Step 7 - Reflection 1 1

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STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

development, research on the Internet,
Short-Term Goal
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)
1. Integrate Technology This would be one where I go to the internet.
Observe a veteran teacher. I am so used to
paper and pencil work that not having
technology in the classroom is one where I
am having an issue. These students live with
the technology so it is time for me to grow
with it.
2. Collaborate More Go to PLC meetings and allow myself to
become more involved in the meetings. I can
in addition to go to professional development
to help myself gain more information.
3. Classroom Organization I can take professional development courses
to help with Excel, organization and how to
use a planner. This will help me be more
organized with the classroom and the
students will be allowed to find what they

Long-Term Goals:
Long-Term Goal: Advance Education
Rationale: Why I chose this long term goal is
because I want the students to gain more from me.
Teachers are life long learners and we as teachers
can become better by learning new up to date
techniques. Students will only be affected by this
by knowing I am getting new information.
End Date: My end date for this is 2025 to 2026
Action Timeline: I will be done with my
bachelors 12/2023 than I will start my masters.
When I complete my masters will be 18 months
after this.

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Resources: GCU is currently assisting me in this
goal. My resources are currently the GCU masters
information page. The counselors are assisting me
to become a middle school teacher for ELA and

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