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Supplement Options for Peripheral Neuropathy


Various dietary and herbal supplements may help reduce neuropathy symptoms, such as
pain and numbness.

Supplements that may help reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include the

Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that may reduce neuropathic pain and

numbness. Studies show that it may improve nerve function and protect against
damage caused by oxidative stress associated with peripheral neuropathy. Alpha-
lipoic acid can be taken as a tablet or given intravenously.
Acetyl-L-carnitine is also an antioxidant involved in nerve cell function and
regeneration. During some clinical trials, individuals who took acetyl-L-carnitine
experienced pain reduction, an improvement in sensory symptoms, and better
performance on nerve function tests. Acetyl-L-carnitine is typically taken twice per
day in the form of a tablet.
N-Acetyl cysteine is both an antioxidant and amino acid. Some studies show that it
reduces neuropathic pain, improves nerve damage, and reduces inflammation.
Vitamin B-12 is important for healthy nerve function. If a vitamin B-12 deficiency is
present, taking a vitamin B-12 supplement may help reduce symptoms of peripheral
neuropathy. B vitamins also have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.
Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce neuropathic pain.
Supplementing with fish oil may also help repair damaged nerves.
Evening primrose oil, also known as eve primrose oil, is rich in omega-6 essential
fatty acids, especially gamma linolenic acid. It is typically taken in capsule form and
may help reduce symptoms of neuropathy, especially when taken with vitamin E.
Curcumin is an herb known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It
is one of the components of turmeric, which is the spice that gives curry its yellow
color. When taken as a supplement, curcumin can reduce inflammation and
neuropathic pain and improve function loss, especially when taken in the early
stages of neuropathy.

Since everyone reacts to supplements in different ways and supplements can interact
with medications, a medical professional should always be consulted before taking any
new supplement.

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