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Some notes for doing the second assignment

Due date for assignment 2: 20th December, 2023.

50% module.
2,500 word limit. (+/- 10%)

The Greenway Hotel Group report.

As a group of HR consultants, you hare tasked with writing a report to the Board of Directors
of the Greenway Hotel Group. The Greenway Hotel Group is a mid-market British hotel
chain that plans to internationalize by acquiring a small hotel chain in France. This is the
company's first steps at internationalization and have commissioned a series of consultancy
reports on how to go about internationalizing. One of those consultantly reports is on the
Human Resource aspects of internationalization. The board of directors have commissioned
you, as a HR consultant, to give then advice.

Assignment 2 has two parts

(1) The formative assessment is the production of a poster which you will create in
pairs/triads in Reading Week (17), and presented in the tutorial in week 18. This is ungraded,
but will give you the opportunity to receive feedback on your ideas, and develop skills in
poster production.

(2) The summative assessment is the production of a 2,500 word report, due 20th
December, 2023. This submission is assessed and worth 50% of the module total.

The summative assessment is the production of a 2,500 word report, due 20th
December, 2023. This submission is assessed and worth 50% of the module

The following are some notes for doing assignment 2

Providing the title “Greenway Hotel Group Report”
Having a table of contents
Having an executive summary
1. Introduction
- Discussing the context of internationalization and the importance of IHRM.
- Summarize the main contents you will present in this report i.e.
2. Main contents
a) Strategic approaches for resourcing the managers within the French
subsidiary company. This may include short-term strategy and long – term
+ Discussing the challenges facing the Greenway hotel when reopening in a few
weeks, particularly the shortage of managers.
+ Providing solutions/approaches for these issues
+ Providing definitions for each approach
+ Presenting reasons for this choice.
+ Presenting the disadvantages or backwards for this option and how to mitigate
these limitation e.g. shortening the time working abroad, arranging a job for
spouse, providing allowance etc.
b)What differences in HR policy and practice should the board of director
consider when expanding their business to French. On the other words, what HR
practices should be implemented for these managers and what are the
differences in implementing these HR practices in terms of culture and
institution (laws, regulation, trade union, labor market...) between France and
England (you just need to consider two or three practices).
+ Likely HR practices include: Performance appraisal, pay and rewards, training
and development, employee relationship, performance management, trade
+ Providing the reasons (importance) and definitions of the HR practices you
want to propose to the board of directors + Discussing if these are “best-
practices” or “best – fit”
+ What are the differences in terms of culture and institution between France
and England in implementing these HR practices.
+ What solutions to deal with these differences and improve these HR practices
c) Other issues related to socio-political and cultural circumstances the board
should consider. You only need to mention to one or two issues.
+ How does the pandemic of covid-19 affect the hospitality industry as well as
the company’s operation in France? E.g. French government’s regulations
relating lockdown, social distance, quarantine; decreased demand due to
decreased income of tourists etc.
+ How does the Brexit affect the hospitality industry as well as the company’s
operation and internationalization e.g. work permit, visa,
+ How does technology 4.0 affect the hospitality industry as well as the
company’s operation?
+ How will these events affect the plan of reopening and relaunching the
subsidiary in France.
+ What are the solutions to address these issues.
3. Conclusion
4. References

Other suggestions
- Comply regulations regarding plagiarism
- Clear structure
- Providing definitions for relevant concepts in the discussion process
- Using references as much as possible
- Editing carefully before submission
- Proofreading typos and grammatical errors
- The number of words is about 2500 words (plus or minus 10% )
- Referring to the lecture slides
- The poster should be attached as an appendix.
Marking criteria for the report

Criteria Marks
assigned Description

Understanding of key The report demonstrates an understanding of the

concepts 30 topic and relevant key concepts.

Critical engagement with Relevant and appropriate academic literature is

the relevant literature used to support the case study analysis.

Appropriate use of case Appropriate case study and empirical materials

study and empirical means evidence most likely to come from
material to illustrate searching using academic databases, directly from
argument journals or from other sources suitable to academic
study. It does not include descriptions of company
policies drawn from the internet. These might be
used in an illustrate way to support a point, but
would need to be supported with relevant, quality

Clarity of structure and The report is clearly and appropriately presented,

referencing with good spelling and grammar. Harvard
referencing style is correctly and consistently used
for referencing
Additional references for doing assignment 2

Felker, J. A. (2012). EU's new member states: an untapped (and

underappreciated) source of talent for MNCs?. The International Journal of
Human Resource Management, 23(2), 255-277.
Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (1996). In praise of ethnocentricity: Expatriate
policies in European multinationals. The International Executive, 38(6), 749-
Nickson, D. (2007) international human resource management. In human
resource management for the hospitality and tourism industries
Dickmann, M., Doherty, N., Mills, T., & Brewster, C. (2008). Why do they go?
Individual and corporate perspectives on the factors influencing the decision to
accept an international assignment. The International Journal of Human
Resource Management,, 19(4), 731-751.
Harari, M. B., Reaves, A. C., Beane, D. A., Laginess, A. J., & Viswesvaran, C.
(2018). Personality and expatriate adjustment: A meta‐analysis. Journal of
Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(3), 486-517.
Harris, H., & Holden, L. (2001). Between autonomy and control: Expatriate
managers and strategic IHRM in SMEs. Thunderbird International Business
Review, 43(1), 77-100.
Littrell, L. N., & Salas, E. (2005). A review of cross-cultural training: Best
practices, guidelines, and research needs. Human Resource Development
Review, 4(3), 305-334.
Shaffer, M. A., Harrison, D. A., & Gilley, K. M. (1999). Dimensions,
determinants, and differences in the expatriate adjustment process. Journal of
international business studies, 30, 557-581.
Takeuchi, R., Yun, S., & Tesluk, P. E. (2002). An examination of crossover and
spillover effects of spousal and expatriate cross-cultural adjustment on
expatriate outcomes. Journal of applied psychology, 87(4), 655.
Yu, Y., Byun, W. H., & Lee, T. J. (2014). Critical issues of globalisation in the
international hotel industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(2), 114-118.
Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (1996). In praise of ethnocentricity: Expatriate
policies in European multinationals. The International Executive, 38(6), 749-
Monks, K., Scullion, H., & Creaner, J. (2001). HRM in international firms:
Evidence from Ireland. Personnel Review.
Groschl, S., & Doherty, L. (2006). The complexity of culture: Using the
appraisal process to compare French and British managers in a UK-based
international hotel organisation. International Journal of Hospitality
Management, 25(2), 313-334.
Botero, J. C., Djankov, S., Porta, R. L., Lopez-de-Silanes, F., & Shleifer, A.
(2004). The regulation of labor. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(4),
Situmorang, R., & Japutra, A. (2019). Foreign versus local managers: Finding
the perfect leaders for multinational hotel subsidiaries. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 78, 68-77.
Belfield, R., Benhamou, S., & Marsden, D. (2007). Incentive pay systems and
the management of human resources in France and Great Britain.
Roper, A., Brookes, M., Price, L., & Hampton, A. (1997). Towards an
understanding of centricity: profiling international hotel groups. Progress in
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3(3), 199-211.
Sparrow, P. R. (2007). Globalization of HR at function level: four UK-based
case studies of the international recruitment and selection process. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(5), 845-867.
Fletcher, L. Enhancing Strategic Predisposition and Organisational Culture for
the Effective Management of Human Resources in Australian Multinational
Isidor, R., Schwens, C., & Kabst, R. (2011). Human resource management and
early internationalization: is there a leap-frogging in international staffing?. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(10), 2167-2184.
Delbecque, V., Méjean, I., & Patureau, L. (2007). What impact of Labor Market
Institutions on FDI decisions? An investigation using French-firm data.
European Forecasting Research Association for the Macro Economy.
Chiang, C. F., Jang, S., Canter, D., & Prince, B. (2008). An expectancy theory
model for hotel employee motivation: Examining the moderating role of
communication satisfaction. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Administration, 9(4), 327-351.
Brookes, M., Brewster, C., & Wood, G. (2017). Are MNCs norm entrepreneurs
or followers? The changing relationship between host country institutions and
MNC HRM practices. The International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 28(12), 1690-1711.
Brookes, M., Croucher, R., Fenton-O'Creevy, M., & Gooderham, P. (2011).
Measuring competing explanations of human resource management practices
through the Cranet survey: Cultural versus institutional explanations. Human
Resource Management Review, 21(1), 68-79.
Gooderham, P. N., Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (2019). A framework for
comparative institutional research on HRM. The international journal of human
resource management, 30(1), 5-30.
Employment Law in France:

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