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UNIT 8 TEST | Version A

Part A • Grammar, Vocabulary and How to … 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will
or would.
1 The computer _________ print. I’ve been trying over
1 Rewrite the sentences to make them more concise. and over again – can we get someone to look at it?
You are given the first words where appropriate. 2 As a child he __________ push vegetables round his
1 I attended a meeting that lasted four hours yesterday. plate to avoid eating them.
I attended a _______________________________. 3 I __________ hope that he’s home by now – it must
2 Concerns are growing rapidly over the stability of the have been a long day for him.
government. 4 They __________ all be sitting round a table sharing a
There are _______________________________. meal right now – believe me.
3 A wind that was cold and bitter blew all morning. 5 My sister __________ borrow my phone however often I
A _______________________________. ask her not to.
4 A restaurant that is not far from the office would be /5
A restaurant _______________________________.
5 People think very highly of Dimitris in the company.
Dimitris _______________________________. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
6 Evidence which cannot be substantiated is not 1 I’ve been putting off the work for ages, but I really need
acceptable in court. to get to g _ _ _ _ with it before the weekend.
_______________________________. 2 Tanja has a particular k _ _ _ _ for getting straight to the
7 I need a place where I can study quietly. heart of the problem under discussion.
I need a _______________________________. 3 My great-grandmother celebrated her 95th birthday
8 The film which has a basis in fact has received critical yesterday and she is in very good s _ _ _ _ for her age.
acclaim. 4 Occasionally we need to take risks and step outside our
The _______________________________. comfort z _ _ _ _.
9 It will take a while before we can print out the whole of 5 The new manager has shown exceptional d _ _ _ _ and
the report. determination since he was appointed.
It will take a while _____________________________. /5
10 The lamb, which had been baked slowly, was absolutely
The _______________________________. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives
using the words in capitals.
1 The rhythm of the rain was __________ and I fell asleep
within minutes. HYPNOSIS
2 Choose the correct words to complete the 2 When the chiropractor massages my muscles, I get a
__________ sensation down my spine. TINGLE
1 I’ll work / be working in the town centre tomorrow, so 3 I gave an __________ gasp when I saw how much
let’s meet up for lunch. money was in the envelope. VOLUNTEER
2 By what time tonight will you finish / will you have 4 There was an __________ article online this morning
finished your assignment? about the rise in energy prices going forward. SETTLE
3 Thanks for the information. I’ll be calling / call you as 5 Some people get __________ when they look through
soon as I’ve read it. photos of their childhood homes. NOSTALGIA
4 He’ll have resigned / resign tomorrow – I’m convinced /5
of it.
5 I’ll still read / be reading this at midnight if I’m not

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UNIT 8 TEST | Version A

6 Complete the compound adjectives in the HOW TO …

8 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 His account of the accident is so far-__________ that sentences.
no one will believe it for a moment.
1 The fact that the job facilitates remote working is a
2 The up__________ election is too difficult to call but I
large / big plus for me.
wouldn’t be surprised if the polls proved wrong for once.
2 Without a doubt / misgiving, what you’ve put forward is
3 In time-__________ fashion, the last day of the school
the best course of action.
year will be marked by a party in the gym.
3 The opinion / reasoning behind my stance on this
4 The dog and cat have been life__________ friends and
subject should be obvious.
separating them would be an impossibility.
4 There’s a general decision / consensus that we
5 There is a widely-__________ belief that fasting is the
shouldn’t discuss the issue until February at the earliest.
best way to diet, but this is a misconception.
5 Unfortunately, there is no evidence to follow / back up
Mr Lynch’s interesting theory.
6 One real success / positive about the proposal is its
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the simplicity to implement.
verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs you do 7 With the allowance / benefit of hindsight, it would
not need. probably have been better to take a different route.
8 It’s never / not that I have no opinion on the matter, I
crop kick-start mess offset open restore
9 A(n) pertinent / applicable example might be the effect
1 After a good holiday, it can often be tricky to restructuring has had on our employees’ wellbeing.
__________ my brain into some sort of work mode. 10 The point / matter is that there are not enough
2 We shouldn’t hide our troubles but __________ up to a members present to vote on the issue.
friend and get some advice. /10
3 To __________ the amount of holiday I’d taken, I added
a few hours onto my working day for a week. Total: /50
4 If you get conflicting advice from a lot of different
sources it can __________ with your mind.
5 The issue of funding for the project __________ up at
every meeting.

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UNIT 8 TEST | Version A

Part B • Listening, Reading and Writing the world at the opening of the 2008 and 2022 Olympics.
And, of course, the drummer is the very heart of many modern
LISTENING bands, his steady beat guiding the music, melodies rising,
building and developing around him. It is the drummer who
1 [Audio UT8.01] Listen to a podcast about a
begins and usually the drummer who calls the ending.
challenge. Choose the correct answers (a, b or c).
For me, drummers have always held a special fascination;
1 The number of events the couple completed: their ability to have all four limbs doing different things at the
a 17 b 96 c 10 same time is baffling to someone who can just about strum a
2 A sport that presented a challenge for one of them: chord or two on a guitar. And what also never fails to astound
a cycling b weightlifting c shooting me is the amount of energy used to maintain a period of
3 The year they were given an award: drumming and the total involvement of the drummer in the
a 2011 b 2021 c 2022 rhythms he is creating; surrounded by the noise that he
produces, the drummer often appears lost in his own internal
4 The place they came from:
world, a world of rhythms accessible only to him.
a Bristol b Weymouth c London
Research has shown that the brain of a drummer is slightly
/8 different to everyone else’s; it’s all related to the need for
keeping good timing and this in turn is connected to the
problem-solving area of the brain. The implications are that
2 [Audio UT8.01] Listen again. Are the statements drummers are indeed special people. They think differently,
True (T) or False (F)? they have an intuitive relationship with and understanding of
1 The speaker is aware that the story may not be new to rhythmic patterns, and they are often highly intelligent.
some. T / F Recently, drumming has received a lot of media attention. A
2 Charlotte and Stuart decided to take up the challenge to young Welsh weather presenter, Owain Wyn Evans, made the
see how far they could push themselves. T / F headlines with a twenty-four hour ‘drumathon’ to raise money
3 Money was donated mainly from the UK. T / F for charity; a feat which left him with blistered fingers and
locked muscles, but which raised both money and an
4 The speaker is at a loss to understand the motivation
awareness of the power of drumming. Over the twenty-four
behind their commitment. T / F hours – allowed a five-minute break every sixty minutes –
5 Charlotte and Stuart trained themselves to be able to people watched Owain play solo, duet with gifted teenagers
complete each sport. T / F and play with some of the greatest drummers in the world. It
6 Charlotte and Stuart ordered the events to minimise seemed at first an almost impossible challenge, but he
chances of injury. T / F succeeded and raised over three million pounds to help
disadvantaged children in the UK. The weather presenter
7 Charlotte encountered some problems while
started to play drums in response to being bullied at school,
windsurfing. T / F because it relieved the tension. He believes that anyone can
/7 take up drumming, at any time, and a drummer can play gentle
music as well as thumping out rock beats.
The physical and mental health benefits of drumming are said
to be significant. Physically, pounding away on the drums and
3 Read the article. Which of the points (1–5) are cymbals can give you a complete work out – although perhaps
mentioned in the article? a little wilder and noisier than at the gym. Drumming uses up
a lot of calories and improves the circulation, in addition to
1 rhythms in everyday life
which it produces endorphins, making us feel good and
2 examples of traditional drumming reducing pain levels. As Owain pointed out, it is therapeutic
3 bands taking their cue from the drummer and can calm anxiety and reduce stress. Of course, there are
4 a two-day charity challenge downsides. As the drummer is surrounded by noise, often
5 muscle problems often faced by drummers extremely loud noise, hearing can suffer. However, there are
special types of ear plugs that can minimise the potential
problems, reducing dangerous levels of sound while allowing
the drummer to still hear the music and the beat of his own
The rhythm of life? drums. But, as for the effect on other residents of having an
It’s natural, isn’t it? Music’s playing somewhere and there’s enthusiastic drummer practising on their drum kit in their
your foot, tapping out the rhythm on the floor and maybe your bedroom – well – the jury’s out on that one.
shoulders join in and lift and drop a little. Some of us might go
even further and tap along in time with our fingers on our
knees, thighs, perhaps even the edge of a table. There’s
rhythm all around us and within us. The beat of our hearts, the
mechanical chug-chug of a printer, rhythm is everywhere and
is at the very heart of many types of music. In almost every
culture in the world there is some form of drumming tradition
– it is universal, primeval; from the Vanuatu Women’s Water
Music, where percussion sounds are created by slapping water,
to the ancient tradition of Chinese drumming which stunned

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UNIT 8 TEST | Version A

4 Read the article again. Choose the correct option, A, WRITING

B or C.
5 Read the notice. Which of the points (1–5) would
1 Which sentence best summarises Paragraph 1? you expect to be included in the description?
A Everyone can play the drums.
Fascinating People!
B The drummer is the most important person in a band
or group of musicians. We are looking for descriptions of people past or present who
C Rhythm is central to our lives. are larger than life, or who have a special ability. Post your
2 The writer expresses description on the website and check out others’ posts.
A admiration for anyone who can play an instrument.
B amazement at the amount of physical exertion 1 how you came across or heard about the person
involved in drumming. 2 why they are special
C envy at the world in which the drummer gets lost. 3 details about their hometown
3 Which point does the writer mention? 4 an informal style
A Drummers are often considered strange. 5 the person’s influence – negative or positive
B Drummers have been the subjects of studies. /5
C Drummers develop good relationships with others.
4 During the ‘drumathon’,
6 Write your description in 300–400 words.
A Owain was regularly replaced by other drummers.
B Owain had some physical issues.
C Owain was watched by millions of people.
5 Regarding the effects of drumming, the writer concludes Total: /50
A it is good for most people, apart from perhaps those
living with the drummer.
B drummers inevitably experience some degree of
C drumming should be prescribed for unfit people.

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UNIT 8 TEST | Version A

Part C • Speaking
1 Describe and compare the pictures showing people who are exhausted.
Why might the people have reached these states?


2 Answer your partner’s question.


3 Listen to your partner talk about their pictures. Ask:

How might the people feel after these experiences? Why?
Total: /20

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