CW 10.12.23-1

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Estimation of working capital requirement


Raw Material = Annual Production (Units) x cost of RM per unit x (RM Holding Period/365)

WIP = Annual Production (Units) x WIP per unit x (WIP period/365)

Finished Goods = Annual Production (Units) x Cost of Production per unit x (FG Holding period/365)

Debtors = Units of credit sales x Cost of sales per sales x (Debtors collection period/365)


Creditors = Units of credit purchase x Cost of RM per unit x (Credit Payment periods/365)

Wages= Annual Production (Units) x Wages per unit (Delay in wages payment/365)

Overheads= Annual Production (Units) x OH per unit (Delay in OH payment/365)

Estimation of Working Capital Requirement (Exp 15.12)

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

Currents Assets

Raw Materials = 1,04,000 x 160 x (4/52) 12,80,000

Work-in-Progress = 1,04,000 x (160 + 30 + 60) x (2/52) 10,00,000
Finished Goods= 1,04,000 x (160+60+120) x (4/52) 27,20,000
Debtors= 1,04,000 x ¾ x (160+60+120) x 8/52 40,80,000
Cash in hand/bank 50,000
Gross Working Capital 91,30,000
Current Liabilities

Creditors= 1,04,000 x 160 x (4/52) 12,80,000

Wages = 1,04,000 x 60 x (1.5/52) 1,80,000
Overheads = 1,04,000 x 120x (4/52) 9,60,000
Current Liabilities 24,20,000
Net Working Capital= (Gross WC-Current Liabilities) 67,10,000

Exp 15.13

Selling Price= 60 per unit]

Materials 60 x 40%= 24 per units

Wages =60 x15%= 9 per unit

Overheads= 60x20%= 12 unit (overheads will be taken as excluding depreciation 12 -6= 6 per unit)

Particulars Amount (Rs.)

RM = 84,000x 24x 2/12 3.36,000
WIP= 84,000 x (24 +4.5+3)x 1/12 2,20,500
FG= 84,000x (24+9+6)x3/12 8,19,000
Debtor= 84,000x70%x (24+9+6)x2/12 3,82,200
Gross Working capital 17,57,700
Creditors= 84,000 x 24x 2/12 3,36,000
Wages= 84,000x9x1/12 63,000
Overheads= 84,000x6x0.5/12 21,000
Current Liabilities 4,20,000
Net Working Capital 13,37,700

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