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1/ About us

IEC stands for International English Center and is a prestigious academic English training
address. With the slogan "supporting 1 million students to eliminate English illiteracy". And is
the pioneer in teaching in-depth communication courses for people who have lost their roots,
IELTS and Citizenship exam preparation. Originating from members who have studied and lived
abroad, we understand how important it is to have English and a certificate when Vietnamese
people go to work in a faraway place. IEC Foreign Language Center hopes to conquer English
with you to continue your journey abroad.

2/ Vision and Mission

Vision of IEC:

The International Education Center wishes to bring Vietnamese people living and working
abroad to have an easy life and so that students can communicate with the indigenous people.

Mission of IEC:

The mission of the International Education Center is to create a unique international academic
environment, highly professional, equipping learners with solid professional knowledge,
professional skills of international standards and submission. Stable foreign language.


As someone who has studied abroad in a foreign country and knows the countless difficulties of
not having English in a foreign country. First, in a globalized world, proficiency in English can
open doors to employment opportunities at international companies or positions that require
international communication. In addition, learning English helps them easily integrate and
interact with the international community, expanding personal and professional relationships.
Realizing that this is very important for Vietnamese people living and working abroad, we
decided to open English teaching classes online for Vietnamese people abroad.

1/ Market Research

According to statistics, English is the most studied language with 86% (qandme, 2023). It cannot
be denied that English is one of the most popular languages in the world. It is the native
language of many countries and is widely used in work, education, technology, and
international communication. This shows that the market for teaching English to Vietnamese
people abroad is very open.

2/ Market trend

Almost 68% of the 1.4 million Vietnamese people are learning English and want to find a place
to learn English communication online, especially during the epidemic season. In addition, there
are 23,200 people with Vietnamese Nationality who pass the US Citizenship exam in 2022. This
is not a small number, showing that many Vietnamese people really want to settle in the US.
These ratios can show that the trend of Vietnamese people searching for online English classes
is very popular. This trend is consistent with the increased emphasis on online English teaching
for overseas Vietnamese (Thanh, 2015).

3/ Customer analysis

More than 13,000 people learn English at the teaching centers each year. This can be seen that
there are many Vietnamese people who really want to improve their English as well as get
certificates for their work

4/ Competitor analysis

Competitors to the center this time are Duolingo, Cake, Elsa Speak and Busuu. Of which the
number of people using the Duolingo app to learn English online is 22%, cake is 10% of the
number of Vietnamese people (qandme, 2023).

5/ PEST Analytics

a/ P
The market of Vietnamese people living abroad looking for online English courses has recently
developed comprehensively. Learning English online provides learners with many choices of
textbooks, teaching methods and teachers from around the world.

b. E

The market for Vietnamese people looking for online English courses has recently developed
comprehensively. Learning English online provides learners with many choices of textbooks,
teaching methods and teachers from around the world.

c/ S

The number of Vietnamese people learning English is increasing

Vietnamese people don't always have time to learn English, most of them are only free in the
evenings because of their busy work.

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