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A book review on Organizational behavior of Stepans Robbins and Timothy A


Article · August 2022


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2 authors:

Robin Surtadhar Shanjay Mukharjee

Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University


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Abstract: This paper is about the book review of Organization Behavior written by Stepans.P Robbins and
Timothy A Judge conducted by me and this paper is assigned to me by my respected teacher Mr. Sonjoy
Kumar Mukherjee Sir(Associated Professor of Public administration and Governance studies at Jatiya Kabi Kazi
Nazrul islam University , Trishal,Mymensingh, Bangladesh. My study was conducted following qualitative
research and case study on this book. By the study this book, I have been feeling great since the starting time
of readings. In this book at first Stephen Robbins mentioned how to be a good leader gaining some
interpersonal skills. May be this skills will be helpful for rveryone in Their sophisticated life.And as same way
all of the book are design something new way or innovative skill.

In our modern complex world, we are struggling everyday to surviving smoothly. To be honest if you want to
be a leader or manager, you must have the knowledge of Organizational Behavior otherwise you can’t conduct
People Softly that’s you reader should have to read this book. The content of the book divided into 18 chapter
these chapter are designed so nicely. To beings you authorities on managerial operational this books will be so
Book Review

Title: Organizational Behaviour

Authors : Stephens.P Robbins and Thimoty A.Judge
Publisher : Pearson Education

Year : 2005
No. of Pages : 663
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2

Stephen P. Robbins
Ph.D. University of Arizona
Professional Experience 1
Academic Positions: Professor, San Diego State University, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville,
University of Baltimore, Concordia University in Montreal, and University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Research interests have focused on conflict, power, and politics in organizations, behavioral decision making,
and the development of effective interpersonal skills.
Books Published: World’s best-selling author of textbooks in both management and organizational behavior.
His books have sold more than 5 million copies and have been translated into 20 languages; editions have
been adapted for Canada, Australia, South Africa, and India, such as these:

Timothy A. Judge
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professional Experience 2

Academic Positions: Franklin D. Schurz Chair, Department of Management, Mendoza College of Business,
University of Notre Dame; Matherly-McKethan Eminent Scholar in Management, Warrington College of
Business Administration, University of Florida; Stanley M. Howe Professor in Leadership, Henry B. Tippy
College of Business, University of Iowa; Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Human Resource
Studies, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University; Lecturer, Charles University, Czech
Republic, and Comenius University, Slovakia; Instructor, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Research: Dr. Judge’s primary research interests are in (1) personality, moods, and emotions; (2) job attitudes;
(3) leadership and influence behaviors; and (4) careers (person–organization fit, career success). Dr. Judge has
published more than 140 articles on these and other major topics in journals such as Journal of Organizational
Behavior, Personnel Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, European
Journal of Personality, and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Fellowship: Dr. Judge is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Academy of Management, the
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the American Psychological Society.
Awards: In 1995, Dr. Judge received the Ernest J. McCormick Award for Distinguished Early Career
Contributions from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. In 2001, he received the Larry L.
Cummings Award for mid-career contributions from the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of
Management. In 2007, he received the Professional Practice Award from the Institute of Industrial and Labor
Relations, University of Illinois.
Books Published: H. G. Hanuman III, T. A. Judge, and J. D. Kammeyer-Mueller,
Staffing Organizations, 7th ed. (Madison, WI: Mendota House/Irwin, 2011)



Plan of the book

Main body of the book review

Before the starting their writing they noted a statement regarding reader “ The details of this story might be
disheartening to read, but they accurately reflect some of the problems faced by the contemporary workforce. The story
also highlights several issues of interest to organizational behavior researchers, including motivation, emotions,
personality, and communication. Through the course of this book, you’ll learn how all these elements can be studied
systematically. You’ve probably made many observations about people’s behavior in your life. In a way, you are already
proficient at seeing some of the major themes in organizational behavior. At the same time, you probably have not had
the tools to make these observations systematically. This is where organizational behavior comes into play. And, as we’ll
learn, it is much more than common sense, intuition, and soothsaying. To see how far common sense gets you, try the
following from the SelfAssessment Library.”

Authorities divided the book into four parts and 18 chapter. Chapter are mentioned following.

Chapter 1 : What Is Organizational Behavior?

In this chapter authors defined The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4, What Managers Do? Management Functions,
Management Roles • Management Skills • Effective versus Successful Managerial Activities • A Review of the
Manager’s Job

Chapter 2 : Diversity in Organization

In this chapter authors defined Demographic Characteristics of the U.S. Workforce • Levels of Diversity •

Chapter 3 : Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

In this chapter authors defined What Are the Main Components of Attitudes? • Does Behavior Always Follow from
Attitudes? • What Are the Major Job Attitudes? Measuring Job Satisfaction • How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs? •
What Causes Job Satisfaction? • The Impact of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Employees on the Workplace

Chapter 4 : Emotions and Moods

In this chapter authors defined The Basic Emotions • The Basic Moods: Positive and Negative Affect • The Function of
Emotions • Sources of Emotions and Moods

Chapter 5 : Personality and Values

In this chapter authors defined What Is Personality? • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator • The Big Five
Personality Model • Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB The Importance of Values • Terminal versus
Instrumental Values • Generational Values
Chapter 6 : Perception and Individual Decision Making
In this chapter authors defined Factors That Influence Perception, Attribution Theory • Common Shortcuts in
Judging Others • Specific Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations
Chapter 7 : Motivation Concepts
In this chapter authors defined Early Theories of Motivation, Hierarchy of Needs Theory • Theory X and Theory Y • Two-
Factor Theory • McClelland’s Theory of Needs, Contemporary Theories of Motivation, Self-Determination Theory • Job
Engagement • Goal-Setting Theory • Self-Efficacy Theory • Reinforcement Theory • Equity Theory/Organizational
Justice • Expectancy Theory

Chapter 8 : Motivation: From Concepts to Applications

In this chapter authors defined The Job Characteristics Model • How Can Jobs Be Redesigned? • Alternative Work
Arrangements • The Social and Physical Context of Work

Chapter 9 : Foundations of Group Behavior

In this chapter authors defined the Defining and Classifying Groups Why Do People Form Groups? Stages of
Group Development, The Five-Stage Model • An Alternative Model for Temporary Groups with Deadlines
Group Properties: Roles, Norms, Status, Size, Cohesiveness, and Diversity Group Property 1: Roles • Group
Property 2: Norms • Group Property 3: Status • Group Property 4: Size • Group Property, Cohesiveness •
Group Property 6: Diversity, Group Decision Making, Groups versus the Individual • Groupthink and Group
shift • Group Decision-Making Techniques
Chapter 10 Understanding Work Teams
In this chapter authors defined Why Have Teams Become So Popular, Differences Between Groups and Teams , Types of
Teams, Problem-Solving Teams• Self-Managed Work Teams • Cross-Functional Teams • Virtual Teams

Chapter 11 : Communication
In this chapter authors defined Functions of Communication, The Communication Process, Direction of Communication,
Downward Communication • Upward Communication • Lateral Communication, Interpersonal Communication, Oral
Communication • Written Communication • Nonverbal Communication , Organizational Communication, Formal Small-
Group Networks • The Grapevine • Electronic Communications • Managing Information, Choice of Communication

Chapter 12 : Leadership
In this chapter authors defined What Is Leadership? Trait Theories, Behavioral Theories, Summary of Trait
Theories and Behavioral Theories,Contingency Theories, The Fiedler Model • Other Contingency Theories
Chapter 13 : Power and Politics
In this chapter authors defined Definition of Power Contrasting Leadership and Power Bases of Power Formal
Power • Personal Power • Which Bases of Power Are Most Effective? • Power and Perceived Justice
Dependence: The Key to Power The General Dependence Postulate • What Creates Dependence? Power
Tactics Sexual Harassment: Unequal Power in the Workplace Politics: Power in Action Definition of
Organizational Politics • The Reality of Politics Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior Factors
Contributing to Political Behavior • How Do People Respond to Organizational Politics? • Impression
Chapter 14 : Conflict and Negotiation
In this chapter authors defined Definition of Conflict Transitions in Conflict Thought The Traditional View of
Conflict • The Interactionist View of Conflict • Resolution-Focused View of Conflict The Conflict Process Stage
I: Potential Opposition or Incompatibility • Stage II: Cognition and Personalization • Stage III: Intentions •
Stage • Outcomes Negotiation Bargaining Strategies • The Negotiation Process • Individual Differences in
Negotiation Effectiveness • Third-Party Negotiations
Chapter 15 : Foundations of Organization Structure
In this chapter authors defined organizational structure,organisational design

Chapter 16 : Organizational Culture

In this chapter authors defined Creating an Ethical Organizational Culture, Creating a Positive Organizational Culture,
Spirituality and Organizational Culture
Chapter 17 : Human Resource Policies and Practices
In this chapter authors defined selection practice, training and development, performance appraisal

Chapter 18 : Organizational Change and Stress Management

In this chapter authors defined Forces for Change, Planned Change, Resistance to Change

IN the current business scenario, the study of individuals’ behavior in a workplace is the key challenge for the
managers. The psychology and perspective of every individual is different, and when two different
personalities come in contact, there is a high risk of conflicts arising. Hence, a study of organization behavior
and its concept has become necessary for every management student. The study that relates to behavior of
individuals in a group and the organization has been described by various authors in differentiated ways. The
book Organisational behavior by Stepans.P Robbins and Timothy A Judge is also one of the books that helps in
understanding the concepts of organization, behavior of individual, the processes adopted by the
organizations for communication, formation of teams and other organizational processes. The set procedure
in which the authors have divided the concepts in the book is appreciable. The flow that begins with
understanding basic concept of organizational behavior, which is then carried forward in understanding
behavior of individual, and that continues with interpersonal behavior and structure of organization as a
whole.The authors have tried and contributed in the field by throwing a light onpreviously uncovered topics.
Through the book, a link between alreadydeveloped concepts in the field and the new upcoming behavioral
concepts can be framed. This book is a proper blend of different sides of behavior that employees are likely to
have within a workplace. Every chapter of the book has its own importance and contribution in the book that
helps the reader to formulate a clear image about the structure of the organization. The book comprises of
seventeen chapters that come under four major parts. Following is a detailed explanation about each part of
the book:The first part of the book is the introduction part that helps the readers to understand about the
basic concept of human behavior in the organization. This part of the book is explained through two chapters.
First chapter introduces the concept of behavior that individuals are likely to have within the frame of
workplace, which is followed by an understanding about the changes that have occurred in behavior of
employees with the changing time. The chapter also enlightens through explanation about the diversity of
people in the organization that has occurred because of globalization. The pros and cons of the diversity and
changes have been then discussed by the authors so as to give a clear image about the current happenings in
multinational corporations. The chapter ends with a note about the learning relating to organization behavior
and the key factors that are to be understood while studying the term. The second chapter of this part
explains about the major challenges that managers are facing while dealing with different behaviors at the
organization. The chapter explains the difficulty that comes in workplace in dealing and competing in the
globalized economy. It is continued with explaining how cultural differences of employee lead to formulation
of different attitude for work. The concept diversity at workplace has been explained here by the authors by
quoting cases of three different international benchmarked companies. The chapter further explains the
concept of ethics and explains to the readers various theories of ethics. The chapter ends with details of
ethical dilemmas that the mangers face in the modern organization. The term “whistle blowing” has been
explained in detail in this chapter. The authors have tried to give knowledge about the rights that employees
have in the organization and that can benefit both, the employees and the organization as a whole. The
second part of the book has its core focus on individual behavior and the process that individuals adopt to
settle down in the workplace. The authors have explained this part with the help of five chapters. A detailed
explanation of person’s personality, attitude, motivation management of performance and stress has been
given in the five chapters of this part of the book. The third chapter of the book relates to a discussion about
the term personality. The chapter starts with a description about personality that people adopt when they
enter into an organization which is then followed by an elucidation of personality theories developed by
different personality theorists. The chapter includes topics like application of the theories practically, the
perception of individuals while they are working in the organization and the characteristics of perceiver, target
or situation that serve as a barrier in framing of perception. The chapter ends with a note about technological
upgradation and how are organizations training their employees to adjust with such innovations in
technology.Chapter four of the book is a continuation of description about individual behavior and has thrown
light on the terms like attitude of the individuals, their emotion in the organization, the ethical behavior they
should have while performing the work. The term attitude is explained with the help of ABC model and a
process of attitude formation has been discussed in detail by the authors. The term that holds the core
importance in the chapter is job satisfaction that is discussed along with the concept of organizational
citizenship and workplace deviance. It is then followed by clarification about the emotions at work of
employees. Lastly the chapter has its focus on the factors that forms the values of workplace, the morale
development of the employees and Machiavellianism. This part of the chapter has been enlightened with the
help of a case study that has discussed the biggest corporate fraud that has taken place in India.The next
chapter in the book related to motivation in the workplace. It hasdiscussed about the needs that relate to the
motivated behavior of the workforcethat is followed by different key theories relating to the term motivation.
Lastly, the cultural differences that occur in motivation have been highlighted. The term cultural difference
has explained the different implications of these motivational theories in different parts of the world. It has
shown that the results of the theories differ in different organizational setup. The work of authors is
appreciable here as they have discussed about the practical implications of the theories that depict the
motivation of the employees. Chapter six in the book deals about the term performance management. This
chapter starts with a discussion about different learning models in organization and the theories that relates
to learning. The authors have then discusses the process and importance of goal setting in work structure. The
main term of this chapter is performance that has been highlighted. An in-depth detail about the term
performance, its management, and various methods of performance measurement and characteristics of
performance appraisal system has been given. A detailed description about the reward system and differences
in individual as well as team reward system is also given in the chapter. The chapter is concluded by
summarizing the corrective methods for improving the performance of the employees by the process of
inducing spirituality in them, coaching them and giving them timely counseling or mentoring their career
goals. The last chapter in this part of the book is related to the term stress and begins with a thorough
understanding about what is stress all about. Small discussion about all the four approaches to the term stress
has been given by the authors. Adding to it, the term stress response and various sources from where the
stress among individuals arises have been focused in the chapter. Furthermore, the consequences of stress,
and the difference in stress strain among different people have been highlighted. Lastly, a prevention
management of stress has been discussed in the end of the chapter. The third part of the book consists of
interpersonal behavior of employees in the organization. This part of the book deals with the concepts of
communication, team work, the process of decision making, power, leadership and conflicts. All the scenarios
that happen to occur when different personalities of the organization meet, are discussed in this part of the
book. The first chapter of this part of the book is dealing with communication in the organization. It has
highlighted various forms and barriers of communication in the organization. the different concept that has
been discussed by the authors is the interpersonal communication model and highlighting the skills that
effective manager should possess. The chapter is ended with an example of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam who was a
great communicator. The impact of new technology in communication has also been discussed in the chapter.
Chapter nine of the book is all about the work team and work group that has its focus on the behavior that
individuals have while they work in a group. It has discussed the process of group formation and the functions
that help in maintaining the effectiveness of the group. The chapter also explains the factors that impact the
overall efficiency of the group and ends with a discussion about the work teams that are formed at the top
management in the workplace. The diversified and multicultural teams at the top level can impact the working
of the whole organization; hence a detailed discussion about such teams has been done in the chapter .The
tenth chapter of the book deals with decision making process and the models of decision making in the
organization. It enlightens the readers about the influence that individuals have on the decisions that is
followed by an explanation about the process of group decision making in the organization. The main factors
in decision making that can impact a decision is culture and diversity in the organization that has been
considered in the chapter. It ends with a discussion about the effects that participation of employees on
decision making and the factors that help in decision of giving the power to the employees for involving them
in the process of decision making. Chapter eleven in the book is about the concept of power in the
organization that leads to a political behavior of employee. The first half of the chapter highlights the concept
of power its sources, forms, symbols and ethical use of positive and negative power in the organization. The
next half of the chapter deals with a discussion about the term political behavior. This part of the chapter has
explained about the influence tactics that the employers should have and the political skills that are necessary
for the management of employees. The last part of the chapter explains the measures to manage the political
behavior that employees and employers of the organization possess. The next chapter in the book deals with
the concepts of leadership and followership. Various theories of leadership have been explained in detail at
the beginning of the chapter that is followed by the issues that leaders are facing in recent times. The chapter
further explains about the term followership, its types. The chapter ends by providing certain guidelines for
effective leadership in the organization. The thirteenth chapter in the book is about conflict and negotiation.
This chapter holds an utmost importance as conflict is an unavoidable concept while discussing behavior in a
workplace. This chapter has thrown light on the nature of conflicts as well as the causes because of which
conflicts arise in the organization. Furthermore, the forms of individual and group conflicts have been
discussed separately in detail in the chapter. The chapter ends with an explanation about the strategies and
technologies that help in management of conflict and the styles adopted by managers for conflict
management. The last part of the book is organization processes and structure that is sub divided into four
chapters that explain the work and organization design and organization culture and change. Chapter fourteen
in the book is job and design of work that enlightens the readers about the meaning of work design and
traditional as well as alternative approaches to work design. This chapter also highlights the contemporary
issues that are faced by the managers in designing the work. The fifteenth chapter of the book is
organizational design and structure, and it discusses about the process of designing the organization through
differentiation. The chapter has focused on variables and configurations that are required for designing the
organizations. It concludes with a discussion about new and innovative structures of organizations and the
factors that have an adverse effect on these structures. Chapter sixteen in the book has given details of the
concept of organizational culture, its concept, its levels and the functions of organizational culture. It is
followed by an explanation of the relation of organizational culture with the performance of the employees in
the organization. The chapter further discusses the role of leader in enforcing a specific type of culture and
assessing the culture in organization. at the end the chapter highlights the key challenges that occur in
development of positive and collaborative culture in the organization. The last chapter of the book is about
management of change that has thrown light upon the forces that lead to changes in the organization. Various
models of management change have been discussed in the chapter that is followed by a detailed discussion on
individual and group focused techniques for organizational development interventions required in a
workplace. The overall structure of the book is framed in a manner that helps the reader in analyzing the
organizational behavior from the grassroots. The flow of information in a particular style has helped in a better
understanding of each and every concept. The book has brought into light various new concepts that relate to
the field of organizational behavior. The only limitation of the book was that it has lacked practical examples.
Only a limited number of cases have been discussed in the chapter. An addition of more number of case
studies at theend of each chapter can help in the value addition of the book.

Success of the book

This was an easy read textbook, especially for beginners interested in understanding the break down of
human behavior in a work-place environment or any organization in general. This offers an insightful
outlook into social behaviors, individual behaviors and how the organization itself plays into these factors.
This book enticed me into becoming an Industrial and Organizational Psychologist. Sincerely
recommended. In the dynamic, fast-paced and diverse 21st century workplace, managers and their employees are
facing more challenges than ever before. In turn, educators must help to prepare their students for the reality of work and
this text will support them to achieve this goal. This ninth edition is one of the most contemporary revisions of
Organisational behaviour undertaken. While the book's trademark features have been retained - clear writing style, solid
theoretical underpinnings, cutting-edge content and engaging pedagogy - each chapter has been thoroughly updated to
reflect the most recent research within the field of organisational behaviour and the major practical issues facing
employees and managers in the contemporary workplace.

Author’s gave information so vast when I was reading the book,at the beginning I was feeling great, but I
couldn’t my patience on reading at the next meanwhile time. The book is not particularly well written but I
needed it for class. The chapters are set up so that there is an introductory story at the beginning of the
chapter. They usually are not very illustrative and are more annoying than anything else. Grade C+ at


The subject of organizational behavior is composed of a large number of theories

that are research based. Research studies, when cumulatively integrated, become
theories, and theories are proposed and followed by research studies designed to
validate them. The concepts that make up OB, therefore, are only as valid as the
research that supports them. The topics and issues in this book are for the most
part research-derived. They represent the result of systematic information
gathering rather than merely hunch, intuition, or opinion. This doesn’t mean, of
course, that we have all the answers to OB issues. Many require far more
corroborating evidence. The generalizability of others is limited by the research
methods used. But new information is being created and published at an
accelerated rate. To keep up with the latest findings, we strongly encourage you to
regularly review the latest research in organizational behavior


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