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Liturgical Architecture


I learned that churches are packed with meanings. Almost all the details and design
inside and outside the church has meanings. Even the carvings around the entrance
that announce the holiness of the space inside, and the scenes in the stained glass
around the church has its own meanings. The church should not be hidden because a
hidden church is a bad sign. The structure should draw attention and even curiosity.
Even if the church needs remodeling renovation, If an existing church requires
remodeling and renovations, the plans should respect the existing genre and will be
guided upon it. It is highly recommended that the existing design will be maintained.

Not all people are matured enough to understand restoration they think that architects
are doing something that is not good for the church, or some just did not like the
outcome. On the other hand, some people said that they want to restore the church.

At first, I thought that the plants that are growing inside or on the surface of the wall is
good, not until I watched the video and they said that it is a bad sign when plants are
growing because the roots inside the wall can grow even more, and damage the wall. It
is a sign that there are soil and seeds that are growing inside the wall.

In conservation:
Falsification – putting new components that were not originally part of the building

In conservation, documentation was also performed. At first, I thought that the

documentation is just simple monitoring and observation of the building. But then I was
wrong because as said in the video, they did peel some paint section by section and
discovering the layers of paint that has been applied over the years.

I learned that there are also methods of reservation and not just the reservation itself.

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