The Effectivenessof Facebook Social Media Marketingon Filipino College Students Preferences

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The Effectiveness of Facebook Social Media Marketing on Filipino College

Students' Preferences

Research Proposal · October 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21861.78562


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4 authors, including:

Dhallen Gabriel San Pedro Tabora Justin Angela Alano

Far Eastern University Far Eastern University


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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

The Effectiveness of Facebook Social Media Marketing on

Filipino College Students’ Preferences.

Alano, Justin Angela
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Far Eastern University – Manila

Albarando, Trisha R.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Far Eastern University - Manila

Narca, Christian Michael

Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Far Eastern University - Manila

Tabora, Dhallen Gabriel S.

Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Far Eastern University - Manila


This publication is licensed under a Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International —

CC BY-NC 4.0


This study aimed to understand the effectiveness of Facebook social media marketing on Filipino
college students' preferences. The purpose of this qualitative study is to observe the effectiveness of
Facebook marketing, especially in the preferences of college Filipino customers. The study included
identifying how the use of Facebook as a marketing strategy affects the overall perception of college
customers in the Philippines.

The researcher conducted a focus group discussion to collect data information from the participants
based on the three questions we provided. The following questions will address the purpose. (1) Does the rise
of social media affect the perception of customers? (2) Does Facebook help in establishing brand awareness
and perception in customers? (3) Could a brand or business establish a close relationship with customers
through Facebook?

BM 1102│ENM 1207│MGT 1101│MKTG 1106
Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

The study revealed that social media such as Facebook is a great factor that affects consumers'
perception of the brand based on how they promote their brand on Facebook. Through actively posting, and
engaging customers with relatable content, interesting and interactive posts do have a positive impact on the
image of the brand. Facebook assists businesses in building a good relationship with their customers by
creating communities sharing the same interests. Interviewees had a positive view of Facebook in creating
brand awareness in the brand by doing marketing strategies of business to engage customers which results in
a positive and good relationship with each other.

Keywords: brand awareness; brand loyalty; customer perception; Facebook marketing; online behavior.

1. Introduction

The customers being pertained in this study are Filipino college students ages 18 to
24 years old. According to Caliwag et al., (2020), The biggest group of social media users
in the Philippines is between the ages of 18 to 24 which in the Philippines, are still college
students; they accounted for around 33% of active users or approximately 21 million users.
Also, according to Kim (2003), the excessive spending of college students has increased
since they now have more buying power and generally have easier access to credit cards
and allowances. However, how does the age of the pertained customers correlate with
Facebook marketing?
During this digital era, people are more connected to each other and can easily
access information through social media. Social media such as Facebook is a platform that
allows small businesses to create or share content to promote and advertise their brand to
increase awareness that can influence the customer in purchasing decisions. According to
Barhemmati and Ahmad (2015), based on their study that focuses on factors that influence
consumers' purchasing decisions through social media, there is a positive relationship
between consumer buying behavior and social media engagement found out that Social
Media Marketing is the most successful way of advertising.
Digitalized marketing changed the way sellers offer their products, and along with
this are changes in the online shopping behavior of buyers as they adapt. In line with the
pandemic, significant changes in customer behavior were observed in a study by Dewan
and Rana (2021). Their study shows that customers are more leaning towards using online
platforms as people heavily include using the internet in their daily routines. People find it
safe, time-saving, and convenient.
According to Gamboa and Goncualves, customer satisfaction remains the strongest
determinant of loyalty on Facebook. The social media platform helps increase loyalty from

BM 1102│ENM 1207│MGT 1101│MKTG 1106
Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

buyers through trust, perceived value, and commitment (2014). It is now widely used by
businesses to engage with current and prospective clients (Novotová, 2018). In addition to
that, Filipino consumer decisions are being influenced on Facebook as they can easily see
posts and feedback from peers, other consumers, and sellers (Catedrilla, 2017).
Social Media Marketing continues to thrive significantly as the Philippines has
tremendous e-commerce market opportunities, with growing users, particularly young
adult Filipinos. Facebook's social media platform offers advantages, potential effective
strategies, and the best methods to target the Filipino market. According to Garbes et al.,
(2022), The insights of Filipino young adults on Facebook advertisements might help
digital business owners determine significant elements to address when creating ad
campaigns in order to develop media that appeals to a wider community.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to observe the effectiveness of Facebook
marketing, especially on the preferences of college Filipino customers. The study includes
identifying how the use of Facebook as a marketing strategy affects the overall perception
of college customers in the Philippines. The following questions will address the purpose.
(1) Does the rise of social media affect the perception of customers? (2) Does Facebook
help in establishing brand awareness and perception in customers? (3) Could a brand or
business establish a close relationship with customers through Facebook?

2. Research Method

The purpose of this study is to observe the effectiveness of Facebook marketing

toward college students in the Philippines by discussing the rise of social media platforms,
brand awareness, and perception, and whether businesses can build relationships with
customers using Facebook. The research uses a case study approach with a single
case-embedded design. DePoy & Gitlin (2016) stated that single-case embedded design
examines several aspects or events of a single case using only one environment.
The researchers used a non-probability sampling technique, specifically convenient
sampling. Non-probability sampling is most useful for exploratory studies, therefore,
instead of using random selection, the researchers choose samples based on their own
subjective evaluation. Convenience sampling, one of the major types of non-probability
sampling, is used by researchers for research studies that don't need extra inputs and
participants do not need to meet any specific requirements to be included in this sample
(Stratton, 2021). Furthermore, the topic under study does not require an equal
representation from each of the demographic profiles of participants.
The participants involved in this study are Filipino college students in any
university who belong to the age range of 18 to 24 years old and part of the generation Z.

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

College students, particularly those in Generation Z, are highly active users of social
media, making it an ideal platform for marketing to them (Stowers, 2021). The researchers
interviewed a total of 16 participants as Ritchie et al. (2003 as cited by Legard et al., 2003),
claims that within a qualitative interview, it is not uncommon to see sample sizes of
between 15-25. Also, qualitative research with less than 20 participants yields superior
results because researchers are better able to form closer bonds with the participants,
resulting in more genuine discussions and better data (Renwick, 2019).
The researchers used a focus group discussion (FGD) to collect data from the
participants. An FGD is a qualitative research method and data-gathering technique in
which a small group of individuals talk about a certain subject or problem in more detail
facilitated by the researcher (Mishra, 2016). For this study, There were four focus groups
and each of these focus groups had four participants. The ideal size of participants in focus
group discussion is uncertain as according to Nyumba et, al., (2018), six to eight
participants would be effective; however, some research has utilized between four and
fifteen participants. Nonetheless, Kitzinger (1995, as cited by Sattar, 2022), stated that the
size of focus group discussion typically has a minimum of four participants but does not
exceed twelve participants. This study will adopt the framework analysis in interpreting
qualitative data. Goldsmith (2021) states that a framework analysis is an intrinsically
comparative kind of thematic analysis wherein it adopts an ordered structure of topics
generated from both inductive and deductive themes in order to undertake cross-sectional
For the FGD, the researchers used only three questions because if too many
questions are posed, it may be too large to manage and go out of context of the topic,
however, the researchers had included some probing questions as well in order for the
participants to solidify their answer more. Due to the still ongoing pandemic, the FGD was
done through an online platform specifically a messenger application only for
precautionary purposes. The FGDs were recorded with the permission of the participants
and were transcribed manually by the researchers.

3. Results and Discussion

The results and discussion tackled the answers of the participants from the focus
group discussion (FGD) conducted by the researchers and connected it to a literature
review. From the transcript of the conducted FGD, codes, and themes are generated which
are organized in a table. These tables are the results, while the paragraphs below are the
discussion. The discussion analyzes the results and relates them to the literature,
identifying whether the answers of the respondents validated or refuted the literature.

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

Table 1. Presentation of data analysis for research questions number one (1) using
codes and corresponding descriptive themes.

Research Question 1 Codes Themes

1.) In what aspects does the ● Influencer review Factors Affecting Customer
rise of social media improve Perception
your customer perception? ● Convenience and
1.1 Does the pandemic
make you use social media ● Interactions with
more? Why? business pages

1.2 Have you noticed an ● Visibility on social

increase of business pages media
on Facebook? What are
● Latest trends on social
your thoughts about this?

● Shopping habits Things are affected when

there’s a change in
● Decisions perception

● Easier to Benefits of businesses from

communicate with social media
● Easier to attract
● Customers learn about
the brand and
products easier
● Opportunity to
● Can target a broad
customer level
● Creates more brand

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

● Quarantine Reasons why there’s a rise

restrictions in the use of social media
during the pandemic
● Nothing else to do
● Connect with people
● Online classes

● Have the courage to Thoughts of customers

start an online about the increase of
business as well business pages on Facebook
● Not surprising as
businesses had to rely
on Facebook to
continue operating.
● Businesses are
scrambling more for
● Buyers are more
active online during
● Good especially for
small business owners
● Allows consumers to
be critical on where to

Based on the answers given by student participants, Influencer reviews,

Convenience and accessibility, Interactions with business pages, Visibility on social media,
Latest trends on social media are the main factors that affect customer perception. These
factors assist them in making wise purchasing decisions and choosing the right shops or
brands. Approving these results, Sara Chambers in her research titled “Customer
Perception and How to Manage It Effectively” mentioned that 90% of shoppers check out
internet reviews before making a purchase. So, internet reviews may play an important role
in shaping the perception of the brand in the minds of potential buyers (Chambers, n.d.).
These said factors may influence their perception and may turn out as a positive or
negative result. According to our interviewees, when there’s a change in their perception
about the product or brand, it affects their shopping habits and purchasing decisions. In

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

research titled “COVID-19: How consumer behavior will be changed”, the author stated
that Consumer attitudes, behaviors, and buying patterns are shifting, and many of these
new behaviors will persist beyond the outbreak. People are becoming more conscientious
of their purchases, purchasing locally, and embracing Internet commerce.
Connected to the pandemic, a lot of businesses were forcibly closed; either SMEs
or huge firms were affected, others declared bankruptcy, but others started & adapted to the
new normal. Some businesses started to generate through Facebook, Instagram, or in any
social media as their platform for selling products. According to the participants of the
study, the benefits of businesses from social media are it is easier to communicate with
customers, customers learn more about the product and its brand with ease, there’s an
opportunity to advertise, it can target a brand customer level and lastly, social media
creates more brand awareness. Approving these results through the research titled “7
Benefits of Using Social Media for Your Business”, the author mentioned that in today's
digital world, a company without a social media marketing strategy is at a significant
disadvantage. If you don't make use of social media's reach and power, you might be
missing out on a major chance to connect with your audience, uncover new markets, create
new leads, and grow your brand (Folio, 2018).
The student respondents also think that the reasons why there’s a rise in the use of
social media during the pandemic are the quarantine restrictions – people are forced to stay
at home; boredom – there’s nothing else to do; to connect with people – like talking and/or
calling friends, family, and relatives thru the use of social media, and lastly because of
online classes. As stated by Kocabiyik (2021), because social isolation is required during
the COVID-19 pandemic, people are spending more time on social media because they are
confined to their houses owing to curfew. Perez reported that throughout this time, chatting
on Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram grew by 70%.
When respondents were asked about their thoughts on the increase of business
pages on Facebook, they answered that they were not surprised since firms need to rely on
Facebook as a platform to continue operating, a reason that in this social media platform,
buyers are more active, especially during the pandemic. This does not only apply to huge
companies but also to SMEs, that’s why many had the courage to start their online
business. As stated by Andrea Forstadt, during COVID-19, social media has become a
lifeline to many companies' clients. It has allowed businesses to not only keep the
conversation continuing in real-time but also to reinvent how they connect with current and
potential consumers for a more dynamic experience and improved loyalty. For some, it's
even provided opportunities to understand better and value customers, launch a new
business, or generate additional revenue (Forstadt, 2020).

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Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

Table 2. Presentation of data analysis for research questions number two (2) using
codes and corresponding descriptive themes.

Research Question 2 Codes Themes

2.) How does Facebook ● Broadens familiarity Effects of Facebook

influence your brand with a brand marketing to consumers
awareness and perception
towards a brand? ● Consider future
2.1 Do you notice more
visibility of known or ● Be updated on trends
unknown brands on
● Be cautious in buying
Facebook? Does it make
you remember them?
● Lots of followers Factors that make Facebook
2.2 Can you recall a users notice a brand online.
moment wherein your ● Transparency
perception towards a brand
changed, be it positively or ● Consistent media
negatively, because of their presence
social media marketing? ● Sponsored ads
● Catchy logo and posts
● Promos

● Repeatedly appearing Factors that make Facebook

on feeds users remember a brand
● Being a well-known
● Catchy
● Relatable contents
● Viral posts

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

● Honesty Online behavior of

businesses that changed a
● Openness to customer customer perception
● Preciseness
● Enticing promoting
● Plagiarizing of
● Putting insensitive
● Not listening to
customer feedback

Based on our interviewees' responses, the effect of Facebook marketing strategies

such as Facebook advertisement, regular posting, live selling, and customer reviews helped
them have a better understanding of the brand. This may lead consumers to consider
making a future purchase from brands that regularly post about the product or service that
they provide to consumers on their Facebook page. According to research on “The impact
of social media on consumers' buying decisions.” conducted (Nufazil, 2014), consumers
use social media platforms such as Facebook to search or gather information about a
brand's past performance by checking customer reviews, likes, and shares, as well as
positive and negative feedback from previous customers. As they perceived that
companies, especially SMEs use social media as a marketing tool to communicate with
their target and potential customers.
Our interviewees mentioned that they are attracted to brands with catchy taglines
and logos, who are active on social media, have a lot of followers, and are consistent and
transparent in the information they provide to consumers. According to (Dunay & Krueger,
2010), Facebook is a social media platform that helps businesses create relationships with
their customers by allowing them to have open and transparent discussions that help
businesses build brand awareness among consumers.
During the discussion, interviewees stated that they can easily remember brands
that actively post and engage consumers by producing relatable content, and interesting
and interactive posts that capture their attention. By creating a community with similar
interests, Facebook helps businesses communicate and reach out to their target market. In
order to create consumer trust and brand loyalty, a company must be honest in its
information. According to (Yin et al. 2014; Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006), customer

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

reviews, whether favorable or bad, can impact other consumers' perceptions of the brand
and their willingness to buy.
Thus, interviewees recall some of the online behaviors of businesses that influenced
customer perception in both positive and negative ways, such as posting insensitive content
and refusing to listen to customer feedback, which reflects a negative image of the brand in
to the market, whereas openness to customer feedback and posting honest information
reflects a positive image of the brand to the eye of the customers. Approving the research
by Yoo et al., (2021), Brands must utilize the social power of interactive media to ensure
that customers' diverse experiences do not recede into ignorance, as well as the efficacy of
brand activism for marketers to create a deeper knowledge of brand marketing strategy.

Table 3. Third central question (As a customer, were you able to create a good
relationship with an online business? Why or why not?)

Research Question 3 Codes Themes

3.) As a customer, were you ● Great Communication Online behaviors of

able to create a good skills businesses that make a
relationship with an online customer loyal to a brand
business? Why or why not? ● Responsive to
3.1 Do you think it is easier
for you to create an ● Approachable
interaction with a business
● Transparency in
using Facebook? Why?
3.2 Does Facebook
marketing enable you to be
more loyal to a brand? Why
/ how?

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Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

● Easier Thoughts of consumers on

communication with online transactions
just one click
● Still prefer
● Not reliable
● Hassle shipping
● Easier transaction
due to familiarity
with Facebook
● Easy to be scammed
in an online setup

● Auto response of Beneficial Facebook

Facebook pages features and functions to
businesses and customers
● Facebook ads
● Marketplace
● Messenger
● Facebook live

● Not as what was Factors that make

presented online consumers not to be loyal to
brand using Facebook
● Does not rely on
online advertising
● Lots of competitors

Analysis of the third central question reflects the perceptions of Customer relations
utilizing social media. Responses that pertain to Online behaviors of businesses that make
a customer loyal to a brand. Their considerations for brand loyalty are great
communication skills, responsive to inquiries, approachability, and transparency in

BM 1102│ENM 1207│MGT 1101│MKTG 1106
Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

products, which make a customer loyal to a brand, validating the findings of the research
made by Vinh et al., (2019) which indicated that social media has transformed
conventional methods of communication across businesses and audiences by allowing
ideal personalization for businesses to effectively reach potential customers.
Interviewees stated interaction with businesses using Facebook is easier due to
features familiarity. The other interviewee also disclosed that they prefer still face-to-face
transactions and believe that Facebook is not reliable. As stated by Tien (2018), Despite
the fact that Facebook is only a social networking platform and not a retail platform,
several individuals continue to use it to purchase and fall victim to fraud. Numerous crimes
were committed on a global scale, making it difficult for national security forces to
investigate them on its behalf.
As presented with the positives and negatives of online business, it is critical for
businesses to understand and govern the usage of social media in creating and maintaining
business reputation. Furthermore, Interviewees' responses revealed that Facebook
marketing allows them to be increasingly committed to a business since it offers tools such
as automated system responses, adverts, marketplace, messenger, and Facebook Live.
According to Wongkitrungrueng & Assarut (2020), Facebook Live Selling increases
revenue and loyalty, allowing Small online stores to promote customer participation by
developing trust and fostering community.
Whereas, factors that make consumers not to be loyal to brands using Facebook
include products that do not exceed customer expectations, a lack of reliance on online
advertising, and a broad range of competitors. Validating the study of Abuhashesh et al.,
(2021) uncertainty about a Facebook brand, which relates to the normative tolerance of
accepting risks in uncertain situations, has a negative significant effect on perceptions
about Facebook advertising and may push customers to restrict purchase.

4. Conclusion

The researchers aimed to observe whether Facebook marketing is significant in

affecting the preferences of consumers, particularly college Filipino students. Findings in
the results and discussion have given answers to the purpose of the study. After an in-depth
analysis of the interviews and related literature, it was proven that social media, especially
Facebook marketing, has been used increasingly since the start of the pandemic, which has
a huge influence on how Filipino customers perceive a brand. It was because it is easier for
businesses and brands to connect to the consumers and vice versa. However, as everything
is just one click away online, a brand can either rise or fall rapidly as everything is
transparent and customers mostly rely on the feedback and reviews they see. Nonetheless,
it was found that Facebook marketing gives more positive effects to a brand than negative,

BM 1102│ENM 1207│MGT 1101│MKTG 1106
Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

as most of the consumers had a good experience with it. To add, there are lots of
advantages a business can gain by utilizing all the features of Facebook.
According to the responses to the interview, Facebook marketing helps the most in
brand recognition of the consumers, mostly because of the repeated appearance of the
advertisements and having catchy content. However, as much as Facebook marketing helps
in making consumers remember their brand, it was found that consumers have mixed
opinions about having brand loyalty just because of their Facebook marketing strategy as
for most, the quality of the product or service they receive still matters the most to be loyal
to a brand, and not just merely because of its marketing strategy. To add, even though
Facebook marketing generally positively affects consumer perception, it is still not enough
for some to trust online businesses.
The researchers have identified some useful factors that affect consumer perception
and whether Facebook marketing makes a consumer increase brand awareness and brand
loyalty in this study. With this, other studies in the future may find the data gathered in the
study helpful, especially about the factors in social media marketing that influence
consumer preferences. However, to determine whether the results would still be the same
and consistent, it is recommended by the researchers to try other data collection methods
and sampling techniques as well.

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Preprint │Open access │Semi-annually │Course final output

Vol. 1 Issue No. 2 February – May 2022

5. Acknowledgement

We would like to thank our participants who all gave their consent for their names
to be included here: Matthew Dominguez, Jasmin Hollis, Ainsley Cablao, Jasmin Labanon,
Princess Carreon, Chester Mariano, Romeo Guevarra, Bianca Balasta, Bill Borromeo,
Allen Catilo, Jonel Ultado, Francis Aragon, Ella Trinidad, Jasmine Saquing, Marjorie
Gonzaga and Jem Ordono for their active and enthusiastic engagement in the focus group
discussion. Without the assistance of these Filipino College students who engaged in this
project, this research study would not have been accomplished.
Our sincere thanks also go to our fellow BSBA Marketing students at Far Eastern
University: Gladys Toledo, Romvlus Abanes, and Nathan John Tosoc who all gave their
consent for their names to be published here, for the sleepless nights we were working
together before due dates, for the stimulating discussions and for all the fun we have had in
the last 4 semesters.
Finally, we want to express our gratitude to our family members and relatives for
their patience, kindness, and support while we work toward our academic aspirations.


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