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Introduction 3

Prescreening Guide 5
Flow Chart for Real Estate Investing 6
10 Steps to Success 7
Quick Start Daily Plan 8
8 Step-by-Step Checklists
#1. Pretty House 16
#2. Quick Turn Ugly House 17
#3. Rehab 18
#4. Short Sale Ugly House 19
#5. Short Sale Pretty House 20
#6. Option 21
#7. Work for Equity 22
#8. A.C.T.S. — Assigning Contract Terms System 23
My Plan 24
Quick Start Marketing Plan 25
Marketing Tracking Chart 26
My Dream Team 27
20 Basic Assistant Duties 28
FSBO Opening Call Script 29
Mini-Info Sheets 30
Deal Prep Sheet 31
Comment Log 32
Seller Congratulations Letter 33
Pretty House Buyer Call Script 34
Ugly House Buyer Call Script 35
Buyer Congratulations Letter 36
Payment Coupons 37
Final Words 38
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard
to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not
engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal or expert
assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be
sought. These training materials are sold with the understanding that the authors,
publishers, and any and all of their assigns are not liable in any way for any result of
actions taken by the users of this material that may cause harm to themselves or others.


To do so would violate federal trademark and copyright law and lead to legal action
involving punitive damages and all other remedies allowed by law.

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work without permission of the copyright
owner is unlawful. You may use this material for your own private use in any way you
see fit in the business of buying and selling property (while always conducting yourself in
a safe and legal manner). You have been granted permission to copy forms and
agreements for that purpose.
Be advised that we take our rights very seriously and will pursue this matter to the limit
of the law, regardless of the time and cost.
Brian Wolff & Lynette Wolff

© 2016 888-Rich-Now (1-888-742-4669)

5932 E. Brown Road Mesa, AZ 85205

Many new laws have come into effect nationally concerning the rights of real estate
Investors (i.e. Dodd-Frank). Different states also have their own laws, some of which
have been in effect for many years. Other countries (Canada, England, Australia, etc.)
also have their own respective laws on real estate investing. You need to check with a
qualified attorney in your area about the applicable laws before buying or selling proper-
ty. Just to serve as an example, listed below are some laws of which to be aware.
*In Maryland, you may not buy a house in foreclosure within 20 days of the foreclosure sale, and there
are restrictions on buying a house “subject to”.
*In Texas, you may not lease-option to a tenant buyer unless you comply with restrictive amendments.
*California has numerous laws concerning buying houses in foreclosure.
These laws may affect some of the techniques taught in the systems enclosed and
you need to adapt accordingly. This notice is to make you aware, not to serve as legal
advice. You’ll find that none of these laws or any recent changes will keep you from
making a good income as a successful Real Estate Investor in your community.

Read these first important pages, and make sure you get to PAGE 9
and start Taking Action on the Quick Start Daily Plan!

To enjoy the greatest success as an investor you obviously need to know

what to say, but you also need to know exactly “What to Do”. This companion
manual to the “What to Say” System will take you step by step through every
kind of residential real estate investing deal. It even tells you what script to use,
when to use it, and what page it’s on in the Seller or Buyer Manual.

There are 8 types of deals in the real estate investing world, and every one
is carefully detailed right here. Follow these simple and proven instructions, and
you won’t ever miss an important step or technique. This Manual will get you
going right away and keep you on the right track with the amazing “Quick Start
Daily Plan”. This plan is structured to save you the most time and make you the
most profit by keeping you precisely focused on the top money-making steps.

There are crucial forms you’ll find in this manual, and also on the Wolffs’
Must-Have Forms data CD. They’re almost all in Microsoft Word, so it’s easy
to print copies or add your own info. It’s important that you put the data CD into
your computer as soon as possible to look over these powerful forms, because
you’ll be using them regularly in your business. The forms to print first are
10 each of the “FSBO Opening Call”, the “Seller Incoming Call”, and the
“Pretty House Buyer Opening Call”, and the “Ugly House Buyer Opening Call”.
These are all forms with the scripts written in that you will use for your Opening
Calls with sellers and buyers. Just looking these over will give you a good sense
of what you are looking for in quality Prospects, and how your business will be

One main thing we look for from sellers is “Free Equity” (except on
ACTS deals). On Pretty Houses we are also looking for some type of Owner
Financing, so we don’t have to use our own money or credit. You can often
make a good profit even when you give the seller close to retail price or more.
That’s why we rarely use Realtors for Pretty House deals. We’re usually okay
with giving our seller a little money up front as long as we know we will be
getting it back from our lease purchase buyer as a non-refundable option
deposit/down payment. What really helps with that is finding many qualified
buyers quickly, which you’ll do by using our “Building Your Buyers Lists”
System (read that Manual over as soon as possible, paying special attention to
the “5-5-5 Plan”).

We do use Realtors on Ugly House deals, and we try to stick to Ron’s
MAO formula (ARV x 70% - repairs), but don’t turn down a good deal if it
doesn’t exactly match. Many of our students use Realtors to buy bank-owned
properties (R.E.O.s, short for “Real Estate Owned”), and also on Short Sales.
Refer to our “Cashing In with Realtors in Today’s Market” System for the best
steps and scripts for working with Realtors, especially the Sign Call script.

A newer type of deal is the ACTS deal (Assigning Contract Terms). The
techniques and scripts for this (all included in this system) apply when you come
across a seller who owes close to or even more than what their house is worth,
and also when you find a seller who wants to get close to retail price but is
willing to agree to a long-term lease purchase deal.

Once you figure out what type of seller or buyer you’re talking to by using
the Prescreening Guide on the next page, the deal itself becomes very simple.
Just follow the matching Step by Step Checklist out of the 8 located in this
Manual. Every time you get a new deal going, print the matching Step by Step
Checklist and fasten it to the inside front cover of your manila deal folder.
Then you can follow along and use the indicated scripts from the “What to Say”
Manuals. This way you’ll always know right where you are, and exactly what
to do next. Best of all, you’ll never lose out on a deal because you missed an
important step. It’s a great idea to read over the 8 Checklists right away to get a
really comprehensive view of the entire business.

This “What to Do” System will guide you to success as a Real Estate
Investor as quickly and easily as possible. By following the steps listed here,
and using the scripts in the “What to Say” System, you can reach all your
investing goals and enjoy true success!

If you are interested in achieving great success in all areas of life, of

course including Real Estate Investing, we recommend that as soon as possible
you get to our amazing “Taking Action and Communication Workshop”. Ron
LeGrand himself says, “I have never heard so many rave reviews for an event.
Do whatever you need to do to get there!” We plan 3 Workshops per year and
you can come FREE as the owner of this system (it normally costs $1497).
This event is a huge jump start for your Real Estate Investing career and your
whole life! You can watch a cool video about it at this link: https:// Call us now to reserve your spot at 888-Rich-Now, or
you can always email us at

This proven System has been over 30 years in the conception, over 12
years in the production and refinement, and now has over 10 years of helping
investors like you succeed! All you need to do now is go out and apply it for
yourself! Expect Success, and Take Action!
Prescreening Guide
1. Pretty House Seller —Pretty House Condition - Repairs less than $5000 or 3% of purchase price.
—Should be offering $10,000 - $30,000 or more in Free Equity.
—Willing to help with Financing — Subject to, Owner Financing,
Sandwich Lease Purchase, or Advanced Strategy.

2. Short Sale Seller —At least 2 months or more late on their mortgage payments.
—Flexible, cooperative, expects very little or no cash.
—Ugly Houses usually work better than Pretty, though both can work.
—High balance 2nd & 3rd mortgages are best, may settle for 10% or less.

3. Ugly House Seller —Ugly House (Repairs more than $5000 or 3% of purchase price).
—It’s all in the numbers. Maximum Allowable Offer (MAO) = After
Repaired Value (ARV) x 70% - Repair Costs (be flexible if good deal).

4. Option Seller —Not willing to offer Owner Financing, may need to cash out right away.
—Payments too high to want to take over, even with Owner Financing.
—Need Free Equity since Exit Strategy is to give deal to Cash Out Buyer.

5. A.C.T.S. Seller —Owe close to or more than house is worth OR

(Assigning Contract —Want near retail price, leaving no Free Equity margin for you to profit.
Terms System) —Motivated and flexible, willing to take a Long Term Lease Purchase deal.

1. Lease Purchase Buyer —Unable to qualify right now for a new bank mortgage (rough credit,
too much debt or unreported income hurts debt ratio, self-employed,
new to area, etc.).
—With credit repair or other assistance will eventually be able to qualify.
—Has at least $5000 or 3% of the purchase price for non-refundable option
deposit/down payment (ask “What’s the most you can put down on
your beautiful/nice new home?”)

2. Wholesale Buyer —Also called Rehabbers or Ugly House Investors, they like to fix and flip.
—Will answer ads with the headline “Handyman Special”.
—Has access to cash to close quickly (within 7-21 days).

3. Work-for-Equity Buyer —Unable to qualify right now for a new bank mortgage (rough credit,
too much debt or unreported income hurts debt ratio, self-employed,
new to area, etc.).
—With credit repair or other assistance will eventually be able to qualify.
—Will move into an Ugly House for a smaller option deposit/down payment
—Can do the necessary repairs on the house with their own money.

4. Cash-Out Buyer —Either has cash, or is pre-qualified for a regular bank mortgage.
—Need to offer good deal, because they can buy any house from the M.L.S.

5. ACTS Buyer ——Unable to qualify right now for a new bank mortgage (rough credit,
(Assigning Contract too much debt or unreported income hurts debt ratio, self-employed,
Terms System) new to area, etc.).
—With credit repair or other assistance will eventually be able to qualify.
—Has at least $2000 - $10,000 plus for option deposit/down payment.
—Willing to buy on a Long Term Lease Purchase, taking over mortgage
debt that is close to or more than the house is currently worth.

5-10+ per week 1+ per week

5+ per week

Your Complete Wolff Couple Real Estate Investing System

10 Steps to Success What to Use

1. Set Up Office and Business, — 1. My Plan Form* (*on Wolffs’ Forms CD)
including Incoming Call Capture. — Wolffs’ Office and Deal Organization System
— Step by Step Checklists (copy from this manual)
— Building Blocks of Automation Chart & Report
2. Choose 3-4 Marketing Methods, — 2. Marketing Tracking Chart*
and Start Marketing. — QSRES Manual and Marketing Samples CD
3. Take Seller Opening Calls — “What to Say” System, Seller Opening Calls
— 3. Incoming Opening Call*, 4. Mini Info Sheets*
— 8. FSBO Opening Call*, 9. For Rent Opening Call*
4. Make Seller Closing Calls — “What to Say” System:
Explain Deal, Answer Objections, Seller Closing Calls, Objection Answers,
Close Deal Your Turns, Brian’s and Ron’s Key Points
5. Meet with Seller, View House, — “What to Say” System: Seller Deal Meetings,
Take Pictures, Sign Paperwork House Tours, Objection Answers, Your Turns,
Brian’s and Ron’s Key Points
6. Quick Turn House: Complete All Steps — Step by Step Checklists (copy from this Manual)
from checking title to marketing for — 5. Office Duties*, 6. Dream Team*,
and finding qualified Buyer 7. Comment Log*, 10. Seller Congratulations*
— Wolffs’ “Building Your Buyers Lists” System
7. Take Buyer Opening Calls — “What to Say” System, Buyer Opening Calls
— “Building Your Buyers Lists” System
— 11. Pretty House Buyer Opening Call*
— 12. Ugly House Buyer Opening Call*
— 13. Sign-In Sheet*
8. Make Buyer Closing Calls —“What to Say” System: Buyer Closing Calls,
Objection Answers, Your Turns,
Brian’s and Ron’s Key Points
— “Building Your Buyers Lists” System
9. Meet with Buyer, Answer Objections, — “What to Say” System: Buyer Deal Meetings,
Sign Deal Objection Answers, Your Turns,
Brian’s and Ron’s Key Points
10. Complete All Steps to get Buyer — Step by Step Checklists (copy from this Manual)
into house — Done Deal! — 14. Buyer Congratulations Letter*
— 15. Payment Coupons*
— Mentoring (if signed up)
— Wolffs’ Cup to Toast Your Success!

Our “Quick Start Daily Plan” on the following pages is specifically
designed to get your Real Estate Investing business up and running fast!
The first days of any new business are always the hardest. Why is that?
1. We all have a natural fear of the unknown.
2. We waste a lot of time because we don’t know what to do.
3. We feel like lost “rookies” because we don’t know what to do.
4. It’s hard staying committed to a schedule when we feel ineffective with our time.
Eventually we may end up quitting altogether because it’s just “too frustrating”.

Now Here’s the Good News!

Our “Quick Start Daily Plan” helps you conquer all these challenges!
In the beginning, before you close your first deal, your mind is more vulnerable
to doubt. Until you lay your Foundation and build up Momentum, it’s actually best
not to think too much. It’s better to stay busy and focused on taking action. This
powerful “Quick Start Daily Plan” has such detailed and effective Action Steps that
it keeps you excited and moving forward! Before you know it you’ll take so much
action that your business will be thriving. With every action you take you build
your Foundation and Momentum for success, PLUS you build your own belief that
you will be successful!
The Plan usually calls for 60-90 minutes each day. You can take your time, and
complete 5-6 days per week. You can also proceed more quickly, you can go as fast
as your schedule allows to get doing deals. Whatever the amount of time that you
can devote daily, our main advice is to start NOW!

Beyond this “Quick Start Daily Plan”, you may be interested in our personal Mentoring or
the Prosperity Partners Group (P.P.G.) that we offer with Ron LeGrand, where we actually partner
with you on your deals to make sure they get closed! If you want more information or have any
questions for us, you can reach us at 888-Rich-Now or 866-Psych-Up. You can also always email
us at (usually the best way to get the quickest response).
In this Manual we refer to our “Building Your Buyer’s Lists” System. Many of you
received it as a free bonus when you got our “What to Say and What to Do” System. If you didn’t
(or if you don’t have our “Cashing In with Realtors in Today’s Market” System), and you’re inter-
ested in the most cutting edge techniques in today’s market, please feel free to contact us and we
can get it out to you quickly and affordably. If you’re interested in getting more proven marketing
samples, as well as the very best in marketing training, ask about the Wolff-LeGrand System,
“Make A Mint Marketing Combo”.

DAY 1 “Getting a feel for the business”
Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Do” Manual 1. Read pages 1-13, including the 00:20

“10 Steps to Success” and this
“Quick Start Daily Plan”
“What to Do” Manual 2. Read Step by Step Checklists 00:30
“What to Do” Manual 3. Print and post or keep handy: 00:10
—10 Steps to Success —Steps of Deal Organization 01:00
—Deal Organization Chart —Prescreening Guide

DAY 2 “Planning for and Expecting Success”

Materials Needed Action Time

My Plan Form 1. Think over, then complete 00:30
(on Wolffs’ 15 Forms data CD) Section II, Schedule
My Plan Form 2. Think over, then complete 00:30
Section III, Goals

DAY 3 “Getting Set Up and Going”

Materials Needed Action Time

My Plan Form 1. Complete “To-Do’s”, Section I, 00:20

Office Set Up (desk,computer, etc)
“What to Say” Manuals 2. Set up Script Manuals, look 00:10
them over to get comfortable
Office Supplies Store 3. Get supplies listed in Section I. 00:30
Car, 15-20 Buyers Forms*, 4. Drive area, take FSBO numbers, 00:30
Camera/Phone Listed numbers, Ugly addresses*.
*Follow “Building Your Buyer’s Lists” Steps 2 & 3. 01:30
DAY 4 “Learning the Pretty House Business”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Say to Sellers” 1. Watch DVD 1.Pretty House 2.0 2:00
DVD and Manual (with 1 or 2 breaks)
2. Follow along in “What to Say
to Sellers” Manual
3. Take notes in margins that
will help you during calls.
4. Read aloud with DVD
when possible and helpful. 2:00

DAY 5 “Advancing Your Skill Sets”

Materials Needed Action Time
“What to Say to Sellers” 1. Watch DVD 2.Objec Ans, etc. 2:00
DVD and Manual (with 1 or 2 breaks)
2. Follow along in “What to Say
to Sellers” Manual
3. Take notes in margins that
will help you during calls.
4. Read aloud with DVD
when possible and helpful. 2:00

DAY 6 “Learning to Close A.C.T.S. Deals”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Say to Sellers” 1. Watch DVD 3. A.C.T.S. 1:30
DVD and Manual (with 1 or 2 breaks)
2. Follow along in What to Say to
to Sellers & WTS to Buyers
3. Take notes in margins that
will help you during calls.
4. Read aloud with DVD
when possible and helpful. 1:30

DAY 7 “It really starts rolling with Marketing.”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Do” Manual 1. Read Pg. 23, “Quick Start 00:10
Marketing Plan”
QSRES Manual 2. Review Marketing Materials 00:20
Marketing Forms CD 3. Think it over, then fill in your 00:30
Quick Start Marketing Plan Quick Start Marketing choices
20 FSBO Call Scripts 4. You or VA or Local Assistant* 00:30
call FSBOs. 01:30
(*See our Assistant Plan to hire/train/manage.)

DAY 8 “Momentum is picking up!”

Materials Needed Action Time

Wolffs’ Forms data CD 1. Open 2.“Marketing Tracking 00:15
Chart”. Enter in your choices.
Print completed Chart,
post near your desk.
“What to Do” Manual 2. Read Pg. 25, “My Dream Team” 00:05
Internet / Yellow Pages 3. Locate a good printer or use 00:20
Ron’s from QSRES Manual.
QSRES Manual, 4. Personalize marketing pieces, 00:20
Marketing Forms CD adding your phone # and info
FSBO Call Script 5. FSBO Calls made/delegated, 00:30
“What to Say” Manual You make Closing Calls. 01:30

DAY 9 “Keep it rolling!”

Materials Needed Action Time

QSRES Manual, 1. Order business cards, and other 00:20

Marketing Forms CD marketing pieces (letters, etc.).
“What to Do” Manual 2. Read Pgs. 24-28 00:10
Wolffs’ 15 Forms data CD, 3. Print 20 Incoming Call Scripts, 00:20
Computer, Printer 5 Minis, other forms you want.
Scripts, Forms 4. Continually get FSBO Calls 00:30
and Closing Calls made. 01:30
DAY 10 “Get the Word Out!”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Do” Manual 1. Read over page 23, “Quick 00:10
Start Marketing Plan”
QSRES Manual & Forms, 2. Print marketing pieces or get 00:20
Marketing Forms CD them from Printer, plan how
Quick Start Marketing Plan and where to distribute them
Marketing Pieces 3. Get your marketing pieces out! 01:00

DAY 11 “Now is the time for Marketing.”

Materials Needed Action Time

Quick Start Marketing Plan, 1. Get marketing out, the more the 00:45
QSRES Manual & Forms better, place cards in shops.
Marketing Tracking Chart 2. Always fill out exactly how 00:05
many “units” and what date.
from Internet, paper, signs. 3. Keep getting FSBO calls done, 00:40
FSBO, For Rent Scripts keep making Closing Calls. 01:30

DAY 12 “Keep building your Dream Team.”

Materials Needed Action Time

FSBO & Incoming Calls 1. Opening Calls 00:15

“What to Do” Manual 2. Review What to Do Manual 00:15
Dream Team Form, 3. Call around to find a good 00:45
Internet / Yellow Pages / Title Agent, using questions
Other Investors on form. Get referrals from
other investors if possible.
Internet 4. Research farm area/find leads 00:15
on Zillow, MLS, etc.

DAY 13 “Getting Comfortable and Confident”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Say to Sellers” 1. Role Play with “Your Turns” 01:00
DVDs and Manual on Pretty House 2.0 DVD.

FSBO & Incoming Call 2. Continually get FSBO Calls 00:30

Scripts and Closing Calls made.


DAY 14 “Expanding Your Knowledge”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Say to Sellers” 1. Watch DVDs on Ugly House 01:00

DVD and Manual and Option Sellers (white).
2. Follow along in “What to Say
to Sellers” Manual
FSBO & Incoming 3. Continually get FSBO Calls 00:30
Call Scripts and Closing Calls made.


DAY 15 “Enhancing Your Skills”

Materials Needed Action Time

“What to Say to Sellers” 1. Watch Short Sale Seller DVDs. 00:45
DVD and Manual 2. Follow along in “What to Say
to Sellers” Manual
DVDs “Your Turns” 3. Role Play S.S., Option, Ugly 01:00
FSBO & Incoming 4. Continually get FSBO Calls 00:15
Call Scripts and Closing Calls made.

DAY 16 - DAY 30
In the past 15 days you’ve laid the Foundation, and you’ve created Momentum.
You’ve learned a lot, and you’re getting more and more comfortable every day in
your role of successful Real Estate Investor.
Now the key is consistency. You need to stick to the schedule that you
committed to back on DAY 2. You’ll make constant adjustments to your schedule,
but always remember that your schedule is the lifeline of your business. If you’re
not there moving your business forward, it’s not moving forward (until you hire
your first assistant, refer to our “Assistant Plan” or a Virtual Assistant provider).
So now that you have your Foundation and Momentum, you need to start
structuring your own schedule. You now have the power and discretion to make
good decisions about what needs to be focused on and when.
Your activities will now break down into 4 areas:
1. Ongoing Training
2. Marketing
3. Doing Deals
4. Taking Care of Business

1. Ongoing Training
—Read over all the sections in the Seller Manual, especially the ones you feel you
need more time on.
—Read through the “Building Your Buyers Lists” Manual, and incorporate the
“10 How-To Steps to Success” on page 11 into your schedule, especially
Step #2 and Step #3. Print all the included forms on the data CD, and use
them in your day-to-day business.
—Watch all the DVD clips for ALL BUYERS, while following along in your
“What to Say to Sell Houses” Manual.
—Watch the DVDs for Brian’s Key Points and Ron’s Key Points, taking special
interest in the graphics so your retention is increased. Also listen to them
on the CDs, or read them from the Manuals. You’ll find you pick up and
remember a little more each time.
—Practice role-playing with the “Your Turn” DVD clips for all 4 Sellers.
—Practice role-playing with the “Your Turn” DVD clips for all 4 Buyers.
—Practice Objection Answers with your Flashcards. Practice builds confidence.
—Listen to the CDs for all Sellers and Buyers when possible (i.e. driving, etc).
—Start using the “Cashing In with Realtors In Today’s Market” scripts/materials.
—If questions or challenges come up, remember that we are accessible by email
2. Marketing
—Don’t ever stop marketing, for both Sellers and Buyers!
—Keep track of your marketing efforts and what is working best for you on the
“Marketing Tracking Chart”.
—Continue to use the “FSBO Call Script” and the “For Rent Call Script” (found
on your Forms CD) to call on ads and any signs you see.
—We’ve given you our Quick Start Marketing Plan, and you have marketing
information in the Quick Start Real Estate School Manual to get going. Still,
you can consider getting a more complete system such as our Wolff-LeGrand
“Make A Mint Marketing Combo”. This system contains not only all of
Ron’s marketing wisdom, gained over his decades of experience in this
business, but also additional proven marketing samples.

3. Doing Deals
—Keep having your assistant or yourself take and make Opening Calls. Keep
making Closing Calls, and doing Deal Meetings. Get contracts! Just follow
all the powerful scripts in the “What to Say” Manuals. When you find a
motivated seller or a qualified buyer make the appointment and try to close
the deal ASAP. Time is always of the essence.
—Unless you’re doing more than 1-2 deals per month, this part of Real Estate
Investing should take considerably less than 10 hours per month.

4. Taking Care of Business

—To keep your office and your business in good working order, continue to follow
the form “Steps of Deal Organization”. Keep track of your deals in progress
on your computer with the “Deal Organization Chart”. If you have not yet
received this from us, just email us at
—Keep the right Step by Step Checklist and a Comment Log in each file, and
whenever you do anything on the file make sure to update them by writing in
the date that the step was completed.
—Follow the Step by Step Checklists to make sure you always know What to Do!



Pretty House Step by Step Checklist
Pretty House Seller + Lease-Purchase Buyer by

1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, Marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ Get letters / flyers printed. Mail letters, get flyers distributed.
7.______ Keep distributing all Marketing Materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.

1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
2.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
3.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from Realtor contact.
4.______ Call back prescreened seller prospects, read matching Closing Call Script (Pretty House Seller)
5.______ Answer any questions or objections, then read Setting the Appointment.
6.______ Go on appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). Take pictures on camera/phone.
7.______ Go through the Deal Meeting with Seller. Sign initial paperwork.
8.______ Get all of seller’s paperwork on the house and any mortgages (see Seller Congrats Letter).
9.______ Schedule closing appointment for seller and your real estate attorney.
10.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find any title issue
have them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
11.______ Give list of any repairs/clean up to seller. See if they’ll fix up a few things before showings.
12.______ After seller moves out, order repair estimates from painter/flooring guy/handyman/etc.
13.______ Order necessary repairs and/or any clean-up work to be done before you show house.
14.______ After repairs and clean up, “stage” the house with pictures/plants/plug-in aromatics, etc.
Put a lock box on the front door containing a key so buyers can view home easily.
15.______ Take new photos for flyers and website if the house looks much better.
16.______ Call prescreened prospects on Lease Purchase Buyer’s List. Read Closing Call Script
(Lease Purchase Buyer Section). Answer any questions or objections, Set Appointment.
17.______ Place ad for property on Internet/Craig’s List/Classified Ads/etc. (“Bad credit okay!”)
18.______ Post “For Sale, Rent-to-Own” signs in yard and on corners around house.
19.______ Print up flyers. Leave flyers and lease purchase applications at house.
20.______ Put property pictures and an enthusiastic description on your selling website.
21.______ Take Opening Calls from tenant buyer prospects, fill out “Pretty House Buyer Call Script”.
Prescreen mainly by the most they can pay down and for monthly payment.
22.______ If you want to get cashed out soon, have buyer fill out application with your mortgage and
credit repair people. Review them to estimate time needed to get them qualified.
23.______ Follow up with prescreened tenant buyers. Read Closing Call Script (Lease Purchase
Buyer Section). Answer any questions or objections, then set appointment to close.
24.______ Do Deal Meeting. Sign paperwork, get check.
25.______ Schedule closing with the buyer and your attorney. Attorney should handle all details.
26.______ Move pictures/plants/etc. (staging kit) out of property.
27.______ Get insurance lined up on property, and get utilities set up with tenant buyer.
28.______ After tenant buyer moves in, deliver gift basket and ask for referrals (offer referral fee).
29.______ Maintain accounting spreadsheet for total business and individual properties.
30.______ Send and receive all monthly payments. Handle business accounts.
31.______ Provide ongoing customer service to sellers and Lease Purchase Buyers.

Quick Turn Ugly House Step by Step Checklist
Ugly House Seller + Wholesale Buyer by

1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ If available, find a source for Pre-foreclosure houses (M.L.S., gov’t, pay websites, etc.).
7.______ Print letters / flyers, esp. Pre-foreclosure / Foreclosure flyers / letters. Get letters/ flyers out.
8.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.
9.______ Find listed Ugly Houses / Foreclosures / Short Sales. Call listing Realtors, make low offers.
Have Realtor find more Ugly Houses / Foreclosures / Short Sales for you to make offers on.
Repeat until several Realtors are working with you.
10.______ Locate “Field Agents” with system on Ron’s Gold Club. Get them sending in leads.

1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
Use Opening Call notes.
2.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
3.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from Realtor contact.
4.______ Call back prescreened seller prospects. Read Closing Call Script (Ugly House Seller section).
Answer questions and objections, then read Setting the Appointment.
5.______ OR submit offer thr ough Realtor , and get it accepted.
6.______ (if no Realtor) Go on Appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). List all
necessary repairs and clean-ups. Take pictures. Sign purchase contract with seller.
7.______ Estimate repairs and costs.
8.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find any title issue
have them help clear it up. Make sure you have (or know you can get) clear title
on the property before you proceed.
—Steps 6-8 can be skipped if you have good Wholesale Buyers (Rehabbers) who you can
simply send out to the property to give you their best offer to see if deal works.
MUST HAVE property under contract before you do this step.
9.______ Put property pictures and an enthusiastic description on your selling website.
10.______ Print up flyers. Leave flyers and applications in house. Put a lock box on the front door
containing a key so buyers can view home easily.
11.______ Post “For Sale, Handyman Special” signs in yard and on busiest corners around house.
12.______ Place ads for property on Internet/Craig’s List, and Classified Ads (“Handyman Special”)
13.______ Take Opening Calls from Wholesale Buyer prospects, fill out “Ugly House Buyer Call
Script”). Use Opening Call notes. Prescreen by how quickly they can close.
—Steps 9-13 can be skipped if you have your good Wholesale Buyers List going and
already have interested buyers (1-3 or more) bidding on property.
14.______ Follow up with prescreened Wholesale Buyers. Read Closing Call Script (Wholesale Buyer
section). Answer any questions or objections, then set appointment to close.
15.______ Schedule closing with the buyer and your attorney. Attorney should handle all details.
16.______ After Wholesale Buyer takes possession, follow up to ask for referrals (offer referral fee.)
17.______ Make sure to save contact information on your Wholesale Buyers List. If you did this right
and left some profit in the deal, there is a very good chance you’ll work together again.
Rehab Step by Step Checklist
Ugly House Seller + Cash-Out Buyer by

1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ If available, find a source for Pre-foreclosure houses (M.L.S., gov’t, pay websites, etc.).
7.______ Print letters / flyers, esp. Pre-foreclosure / Foreclosure flyers / letters. Get letters/ flyers out.
8.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.
9.______ Find listed Ugly Houses / Foreclosures / Short Sales. Call listing Realtors, make low offers.
Have Realtor find more Ugly Houses / Foreclosures / Short Sales for you to make offers on.
Repeat until several Realtors are working with you.
10.______ Locate “Field Agents” with system on Ron’s Gold Club. Get them sending in leads.

1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
Use Opening Call notes.
2.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
3.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from a Realtor contact.
4.______ Go see property or have Assistant see it. Take photos on camera/phone.
5.______ List all necessary repairs and clean-ups. Estimate costs. ($5000, $10,000, $15,000, etc.)
6.______ Call back prescreened seller prospects. Read Closing Call Script (Ugly House Seller).
Answer questions and objections, then read Setting the Appointment (page 3.4).
7.______ OR submit offer thr ough Realtor .
8.______ (if no Realtor) Go on appointment, sign purchase contract with seller.
9.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find any title issue
have them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
10.______ Order repair estimates from painter/flooring guy/other contractors.
11.______ Order all necessary repairs and clean-up work to be done.
12.______ Set up insurance and take over utilities on property (and H.O.A. if applicable).
13.______ Schedule, then supervise the progress of the repair work.
14.______ After repair and clean up work is completed, “stage” the house with pictures/plants/etc.
Put a lock box on the front door containing a key so buyers can view home easily.
15.______ Call any prospects on Cash-Out Buyers List. Read Closing Call Script (Cash Out Buyers).
16.______ Post “For Sale, All New Inside” signs in yard and on corners around house.
17.______ Print up flyers. Leave flyers and applications in house.
18.______ Take new photos for flyers and website, get them up on your website with enthusiastic ad.
19.______ NOTE: You can also choose to list house with Realtor . Make sur e ther e’s enough net
profit to afford commission. You can negotiate a lower commission, or even consider
paying a higher percentage commission for a quicker sale on a graduated scale.
20.______ Place ads for property on Internet, Craig’s List, and Classified Ads under “Houses for Sale”
21.______ Take Opening Calls from Cash-Out Buyer prospects, fill out “Pretty House Buyer Call
Script”. Prescreen by how well qualified they are, and how quickly they can close.
22.______ Follow up with prescreened Cash-Out Buyers. Read Closing Call Script (Cash Out Buyer).
Answer any questions and objections, then set appointment to close.
23.______ Meet with Cash-Out Buyer to get purchase contract signed OR work through Realtor.
24.______ Schedule closing with buyer and your attorney. Attorney should handle all details.
25.______ Move pictures/plants/etc. (staging kit) out of property.
26.______ After Cash-Out Buyer moves in, deliver gift basket & ask for referrals (offer referral fee).

Short Sale Ugly House Step by Step Checklist
Short Sale Seller + Wholesale Buyer by
1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ If available, find a source for Pre-foreclosure houses (M.L.S., gov’t, pay websites, etc.).
7.______ Print letters / flyers for Pre-foreclosure houses. Get letters/ flyers out.
8.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.
9.______ Find listed Short Sales which are Ugly Houses. Call listing Realtors, have them help you
make low offers. Have Realtor find more Short Sales for you to make offers on. Repeat
until several Realtors are working with you.
10.______ Locate “Field Agents” with system on Ron’s Gold Club. Get them sending in leads.
1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
2.______ Identify Short Sale prospects (refer to Prescreening Guide on page 3).
3.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
4.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from a Realtor contact.
5.______ If not listed, call back prescreened sellers and read Closing Call Script (Short Sale Sellers).
6.______ Read Setting the Appointment.
7.______ If property is listed, follow Step 9 above.
8.______ Go on appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). Take photos on camera/phone.
9.______ List all necessary repairs and clean-ups. Estimate repairs and costs.
10.______ Go through the Deal Meeting with seller, sign initial paperwork and get necessary forms
notarized. Get seller’s paperwork on the house and any mortgages.
11.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find title issue have
them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
12.______ Turn paperwork over to a Realtor who is a “Short Sale Specialist” to work out deal.
Otherwise you or your Assistant will have to work it out yourselves.
13.______ Contact seller’s lender(s), the Loss Mitigation Departments, to order Short Sale packages.
14.______ Put together Short Sale packages with seller’s help. Return it to lender(s) with pictures
of Ugly House and the lowest Comps available.
15.______ Negotiate with lender(s). If possible meet BPO (Broker’s Price Opinion) agent at property.
Bring low Comps, high repair estimates, and ugly pictures.
16.______ You, Realtor, or Assistant stay in touch with lender over negotiation period (often it can
take weeks or months). Be patient.
17.______ When approval of an acceptable deal is offered by lender, contact your Wholesale Buyers.
18.______ Immediately market for Wholesale Buyers if you have not already established a list of them.
Use internet, website, classifieds and signs. Leave flyers and applications in house.
Put a lock box on the front door containing a key so buyers can view home easily.
19.______ Take calls from Wholesale Buyer prospects, fill out intake form. Use Opening Call notes.
Prescreen by how quickly Wholesale Buyer can close and pay cash.
20.______ Follow up w/ prescreened Wholesale Buyers. Read Closing Call Script (Wholesale Buyer).
Answer any questions and objections, then set appointment to close.
21.______ Meet with Wholesale Buyer, get purchase contract signed, schedule closing with attorney.
22.______ Every lender and state has different rules. Work with your attorney to either assign your
contract, do a simultaneous close, or you may have to close and then re-sell property.
23.______ After Wholesale Buyer takes possession, follow up to ask for referrals (offer referral fee).
24.______ Make sure to save all their contact information on your Wholesale Buyer’s List.
Short Sale Pretty House Step by Step Checklist
Short Sale Seller + Cash-Out Buyer by
1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ If available, find a source for Pre-foreclosure houses (M.L.S., gov’t, pay websites, etc.).
7.______ Print letters / flyers for Pre-foreclosure houses. Get letters/ flyers out.
8.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.
9.______ Find listed Short Sales which are Pretty Houses. Call listing Realtors, have them help you
make low offers. Have Realtor find more Short Sales for you to make offers on. Repeat
until several Realtors are working with you.
1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
2.______ Identify Short Sale prospects (refer to Prescreening Guide on page 4).
3.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
4.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from a Realtor contact.
5.______ If not listed, call back prescreened sellers and read Closing Call Script (Short Sale Sellers).
6.______ Answer any questions and objections, then read Setting the Appointment.
7.______ If property is listed, follow Step 9 above.
8.______ Go on appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). Take photos on camera/phone.
9.______ List all necessary repairs and clean-ups (should be minimal on Pretty House).
10.______ Go through the Deal Meeting with seller, sign initial paperwork and get necessary forms
notarized. Get seller’s paperwork on the house and any mortgages.
11.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find title issue have
them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
12.______ Turn paperwork over to a Realtor who is a “Short Sale Specialist” to work out deal.
Otherwise you or your Assistant will have to work it out yourselves.
13.______ Contact seller’s lender(s), the Loss Mitigation Departments, to order Short Sale packages.
14.______ Put together Short Sale packages with seller’s help. Return it to lender(s) with pictures
of Ugly House and the lowest Comps available.
15.______ Negotiate with lender(s). If possible meet BPO (Broker’s Price Opinion) agent at property.
Bring low Comps and high repair estimates for the minimal work necessary.
16.______ Stay in touch with the lender over the negotiation period (weeks or months). Be patient.
17.______ When approval of an acceptable deal is offered by lender, contact your Cash-Out Buyers.
18.______ Immediately market for Cash-Out Buyers if you have not already established a list of them.
Use internet, website, classifieds and signs. Leave flyers and applications in house.
19.______ Quickly do any minor and inexpensive staging of the house (plants, pictures, scent, etc.).
Put a lock box on the front door containing a key so buyers can view home easily.
20.______ Take calls from Cash-Out Buyer prospects, fill out intake form (“Pretty House Buyer Call
Script”). Prescreen by how well-qualified Buyer is and how quickly Buyer can close.
21.______ Follow up w/ prescreened Cash-Out Buyers. Read Closing Call Script (Cash Out Buyers).
Answer any questions or objections, then set appointment to close.
22.______ Meet with Cash-Out Buyer, get purchase contract signed, schedule closing with attorney.
23.______ Every lender and state has different rules. Work with your attorney to either assign your
contract, do a simultaneous close, or you may have to close and then re-sell property.
24.______ Move pictures/plants/etc. (staging kit) out of property.
25.______ After Cash-Out Buyer moves in, deliver gift basket & ask for referrals (offer referral fee).

Option Step by Step Checklist
Option Seller + Cash-Out Buyer by

1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ Get letters / flyers printed. Mail letters, get flyers distributed.
7.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.

1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
2.______ Identify seller and property as “Option” prospect (refer to Prescreening Guide on page 3).
3.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
4.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from a Realtor contact.
5.______ Call back prescreened seller prospects, read Closing Call Script (Option Seller section).
6.______ Answer any questions or objections, then read Setting the Appointment.
7.______ Go on appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). Take photos on camera/phone.
8.______ Go through the Deal Meeting with seller. Sign initial paperwork.
9.______ Get seller’s information on the house and any mortgages (not vital here, but helpful).
10._____ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find any title issue
have them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
11.______ Give list of any repairs/clean up to seller. See if they’ll fix up a few things before showings.
12.______ If you sense possible complications, record addendum to show contract and cloud title.
13.______ If property is vacant, do minor clean-ups and repairs, then “stage” house and take pictures.
14.______ Call any prospects on Cash-Out Buyers List. Read appropriate Script (Cash Out Buyers).
15.______ Place ads for property on Internet/Craig’s List/Classified Ads/etc.
16.______ Post “For Sale, Beautiful Home, (Auction this Weekend!)” signs in yard & busy corners.
17.______ Print flyers and leave them at house.
18.______ Put property photos and an enthusiastic description on your selling website (include dates of
open houses, and auction date if that is exit strategy).
19.______ Take incoming calls from Cash-Out Buyer prospects, fill out “Pretty House Buyer Call
Script”. Prescreen by how well qualified they are, and how quickly they can close.
20.______ Follow up with prescreened Cash-Out Buyers. Read Closing Call Script (Cash Out Buyers).
Answer any questions or objections, then set appointment to close.
21.______ (If exit strategy is auction) Contact Real Estate Auctioneer, set up Auction.
22.______ Advertise auction with lots of signs, on Internet, and with Classified Ads.
23.______ Supervise auction. Collect deposit check from highest bidder.
24.______ Schedule time for seller and buyer to close on deal with your real estate attorney. Make
sure the date is prior to your “Option” deadline (usually get 3-4 months). Also talk with
your attorney about how they want to list your “assignment fee” in closing paperwork.
25.______ Move pictures/plants/etc. (staging kit) out of property.
26.______ At closing (which you can attend or not), collect your big check.
27.______ After Cash-Out Buyer moves in, deliver gift basket & ask for referrals (offer referral fee).

Work for Equity Step by Step Checklist
Ugly House with Pretty Financing Seller + Work for Equity Buyer by

1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ If available, find a source for Pre-foreclosure houses* (M.L.S., gov’t, pay websites, etc.).
7.______ Print and send out letters/flyers. *On Pre-foreclosures you will have to catch up payments.
8.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.
9.______ Locate “Field Agents” with system on Ron’s Gold Club. Get them sending in leads.

1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
2.______ Identify “Work for Equity” Prospects (refer to Prescreening Guide on page 4).
3.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
4.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from a Realtor contact.
5.______ Call back prescreened seller prospects, read Closing Call Script (Pretty House Seller).
The keys here are that the property needs considerable work, AND seller will negotiate
financing. YOU MUST TAKE OWNERSHIP of property through “Subject To” or
“Owner Financing” (NO Sandwich Lease Purchase, NO Contract for Deed).
6.______ Answer any questions and objections, then read Setting the Appointment.
7.______ Go on appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). Take photos on camera/phone.
8.______ Go through the Deal Meeting with Seller (remember it’s “Ugly” with “Pretty” Financing).
Sign initial paperwork.
9.______ Get all of seller’s paperwork on the house and any mortgages (see Seller Congrats Letter).
10.______ Schedule closing appointment for seller and your real estate attorney.
11.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find title issue have
them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
12.______ Give list of any repairs/clean up to seller. See if they’ll fix up a few things before showings.
13.______ After seller moves out (or if vacant), do some light clean-up or very inexpensive repairs.
Put a lock box on the front door containing a key so buyers can view home easily.
14.______ Call prospects on Work-for-Equity Buyer’s List. Read Closing Call Script (WFE Buyers).
15.______ Place ads on Internet/Craig’s List/Classified Ads/etc. (Handyman Special, Bad credit OK!)
16.______ Post “Handyman Special, Rent-to-Own, Bad Credit OK” signs in yard and busy corners.
17.______ Print up flyers. Leave flyers and lease purchase applications in house.
18.______ Put property photos and an enthusiastic description on your selling website.
19.______ Take incoming calls from Work for Equity Buyer prospects, fill out “Ugly House Buyer
Info Script”. Prescreen mainly by what they can afford for their down payment,
monthly payment, and if they are willing and able to do work with their own money.
20.______ Follow up w/ qualified buyers, read Closing Call Script (Work for Equity Buyers section).
Answer any questions or objections, then set appointment to close.
21.______ Do Deal Meeting. Sign paperwork, get check, schedule close with attorney
22.______ Have buyer fill out application with your mortgage and credit repair people. Review them.
23.______ Get insurance lined up on property, and get utilities set up with Work for Equity Buyer.
24.______ Make out a list of repairs, and a schedule of completion dates and inspections.
25.______ After tenant-buyer moves in, deliver gift basket and ask for referrals (offer referral fee).
26.______ Perform inspections of work being done according to schedule.
27.______ Maintain accounting spreadsheets for total business and individual properties.
28.______ Send and receive monthly payments, handle business accounts, provide ongoing service.

A.C.T.S. (Assigning Contract Terms System) Step by Step Checklist
ACTS (Over-Mortgaged) Seller + ACTS (Long-Term Lease Purchase) Buyer by

1.______ Set up a work space, and schedule 5-10 hours/week to be there making calls, marketing, etc.
2.______ Plan how to take incoming calls, set up phone/answering service/Assistant.
3.______ Make Outbound Seller Calls to “FSBOs” and “For Rents” (scripts on Wolffs’ Forms CD).
4.______ Pick 4+ ways to Market for Sellers & Buyers. Get necessary Marketing forms with ad copy.
5.______ Order business cards and signs, or make signs. Place Internet / Craig’s List / Classified Ads.
6.______ Get letters / flyers printed. Mail letters, get flyers distributed.
7.______ Tell local Realtors that you can help out sellers they can’t, ones with over-mortgaged houses.
Market to listing Realtors, call them from signs you see in your area (we have a specific
script for this, just email us at and we’ll send it to you).
8.______ Keep distributing all marketing materials, passing out business cards, and getting ads out.

1.______ Take calls from sellers/buyers, fill out intake forms. Prescreen out suspects, keep prospects.
2.______ Identify ACTS (Over-Mortgaged House) Sellers (refer to Prescreening Guide on page 4).
3.______ Get info on prescreened property from Internet (County Recorder and/or Tax Assessor, etc.).
4.______ Pull “Comps” for prescreened property off Internet, MLS, or get from a Realtor contact.
5.______ Call back prescreened seller prospects, read Closing Call Script (ACTS Seller section).
6.______ Answer any questions and objections, then read Setting the Appointment.
7.______ Go on appointment. Tour house (see House Tour on DVD). Take photos on camera/phone.
8.______ Sign initial paperwork with seller.
9.______ Get all of seller’s paperwork on the house and any mortgages (see Seller Congrats Letter).
10.______ Review and verify paperwork to make sure of balances, status of payments, insurance, etc.
11.______ Send contract to title company or attorney to get title report. If they find any title issue
have them help clear it up. Make sure you can get clear title before you proceed.
12.______ Give list of any repairs/clean up to seller. See if they’ll fix up a few things before showings.
13.______ If house is vacant, and after any minor repairs and clean up, “stage” the house with pictures,
plants, plug-in aromatics, etc. Put a lock box on the front door containing a key so
buyers can view home easily. If not vacant, will have to schedule viewings with seller.
14.______ Take new photos for flyers and website if the house looks much better.
15.______ Call prescreened prospects on Lease Purchase Buyer’s List. Read Closing Call Script
(ACTS Buyer section). Answer questions and objections, then set appointment to close.
16.______ Place ad for property on Internet/Craig’s List/Classified Ads/etc. (“Bad credit okay!”)
17.______ Post “Own Your Own Nice Home, Rent-to-Own, Bad Credit OK” signs in yard & corners.
18.______ Print up flyers. Leave flyers and lease purchase applications at house.
19.______ Put property pictures and an enthusiastic description on your selling website.
20.______ Take Opening Calls from prospects, fill out “Pretty House Buyer Call Script”. Prescreen to
find buyers who are willing to lease purchase an Over-Mortgaged House on a long term
and also have a good amount of cash to pay for an Option Deposit/Down Payment.
21.______ Follow up with prescreened tenant buyers. Read Closing Call Script (ACTS Buyer section).
Answer any questions or objections, then set appointment to close or send paperwork.
22.______ Get back signed paperwork, get deposit check.
23.______ Verify your tenant buyer’s credit history and do an overall background check.
24.______ Go over tenant buyer’s application/history with seller, get their approval to move forward.
25.______ Schedule close between your seller and tenant buyer with your real estate attorney.
26.______ (If necessary) Move pictures/plants/etc. (staging kit) out of property.
27.______ After closing deliver gift baskets to seller and buyer and ask for referrals (offer referral fee).

My Plan
I. My “TO DO” List
1. Set up a place in my home or office with the following:
a) desk b) phone c) computer d) printer
e) e-fax or fax machine f) intake forms (Seller & Buyer)
g) file folders h) standing file racks i) filing boxes/drawers
j) shelf holding Wolff Couple and other R.E.I. Systems
k) Wolffs’ “What to Say & Do” System l) quiet to talk to customers
2. Set up business phone number(s), and Incoming Call Capture.
3. Start following the “Quick Start Daily Plan”, including starting Marketing.

II. My Schedule
1. Choose 7 - 10 hours per week to devote to Real Estate Investing.
2. Write schedule in daytimer, calendar, device, etc. Tell family and friends that
this is “investing time” for you.
3. Stick to schedule. If time is missed, make it up. When there are no calls to
make, work on one of the 4 areas (Ongoing Training, Marketing, Doing Deals,
or Taking Care of Business. Install a true Action Habit by following the
Action Steps in this System.
My Hours Are:______________________________________________

III. My Goals
1. Financial Goals In 6 months, & 1 year __________ , ___________
(exact figures) Average Profit/Month __________ , ___________
2. “Things” Goals 1st deal__________________________________
(gifts for myself) $100,000 profit point_______________________
1st year__________________________________
3. Personal Goals 1.______________________________________
(these help make it all worth it— 2._____________________________________
fun, growth, gifts for others, etc) 3.______________________________________

Quick Start Marketing Plan
We’ve provided you with some marketing information in this “What to Do”
Manual, and you’ve also received marketing materials in the Quick Start Real Estate
School Manual. You may also have received our Marketing Samples data CD (if not
you can always contact us). With these you can really get your marketing and your
investing business going. Some students get ample leads just by using a Virtual
Assistant making Outbound Calls to FSBOs (For Sale by Owners), possibly combined
with Yellow Letters. As we mentioned previously here we have a whole system we
created with Ron LeGrand called “Make A Mint Marketing”, if you want to learn
everything that Ron and us know about Marketing.
Always track your marketing efforts and results on the chart on the following
page (or some other software if you have it). This will help you to create and imple-
ment the most effective marketing campaigns possible.
So review the QSRES Manual and/or the Marketing Samples data CD, think
over which Marketing Methods you want to start with, and write them down here. The
12 main proven Marketing Methods are: Business Cards, Outbound Calls to FSBO’s
and Houses For Rent (Using our Scripts), Internet and Craig’s List Ads, Signs, Classi-
fied Ads, Flyers, Yellow Letters, Ant Farm, Vehicle Signs, Customer Referrals, Web-
sites, and Realtors.
Start out with at least 4-5 of these, and you’ll soon learn through Trial and Error
which work the best for you. Aim to pass out 3 business cards mentioning a $350
referral fee) to everyone you come into contact during the day, so that one is filled out
below already. It’s also easy and FREE to put ads on Craig’s List and other Internet
sites, so everyone should be consistently running ads there (remember you need to
refresh them often to stay near the top). Sample cards can be found in the QSRES
Manual. They’re also included in our “Building Your Buyers Lists” System, and there
you can also find sample Internet ads.

Marketing Method #1 Business Cards


Marketing Method #2 Outbound Calls to FSBOs


Marketing Method #3 Internet Ads / Craig’s List / Zillow / Etc.


Marketing Method #4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marketing Method #5 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marketing Method #6 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marketing Method #7 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Marketing Tracking Chart
Marketing Date Opening Emails Closing Appoint- Deals
Units Sent/ Texts ments
Offers Accepted
Method Distributed
Calls Calls $

My Dream Team
1. Printer Main Duty – Print Marketing Materials
What do you charge for black ink, two-sided, on bright fluorescent business card stock?
What do you charge for black ink on colored 8 ½” x 11” paper? (4 cent flyers are good)
2. Title Agent Main Duty – Pull title reports
How quickly can you pull a title report? (2-3 days is very good in most areas)
Since I’ll be sending you all my business, you can pull title reports for me for free, right?
3. Insurance Agent Main Duty – Insure properties against loss
What are your rates for landlord insurance?
Do you have any issues with keeping the original mortgagee as a loss payee on the policy?
Can you write insurance policies on vacant houses? (i.e. during a rehab) (for subject to)
4. Real Estate Attorney Main Duties – Do Signing Appointments, Send notices
Do you work with investors? Have you done much with land trusts, or owner financing deals?
How quickly can you usually schedule signing appointments?
What do you charge to send out notices? (to pay or vacate, eviction, etc.)
5. Mortgage Broker Main Duties – Pull credit reports, get Tenant-Buyers loans
How many different lenders do you work with?
What’s the lowest credit score and highest debt ratio that you can get approved
for a mortgage right now? What’s the lowest down payment you can get now?
Do you have any special programs that are working well for you in this market?
6. Realtors Main Duties – Find good deals on ugly, bank-owned, and short sale properties,
Do you work with many investors? perform MLS searches, run Comps on Prospects
Do you deal mainly with pretty houses or ugly houses?
Can you do an MLS search for me for all properties in my area that are listed at
$20 or more below the average price per square foot in the area?
Can you do an MLS search for me for all properties that have just gone over
120 days listed? Also expired properties? (Warm up the realtor before you get to these
requests. Eventually you will want these lists once per week for marketing.)
7. Hard Money Lenders Main Duty – Provide money for Rehabs and Short Sales
How quickly can you close? (certainly within 30 days, best if under 10 days)
What is the highest L.T.V.* that you go? (*Loan To Value % -- 70% is usually the best)
8. Private Money Lenders Main Duty – Provide loans to cover purchases/repairs
Would you be happy with a good return on your investment, guaranteed by real estate?
9. Contractors As Needed for: Main Duties – Property Upgrades, Upkeep, Miscellaneous
a) General Cleaning b) Painting c) Carpet Cleaning
d) Flooring (carpet, vinyl, & upgraded flooring) e) Window Coverings
f) General Home Repairs g) Plumbing h) Roofing
i) Landscaping j) Yard Maintenance k) Snow Removal
l) Junk Removal m) Pest Inspection n) Pest Control
o) Pool Maintenance p) Home Inspection q) Locksmith
r) Residential Alarm s) Credit Repair Pro t) Real Estate Auctioneer

20 Basic assistant Duties
1. Handle all incoming calls and emails. Refer or respond (as required).

2. Assist in setting up and keeping business and space organized.

3. Help create & distribute marketing, make ongoing posts on internet sites.

4. Assemble and mail all marketing letters.

5. Handle incoming calls from Seller Prospects. Take info. Pre-screen.

6. Pull tax info and collect Comps for pre-screened Prospects.

7. Clean up signed paperwork. Assemble folders for Buying and Selling.

8. Fax contracts to Title Company (or Attorney) to get title reports.

9. Check over title reports when they are sent back.

10. Put together Short Sale packages. Get them reviewed.

11. Send out Short Sale packages, follow up with involved Lenders/Realtors.

12. Pass Repair Lists on to Sellers. Get date for completion, or get discount.

13. Shop for vendors & supplies. Order carpet, paint, all other repair work.
14. Follow up on vendors’ work. Make vendor payments with approval.
15. When work is done pick up staging kits. Stage houses, take pictures.

16. Help market for Buyers, post ads, signs (?), distribute flyers.

17. Handle incoming calls from Buyer Prospects. Take info. Pre-screen.

18. Maintain spreadsheets for business & individual properties.

19. Send and receive all monthly payments. Handle business accounts.
20. Provide ongoing customer service to all Sellers and Tenant-Buyers.

Date_______________ FSBO Call Script Source __________________________
Hi, I’m interested in buying your house, is it still for sale?______ Great, I’m ___, and what was your name?
Owner(s)______________________________________ Cell Phone_____________________________
Address_________________________________________ Other Phone_________________________
So what’s your ASKING PRICE for the house?__________________ (COMPS)_________________________

How many BR/BA?_______ SQ FT_______ What kind of shape is the property in?________________
That’s good, we buy houses in any condition. Can I ask why you’re selling?_____________________________

Okay, your house sounds like one we’d be interested in. You know, a lot of times it works out best by doing
something with the financing. You have a mortgage on the house, right? YES NO (IF NO, GO TO BOX 2.)
(IF YES:) Oh, can I ask how much you owe on it? (COMPLETE Mortgage Information BELOW)

1st $____________________ Payment PITI_______________ Current? YES NO (How late?)_______

2nd $___________________ Payment PITI _______________ Current? YES NO (How late?)_______

1. Owe 85-90%+ Let me ask you, would 2. Mortgaged Great, well we work with
of House Value you sell the house for House OR houses like yours a lot. Now
(% depends on market) what you owe on it? Free & Clear the way it normally works is
that we buy the house from you
with owner financing or lease purchase, and we
If YES, Go to*** below. If NO, continue: make monthly payments. A few great things about
Okay, well if we were to work it out and close how we do it are that we pay a good price, we can
whenever you want, what’s the least you would close whenever you want, and we take care of
everything. So you’re free and you can just move on.
take?________ Is that the best you can do?_______
Doesn’t that sound good/great? YES NO
Great, well we work with houses like yours a lot. If YES: So if we were to work it out and close when-
Now the way it normally works is that we buy the ever you want, what’s the least you would take?____
house from you with owner financing or lease
purchase, and we make monthly payments. A few Is that the best you could do?________ (GO TO ***)
great things about how we do it are that we pay a If NO: Okay, sometimes people do need all their cash
good price, we can close whenever you want, and out right away. We usually buy from people who
we take care of everything. So you’re free and you want to make more money from the sale and can
can just move on. wait a little while to cash out. Is that possible,
Doesn’t that sound good/great? YES NO could you give us a little time to pay you off?
IF YES: ***What’s the best time my boss/partner/I could call you back? (or start Closing Call)_____
IF NO/MAYBE or REQUESTING MORE INFORMATION, put lead in Follow-up File or Suspect File.
Just a couple last things now, is the house LISTED? YES NO Is it vacant / rented out?_________
Okay, great, it’s been a pleasure talking with you. I really think this will work out good/great for you, and good for us too.
We’re looking forward to talking with you again later today / tomorrow / soon!

Mini Info Sheet Date__________________ Mini Info Sheet Date_________________

Owner(s)________________________________ Owner(s)________________________________
Address_________________________________ Address_________________________________
Phone_________________Cell_______________ Phone_________________Cell_______________
Bed/Bath____________ S.F._________________ Bed/Bath____________ S.F._________________
How much are houses like yours going for in your How much are houses like yours going for in your
area?____________________________________ area?____________________________________
Does your house have any special features? Does your house have any special features?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Listed______________ Vacant_______________ Listed______________ Vacant_______________
1st $_____________ PITI________Current_____ 1st $_____________ PITI________Current_____
2nd $_____________PITI________Current_____ 2nd $_____________PITI________Current_____
Condition________________________________ Condition________________________________
NOTES__________________________________ NOTES__________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Mini Info Sheet Date__________________ Mini Info Sheet Date_________________

Owner(s)________________________________ Owner(s)________________________________
Address_________________________________ Address_________________________________
Phone_________________Cell_______________ Phone_________________Cell_______________
Bed/Bath____________ S.F._________________ Bed/Bath____________ S.F._________________
How much are houses like yours going for in your How much are houses like yours going for in your
area?____________________________________ area?____________________________________
Does your house have any special features? Does your house have any special features?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Listed______________ Vacant_______________ Listed______________ Vacant_______________
1st $_____________ PITI________Current_____ 1st $_____________ PITI________Current_____

2nd $_____________PITI________Current_____ 2nd $_____________PITI________Current_____

Condition________________________________ Condition________________________________
NOTES__________________________________ NOTES__________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________

Deal Prep Sheet
Seller: Phone:
After Repaired Value: Repair Guesstimate: Maximum Allowable Offer: (MAO = ARV x 70% - Repairs)
(use for cash offers on Ugly Houses only)

Mortgage Balance: Other Mortgages/Liens:
Seller’s “Hot Buttons” (needs/wants):
Type of Deal, Exit Strategy:
Financing Required:
Deal #1 Price & Terms: (use Assumptive Close, expect Seller to say “Yes”, use matching Closing Call script.)

Benefits to Seller: (instant sale, debt relief, no commissions or closing costs, free of hassles, can move on, etc.)

Seller’s Questions/Objections:
Best Answers:
Deal #2 / #3 Price & Terms: (Close Deal #1 first if you can, then go to these back-up plans only if necessary).

Pretty House Deals/“Terms” - Subject to, Sandwich Lease Purchase, Seller Financing,
Contract for Deed, Subordination, Profit Sharing, Short Sale>Cash Out, Option, ACTS
Exit Strategies - Lease-Purchase Buyer, Owner Financing Buyer, ACTS long-term L.P. Buyer, Cash-Out Buyer
Ugly House Deals/Exit Strategies - Wholesale, Work for Equity, Short Sale>Wholesale, Rehab>Cash-Out

Comment Log
Date Comments
_________ ___________________________________________________________

____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
____ ___________________________
Your Business Name
Your Business Phone Number
E-mail: Your E-mail

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Seller Name
Seller Address

Dear Seller Name,

You have sold your house to your business name. We will devote ourselves to making sure
everything goes as smoothly and as quickly as possible. In order to do so, we require a few items
from you:

1. The most recent statement from the first mortgage on the house.
2. Any paperwork from other mortgages or liens that may be attached to the house.
3. The statement from your homeowner’s insurance policy, including agent’s name and account
4. The most recent statement from the homeowner’s association, including account number.
5. The most recent statements from the utilities (electric, water & sewer, gas, trash collection).
6. Any records from any past repairs or work done on the house.
7. At least one house key, community area or pool key, and mail key.

If you are unable to locate one or more of the statements, account and contact information
may be acceptable.

Again, we look forward to wrapping everything up as smoothly and quickly as possible. If

you have any questions at any time, please contact either myself or our office assistant, __________.


Your Name
Your Position
Keys and statements:

Received by __________________________ date _______________

Date_______ Pretty House Buyer Opening Call ____________________

You’re calling about the home, I can help you with that. I’m _____, and what was your name?

Name___________________ And how did you hear about the home? ___________________

In case we get interrupted, can I get your phone number? Phone______________________

So when are you wanting to move in?_______________ Great, now sometimes we have more than
one home available, so let me just ask you a couple quick questions.
Who will be living in the home with you? __________________________________________
What’s the most you can put down on your beautiful/nice new home? ____________________
What is the most you can afford for a monthly payment? ____________________ (If too low)
Actually, on a lease-purchase like this it’s usually a little bit higher because you’re getting the
right to buy along with your payment. So, if you had to, how much higher could you go?
___________(If it’s at least 3% of sales price) Okay, I’m pretty sure we could work with you.
And what do you know about your qualifying issues? ________________________________
That’s okay, almost everyone we work with has some qualifying issues. We look past that and
just focus on getting you into a great new home as quick as possible.
(If Qualified, match them up with your “best fit” house based on your supply & their needs.)
I really think this home (our home over on __________) would work great for you.

GO OVER the TOP 3-5 FEATURES of that HOME. Doesn’t that home sound good/great?
(If positive response, give directions. If not, go to your next “best fit” home. If Prospect is borderline qual-
ified, you can just send them to the home or your website and tell them to call you back.)

(After Giving Directions) Now it’d be a good idea to get out there as soon as possible. We’ve had a lot of
interest in that home, and a couple people we sent out there seem pretty serious. You’ll also want to grab a
flyer and an application at the home, and get the application back to us as soon as you can, okay? Great, talk
to you real soon then. (Put Lead Sheet in PH Buyer Follow-Up File)
(If Prospect has a large Option Deposit, $20,000+, you may choose to meet them at the house).
You know, this home sounds like it will really work for you. I’ll tell you what, I/my Assistant can
meet you out at the home. When can you make it over there? ______ Great, I/we’ll meet you there.


____________________________________________________________________ --TheWolffCouple.

Ugly House Buyer Opening Call
Date_______________ Source________________________

Name________________________________ How long have you been looking?____________________

Phone _______________________________ Cell phone__________________________________

Are you looking for a house for yourself, or are you an investor?_____________________________

When are you looking to move / buy?_______________________________________________

We have a few homes; so let me ask you a couple questions to find the right one for you.
How many bedrooms and bathrooms are you looking for? __________________________________
What is the most you can afford for a monthly payment? _______________________ (If too low)
Actually, on a work-for-equity home like this it’s usually a little bit higher because you’re getting the

right to buy along with your payment. So, if you had to, how much higher could you go? ___________

Now what’s the most you could come up with for a down payment on your new home?________
You know, usually we need around ((10,000)), but we have been doing some special things with our
work-for-equity program. If you see the home and really love it, do you think you might be able to
go higher than that? _______ ( If it’s at least 3% of sales price) Okay, I think we can work with you
on that.
How are you with home repairs? __________________________________________________

And how is your credit overall—good, medium, or not-so-good?_________________________

That’s okay, a lot of people we work with have some credit problems. But our goal is to help you so
you can own your own home as quickly as possible.
In what areas are you interested in living?_______________________________________________
Now why is that, is your job or family around there? _____________________________________
If you see the house and the numbers work for you, how quickly can you close?_________________
(If Qualified Prospect, match them up with your “best fit” house based on your inventory & their
I really think our home over on _______________________ would work great for you.
GO OVER TOP 3-5 BENEFITS OF HOME. How does that home sound to you? ________________
(If positive response, give directions. If negative response, go to your next “best fit” house. If Pro-
spect is borderline, you may just want to send them to your website and tell them to call back.)
(After Giving Directions) It’s a good idea to get out there as soon as possible. We’ve had a lot of
interest in that home, and a couple people we sent out there look pretty serious. You’ll also want to
grab a flyer and an application out there, and fax the completed application back to us as soon as you
can, okay? Great, talk to you soon then.
_______________________________________________________________ --TheWolffCouple.

Your Business Name
Your Business Phone Number
E-mail: Your E-mail
Your Name
Your Phone Number
Buyer Name
Buyer Address

Dear Buyer Name,

You have lease-purchased your beautiful new home from your business name. Your move-
in date is ____ __st, 20__. We hope you’re as excited about your new home as we are to have you
as tenant-buyers. If you ever need anything, please contact us at the phone numbers listed above.
We’ll be more than happy to help you with any questions you may have.

The terms of your lease-purchase of new home address are as follows: Monthly payments
are $____ , but you may pay more if you wish. Any amount over $____ per month will be credited
towards your purchase price. Your purchase price is $_______. Your non-refundable option deposit
is $_____, all of which is credited towards your purchase price when you buy. You have 12 months,
until ____ __st, 20__, to exercise your purchase option. ((You will be working with our mortgage
specialist, ______________ , to make sure that everything goes smoothly throughout the purchase of
your new home. His phone number is XXX-XXXX.)) After that date the purchase price and
monthly payment will be adjusted according to market conditions, but will never be less than the
current amount.

Your date of occupancy is ____ ___ . This makes you due for the lease amount of $______.
You have already paid $______ towards your non-refundable deposit. An additional $______ in
certified funds is required before occupancy. You will be receiving a coupon book in the mail within
14 days. Please include one payment coupon with each payment of $______, due on the 1st of each
month. The address to send your payment will be printed on each coupon.

We at your business name are very happy we could help you find your new home.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions. We look forward to serving you over the
upcoming months.


Keys, 1 garage door opener, and letter:

Your Name
Received by ______________________ date _______________ Position

*any amount
Account Number: Payment Due Date: Payment Amount:
paid over $___
September 1, 20## $___*
### will be applied to
purchase price
Customer’s Names Customer’s House Address

Remit Payment to: Your Business Name Customer Service:

Your Address Phone Number
City, State, Zip

after September 15 — Payment Amount $_____

*any amount
Account Number: Payment Due Date: Payment Amount:
paid over $___
October 1, 20## $___*
### will be applied to
purchase price
Customer’s Names Customer’s House Address

Remit Payment to: Your Business Name Customer Service:

Your Address Phone Number
City, State, Zip

after October 15 — Payment Amount $_____

*any amount
Account Number: Payment Due Date: Payment Amount:
paid over $___
November 1, 20## $___*
### will be applied to
purchase price
Customer’s Names Customer’s House Address

Remit Payment to: Your Business Name Customer Service:

Your Address Phone Number
City, State, Zip

after November 15 — Payment Amount $_____

*any amount
Account Number: Payment Due Date: Payment Amount:
paid over $___
December 1, 20## $___ *
### will be applied to
purchase price
Customer’s Names Customer’s House Address

Remit Payment to: Your Business Name Customer Service:

Your Address Phone Number
City, State, Zip

after December 15 — Payment Amount $_____

Expect Success!
We’ve taught so many students all across America how to
make a great income and help others by buying and selling
houses. The incredible testimonial letters and videos we are
constantly receiving truly fill our hearts with joy. We know that
with the power of this “What to Say & What to Do” System, you
can absolutely have that same success for yourself! Expect it!
We’ve been so blessed by this investing business, and
now it’s become our mission to be a blessing to others. That’s
why we became Investing Trainers, and that’s why we’re always
so eager and enthusiastic to share our expertise and experience.
Our whole goal with this System, and every System we
create, is to help you and others achieve your financial and life
goals as quickly and efficiently as possible. We love it when
our Systems or our Mentoring dramatically change the life of
one of our students for the better, and the lives of all the
members of their family too. Nothing gets us more excited!
We truly want to help you have great success and live your
dreams...but we can’t do it for you. The proven plans are all laid
out here. All that remains, as Lynette’s motto says, is for you to
“Take Action!”
...and keep us posted on your
success at!
(We give great prizes for testimonial videos & letters!)

Enthusiastically Yours Always,

Brian & Lynette Wolff

P.S. Hope to see you soon at our “Taking Action & Communication Workshop!”


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