Tendernotice 1

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Government of Jammu and Kashmir




NITNo. 214 of 2023-24/11783-93 dated: 12- 12-2023

For and on behalf of the President of India, e-tenders are invited from approved and eligible
Contractors registered with J &K State Govt. CPWD, Railways and other State/Central
/Central Governments for the
following works. The Contractors should mandatorily be registered on JKPWDOMS for making online payment to
the agency as per Govt. Order No.: 186--PW(R&B) of 2023 dated 08-05-2023.
Time &Date
S. Advt. cos incl Earnest Cost of Time of Class of
of Opening
Name of Work maintenance Money T/D completion Contractor
No of tender
cost in Lacs (Rs In
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Design & Construction of 1x40 MTrs
span(intermediate lane) steel girder bridge 494.00 2% 5500. 2 30 AAY
on Kakapora Padgampora road over Romshi lacs of years /12/2023
Nallah at Lelhar on EPC MODE
The job includes designing part and
commissioning (to
to be Vetted by Design
Directorate/NIT) including soil investigation,
load testing Foundation, Sub-structu
(Foundation, abutments dirt wall, return wall,
approach slab), superstructure (Steel Truss
girder along with deck slab, Drainage spouts,
foot path wearing Coat, Providing & Fixing of
suitable bearings etc) duly approved by the
department including construction
truction of
approaches of required length each side by
way of earth cutting, filling, construction of
protection works I,e. R/ walls, Edge walls,
B/walls, laying of pipes, laying of GSB, WBM
grade II incl. macadamization, river training
works on upstream and
nd downstream side,
painting with enamel paint, lighting of
(as per design and site requirement
and dismantling of old existing
bridge/abuts/approaches etc incld supply of
serviceable material to divisional store and
disposal of unserviceable material
erial outside
municipal limits (all as per directions of EIC)
(Complete Job in all respects)) on EPC MODE

Major Head of Account =NABARD

Position of AAA =Accorded
Position of funds =Available
1. Date of Issue of Tender Notice 12/12/2023

2. Period of downloading of bidding documents From 14/12/2023 to 29/12/2023,4.00P.M

13/12/2023 at 11.00A.M in the Office of
3. Date, Time and place of pre-bid meeting
the Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle
4. Bid submission Start Date 14/12/2023From10.00A.M
5. Bid Submission End Date 29/12/2023upto4.00P.M
The1 lowestbidderhastoproduceanamountequalto5
%of the contract as Performance Security in
6. As per time specified in SBD.
the shape of CDR/FDR/BG in favour
Of Chief Accounts Office PWD(R&B)Kashmir.
30/12/2023at11.00A.M in the Office of the
7. Date & time of opening of Technical Bids(Online)
Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle
To be notified after technical bid evaluation
8. Date & time of opening of Financial Bids(Online)
Is completed
1. The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information,
Before uploaded soft copy any shortfall found in the soft copy the tender shall be rejected.
2. BidsmustbeaccompaniedwithcostofTenderdocument(asmentionedabove)inshapeofTreasuryChallan/e-
challan/DemandDraftinfavourofExecutiveEngineerR&B Division Pulwama .
(The Date of Treasury Challan/Demand Draft must be between the date of start of bid and Bid
Submission End date).
The bidder who chooses the option of Demand draft shall upload the copy of DD for Rs. __________In
addition to this the bidder shall submit the demand draft through Registered post/courier latest by
29/12/2023 in the Office of the Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Pulwama/Shopian. The
department shall not be responsible for anydelay in submission of DD due to any reasons.
3. Atthetimeoftendering,allbiddersmustuploadearnestmoney/bidsecurityintheformofCDR/FDR/BG pledged
to the tender receiving authority, i.e. Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Pulwama/Shopian
Besides that, the successful bidder will have to provide Performance Security @ 5% at the time of
contract award, strictly in accordance with the Government's circular instructions from time to time. The
earnest money/bid security will be released to the successful bidder only after the submission of a
Performance Security of 5% of the total cost, which will be released after successful completion of
the DLP/Maintenance Period.
4. Bidders can resubmit/with draw the bids as specified.
5. The date and time of opening of Financial-Bids shall be notified on Web Site www.jktenders.gov.inand
conveyed to the bidders automatically through an e-mail message on their e-mail address. The Financial-
bids of Responsive bidders shall be opened online in the Office of Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B)
Circle Pulwama/Shopian..The date for same shall be intimated separately.
6. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of
Technical bids.
7. The earnest money shall be forfeited ,If:-
a) Anybidder/tendererwithdrawshisbid/tenderduringtheperiodofbidvalidityormakesanymodifications in the
terms and conditions of the bid.
b) FailureofSuccessfulbiddertofurnishtherequiredperformancesecuritywithinspecifiedtimeperiodissueof
letter of intent.
c) Incasecontractorfailstoexecutetheagreementwithin28daysafterfixationofcontract.
7. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process.
7.1 Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the “Downloads” option as well as from
“Bidders Manual Kit” on web site Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Acquaint bid submission
7.2. Toparticipateinbiddingprocess,biddershavetoget‘DigitalSignatureCertificate(DSC)’asperInformationTechnol
7.3. ThebiddershavetosubmittheirbidsonlineinelectronicformatwithdigitalSignature.Nofinancialbidwillbe accepted
in physical form.
7.4. BidswillbeopenedonlineaspertimeschedulementionedinPara-2.
7.5. Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents mentioned in NIT and SBD
with technical bid. Documents which has/have not been uploaded shall not be entertained in form of
hard copy. However, in case of any clarification the bidders shall have to produce original documents
in support of soft copies if need arises.
8. All bidders shall upload Enlistment Registration Card Verification Certificate from concerned

9. Thedepartmentwillnotberesponsiblefordelayinonlinesubmissionduetoanyreasons.

Bids must be accompanied withcostofTenderdocument(asmentionedabove)inshapeofTreasuryChallan/e-
challan/DemandDraft in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Division Pulwama

9.2 All bidders have to submit Bid Security Declaration instead of Earnest money as per the circular of
Finance Department (Bid Security Declaration format is given in SBD). Non submission of bid security
declaration shall render the bidder as Non-responsive.
10. The 1st lowest bidder has to produce an amount equal to 5% of contract as Performance Security in the
shape of CDR/FDR/BG in favour of Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Pulwama/Shopian. . (The
Date of Treasury Challan and EMD should be between the date of start of bid and Bid Submission
End date)
Within 15daysafterthedateofreceiptofletterofacceptanceandshallbereleasedaftersuccessfulcompletion of
DLP. The Bank Guarantee should be valid for 45 days beyond DLP. Bidders may contact office of the
Superintending Engineer PWD(R&B) Circle Pulwama/Shopian. or concerned Executive Engineer for any
11. Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ(Bill of Quantities) contents. In no case they should
attempt to create similar BOQ manually. The BOQ downloaded should be used for filling
12. The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian Rupees and the rates quoted
shall be deemed to include price escalation and all taxes up to completion of the work unless otherwise,
13. Bidders are advised to use “My Documents” are ain their user on R&B e-Tendering portal to store such
Documents as are required.
14. Defect Liability Period shall be 05 Years after date of completion.
15. All key construction material (i.e. cement, steel, bitumen, pipes etc) shall have to be arranged by

16. Qualification criteria for the work and other terms and conditions are contained in the bidding
Documentavailableon website.

No:- 214/EEP/RNB/11783-93
Dated: 12.12.2023
Executive Engineer
R&B Division Pulwama
1. Chief Engineer PW (R&B) Department south Kashmir for favour of information.
2. District Development Commissioner, Pulwama for favour of information.
3. Superintending Engineer PWD (R&B) Pulwama/Shopian for favour of information.
4. Joint Director Information Department J&K Government Srinagar for publishing the NIT in two
leading dailies before due date.
5. Assistant Executive Engineer R&B Sub- Division kakapora for information.
6. Draftsman, Divisional Office for information.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by JAVED AHMAD DAR
Date: 2023.12.12 17:01:51 IST
Location: Jammu and Kashmir-JK

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