (Growth in sales) is included in the model to examine
whether firms go public to raise the capital required for Post-IPO Analysis
their planned growth and expansion. Firms experienc-
ing higher sales growth require more capital than firms In addition to the methodology discussed in the previous
experiencing lower sales growth. Therefore, a positive section, the likely consequences of IPO decision on vari-
relationship between SG and probability of going public ables like promoter’s ownership, leverage, capital expen-
is anticipated. diture and investments and cost of credit are examined
by analysing the post-IPO changes in these variables. The
PBDIT (PBDIT/Total assets) is included in the model as rationale behind analysing post-IPO consequences was
review of literature indicates that more profitable firms to see what actually had happened after IPO and was it
tend to face lower information asymmetry and adverse related to the factors that can motivate a company to do
selection costs than the less profitable firms. Therefore, a IPO. The possible motivations are already discussed in
positive relationship between PBDIT and probability of the theoretical framework section. The post-IPO conse-
going public is anticipated. quences of Indian firms are analysed by comparing the
post-IPO values of variables with pre-IPO values using a
Disc (Corporate current taxes to Sales ratio) is included
three-step procedure (Table 8). First, the firm-wise per-
in the model as a measure of the firm’s level of transpar-
centage changes in the variables for the following three
ency. Firms with higher ‘Disc’ are more transparent than
time windows are calculated: (i) one year before IPO (Y-1)
firms with lower ‘Disc’. The review of literature indicates
to IPO year (Y+0), (ii) one year before IPO (Y-1) to one year
that firms which are already more transparent should
after IPO (Y+1), and (iii) one year before IPO (Y-1) to two
experience lesser loss of confidentiality than those which
years after IPO (Y+2). It is to be noted that the percentage
changes in variables are calculated separately for every
6 Firm with high proportion of intangible assets have less assets avail- firm in our sample. Second, the median values of the firm-
able as collateral and therefore finds difficulty in raising capital
through banks. IPOs appear to be the only feasible option for such wise percentage changes in the variables are separately
firms (Brealey & Myers, 2000). calculated and reported for each of the three time win-


dows considered above. Finally, the ‘Wilcoxon two sample which were eligible7 to do IPO in the experiment year.
signed-rank test’ is used to assess whether the median
The study did not include pre-1997 IPOs because of two
value of the variable in post-IPO period is significantly
main reasons: (1) Many researchers have documented the
different from its value in the pre-IPO period. Following
instances of “fly-by-night” entrepreneurs who eroded
variables are used for the post-IPO analysis.
investor wealth during 1992-1996; (2) During this period,
Promoter’s ownership is used to examine whether risk the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) intro-
diversification was the motivation to do IPO or not. The duced more stringent regulations8
review of literature indicates that promoters do IPO to
dilute their stake in their company. Therefore, a signifi- While collecting the data, it was found that for some firms,
cant decrease in promoter’s ownership is anticipated in the values were missing for some of the variables. These
post-IPO period. firms were dropped from the sample. For some firms, the
values were not available for all the time windows. These
LEVERAGE (Debt to Equity ratio) is used to examine firms were also dropped from the sample. The methodol-
whether companies do IPO to rebalance their debt-equity ogy required data from one year before IPO to two years
structure in post-IPO period or not? Therefore, a signifi- after the IPO. Therefore, firms that went public after 2007
cant decrease in LEVERAGE is anticipated in post-IPO were also dropped from the sample as for them the data
period. for the next two years would not be available. The final
sample of this study consisted of 306 public firms. The
Capital expenditure and investments are examined in post-
sample selection process eliminated 215 public firms that
IPO period as the literature review indicates that higher
went public between 1997 and 2006. The sample for probit
capital expenditure and investments signifies (a) the re-
analysis can be categorized into two groups: (a) IPOs
quirement of capital for growth and expansion; and (b)
sample; and (b) Private sample. IPOs sample included all
that firm went public to raise capital from dispersed share-
IPOs completed between 1997 and 2007, and the sample
holders to reduce the excessive over-monitoring by large
for private firms included all those firms that were eli-
shareholders. Therefore, a significant increase in both,
gible to do an IPO but remained private during the ex-
capital expenditure and investments, is anticipated in
periment years.
the post-IPO period.

Cost of credit is used to measure the cost of credit of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
firms. The literature review indicates that IPOs help firms
Summary Statistics
in bargaining for a lower cost of credit from the banks.
Therefore, a significant decrease in ‘Cost of credit’ is an- The annual trend in the number of IPOs and capital raised
ticipated in the post-IPO period. by Indian firms through IPOs are shown in Table 1. The
spurt in the IPO activity between 1991 and 1996 is attrib-
Beta (accounting beta) is used to examine the cost of capi-
utable to the structural changes in the political economy
tal of firms in the post-IPO period. The literature review
of India, primarily through the economic liberalization
indicates that firms go public to reduce their cost of capi-
initiatives of the Indian Government from 1991 onwards.
tal. Therefore, a significant decrease in ‘Beta’ is antici-
The later part of period between 1991 and 1996, however,
pated in the post-IPO period.
witnessed several instances of fake IPOs and fly-by-night
entrepreneurs, which eroded the investors’ wealth and
Data Sources and Sample
7 The firms in private sample were selected on the basis of general
The pre-IPO determining factors were analysed by ap-
eligibility criteria to do an IPO like net tangible assets of at least `
plying probit regression model where the data for both 5 crore in each of the preceding three years, distributable profit for
private and public firms were required. For public firms, the last three years and net worth of at least ` 1 crore in each of the
preceding three years.
the sample was derived from 521 public firms that went 8 During this period, SEBI enforced restrictions on promoters, such
public between 1997 and 2007. For private firms, the as the lock-in period for their holdings. In 1995, SEBI appointed
sample was derived from a total of 18,000 unlisted firms Malegam Committee to recommend appropriate regulations for
closer scrutiny of proposed offerings. See Marisetty and
whose information was recorded in CMIE Prowess. The Subhrahmanyam (2008), Shah & Thomas (2001) and Rao (2002)
sample for private firms included only those unlisted firms for more details.


confidence into the Indian capital market in the follow- than private firms. The average sales grew by 41.80 per-
ing period. In particular, the retail investors distanced cent for IPO firms in the last three years before the IPO.
themselves from the Indian IPO market. During 1996-97, The average profitability, measured as operating return
SEBI, the Indian securities market regulator, introduced on total assets, was the same for both the samples. The
fresh regulations related to the IPO pricing and enforced level of disclosure was measured by the ratio of Tax to
other restrictions on the promoters and the management Sales. Statistics show that private sample firms were pay-
board of the companies that compelled them to be more ing more tax than the IPO sample firms, as the average
responsible towards the shareholder wealth. This re- tax was found to be more for private sample. The operat-
stricted the number of companies tapping the IPO market ing risk measured as the ratio of intangible assets and
and created a slump in the Indian IPO market (Aggarwal, total assets was three times more for IPO firms. While the
2000; Marisetty & Subrahmanyam, 2008). It can be seen average operating risk was 0.01 for private sample, the
from Table 1 that between 1996 and 1999, the number of average operating risk was 0.03 for the IPO sample. The
IPOs and amount raised through these IPOs declined dras- debt-equity ratio was less for IPO firms. While the debt-
tically. This lean period was followed by peaking up of equity ratio was 0.86 for the IPO sample, it was 1.55 for
the dot-com boom during 1999-20019. The excessive opti- private sample. The cost of credit was found to be higher
mism about the dot-com companies encouraged several for the private sample. The industry market-to-book ratio
of them to raise money through their IPOs during 2000- was more for the IPO sample indicating that the IPO
01. It can be seen from the Table that the number of com- sample consisted of firms belonging to the overvalued
panies going for IPOs increased to 124 during 2000. The industry. The average beta of 1.17 for the IPO sample firms
peaking up of the dot-com boom was followed up by the was higher than the average beta of -0.01 for the private
dot-com burst during 2001-02 wherein all major stock sample firms. The negative figure of average beta for the
markets suffered huge losses10. This drastically reduced private sample firms meant that many private firms in
the number of IPOs by the Indian companies between our sample had negative beta. A negative beta indicates
2001 and 2002. The increased interest of international that the accounting returns of any such firm moves in the
investors in the emerging markets from 2003 onwards opposite direction to the returns on the market. This ap-
gradually revived the IPO activity and there was a huge peared counter-intuitive and authors do not have any
surge in amount of funds being raised through their IPOs particular explanation for the same.
by the Indian companies till 2007.
Probit Analysis
The sample of the study was classified into 27 sectors.
The results of maximum likelihood estimate of probit
Maximum number of IPOs – 70 – was from the computer
model are presented in Table 7. Model 1 is a simple probit
software sector followed by 28 IPOs from the banking
estimation of probability of going public. Model 2 con-
services sector, 17 IPOs from drugs and pharmaceuticals
trols for inter-industry effect using random industry ef-
sector, 9 from infrastructural construction, and 8 from
fects. Model 3 controls for year effect using random year
readymade garments.
The summary statistics (see Table 6) shows that the aver-
The results in Table 7 indicate that ‘Size’ and probability
age size of a company in an IPO sample is almost four
of going public is positively related. A standard devia-
times bigger than the private sample. While the average
tion increase in size increases the probability of going
size for the private sample was 1,247.17 crores, the aver-
public by more than three times of sample average prob-
age size for the IPO sample was 4,945.54 crores. Statistics
ability of going public. This result is consistent with our
shows that the average age at which companies do IPO is
hypotheses related to variable ‘Size’.
around 17 years which is lower than the average age of
private sample which is around 29 years. It was found ‘Age’ is found to be negatively related to the probability of
that the percentage growth in sales was more for IPO firms going public. A standard deviation increase in Age re-
duces the probability of going public by more than two
9 The BSE Sensex, the most popular stock index in India, touched its
times of sample average probability. A negative relation-
highest value (till that point of time) of 6, 151 on February 14, 2000. ship between Age and probability of going public is as
10 The BSE Sensex touched a low of 2, 595 on September 21, 2001. per our hypothesis.


The positive relationship between IA and probability of negative and insignificant value in Table 7 shows that
going public indicates that risky companies are more Indian firms may not have gone public to reduce the pres-
likely to go public. An increase of one standard deviation sure of debt. The insignificant relationship between le-
in IA corresponds to three times increase in the sample verage and probability of going public is similar to Pagano
average probability. However, insignificant relationship et. al. (1998), Helwege and Packer (2003), and Kim and
between IA and probability of going public for the year- Sung (2005).
controlled model indicates that the positive relationship
Unlike Pagano et. al. (1998), industry market-to-book value
between IA and probability of going public is year-spe-
does not appear to have a significant effect on probability
of going public. Our result supports the view given by
A positive and significant relationship between ‘Beta’ and Pastor and Veronesi (2003) that it is the change in valua-
probability of going public confirms our hypothesis that tions, measured by recent returns, which should deter-
riskier firms are more likely to go public. mine the factor for IPO decision rather than valuation
levels of the industry, measured by industry market-to-
A positive and significant relationship between SG and
book ratio. Therefore, it is expected that firms are more
probability of going public confirms our hypothesis that
likely to go public after recent improvements in market
firms do IPO to raise the capital required for their planned
conditions regardless of the level of valuations in the cur-
growth and expansion. One standard deviation increase
rent market.
in SG increases the probability of going public by around
four times of sample average probability of going public.
Post-IPO Analysis
Positive relationship between PBDIT and probability of Table 8 shows results of the three-step procedure (already
going public shows that firms with high profitability are explained in the methodology section) followed to calcu-
more likely to go public. The result confirms our hypoth- late the median changes (percentage) in the firm-specific
esis that Indian firms reduced adverse selection cost by variables of Indian firms around their IPOs for each of the
signaling their financial position through high profitabil- following three time windows: (i) one year before IPO (Y-
ity. An increase in one standard deviation corresponds 1) to IPO year (Y+0), (ii) one year before IPO (Y-1) to one
to three times increase in sample average probability. year after IPO (Y+1), and (iii) one year before IPO (Y-1) to
However, insignificant relationship between PBDIT and two years after IPO (Y+2).
probability of going public for the industry-controlled
model indicates that the positive relationship between The promoter’s ownership of IPO firms decreased by: (a)
PBDIT and probability of going public is industry-spe- 0.01 percent at the time of IPO; (b) 3.14 percent in one year
cific. after IPO; and (c) 4.24 percent in two years after IPO (all
significant at 0.01 level). The decrease in promoter’s own-
A significant positive relationship was found between ership indicates that insiders offload their shares at the
Disc and probability of going public indicating that firms time of IPO and during the following two years to diver-
with high level of disclosure/transparency are more likely sify their risk.
to go public and firms with low level of disclosure/trans-
parency are less likely to go public. However, the likeli- The debt-equity ratio of IPO firms decreased by: (a) 19.35
hood depends on the industry because there is no percent at the time of IPO; (b) 51 percent in one year after
significant relationship for the industry-controlled model. IPO; and (c) 36.40 percent in two years after IPO (all sig-
nificant at 0.01 level). The drastic reduction in debt-to-
A positive and significant relationship between Retail and
equity ratio indicates that firms do their IPOs to rebalance
probability of going public indicates that firms belonging
their capital structure.
to the retail trade sector are more likely to go public. The
relationship is significant even when the year effect is The level of capital expenditure increased by: (a) 58 per-
controlled in Model 3. cent at the time of IPO; (b) 139 percent in one year after
IPO; and (c) 138 percent in two years after IPO (all signifi-
LEVERAGE and M/B were found to have insignificant
cant at 0.01 level. The level of investment increased by: (a)
influence on firms’ going-public decision. We expected
18 percent at the time of IPO; (b) 285 percent in one year
highly levered firms to be more likely to go public but a


after IPO; and (c) 347 percent in two years after IPO (all dent analysis implies that Indian firms go public to: (a)
significant at 0.01 level). The significant increase in capi- raise capital for their growth and expansion; (b) diversify
tal expenditure and investments indicates that firms do the risk of initial owners and capital structure rebalanc-
their IPOs to: (a) finance their future investment and ing; (c) bring down their cost of capital; (d) increase the
growth; and (b) reduce the excessive over monitoring by liquidity of their shares; (e) avoid excessive monitoring of
the large shareholders. large/block shareholders; and (f) seek publicity. These
Indian firms face following costs/deterrents in becoming
The cost of credit decreased by: (a) 9.76 percent at the time public: (a) Information asymmetry and adverse selection
of IPO (significant at 0.1 level); (b) 31 percent in one year costs; (b) Experience loss of confidentiality; and (c) Bear
after IPO (significant at 0.1 level); and (c) 65 percent in initial and subsequent expenses.
two years after IPO (significant at 0.01 level). The signifi-
cant decrease in cost of credit shows that IPOs enabled Overall, this study provides useful insights for corporate
firms to bargain for lower cost of credit. managers, investors, market intermediaries, stock ex-
change authorities, as well as for academic and business
Using Beta to assess the impact of IPO on the cost of capi- researchers. An understanding of the motivation and
tal provides similar results. Beta decreased by: (a) 0.62 costs associated with the going-public decision of Indian
percent at the time of IPO; (b) 6.55 percent in one year after firms can enable the corporate managers of private In-
IPO; and (c) 12.61 percent in two years after IPO. Wilcoxon dian firms to take an informed decision whether to be-
test, however, is significant for only the last time win- come public or remain private. An insight into the
dow. characteristics of IPO firms can facilitate investors to take
informed investment decision— whether or not to invest
CONCLUSIONS in IPO firms, and whether to have a short or a long invest-
The study provides an analysis of the factors determin- ment horizon. The market intermediaries and stock ex-
ing going-public decision of Indian firms. The determi- changes can make use of the findings of this study to
nants were investigated by examining both ex-ante educate the eligible Indian private firms regarding the
characteristics of the IPO firms and ex-post IPO conse- pros and cons of going public.
quences of the IPOs. Two independent analyses were car-
The results of this study may also be applicable to the
ried out. First, a panel probit regression specification is
firms from the other emerging economies, since in many
estimated to identify the ex-ante characteristics of going-
ways, India resembles economies like Brazil, Russia, Ma-
public Indian firms that differentiate them from those In-
laysia, etc. However, the findings may be subjected to sev-
dian firms that continue to remain private even though
eral limitations. Though the study used proxy for the need
they fulfill the eligibility criteria of going public. Second,
of financing and growth and cost of credit, the accurate
ex-post consequences of IPOs for firms are examined by
proxy for such factor is debatable. In future, the analysis
comparing pre-IPO characteristics of IPO firms with their
can be done by using other variables. The time windows
post-IPO characteristics.
analysed in the study is a matter of debate. One can argue
The probit analysis reveals that going–public Indian firms that two years may be a short period to judge the effect of
tend to be younger, riskier, transparent, more profitable, IPO on firm-specific variables. We expect the availability
experiencing higher sales growth and large-sized than of the information not to be a restricting factor to decide
firms that decide to remain private. Also, if a firm belongs for time windows for future studies. In fact, in contrast to
to the retail trade sector, it increases its probability to go other studies on a similar issue, where the time windows
public. were mainly from one year before IPO to three years after
IPO, the variables can be compared for as long as two
The ex-post analysis reveals that firms go public to: fi- years before IPO to ten years after IPO. The scope of the
nance their growth and investments, diversify owners’ study could be increased further by adding those factors
risk, rebalance their capital structure, and bring down which are post-IPO and can motivate a company to do an
their borrowing rates. IPO like the merger and acquisition activities, cash out of
venture capitalists, etc., which can only be captured
Put together, the revelations of the above two indepen- through a survey.



Table 1: Number of IPOs and Amount raised by Indian Companies from 1989 to 2008

Year No. of Issues Amount (in crores of `)

1989-90 187 2,793
1990-91 141 1,704
1991-92 196 1,898
1992-93 528 6,252
1993-94 770 13,443
1994-95 1,343 13,312
1995-96 1,428 11,822
1996-97 753 11,687
1997-98 62 3,061
1998-99 32 7,911
1999-00 65 7,673
2000-01 124 6,618
2001-02 19 6,423
2002-03 14 5,732
2003-04 35 22,145
2004-05 34 25,526
2005-06 102 23,676
2006-07 85 24,993
2007-08 91 53,219
2008-09 22 3534
Source: Prime Database

Note: The Table presents the IPO activities in India from 1989 to 2008. The sample in the present study is taken from this total population
of IPOs. The table shows the annual number of public issues and amount raised by Indian companies in the given time period.

Table 2: Summary of Results of Similar Studies

Research Study Pagano, Boehmer & Albornoz Chemannur, Chorruk & Chun, Overall
Panetta & Ljungqvist & Pope He & Worthington Lynch &
Zingales (2004)a (2004) Nandy (2010) Smith
(1998) (2005)b (2002)
Sample firms (IPOs/ Private) 69/12391 330 IPO firms 830/9968 1315/2578 110/5118 304/1722
Country Italy Germany UK US Thailand Korea
Country Category Developed Developed Developed Developed Developing Developing
Ex-ante results
Statistical Technique Multiv. Multiv. Multiv. Multiv. Multiv. Multiv.
(Probit) (Cox) (Logistic) (Probit) (Probit) (Probit)
Explanatory variables
Size +* +* +* +* +* A+
Age + +* –* M+/–
Profitability +* +* –* +* – –* M+/–
Asset Risk +* A+
Cost of Credit + N
Leverage – –* –* + M–
Bank Rate – –* – M–
Market-Book Ratio +* – +* + M+
Growth +* + +* – +* M+


Table 2 (contd.)

Research Study Pagano, Boehmer & Albornoz Chemannur, Chorruk & Chun, Overall
Panetta & Ljungqvist & Pope He & Worthington Lynch &
Zingales (2004)a (2004) Nandy (2010) Smith
(1998) (2005)b (2002)
Capital Expenditure + + +* M+
Investments – –* M–
Index Volatility + N
Publicity/Coverage +* +* A+
Total Factor Productivity +* A+
Ex-Post results
Statistical Analysis Univariate
Sales + – A +/–
Profitability – + – – A +/–
Capital Expenditure – + A +/–
Leverage – – – A–
Investments 0 0 – N
Payout 0 N
Growth 0 + – + – M +/–
Interest Rate – + – A +/–
Ownership – A–
Size – A–
Covergae – A–
Total Factor Productivity – A–
Notes: * Significance at 1-10%, + Positive relationship, – Negative relationship, 0 - No relationship
A Always significant, M Mixed results, N Always not significant
a Boehmer & Ljungqvista also used product market charateristics
b Chemannur, He & Nandy also included industry-specific and macro-economic factors

Note: This Table summarizes the results of studies which have adopted similar approach that we have followed (for discussion on studies on
different approaches, see literature review section). Ex-ante determinants are discussed first, followed by Ex-post determinants. For
Ex-post determinants, only those studies are considered that focused on post IPO determinants (a few studies adopted similar approach
to examine the impact of IPO on performance and other variables; see Mayur and Kumar (2009) for summary of such studies). Other
characteristics of studies like sample size, year, study area, country category, and statistical technique used are also presented in the

Table 3: A Summary of Theoretical Framework for Going-Public Decisions

Theories Research Studies
A. Benefit-related Theories
1. Raising capital for growth and expansion Loughran et al, 1994; Pagano et al, 1998; Subrahmanyam &Titman, 1999
and Huyghebaert & Hulle, 2005.
2. Risk diversification Pagano, 1993; Zingales, 1995; Stoughton & Zechner, 1998; Chemmanur &
Fulghieri, 1999; Mello & Parsons, 1998; Black & Gilson, 1998.
3. Capital structure rebalancing Pagano et al. (1998)
4. Lowering of cost of capital Scott, 1976; Modigliani & Miller, 1963, Diamond, 1991; Holmstrom & Tirole,
1993; Booth & Chua, 1996; Maug, 1998.
5. Liquidity Booth & Chua, 1996; Bolton & Thadden, 1998; Pagano et al, 1998..
6. Monitoring Pagano & Roell,1998
7. Windows of opportunity Myers & Majluf, 1984; Dharan & Ikenberry, 1995; Ritter,1991.
8. Getting publicity Subrahmanyam & Titman, 1999; Stoughton, Wong & Zechner, 2001.
9. Currency for Mergers and Acquisitions Zingales (1995)


Table 3 (contd.)
Theories Research Studies
B. Cost-related Theories
1. Information asymmetry and adverse Akerlof, 1970; Leland & Pyle, 1977; Rock (1986); Welch (1989); Chemmanur
selection costs & Fulghieri (1999)
2. Loss of confidentiality and higher taxes Campbell, 1979; Tinic, 1988; Yosha, 1995; Maksimovic & Pichler, 2001
3. Initial and subsequent expenses Bhattacharya & Ritter, 1983; Ritter, 1987
4. Increased possibility of litigations Tinic, 1988

Table 4: Definitions of Firm-specific Financial Variables used in this Study

Variables Definition and calculation

Size Size is measured by value of total assets. Total assets include value of fixed assets, investments, and current assets.
Age Age of companies at time ‘i’ from date of their incorporation.
IA Ratio of intangible assets to total assets.
Beta* Accounting beta was calculated by regressing historical accounting earnings for each IPO against the accounting
earnings for the market. The model used is as follows: Rit =α+βiRmt + ui. The coefficient of the above regression,
βi is the accounting beta for the ith IPO. Rit is the accounting return of the firm under observation, whereas Rmt is
the accounting return of market. BSE Sensex firms are included as market. Accounting return is proxied by ratio of
profit before depreciation, interest and tax (PBDIT) and total assets.
SG Average of growth in sales in last three years.
PBDIT Ratio of Profit before depreciation, interest and tax (PBDIT) and Total assets.
Disc Disclosure is measured by ratio of corporate tax and total sales of a company. Corporate tax includes portion of
corporate income tax provided by the enterprise during a particular accounting period. Sales is income generated
from main business activities like sale of goods and services, fiscal benefits, trading income. It also includes
internal transfers.
LEVERAGE Debt-Equity ratio is used as a measure of financial leverage of a company. This ratio is calculated by dividing total
borrowings of a firm by net worth.
M/B The median market-to-book ratio of the industry that a firm belongs to.
Retail Dummy variable which takes value 1 if a firm belongs to retail, telecom or utility industry; otherwise, its value is 0.
Promoter’s A promoter is a person(s) who is in control of the company, or a relative of the promoter. Promoter’s ownership is
ownership calculated as shares held by promoters (in percentage) including foreign promoters and persons acting in concert
as a percent of the total outstanding shares of the firm.
Capital Lagged value of capital employed over total assets.
Investments Investments in shares/debentures of companies, PSU bonds, mutual fund schemes of UTI and other mutual funds,
etc. It includes both quoted investments as well as unquoted investments.
CoC Cost of credit is measured as ratio of firm’s annual interest expense and total borrowings from bank.
*Note: Since it was not possible to calculate market beta for private firms, accounting beta was taken as a proxy of the market beta.
Accounting beta was computed in a way that is similar to the computation of market beta. Historical earnings for each company were
regressed against the accounting earnings for the market.


Table 5: Summary of Research Hypotheses

Benefits Ex-ante Hypotheses Ex-post Hypotheses

Statement Relationship Statement Relationship
Raising capital Firms which go public (SG)pub> (SG)pri Firms tend to do higher capital (Capexp)preIPO <
for growth & experience higher sales expenditure and investments (Capexp)postIPO
expansion growth than firms which after becoming public
remain private. (Invest)preIPO <
Firms which go public have (Leverage)pub > (Invest)postIPO
higher financial leverage (Leverage)pri
than firms which remain
Risk Firms which go public face (Beta)pub > (Beta)pri The level of promoter’s (Promoter’s
diversification more risk than firms which ownership in firms should ownership)preIPO >
decide to remain private. (Age)pub < (Age)pri significantly come down after (Promoter’s
they become public ownership)postIPO
(IA)pub > (IA)pri
Capital Firms which go public (Leverage)pub > Debt Equity ratio should (Leverage)pre
structure tend to have higher (Leverage)pri significantly come down IPO>(Leverage)postIPO
rebalancing financial leverage than the after firms become public
firms which decide to
remain private.
Lowering of Firms which go public (Beta)pub > (Beta)pri Firms face lower cost of capital (Beta)preIPO >
cost of capital have higher cost of capital after becoming public (Beta)postIPO
than firms which decide to
remain private. (CoC)preIPO >

Liquidity Firms which go public are (Size)pub > (Size)pri

likely to be larger than firms
which decide to remain
Monitoring Firms tend to do higher capital (Capexp)preIPO <
expenditure and investments (Capexp)postIPO
after becoming public
(Invest)preIPO <

Windows of Firms are likely to do their (M/B)pub > (M/B)pri

opportunity IPOs when their industry
peers are overvalued.
Getting Firms belonging to retail β(Retail) > 0
publicity trade sectors should have
higher propensity to
become public


Table 6: Summary Statistics

Variable Mean Std. Dev. Min Max Obs

Sample Eligible to Go Public
Size 1,247.17 4,608.17 20.48 112,220.90 4,059.00
Age 28.59 23.34 3.00 149.00 4,059.00
IA 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.83 4,059.00
Beta -0.01 0.13 -5.57 3.27 3,845.00
SG 21.98 62.90 -100.00 793.84 4,059.00
PBDIT 0.14 0.09 0.00 0.90 4,059.00
Disc 0.04 0.14 0.00 1.00 3,947.00
CoC 0.09 0.22 0.00 1.00 3,226.00
LEVERAGE 1.55 4.64 0.00 121.05 4,059.00
M/B 1.93 5.38 -42.27 102.35 3,216.00
The IPO Sample
Size 4,945.54 20,956.4 0.23 252,058.7 310
Age 17.44 21.25 3.00 140.00 310
IA 0.03 0.10 0.00 0.79 310
Beta 1.17 16.11 -0.11 790.52 263
SG 41.80 85.31 -225.00 267.94 310
PBDIT 0.14 0.11 0.00 0.88 310
Disc 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.60 310
CoC 0.33 0.05 0.00 0.47 310
LEVERAGE 0.86 10.40 0.00 109.47 310
M/B 4.122 3.93 0.52 25.08 247
Note: This Table provides the summary statistics of private and public samples. Private sample consists of companies that were eligible to do
IPO but remained private throughout the study period. IPO sample contains total companies that went public during study period (1997–2006).
Definitions of variables are discussed in Table 4. Size is expressed in crores, age is expressed in years and growth in sales is expressed in
percentage. The remaining variables are expressed in ratios. The summary statistics describe the mean, standard deviation, minimum,
maximum and number of observation of the variables.

Table 7: Probit Model: Determinants of Going Public Decision

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Size 0.0001*** 0.0001*** 0.0001***
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
Age -0.0113*** -0.0279* -0.0087*
(0.0105) (0.0043) (0.0071)
IA 1.4848** 1.6488** 0.7095
(0.75019) (0.8700) (1.6785)
Beta 0.0001* 0. 0001* 0.0001*
(0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000)
SG 0.0283*** 0.0030* 0.0004***
(0.00548) (0.0006) (0.0001)
PBDIT 0.5801* 0.5136 2.5030*
(0.5281) (0.6868) (1.7087)
Disc 0.0009* 0.0015 0.0002*
(0.0016) (0.0043) (0.0040)
LEVERAGE -0.0259 -0.0308 -0.0155
(0.0713) (0.0307) (0.06294)
M/B 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003
(0.0040) (0.0014) (0.0038)


Table 7 (cont.)
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Retail 0.6969** 0.5834**
(0.3741) (0.3885)
Constant -2.9866*** -1.0056*** -3.4623***
(0.4369) (0.2093) (0.6439)
Obs 1712 1712 1712
Log likelihood -32.2580 -269.5918 -32.2580
χ2 39.51*** 39.15*** 39.51***
The sign ***, ** and * indicate significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

Note: This Table presents the results of maximum likelihood estimate of probit model used to investigate the determinants of going-public
decision of firms in the period 1999 to 2006. Model 1 is a simple probit estimation of probability of going public. Model 2 controls for
inter-industry effect and Model 3 controls for year effect. In order to control for industry effect and year effect, one way random effect
model was used where the differences in industry group and year group was assumed to be because of random effect. The
nomenclature of dependent variable is ‘IPO’, a dummy variable, which equals 1 if the company is publicly held and 0 if the company
is a private in a particular year. The explanatory variables are: the size, age, sales growth, profitability, level of disclosures, asset risk,
leverage, industry market to book value and market risk of the included companies. Detailed definitions of all variables are given in
Table 4. The number represents the coefficient in the probit regression model. Standard errors are reported in the parentheses.
Number of observations, log likelihood and χ2 for the model are also reported in the Table.

Table 8: Analysis of Post IPO Factors

Variables Median Change (%) Median Change (%) Median Change (%)
from IPO-1 to IPO from IPO-1 to IPO+1 from IPO-1 to IPO+2
Promoter’s ownership -0.01*** -3.14*** -4.24***
(-5.822) (-7.378) (-8.092)
Debt to equity -19.35*** -51.95*** -36.40***
(-4.543) (-7.992) (-4.473)
Capital expenditure 57.993*** 138.844*** 138.191***
(-4.72) (-5.81) (-5.92)
Investments 17.70*** 284.75*** 346.47***
(-7.40) ( -10.62) ( -11.58)
Cost of credit -9.76* -31.34* -65.19***
(-0.68) (-1.21) (-3.28)
Beta -0.62 -6.55 -12.61***
(-.55) (-.13) (-2.87)
The sign ***, ** and * indicate significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

Note: The above Table presents the median changes (percentage) in variables of Indian firms around their IPOs. The changes are analysed
for the following three time windows: (i) one year before IPO (Y-1) to IPO year (Y+0), (ii) one year before IPO (Y-1) to one year after
IPO (Y+1), and (iii) one year before IPO (Y-1) to two year after IPO (Y+2). The test for differences between the two groups is performed
using the Wilcoxon two-sample signed rank test, which assumes that the observations are independent. Z statistics are shown in

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Manas Mayur is a member of the Faculty of Finance at the Manoj Kumar is a member of the Faculty of Finance & Ac-
Goa Institute of Management, Goa. He obtained his Masters counting at the Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak. He
from the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun and a Ph.D. from has taken a Ph.D in Finance from IIT Bombay. He has pub-
GGSIP University, Delhi. This paper is based on his doctoral lished research papers in journals of national and interna-
work. Besides publishing papers in the ICFAI Journal of Ap- tional repute like, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vikalpa,
plied Finance, he has contributed research papers and cases in Management Review, Journal of Modern Accounting and Audit-
several edited volumes. He has also presented papers at sev- ing, Bombay Stock Exchange Review, Indian Management, and
eral international and national level conferences. His area of ICFAI Journal of Applied Finance. He has contributed research
specialization is Accounting and Finance. papers in several edited volumes. He has also presented pa-
pers and chaired sessions at several international and na-
e-mail: tional level professional conferences. His area of specialization
is Accounting and Finance.


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