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Development of a Web-Based Information System

for Hospital Management: A Systematic Literature

Victor Ayodeji Oluwasusi1, Seren Başaran2
Department of Computer Information Systems, Near East University, Mersin 10, TR-99138 Nicosia, Turkey 1, 2, 3
Computer Information Systems Research and Technology Centre, Near East University, 99138 Nicosia, Cyprus 1, 3

Abstract—In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the development and implementation of these web-based systems.
integration of web-based information systems has become
paramount, revolutionizing how medical data is managed,
By doing so, we strive to provide a nuanced understanding of
diagnoses are made, and patient outcomes are improved. This the impact, effectiveness, and limitations of these systems in
systematic literature review meticulously examines a addressing the intricacies of healthcare management.
comprehensive body of research to unravel the complexities of
integrating these systems in healthcare contexts. Through a
Defining the Scope
systematic analysis of diverse studies, it becomes evident that web- This literature review focuses on answering fundamental
based information systems significantly enhance hospital questions surrounding the integration of web-based
operations, optimize resource utilization, and improve patient care
experiences. The review underscores the transformative impact of information systems in healthcare. We explore the existing
these systems in addressing critical challenges faced by healthcare challenges faced by hospital management and investigate how
institutions, such as inefficient hospital management processes, the implementation of these systems addresses these
limited data accessibility, and communication gaps. By leveraging
innovative technologies and emphasizing user experience, these challenges. Additionally, we delve into the technologies and
systems have paved the way for more efficient, patient-centric tools utilized in the development of these systems, shedding
healthcare services. The findings not only provide valuable light on the innovative approaches that have reshaped the
insights for academics and researchers but also have practical
implications for healthcare practitioners, guiding future research, healthcare landscape.
policy-making, and technology development in the pursuit of a
more streamlined and patient-focused healthcare ecosystem. The findings of this systematic literature review are not
Keywords—Web-based information system; Hospital only pertinent for academics and researchers but also hold
management; development. immense practical implications for healthcare practitioners,
policymakers, and technology developers. By unraveling the
layers of information embedded in the existing literature, this
I. INTRODUCTION review aims to guide future research endeavors, inform
In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the strategic decision-making in healthcare management, and
integration of advanced technologies and innovative information inspire the development of cutting-edge solutions that
systems has become imperative for optimizing patient care, continue to bridge the gap between technology and healthcare.
streamlining hospital management, and addressing the
challenges faced by healthcare institutions. The intersection of This introduction sets the stage for a comprehensive
healthcare and technology has paved the way for a myriad of exploration of the studies and research articles that follow. In
web-based information systems, revolutionizing how medical subsequent sections, we meticulously analyze the key
data is managed, diagnoses are made, and patient outcomes are findings, methodologies, challenges, and successes
improved. In the midst of this digital transformation, this documented in the literature. Through this systematic journey,
systematic literature review delves into the intricate web of we aim to provide a holistic perspective on the integration of
studies and research articles, exploring the vast realm of web- web-based information systems in healthcare, illuminating the
based information systems management in healthcare. path toward a more efficient, patient-centric, and
technologically advanced healthcare ecosystem. On the other
The complexity of modern healthcare demands a hand, the scope of this study is to find the answers to the
thorough understanding of the existing challenges faced by following research questions.
hospital management systems and the subsequent solutions
RQ1: What are the existing challenges in hospital
offered by web-based information systems. With the
overarching goal of enhancing patient care, our review critically management?
examines the existing literature to unearth insights into the
RQ2: How does the implementation of the web-based
hurdles experienced by healthcare institutions globally. Through
a systematic and comprehensive analysis, we aim to uncover the information system address the problems?
methodologies, technologies, and tools employed in the
RQ3: What technologies and tools are employed in the development of the web-based information system?

AND “development”


Extensive research has been conducted in the realm of In this systematic literature review focusing on developing
developing web-based information systems for hospital web-based information systems for hospital management,
Table II portrayed inclusion and exclusion criteria criteria were
management, aiming to identify crucial recommendations and established to ensure the selection process was rigorous and
methodologies essential for their successful implementation. consistent across the various databases considered. The
Previous studies [cite relevant sources] have delved into various selection criteria played a vital role in determining the overall
aspects of digital solutions tailored for healthcare quality of the literature review by filtering relevant studies. The
following guidelines were used to include or exclude research
administration, shedding light on innovative approaches and studies during the selection process:
best practices. One area of focus in the existing literature is the
integration of Information Technology (IT) systems within
healthcare facilities. Scholars have emphasized the importance PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analysis) standards reflected the whole
of seamless integration along the entire hospital management
selection process, from the first database search to the final
chain, emphasizing the need for interoperability and data review process, including inclusion and exclusion criteria.
exchange among different departments and systems. The PRISMA criteria were developed to aid in choosing
Additionally, researchers have explored the significance of user- papers from various databases where the collected results
were broad and needed to be distilled to the barest necessities
friendly interfaces and intuitive design, ensuring that healthcare
based on qualities that would give the researchers with high-
professionals can navigate the system efficiently, leading to quality research journal articles. After doing a search during
improved workflow and patient care. the last decade and considering just papers published in
English, a total of 5794 items were retrieved from all three
databases (IEE, Scopus, and EBSCO). Based on the
Furthermore, a comparative analysis of web-based
parameters mentioned, the researchers were able to obtain the
hospital management systems has been conducted, examining following figures from their first searches in each database:
their effectiveness in diverse healthcare settings. These studies IEEE (39), Scopus (249), and EBSCO (5506). The
have provided valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses researchers were left with 192 publications after excluding
those that were not peer-reviewed journal articles, were not
of existing systems, allowing for the identification of features that open access, and were not research articles, as well as
enhance efficiency, accuracy, and overall hospital performance. screening the titles and abstracts. These 1924 papers were
then subjected to full-text evaluation, leaving them with 21
articles to include in their systematic literature review.
For this systematic literature review in the field of
developing web-based information systems for hospital
management, specific protocols were followed to ensure the
highest quality of research. A comprehensive set of keywords
including "web-based information system" AND "hospital
management" AND "development" was used. A search of
peer-reviewed journal articles from the last five years up to
October 2023 was conducted. Articles in languages other than
English, those not openly accessible, publications predating the
last five years, and non-research articles were excluded from
the search. Given the significant advancements in healthcare
technology and information systems over the past five years,
publications from 2019 onward were specifically chosen to
encompass high-quality research in this domain. The
researchers utilized multiple reputable databases, namely
Scopus, Science Direct, and EBSCO, to conduct a
comprehensive search. This multifaceted approach aimed to
gather a diverse and exhaustive set of literature related to web-
based information systems in the context of hospital
management, ensuring a thorough analysis of the existing
research landscape.



MAIN “web-based information system”

AND “hospital management”

high prices in urban areas, and non-profit organizations in
remote regions struggling to coordinate their efforts (Hossain
et al., 2022). Additionally, a shortage of medical
professionals due to dual employment compounds these
issues, making adequate medical care elusive. Inadequate
medicine distribution further hinders accessibility, as patients
are forced to rely on expensive informal sources due to the
lack of price control (Calado & Fabiano, 2020).

Animal Hospital X faces challenges stemming from

limited inpatient room availability (Permanasari et al., 2019).
These issues impact service quality, particularly during high
patient influx. Data processing difficulties impede effective
room management and decision-making (Al-Ghrairi et al.,
2021). The absence of a reference system leads to
disorganized room allocation, potentially causing delays and
customer dissatisfaction. Accurate estimation of patient
recovery time, crucial for efficient in-room arrangement,
becomes challenging due to these limitations, hindering staff
coordination and accurate cost estimation for patients Alison
D. Kissling & Kimberly D. Ballinger (2018).

In the context of the COVID-19 response, challenges

include rapid system deployment, information exchange,
EHR adaptability, privacy concerns, ethical considerations,
the digital divide, and global collaboration Ye Q, Zhou J, Wu
H (2020). Addressing these complex issues necessitates
Fig. 1. PRISMA 2020 flow diagram of the study.
comprehensive and adaptable solutions to ensure effective
healthcare management, especially in times of crisis. The
COVID-19 pandemic exposed Brazil to pressing healthcare
challenges Permanasari et al., 2019). Urgent requirements,
such as the need for more ICU beds and real-time monitoring,
Data Item Description highlighted the critical role of robust healthcare systems (de
Morais Barroca Filho et al., 2021). Challenges arose from
S/No Serial number of the included study
integrating COVID-19 data, particularly concerning data
Reference Reference of the included study
privacy and reliability. Time constraints limited quality
assurance practices, raising concerns about the accuracy of
Country Country of publication of the study information Ye Q, Zhou J, Wu H (2020). Creating an API for
electronic medical record integration became a priority,
Challenges Challenges in hospitals that necessitate the emphasizing the existing gaps in data integration and system
development of a web-based information system interoperability (Mouazer et al., 2022). The healthcare
landscape in many regions necessitates improved services and
Solutions Addressing the problems and enhancing hospital efficient health monitoring, especially in the context of global
management processes. health crises (Hossain et al., 2022). These issues include
inadequate healthcare services, discrimination between rural
Technologies Technologies and tools employed in the and urban areas, and shortages of medical professionals
development during critical times Permanasari et al., 2019). The
development of an IoT-based health monitoring system offers
Key findings Show the main results from the articles a solution, capable of real-time monitoring of patients' vital
parameters, aiming to reduce medical costs, enhance
Recommendations Show research gaps and areas of improvement healthcare services, and improve the overall quality of patient
care (Hossain et al., 2022).

Efficiencies in hospital management are critical and
encompass several challenges, such as manual record-
A. What are the existing challenges in hospital management
keeping, communication errors, data flow hindrances, and
limited accessibility to patient data (Nguyen et al., 2011).
According to the findings of this SLR Across various Implementing a web-based information system is vital to
healthcare contexts, several recurring challenges persist, centralize data, enhance real-time communication, reduce
demanding innovative solutions for a more efficient and errors, and provide secure, remote access to critical patient
accessible healthcare landscape (Smith et al., 2023). Angola's information, ultimately improving patient care and
healthcare system grapples with a multitude of problems, operational efficiency (Al-Ghrairi et al., 2021). In the
including the absence of a national plan for traditional academic healthcare research realm, challenges encompass
medicine, leading to unregulated sales in informal markets. faculty engagement, integration limitations, data
This exacerbates the already significant challenges of public inconsistencies, and financial constraints, emphasizing the
services lacking quality, for-profit private sectors charging urgent need for innovative solutions to enhance the efficiency
of healthcare management, particularly in areas like malaria obstacles and enhancing their professional development.
reporting and management Hasyim H, Firdaus F, Prabawa A, Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) implementation
Dale P, Harapan H, Groneberg DA, et al. (2020). necessitates accurate patient data integration and machine
learning for personalized recommendations (Mouazer et al.,
B. How does the implementation of the web-based 2022). Addressing conflict resolution, standardized
information system address the problems? evaluations, real-world data integration, and tailoring
The healthcare system faces multifaceted challenges, solutions for the elderly improve CDSS effectiveness in
necessitates innovative solutions to enhance patient care and managing healthcare complexities. The implementation of
streamline operations (Avery et al., 2019) . One key various web-based systems enhances hospital efficiency and
advancement is the implementation of an emergency patient patient outcomes. Centralizing patient data ensures efficient
screening system, enabling efficient hospital suggestions and communication, standardized information, and enhanced
route planning, saving crucial time during emergencies (An et patient safety . These systems enable remote accessibility,
al., 2023). Additionally, users can now search for streamline workflows, engage patients, ensure cost efficiency,
medications, locate nearby pharmacies, and access price and provide real-time analytics for informed decision-making
details, fostering informed decision-making. The introduction (Avery et al., 2019). Additionally, automated temperature
of online help requests connects patients directly with monitoring systems eliminate manual checks, enhance data
registered health professionals, offering timely advice and security, and improve hospital efficiency (Seneviratne et al.,
support. To ensure accessibility, even in offline scenarios, the 2021; Syed-Mohamad et al., 2010).
system supports mobile research without an internet Joomla's web-based reporting system addresses several
connection, expanding healthcare information availability challenges by enhancing accessibility, technological
(Calado & Fabiano, 2020). affordability, speed, and efficiency. It supports policy-
Animal Hospital X leverages a Decision Support making, reduces manual reporting limitations, and potentially
System (DSS) to optimize inpatient room management offers a cost-effective solution, streamlining the reporting
Permanasari et al., 2019). By predicting recovery time and process and catering to the healthcare system's needs in
efficiently allocating available rooms, the DSS enhances managing malaria effectively (Syed-Mohamad et al., 2010;
patient care and room allocation decisions. It aids animal Hasyim H, Firdaus F, Prabawa A, Dale P, Harapan H,
owners in estimating hospitalization costs, and facilitating Groneberg DA, et al. (2020).
financial planning. Utilizing the ID3 algorithm, the DSS
ensures timely and appropriate patient care despite limited
room availability. Integrated into the hospital's web system, it C. What technologies and tools are employed in the
provides a user-friendly interface for both staff and owners, development of the web-based information system
improving service quality and operational efficiency (Al- In this study, we examined a diverse range of
Ghrairi et al., 2021). The Leitos system revolutionizes the technologies and frameworks employed in the
management of COVID-19 ICU beds by offering real-time development of various healthcare information systems,
monitoring capabilities. It provides accurate data on bed highlighting their significance and effectiveness in
availability, occupancy, and patient information through addressing the complex requirements of modern
intuitive visual dashboards. Healthcare professionals benefit healthcare management. The systems discussed in the
from analytical reports that aid in efficient decision-making articles showcase innovative solutions, incorporating
Ye Q, Zhou J, Wu H (2020). The system's user-friendly cutting-edge technologies to enhance patient care,
interface simplifies data interpretation, utilizing color coding streamline hospital operations, and improve overall
for easy comprehension (Permanasari et al., 2019). Automatic healthcare outcomes.
email alerts maintain data relevance, while future plans
include integration with other healthcare systems through an Ruby, Java, C#, and PHP were identified as
API. The system's open-source initiative aims to support primary programming languages utilized in these
regions facing similar ICU bed management challenges, healthcare systems (Permanasari et al., 2019). Ruby, with
fostering collaborative solutions (De Morais Barroca Filho et its versatility, proved instrumental in enabling efficient
al., 2020). web development through frameworks like Ruby on
Rails. Java, a widely used language, facilitated rapid
In broader hospital management, the Hospital Management prototyping of interfaces in the Leitos system,
System (HMS) adopts online platforms to enhance operations. demonstrating its portability and scalability (De Morais
Internet-connected computers in every department ensure Barroca Filho et al., 2020). C# and PHP, employed in
rapid data retrieval and error-free automation, significantly Hospital Management Systems and web-based
improving doctor-patient communication (Buddhi et al., applications, respectively, enhanced functionality and
2022). The system centralizes patient records, optimizes logic, ensuring robust server-side scripting and seamless
queue management, and reduces waiting times(de Morais user experience (Seneviratne et al., 2021).
Barroca Filho et al., 2021). The HMS drastically reduces
operational costs by minimizing manual efforts and enhancing Frameworks such as Spring Framework in Java
resource utilization, making healthcare services more efficient applications and ASP.NET in Hospital Management
and cost-effective. Addressing COPD Non-Pharmaceutical Systems played pivotal roles in simplifying the
Intervention (NPI) challenges demands systematic planning, integration of components, accelerating system
stakeholder involvement, and personalized interventions for development, and ensuring comprehensive infrastructure
varied disease stages (An et al., 2023). Nurse educators face support (Buddhi et al., 2022). Thymeleaf, as a server-side
unique challenges, requiring structured approaches and Java template engine, allowed the creation of dynamic
mentorship programs for skill development (Smith et al., web pages, enhancing user interaction and data rendering
2023). Clear guidelines, competency frameworks, and (Calado & Fabiano, 2020). Git, a distributed version
institutional support foster a supportive environment. These control system, facilitated collaborative development,
strategies empower nurse educators, helping them overcome version tracking, and code review, ensuring the integrity
of the codebase Hasyim H, Firdaus F, Prabawa A, Dale The development of these web-based information
P, Harapan H, Groneberg DA, et al. (2020). systems relies on a diverse range of technologies and tools.
Database management systems like PostgreSQL, Examples include ASP.Net, VB.Net, and C++ in the case of
SQL Server, and MySQL were employed to securely the BK-eHospital system in Vietnam, highlighting the
store, manage, and retrieve critical patient data (Syed- importance of versatile programming languages in system
Mohamad et al., 2010; Permanasari et al., 2019). development. Additionally, open-source technologies, such as
PostgreSQL, an open-source object-relational database
system, stood out for its robust support for complex Joomla, were employed to create web-based solutions like the
queries, transactions, and data integrity, making it Malaria Reporting Information System (MRIS) in Indonesia
suitable for managing healthcare data efficiently (Calado Hasyim H, Firdaus F, Prabawa A, Dale P, Harapan H,
& Fabiano, 2020). MS ACCESS, despite being employed Groneberg DA, et al. (2020). IoT sensors were utilized for
in certain systems, demonstrated its effectiveness in
real-time monitoring, triggering alerts for abnormal
efficiently managing databases and storing patient
records (Buddhi et al., 2022). conditions, and ensuring efficient emergency response.
Furthermore, the adoption of Agile methodologies,
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, fundamental web particularly Agile Scrum, played a pivotal role in the rapid
technologies, were utilized for creating seamless and
visually appealing user interfaces (Smith et al., 2022). development and deployment of systems like Leitos in Brazil,
Bootstrap, React.js, and SASS further enhanced the user emphasizing the significance of agile project management
experience, ensuring clear and organized stylesheets, practices in healthcare technology implementation. (De
responsive web design, and streamlined user interaction Morais Barroca Filho et al., 2020; Emmanuel & Philip, 2019)
elements Hasyim H, Firdaus F, Prabawa A, Dale P,
Harapan H, Groneberg DA, et al. (2020). Barcode
technology and IoT-based solutions enabled efficient
patient identification and wireless monitoring, VI. CONCLUSION
showcasing the integration of innovative technologies in This SLR reviewed past research articles on transformative
healthcare systems Ye Q, Zhou J, Wu H (2020). potential of web-based information systems and innovative
technologies in overcoming the challenges faced by healthcare
institutions globally. The studies discussed exemplify the
successful implementation of these systems, emphasizing the
V. DISCUSSION crucial role of real-time monitoring, efficient communication,
The literature review illuminated several challenges and agile methodologies. By adopting web-based solutions,
faced by healthcare institutions, including inefficient hospital hospitals can streamline operations, enhance patient care,
optimize resource utilization, and improve overall healthcare
management processes, delayed data retrieval, error-prone service efficiency. However, there remain crucial areas for
manual calculations, and ineffective communication channels. further research and development. Future studies should
These challenges often lead to suboptimal patient care, concentrate on enhancing interoperability and integration with
resource misallocation, and increased operational costs. It is existing Electronic Health Records, focusing on user experience
through human-centered design principles, implementing
essential to recognize these challenges as fundamental issues advanced data analytics and predictive modeling for data-driven
that impede the efficient functioning of healthcare facilities decision-making, integrating web-based systems with telehealth
(Buddhi et al., 2022; De Morais Barroca Filho et al., 2021). platforms to enhance remote patient monitoring, ensuring robust
cybersecurity measures and safeguarding patient data privacy,
conducting comparative studies to determine best practices, and
The implementation of web-based information addressing socio-economic disparities to promote inclusivity in
systems, such as the Leitos system and the HMS, serves as a healthcare technology access. By exploring these avenues,
strategic response to the identified challenges in hospital researchers and practitioners can contribute significantly to the
ongoing evolution of healthcare technology, fostering more
management (De Morais Barroca Filho et al., 2020). These efficient, accessible, and patient-centered healthcare services in
systems streamline hospital operations, enhance the future.
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