CW 9.12.23

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Types of working capital

1. Gross Working Capital = Current Assets

2. Net Working = Current Assets – Current Liabilities

Cash = 1,00,000

Cash = 50,000 + Raw material 50,000

Cash= 20,000 + WIP = 80,000

Finished Goods = 1,00,000

Debtors (Cost) = 1,00,000

Cash = 1,00,000

Calculation of Length of Operating Cycle

OC = R + W + F + D

R = Raw materials holding period

= (Average stock of raw material/ Annual cost of raw material) x 360

= (25,000/1,00,000) x 360 = 90 days

W= Work-in-progress period (Production period)

= (Average Stock of WIP/Annual Cost of Production) x 360

=(16,000/1,50,000) x 360= 38 days

F = Finished goods holding period

= (Average stock of FG/ Annual Cost of Sales) x 360

= (24,000/ 1,50,000) x 360= 58 days

D = Debtors Collection Period (Credit period allowed to debtors)

= (Average debtors/Annual Credit sales) x 360

=(40,000/1,75,000) x 360= 82 days

Gross Duration of Operating Cycle (90+38+58+82)= 268 days

Less C= Creditors Payment Period (Credit allowed by suppliers)

= (Average Creditors/Annual Credit Purchases) x 360

= (20,000/ 1,00,000) x 360= (-72 days)

Net Operating Cycle period 196 days

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