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Roof Domes
This is designed as a spherical flat dome with rise, r = 5 ft. at the center. The loadings

considered on the dome are the dead weight of dome and roof covering or insulation and

the snow load. The loads are considered to be symmetrical about the axis of the dome and

unsymmetrical stresses due to wind pressure, volume change and support displacement are

ignored. The shell of the dome is considered to be so thin that no bending moment is

developed in it, yet it is made of sufficient thickness that there is no danger of buckling.

Assuming shell thickness of 6"

The loading on the roof is

 Dead weight of 6" shell = 75 lb, per sq. ft.=3.591KN/m2

 Roof insulation, etc., say = 25 lb, per sq. ft.=1.197KN/m2

 Snow load = 10 Ibs. /sq. ft.=0.479KN/m2

Total = 75+25+10=110 Ib. /sq. ft.=5.267KN/m2

To this is added 50 lb. per square foot allowance for a possible live load.

Total intensity of load (w) = 110+50=l60 Ib. /sq., ft.=7.661KN/m2

Radius of curvature of dome R= (r2+h2)/2h

R= (22^2+5^2)/2*5 =50.9ft

sinꝋ=22/50.9=0.432, cos25.6085=0.902


 Meridional thrust T=WR/1+cosꝋ

 Meridional stress=T/ tat crown <σct

 Hoop stress=WR/tat crown*(cos2ꝋ+cosꝋ-1)/1+cosꝋ<σct

 Moment due to edge restraint=WR*tat springing/4*3^0.5KNm/m

 Uncracked depth=(M/2.5)^0.5<tcrown

 Ast=M/j* tat crown *2300

[Date] 13
 Length of stiffening portion=0.76*(R* tat springing)^0.5

 Meridional force near the edge is Nφ=W*R/1+cosꝋ


= -160*50.9/ (1+0.902)

= -4,281.8 lbs. /ft. ---------------compression

Meridional stress=4,281.8/6*12= 59.47 lb/<300lb/

 Hoop force Ne=WR(1/1+Cosꝋ-Cosꝋ)


=-3,064.08 lbs/ft ------------------compression

Near the crown (i.e.ꝋ= 0)

Meridional force Nφ=

Nφ=WR/2=160*50.9/2=4,072 lbs/ft compression

Meridional stress =4072/6*12= 56.6lb/<300lb/

Thus sufficient steel area is provided in both the Nφ and Nꝋ directions so that

compressive stress in the composite section does not exceed 300 Ib. /sq. in.

Actually, the compressive stress in the dome is very low and a very thin slab might

be used but there is not much advantage in reducing the thickness below 6 inch. A

6-inch slab provides better protection against leakage of water into the tank at no

extra expense for shuttering and with some saving in the cost of insulating material.

Using 3/8" 4 bars at 12 inch centers in the Nφ and in the Nꝋ directions throughout the

dome is quite satisfactory and gives a steel area, As= 0.11 sq. in./ft. width, in each


Stress on composite section in the Nφ direction near the edge =Nꝋ/b*t+ (m-1) Ast

=-4290/12*6+ (15-1)*0.11=-58lb/in2 compression

Stress on composite section in the Nꝋ direction near the crown

=-4072/12*6+ (15-1)*0.11=-55lb/in2 compression

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Near the edge

V=-2π*50.9*5*160/π*44*12*6=31lbs/sq. in

1.3.4. Beam Encircling Edge of Roof Dome

The beam is designed to resist the tensile force due to the horizontal thrust from the


Tensile force in rib is T = R*r w cot φ

T=50.9 X 5 X 160*cot25.602=85,000lb

This force is resisted by the steel alone. Allowing a tensile stress of 16,000 Ib. /sq. in.

In steel.

Steel area Ast = T/σst=85,000/16000=5.3125 sq. in

Number of bars=5.3125/(0.7854*7/8^2)=8.85=9
9 - 7/8" (φ bars are sufficient to provide a steel area of Ast = 5.4 sq. in.)

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1.3.5. Vertical Wall
The vertical wall is designed to take the hoop forces due to the water pressure. Hoop steel

in the form of circular rings is provided in the wall.

It is assumed that the junction of the wall and inclined conical bottom is free to displace

laterally as well as to rotate so that all of the hydrostatic pressure is resisted by hoop forces

and there is no cantilever action provided by the wall. This assumption is however; only

partially true since there is partial fixity at the Junction. Therefore, sufficient vertical

reinforcement is provided on the inner side of the wall near the junction to resist the

[Date] 16

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