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Engineered hardwood is a natural material composed of real wood, featuring a veneer of solid hardwood
combined with a plywood core. This manufacturing process allows for a beautiful and durable product
while using fewer slow-growing hardwood trees, contributing to increased sustainability. Many
manufacturers incorporate recycled materials into the plywood core, further enhancing the eco-friendly
aspect. Despite its engineered nature, this type of flooring closely resembles solid hardwood and shares
similar benefits, including high market value and a long lifespan. Engineered hardwood is recognized for
its low VOC (volatile organic compound) levels, especially when opting for environmentally-friendly
finishes or stains. The reduced use of chemicals promotes better indoor air quality and minimizes
pollution in the surrounding environment.


 PRICE - Hardwood flooring is known for its classic charm, but it can be expensive. In
response, many homeowners turn to alternatives like laminate or vinyl. However, engineered
hardwood offers a middle ground between cost and authenticity. Although pricier than
laminate or vinyl, it remains more affordable than traditional hardwood. Engineered
hardwood provides the look and feel of genuine hardwood, making it a cost-effective option
for those seeking aesthetic appeal without a substantial financial investment.

 STYLISH - Engineered hardwood closely resembles traditional hardwood flooring, offering

a stylish appearance that is virtually indistinguishable on the surface. It is versatile and comes
in various finishes, allowing homeowners to choose from a wide range of options. If you
have a preference for a specific wood type, you are likely to find it in an engineered form,
adding to the customization possibilities. The timeless aesthetic associated with hardwood
flooring is preserved in engineered wood floors, with engineered oak flooring being
particularly popular. This type of flooring is available in numerous finishes and colors,
allowing for diverse design choices.

 GREATER TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE - Opting for engineered hardwood flooring

over traditional hardwood offers a significant advantage in increased resistance to moisture
and temperature changes. Unlike traditional hardwood, which is cut directly from a tree and
susceptible to shrinkage and swelling, engineered hardwood is constructed from multiple
layers of wood bonded together with adhesive. This unique formation minimizes the impact
of moisture and temperature fluctuations on the wood, enhancing its durability and longevity
as a flooring option.
 Additionally, Engineered hardwood flooring boasts compatibility with water-fed underfloor
heating systems, making it an ideal option for homeowners seeking to integrate modern
heating technology into their renovations. This choice allows individuals to experience the
beauty and warmth associated with hardwood while also enjoying the practical advantages of
engineered wood flooring. Whether renovating an entire home or updating specific rooms,
engineered hardwood proves to be a versatile and reliable choice for those looking to
combine aesthetic appeal with contemporary heating solutions.

 ADDS VALUE TO YOUR HOME - Installing hardwood flooring is a common strategy

among homeowners to add value to their homes. Properly installed hardwood can
substantially increase a home's overall value, making it a popular and attractive investment.
However, for those seeking a more cost-effective option with long-term value, engineered
hardwood flooring is a great alternative. It provides comparable aesthetic appeal to traditional
hardwood while offering additional durability and versatility. Even if selling the home is not
an immediate plan, investing in engineered hardwood flooring can be a wise decision with
potential long-term payoffs.


 FADING - Engineered hardwood, like traditional hardwood flooring, is susceptible to color

changes, particularly when exposed to UV rays. Prolonged exposure can lead to fading, and
once this occurs, it is challenging to rectify. To mitigate the risk of fading, homeowners can
take preventive measures such as keeping curtains or blinds closed and using rugs to cover
more vulnerable areas. These steps help minimize the impact of UV rays, preserving the color
and appearance of the engineered hardwood over time.
 MAINTENANCE - Maintaining the shine and luster of hardwood flooring, including
engineered wood, requires a considerable amount of effort. This is an aspect that holds true
for homes with pets or young children, making it especially suitable only if homeowners are
willing to commit to regular maintenance. While engineered wood offers certain advantages,
such as increased resistance to moisture and temperature changes, its overall suitability for
households with pets or children depends on the homeowner's willingness to invest time and
effort into consistent upkeep to preserve the flooring's appearance.
 POTENTIALLY WEAK - Variability exists in the quality of engineered hardwood flooring,
as some manufacturers may utilize inexpensive and weak materials in the construction of
their products. While the flooring may initially appear aesthetically pleasing, it can become
weak and unstable over a short period. It's crucial for consumers to conduct thorough
research when purchasing engineered hardwood flooring to ensure they choose a high-quality
manufacturer. This diligence helps guarantee the durability, stability, and long-term
performance of the engineered hardwood selected for a particular space.


Engineered hardwood, composed of various wood layers with a solid wood veneer, is more cost-effective,
ranging from approximately 341.98 to 455.97 pesos per square foot.

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