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LECTURE № 8 Topic: The role of the epic "Manas" in the education of youth

Manas and Kyrgyz Identity

The Manas lies at the heart of Kyrgyz culture and history has became an expression of Kyrgyz
unity. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Manas is the world's longest poem. The
storyteller Sayakbair Karalayev, who died in 1971, once told a version of the story that was
530,000 lines long—20 times the length of Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad combined and 2½ times
longer than India’s Mahabharata—over three days and nights. Some versions are said to have
over 1 million lines and take six months to perform. Thirteen versions and four million verses
have been recorded. Most of the Manas story that is recited today was written down from the
words of Sayakbai Karalaev, whose picture is on 500 som banknote. A statue of him stands in
front of Bishkek concert hall.A Manas image is stamped on the Kyrgyzstan currency and the
Manas name has been attached to the country’s main airport. Books, operas, movies, comic
books and television dramas based on the poem have appeared. Many villages, streets and a
university are are named after the legendary hero. Former Kyrgyzstan President Askar Akayev
called the epic "our spiritual foundation...our pride, our strength, and our hope" and it
"united all ethnic groups, clans and tribes that used to live here".
Manas is the symbol of Kyrgyz bravery and is often shown astride a rearing horse, with sword
in hand, fighting the enemies of the Kyrgyz people. While they call Manas their "father," the
Kyrgyz do not see themselves as a warlike people. Instead, they are a family of artists. [Source:]
No festival or event is complete without a recitation of the Manas. Professional Manas-tellers
keep themselves busy by giving public and private readings. At Manas parties guests eat
"mountains of meat and drink lakes of kymyz." Some say The Manas predates the Kyrgyz people
and was “given” to them by Soviet scholars as part of an effort to give the people’s of Central
Asia separate identities,
In the Soviet era, the Manas was banned in schools, except for parts that conformed to Soviet
ideology, and regarded as expression of backwardness, tribalism and traditionalism. Manas
himself was called a “bourgeois nationalist.” The epic survived beyond the reach of authorities in
the mountains where shepherds and hunters sang its verses around the campfire and passed it
down to their children.
In 1995, there was a large celebration honoring the “1,000th anniversary” of the Manas.
In a speech given in a three-story yurt, Kyrgyz president Akayev said, “In times of
hardship we turn our spirits to our great forebears. The values of this epic are relevant
today. They reflect the hopes of many peoples looking towards the next millennium.”
Earlier efforts to honor the “1,000th anniversary” of the epic in the 1930s and 40s were
thwarted by purges, repression and war.

Epic “Manas” as ideology of Kyrgyzstan

The essence of ideology of “Manas” was firstly recommended by first president of
Kyrgyzstan. Ascar Akaev work out on project of creating ideology of Kyrgyzstan and find out
national branch which united Kyrgyz people from generation of generation. It was epic
Manas. Kyrgyz people and make them always be proud of own nation and hero Manas. Epic
“Manas” has a huge role for live of Kyrgyz people. It make unique Kyrgyz nation from other
Akaev recommended for Kyrgyz parliament about introduction epic “Manas” and
have been achieved success. Almost all members of parliament vote for it without any
doubts. After that was created Seven Commandments Manas. It was good idea because in
this collection were humanistic ideas like humanism, tolerance, building good relationship
with other nations, always be in harmony with nature, being patriotic of nation and always
be hard working. Akaev was first ever president who really cares about common ideology
which could be big way for development of Kyrgyz nation. After him nobody ever try to
create ideology.

The ideology of the ancient Kyrgyz people spawned the seven commandments of Manas:
1. National honor and patriotism
2. The unity and cohesion of the nation
3. Interethnic harmony, friendship and cooperation
4. Strengthening and protecting Kyrgyz statehood
5. Humanism, generous, tolerance
6. Harmony with nature
7. Indefatigable work, the desire to achieve all the benefits through skill and knowledge

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