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Geography: Population Statistics of MEDCs Vs LEDCs

Grade 12


25 marks

A) Choose three MEDCs and three LEDCs and find the statistical data of the demographic indicators
below, and complete the table.

Country Life Adult literacy Infant mortality Fertility rate Birth rate
expectancy rate rate
(years) (%) (Per 1000) (Per woman) (Per 1000)
Sudan 65.61 60.7 39.006 4.54 30.721
Somalia 55.97 40% 62.794 6.42 41.084

Niger 61.45 37.34% 39.281 6.89 44.631

Japan 84.62 99% 1.564 1.34 7.013

UAE 78.95 98.13% 4.791 1.46 1.9

USA 77.28 79% 5.614 1.64 12.023

B) Define the concept of More Economically Developed Countries, as well as their counterpart Less
Economically Developed Countries. (2x2)
MEDCs have high income, advanced industries, and strong infrastructure, while LEDCs have
low income, limited industrialization, and infrastructure challenges. These classifications
simplify economic development assessments but don't capture all nuances and can change
over time.

C) What are the noticeable differences between the statistics of the MEDCs and the LEDCs under each
demographic indicator? (2x2)

in the LEDC countries has lower life expectancy and the adult literacy rate than the MEDCs as for
the infant morality rate and fertility rate and birth rate has higher rates than the MEDCs

D) Name two countries that have an aging population. (2x1)

Germany and Japan has an aging population
E) Choose one country in the table above that you think has a youthful population. (1x1)

Niger has a youthful population

F) Explain the causes of overpopulation. (2x1)

Overpopulation results from high birth rates, declining death rates, lack of education, poverty, and
cultural factors. Government policies and improved economic conditions can also contribute.
Solutions involve education, access to family planning, and sustainable resource management.

Total : 25

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