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LKS2 Back to School Drama Activites

Alphabet warm up
The alphabet warm up can be used with any theme. The children sit in a circle and take turns to think
of something they enjoyed, saw or did during the holidays, or something about coming back to school. A
standard sentence starter would be needed, for example, “Now I’m back at school I’m looking forward to...”
And alliterative adjectives can be used for added challenge. They can be as nonsensical as you like!

Word links
The children sit in a circle. The teacher explains that each person in the circle will take it in turns to
say a word that relates to the one the previous person has said, e.g. the first person in the circle says
food; the next person says chips, the next person fish, then sea, sand etc. The word doesn’t have to
relate to a particular theme at this stage but must relate to the previous word. You could play this as an
elimination game if desired with students out if they hesitate for too long or the word does not relate to the
previous one.

Best thing that happened to me...

This is great for returning to school, as everyone should be able to think of one thing good that happened
during the summer holidays.
The children can sit on chairs, randomly dotted about and the teacher can either number them or hand out
number cards. The first person stands up and says, “The best thing that happened to me during the summer
was …” New challenges could be introduced like, stand on one leg while you speak, hop around in a circle,
say it in a funny/serious/silly voice.

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LKS2 Back to School Drama Activites
Just three words
Arrange for the group to work in pairs. Explain that they are going to have a conversation about their summer
or returning to school, in sentences of only three words. A range of themes could be used, or just see where
the conversation takes them!
For example:
Person A: Glad you’re back?
Person B: No not really.
Person A: Summer went quick!
Person B: Yes too quick!
Person A: Nice holiday, then?
Person B: Yes, lovely. You?

Scene change
Any scene or theme can be used for this. Tell the group that they are going to create a photograph of a scene
from a beach holiday. Begin with choosing two children, and ask them to create a still pose of something they
might do on the beach; building a sandcastle, paddling in the sea, throwing and catching a ball.
Then silently, choose a child at a time to join the scene, either by interacting with the ones already in the
picture or doing something different. Watch the scene build up!

What are you?

This is a very creative activity and the group needs to be fairly comfortable interacting with one another.
They need to be in groups of no more than nine. One person begins by taking to the ‘stage’ area, and creating
a pose and saying what they are, e.g. “I’m a wall”. The next person would create a pose near them and say,
“I’m a bench next to the wall”. The next person might say, “I’m a person sitting on the bench” and so on.

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