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Community Pass for Prevention of Spread of Epidemic

Title of the Study
College/ Department ITSO
Date of Filing of

ITSO Service ✓ Novelty Search  Patentability Search

Official Receipt No.

Research Proponents
Name Email Address Contact Number
AMARamos 0919- XXXXXXX

Abstract (please write a brief abstract of your study)

The invention relates to a community pass and method of use for the prevention of
spread of disease during a pandemic. People enter and exit the community at
random and the recording and report of affected individuals are not really up-to-
date. Contact tracing of affected individuals also prove to be tedious, expensive and
time consuming. As of now, community pass is given as paper passes that can
easily be lost or borrowed or used by anybody. To solve this problem, we propose a
community pass application and use method based on epidemic prevention.

Features or claims (please state in the box below the features of your invention or
what you see as new and inventive or different in your project)

1. Scanning codes with the use of a mobile phone to register basic information
about use;
2. Storing and verifying information and send inactivated personal electronic
pass to user through mobile;
3. User activated community pass, logs in current health condition and waits for
verification of pass;
4. Using the activated community pass by showing to staff or guard or person in
authority to obtain a single trip pass;
5. Deactivating pass when done and sending information to database.

Keywords for Search

Requested by
Signature over Printed Name Date

Assignment #11

1. Based on the submitted search request, you are to perform a comprehensive

novelty search and search report by using the following database:
a. Google patents
b. Espacenet
c. Patentscope
2. Based on the results of your search, what are your findings?

The findings from the novelty search of Community Pass for the Prevention of
Spread of Epidemic Disease reveal that the patent landscape includes two
relevant patents, CN111444279B and CN208447571U, which impact the novelty of
the proposed product. The first patent introduces a blockchain-based personnel
flow recording system and method, utilizing one-object one-code identification
for public transportation, workplaces, and public spaces in epidemic areas. This
system allows for the timely identification of close contacts through code
scanning, position coordination, and mobile terminal tracking, thereby
streamlining the management of infectious diseases by authorities (贺玉珍, 2020).
The second patent details a device for monitoring and early warning of disease
outbreaks in intestinal passages. It incorporates a serpentine channel and L-
shaped passageways to guide crowds, providing sufficient time for non-contact
temperature measurement using an infrared radiation thermometer probe. The
inclusion of a braking mechanism enhances the effectiveness of parking during
disease monitoring (Espacenet, n.d). Consequently, the novelty of the Community
Pass for the Prevention of Spread of Epidemic Disease may be impacted by these
existing patents, as they share similar functionalities and address the challenges of
managing infectious diseases.

3. Is my application eligible for patent? If yes, what type of patent If no, why is it not
No, it is not eligible for patent because similar inventions already exist, it may affect
the novelty requirement for patentability. However, this does not automatically
disqualify the application. It can still be eligible for a patent if the invention has
unique features or improvements that distinguish it from the existing patents. In
terms of the type of patent, it would depend on the nature of the invention.

4. What are your recommendations based on your search.

If the product is not applicable for novelty, it may still be eligible for other types
of intellectual property protection or patent strategies. Consider other forms of
intellectual property protection such as trademarks for the product's name or
logo, and trade secrets for any confidential or proprietary information. Assess if
there are ways to improve or modify the invention to make it novel or non-
obvious compared to existing patents. Adding new features or addressing
different aspects of the problem may enhance its patentability. Conduct a
comprehensive prior art search to identify existing technologies and patents in
your field. This can help you understand the state of the art and potentially
uncover opportunities for differentiation.

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