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COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW stockholders had "already forfeited its franchise or charter,

10-02-2023 including its license to exist and operate as a corporation,"

and thus no longer have "the legal standing and personality
CASES to initiate an administrative case."
CSC dismissed the appeal.
COURT OF APPEALS, THE CIVIL SERVICE Sawadjaan filed the present petition for certiorari under Rule
COMMISSION AND AL-AMANAH INVESTMENT 65 of the Rules of Court challenging the above Decision and
BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES Resolution of the Court of Appeals on the ground that the
G.R. No. 141735, June 8, 2005 court a quo erred: i) in ignoring the facts and evidences that
the alleged Islamic Bank has no valid by-laws; ii) in ignoring
DOCTRINE: A de facto corporation whose right to exercise the facts and evidences that the Islamic Bank lost its
corporate powers may not be inquired into collaterally in any juridical personality as a corporation on 16 April 1990; iii) in
private suit to which such corporations may be a party. ignoring the facts and evidences that the alleged Islamic Bank
and its alleged Board of Directors have no jurisdiction to act
FACTS: Petitioner Sawadjaan was among the first employees in the manner they did in the absence of a valid by-laws.
of the Philippine Amanah Bank (PAB) when it was created by
virtue of Presidential Decree No. 264 on 02 August 1973. ISSUE: Whether or not AIIBP had "already forfeited its
franchise or charter, including its license to exist and operate
While still designated as appraiser/investigator, Sawadjaan as a corporation" for its failure to file its by-laws within 60
was assigned to inspect the properties offered as collaterals days the bank and its stockholders.
by Compressed Air Machineries and Equipment Corporation
(CAMEC) for a credit line of Five Million Pesos RULING: No. The AIIBP was created by Rep. Act No. 6848. It
(P5,000,000.00). PAB granted the loan application. When the has a main office where it conducts business, has
loan matured on 17 May 1989, CAMEC requested an shareholders, corporate officers, a board of directors, assets,
extension of 180 days, but was granted only 120 days to and personnel. It is, in fact, here represented by the Office of
repay the loan. PAB granted the loan application. When the the Government Corporate Counsel, "the principal law office
loan matured, CAMEC requested an extension of 180 days, of government-owned corporations, one of which is
but was granted only 120 days to repay the loan. respondent bank." At the very least, by its failure to submit its
by-laws on time, the AIIBP may be considered a de
Then, Sawadjaan was promoted to Loans Analyst I. Congress facto corporation whose right to exercise corporate powers
passed Republic Act 6848 creating the AIIBP and repealing may not be inquired into collaterally in any private suit to
P.D. No. 264 (which created the PAB). Sawadjaan was which such corporations may be a party.
among the personnel retained by the AIIBP.
Moreover, a corporation which has failed to file its by-laws
When CAMEC failed to pay despite the given extension, the within the prescribed period does not ipso facto lose its
bank, now referred to as the AIIBP, discovered that TCT No. powers as such. The SEC Rules on Suspension/Revocation of
N-130671 was spurious, the property described therein non- the Certificate of Registration of Corporations, details the
existent, and that the property covered by TCT No. C-52576 procedures and remedies that may be availed of before an
had a prior existing mortgage in favor of one Divina Pablico. order of revocation can be issued. There is no showing that
such a procedure has been initiated in this case.
The Board of Directors of the AIIBP created an Investigating
Committee to look into the CAMEC transaction, which had In any case, petitioner’s argument is irrelevant because this
cost the bank Six Million Pesos (P6,000,000.00) in losses. case is not a corporate controversy, but a labor dispute; and
Investigating Committee rendered a decision Sawadjaan held it is an employer’s basic right to freely select or discharge its
liable and recommends suspension. Board of Directors of the employees, if only as a measure of self-protection against
Islamic Bank [AIIBP] adopted the Resolution reducing the acts inimical to its interest. Regardless of whether AIIBP is a
penalty imposed on petitioner from dismissal to suspension corporation, a partnership, a sole proprietorship, or a sari-
for a period of six (6) months and one (1) day. sari store, it is an undisputed fact that AIIBP is the
petitioner’s employer. AIIBP chose to retain his services
Sawadjaan, by himself, filed a Motion for New Trial in the during its reorganization, controlled the means and methods
Court of Appeals based on the following grounds: fraud, by which his work was to be performed, paid his wages, and,
accident, mistake or excusable negligence and newly eventually, terminated his services.
discovered evidence. He claimed that he had recently
discovered that at the time his employment was terminated, And though he has had ample opportunity to do so, the
the AIIBP had not yet adopted its corporate by-laws. petitioner has not alleged that he is anything other than an
Sawadjaan argued that since the AIIBP failed to file its by-laws employee of AIIBP. He has neither claimed, nor shown, that
within 60 days from the passage of Rep. Act No. 6848, as he is a stockholder or an officer of the corporation. Having
required by Sec. 51 of the said law, the bank and its accepted employment from AIIBP, and rendered his services
to the said bank, received his salary, and accepted the
promotion given him, it is now too late in the day for Thereafter, the Petitioner filed a case for cancellation of title
petitioner to question its existence and its power to before the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC rendered a
terminate his services. One who assumes an obligation to an decision in favor of the Respondent. On appeal, the Court of
ostensible corporation as such, cannot resist performance Appeals affirmed the RTC decision. Hence, the Petition
thereof on the ground that there was in fact no corporation. whereby the Petitioner claimed that they are de facto
Even if we were to consider the facts behind petitioner
Sawadjaan’s dismissal from service, we would be hard ISSUE:
pressed to find error in the decision of the AIIBP. 1. Whether or not the Petitioner’s predecessor-in-
interest was a de facto corporation.
As appraiser/investigator, the petitioner was expected to 2. Whether or not the Petitioner has any right over the
conduct an ocular inspection of the properties offered by subject property.
CAMEC as collaterals and check the copies of the certificates
of title against those on file with the Registry of Deeds. Not RULING:
only did he fail to conduct these routine checks, but he also 1. NO. The Supreme Court has held that one can
deliberately misrepresented in his appraisal report that after qualify as a de facto corporation when (a) there is
reviewing the documents and conducting a site inspection, he an existing valid law under which it may be
found the CAMEC loan application to be in order. Despite the incorporated; (b) there is an attempt in good faith
number of pleadings he has filed, he has failed to offer an to incorporate; and (c) there is an assumption of
alternative explanation for his actions. corporate powers. Further, the filing of articles of
incorporation and the issuance of the certificate of
Petition dismissed. incorporation are essential for the existence of a de
facto corporation. In fact, an organization not
B. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CONFERENCE CHURCH registered with the Securities and Exchange
OF SOUTHERN PHILS., INC. v. NORTHEASTERN Commission (SEC) cannot be considered a
MINDANAO MISSION OF SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST, corporation in any concept, not even as a
INC. corporation de facto.
G.R. No. 150416, 21 July 2006
Corona, J. In the present case, there is no proof that the SPUM-
SDA, Petitioner’s predecessor-in-interest, attempted
DOCTRINE: One can qualify as a de facto corporation when to incorporate at the time when the existing law was
(a) there is an existing valid law under which it may be the old Corporation Law. Further, the Petitioners
incorporated; (b) there is an attempt in good faith to admitted that they were not registered with the SEC,
incorporate; and (c) there is an assumption of corporate nor did they even attempt to organize to comply
powers. Further, the filing of articles of incorporation and the with the legal requirements, at the time of the
issuance of the certificate of incorporation are essential for donation. Hence, the Petitioner’s predecessor-in-
the existence of a de facto corporation. In fact, an interest was not a de facto corporation.
organization not registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) cannot be considered a corporation in any 2. NO. The Supreme Court has held that succession
concept, not even as a corporation de facto. cannot be claimed from an entity that never came to
exist. Corporate existence begins only from the
FACTS: On April 1959, Spouses Cosio donated a parcel of land moment a certificate of incorporation is used.
to the South Philippine Union Mission of Seventh Day Further, the principle of separate juridical
Adventist Church of Bayugan Esperanza, Agusan (SPUM-SDA) personality can apply when there a corporation to
for church site purpose. Twenty-one years later, on February speak of.
1980, the same parcel of land was sold by the Spouses Cosio
to the Seventh Day Adventist Church of Northeastern In the present case, there was no corporation to
Mindanao Mission (SDA-NEMM), which a transfer certificate speak of because SPUM-SDA did not come into
of title was issued in the latter’s name. existence, even as a de facto corporation. No
certificate of incorporation was ever issued to the
The Petitioner Seventh Day Adventist Conference Church of Petitioner or its predecessor-in-interest at the time
Southern Phils., Inc. claimed to be the alleged successors-in- of the donation. Further, representatives of the
interest of the SPUM-SDA, and asserted their ownership over Petitioner were not even members of the local
the property. The Respondent Northeastern Mindanao church then. Thus, they could not even claim that
Mission of Seventh Day Adventist, Inc. opposed by arguing the donation was particularly for them. Considering
that the SPUM-SDA could not legally be a donee because it these matters, there was no valid donation made to
was not incorporated yet and had no juridical personality. the Petitioner or its predecessor-in-interest. Hence,
Hence, the donation could not have been made. the Petitioner has no right over the subject property.
transact its proper business. "Majority," when
C. BALINGHASAY V. CASTILLO required to constitute a quorum, means the greater
G.R. NO. 185664, APRIL 8, 2015 number than half or more than half of any total. In
the meeting, 12 directors were present in which 7 of
DOCTRINE: It is clear that under the Business Judgment Rule, them belonged to the investors. As can be gleaned,
the courts are barred from intruding into the business without the presence of the investors, there can be
judgments of the corporation, when the same are made in no quorum. In addition, the parties who signed the
good faith. MOA were both investor.

FACTS: MCPI, a domestic corporation, operates the Medical Further, petitioners are ordered to fully account all the profits
Center Parañaque (MCP). Both parties are shareholders. 9 of which otherwise accrued to MCPI.
the petitioners are part of the Board of MCPI. In 1997, the
BODs awarded the operation of the ultrasound unit to a ISSUE: Is the MOA valid?
group of investors mostly Ob-gyne doctors (ultrasound
investors), which includes the 9 petitioner-BODs. The group RULING: No, the Court thus finds the CA’s ruling anent the
purchased the equipment costing P850k. Albeit awarded by invalidity of the MOA as amply supported by both evidence
the Board, the operation was not yet covered by a written and jurisprudence.
Questions of policy or of management are left solely to the
In the meeting held in 1998, 7 out of 12 Directors present honest decision of the board as the business manager of the
were part of the ultrasound investors. The BOD made a corporation, and the court is without authority to substitute
counter offer anent the operation of the ultrasound unit. its judgment for that of the board, and as long as its acts in
Hence, essentially then, the award of the ultrasound good faith and in the exercise of honest judgment in the
operation still bore no formal stamp of approval. In 1999, a interest of the corporation, its orders are not reviewable by
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was entered into the courts.
between MCPI represented by the President and the
ultrasound investors, represented by one of the petitioners. As acknowledged by the petitioners and aptly pointed out by
The MOA states that the gross income minus professional the respondents, the existence of the circumstances and
fees shall be divided in the proportion of 60% to the investors urgent hospital necessity justifying the purchase and
and 40% to MCPI; and in 1999, 55-45 respectively. Further, operation of the ultrasound unit by the investors were not
the ownership of the ultrasound machine would eventually at the outset offered as evidence. Having been belatedly
be transferred to MCPI. raised, the aforesaid defenses were not scrutinized during the
trial and their truth or falsity was not uncovered. This is fatal
Respondents then wrote MCPI’s counsel challenging the to the petitioners’ cause. The CA thus cannot be faulted for
BOD’s approval of the MOA of being prejudicial to MCPI’s ruling against the petitioners in the face of evidence showing
interest. In 2001, respondents then filed a derivative suit for that: (a) there was no quorum when the Board meetings
the annulment of the MOA and the accounting of and refund were held on August 14, 1998 and February 5, 1999; (b) the
by the petitioners of all profits, income and benefits derived MOA was not ratified by a vote of two-thirds of MCPI’s
from the said agreement; and (b) payment of damages and outstanding capital stock; and (c) the Balance Sheets for the
attorney’s fees. In their answer, petitioners claimed that the years 1996 to 2000 indicated that MCPI was in a financial
MOA was merely voidable. And since there was no proof that position to purchase the ultrasound equipment.
the subsequent Board of Directors of MCPI moved to annul
the MOA, the same should be considered as having been Further, even if their claims were to be assumed as true for
ratified. argument’s sake, the fact remains that the Board Directors,
who approved the MOA, did not outrightly inform the
The RTC dismissed respondent’s complaint and found that stockholders about it. The ultrasound equipment was
MCPI had, in effect, impliedly ratified the MOA by accepting purchased and had been in operation since 1997, but the
or retaining benefits flowing therefrom. Further, under the matter was only brought up for ratification by the
"business judgment rule," the trial court cannot undertake to stockholders in the annual meetings held in the years 2000
control the discretion of the corporation’s board as long as to 2003. This circumstance lends no credence to the
good faith attends its exercise. petitioners’ cause.

On appeal to the CA, the court reversed the RTC’s ruling and However, to prevent unjust enrichment, the ultrasound
held that the MOA was invalid because there was no quorum. investors should retain ownership of the equipment.
As discussed:
“Quorum" is defined as that number of G.R. No. 176897, December 11, 2013
members of a body which, when legally assembled BRION, J.
in their proper places, will enable the body to
FACTS: Petitioner Advance Paper is a domestic corporation The RTC held that the respondents failed to present hard,
engaged in the business of producing, printing, admissible and credible evidence to prove that the sale
manufacturing, distributing and selling of various paper invoices were forged or fictitious, and that the loan
products. Petitioner George Haw (Haw) is the President while transactions were personal obligations of Tan and Uy.
his wife, Connie Haw, is the General Manager. Nonetheless, the RTC dismissed the complaint against Tan,
Uy, Ting, Gui and Ng due to the lack of evidence showing that
Respondent Arma Traders is also a domestic corporation they bound themselves, either jointly or solidarily, with Arma
engaged in the wholesale and distribution of school and office Traders for the payment of its account.
supplies, and novelty products. Respondent Antonio Tan
(Tan) was formerly the President while respondent Uy Seng On appeal, the CA held that Arma Traders was not liable for
Kee Willy (Uy) is the Treasurer of Arma Traders. They the loan in the absence of a board resolution authorizing Tan
represented Arma Traders when dealing with its supplier, and Uy to obtain the loan from Advance Paper. The CA
Advance Paper, for about 14 years. acknowledged that Tan and Uy were Arma Traders’
authorized bank signatories. However, the CA explained that
Respondents Manuel Ting, Cheng Gui and Benjamin Ng this is not sufficient because the authority to sign the checks
worked for Arma Traders as Vice-President, General Manager is different from the required authority to contract a loan.
and Corporate Secretary, respectively.
Hence, this petition, the petitioner argued that Arma Traders
Arma Traders purchased on credit notebooks and other paper led the petitioners to believe that Tan and Uy had the
products amounting to ₱7,533,001.49 from Advance Paper. authority to obtain loans since the respondents left the active
Upon the representation of Tan and Uy, Arma Traders also and sole management of the company to Tan and Uy since
obtained three loans from Advance Paper in November 1994 1984. In fact, Ng testified that Arma Traders’ stockholders
in the amounts of ₱3,380,171.82, ₱1,000,000.00, and and board of directors never conducted a meeting from 1984
₱3,408,623.94 or a total of ₱7,788,796.76. to 1995. Therefore, if the respondents’ position will be
sustained, they will have the absurd power to question all the
Arma Traders issued 82 postdated checks payable to cash or business transactions of Arma Traders. Citing Lipat v. Pacific
to Advance Paper. Tan and Uy were Arma Traders’ authorized Banking Corporation,53 the petitioners said that if a
bank signatories who signed and issued these checks which corporation knowingly permits one of its officers or any other
had the aggregate amount of ₱15,130,636.87. Those checks agent to act within the scope of an apparent authority, it
were dishonored either for "insufficiency of funds" or holds him out to the public as possessing the power to do
"account closed." Despite repeated demands, however, Arma those acts; thus, the corporation will, as against anyone who
Traders failed to settle its account with Advance Paper. has in good faith dealt with it through such agent, be
Hence, a complaint for collection of sum of money was files estopped from denying the agent’s authority.
by the petitioners.
ISSUE: Whether Arma Traders is liable to pay the loans
Ng testified that Arma Traders did not purchase the applying the doctrine of apparent authority?
notebooks and other products.
RULING: Yes, Arma Traders is liable to pay the loans on the
As to the loan transactions, the respondents countered that basis of the doctrine of apparent authority.
these were the personal obligations of Tan and Uy to Advance
Paper. These loans were never intended to benefit the The doctrine of apparent authority provides that a
respondents. corporation will be estopped from denying the agent’s
authority if it knowingly permits one of its officers or any
The respondents also claimed that the loan transactions were other agent to act within the scope of an apparent authority,
ultra vires because the board of directors of Arma Traders did and it holds him out to the public as possessing the power to
not issue a board resolution authorizing Tan and Uy to obtain do those acts. The doctrine of apparent authority does not
the loans from Advance Paper. They claimed that the apply if the principal did not commit any acts or conduct
borrowing of money must be done only with the prior which a third party knew and relied upon in good faith as a
approval of the board of directors because without the result of the exercise of reasonable prudence. Moreover, the
approval, the corporate officers are acting in excess of their agent’s acts or conduct must have produced a change of
authority or ultra vires. When the acts of the corporate position to the third party’s detriment.
officers are ultra vires, the corporation is not liable for
whatever acts that these officers committed in excess of their In Inter-Asia Investment Industries v. Court of Appeals, we
authority. Further, the respondents claimed that Advance explained:
Paper failed to verify Tan and Uy’s authority to transact
business with them. Hence, Advance Paper should suffer the Under this provision [referring to Sec. 23 of the Corporation
consequences. Code], the power and responsibility to decide whether the
corporation should enter into a contract that will bind the
corporation is lodged in the board, subject to the articles of
incorporation, bylaws, or relevant provisions of law. To begin with, Arma Traders’ Articles of Incorporation82
However, just as a natural person who may authorize another provides that the corporation may borrow or raise money to
to do certain acts for and on his behalf, the board of directors meet the financial requirements of its business by the
may validly delegate some of its functions and powers to issuance of bonds, promissory notes and other evidence of
officers, committees or agents. The authority of such indebtedness. Likewise, it states that Tan and Uy are not just
individuals to bind the corporation is generally derived from ordinary corporate officers and authorized bank signatories
law, corporate bylaws or authorization from the board, either because they are also Arma Traders’ incorporators along with
expressly or impliedly by habit, custom or acquiescence in the respondents Ng and Ting, and Pedro Chao. Furthermore, the
general course of business, viz.: respondents, through Ng who is Arma Traders’ corporate
secretary, incorporator, stockholder and director, testified
A corporate officer or agent may represent and bind the that the sole management of Arma Traders was left to Tan
corporation in transactions with third persons to the extent and Uy and that he and the other officers never dealt with
that [the] authority to do so has been conferred upon him, the business and management of Arma Traders for 14 years.
and this includes powers as, in the usual course of the He also confirmed that since 1984 up to the filing of the
particular business, are incidental to, or may be implied from, complaint against Arma Traders, its stockholders and board
the powers intentionally conferred, powers added by custom of directors never had its meeting.
and usage, as usually pertaining to the particular officer or
agent, and such apparent powers as the corporation has Thus, Arma Traders bestowed upon Tan and Uy broad powers
caused person dealing with the officer or agent to believe by allowing them to transact with third persons without the
that it has conferred. necessary written authority from its non-performing board of
directors. Arma Traders failed to take precautions to prevent
Apparent authority is derived not merely from practice. Its its own corporate officers from abusing their powers.
existence may be ascertained through (1) the general manner Because of its own laxity in its business dealings, Arma
in which the corporation holds out an officer or agent as Traders is now estopped from denying Tan and Uy’s authority
having the power to act or, in other words the apparent to obtain loan from Advance Paper.
authority to act in general, with which it clothes him; or (2)
the acquiescence in his acts of a particular nature, with actual We also reject the respondents’ claim that Advance Paper,
or constructive knowledge thereof, within or beyond the through Haw, connived with Tan and Uy. The records do not
scope of his ordinary powers. It requires presentation of contain any evidence to prove that the loan transactions
evidence of similar act(s) executed either in its favor or in were personal to Tan and Uy. A different conclusion might
favor of other parties. It is not the quantity of similar acts have been inferred had the cashier’s checks been issued in
which establishes apparent authority, but the vesting of a favor of Tan and Uy, and had the postdated checks in favor of
corporate officer with the power to bind the corporation. Advance Paper been either Tan and/or Uy’s, or had the
[emphases and underscores ours] respondents presented convincing evidence to show how Tan
and Uy conspired with the petitioners to defraud Arma
In People’s Aircargo and Warehousing Co., Inc. v. Court of Traders.84 We note that the respondents initially intended to
Appeals,79 we ruled that the doctrine of apparent authority present Sharow Ong, the secretary of Tan and Uy, to testify
is applied when the petitioner, through its president Antonio on how Advance Paper connived with Tan and Uy. As
Punsalan Jr., entered into the First Contract without first mentioned, the respondents failed to present her on the
securing board approval. Despite such lack of board approval, witness stand.
petitioner did not object to or repudiate said contract, thus
"clothing" its president with the power to bind the E. UNIVERSITY OF MINDANAO VS. BSP
Doctrine: A corporation may exercise its powers only within
"Inasmuch as a corporate president is often given general those definitions. Corporate acts that are outside those
supervision and control over corporate operations, the strict express definitions under the law or articles of incorporation
rule that said officer has no inherent power to act for the or those "committed outside the object for which a
corporation is slowly giving way to the realization that such corporation is created" are ultra vires.
officer has certain limited powers in the transaction of the
usual and ordinary business of the corporation."80 "In the FACTS: This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari1 of the
absence of a charter or bylaw provision to the contrary, the Court of Appeals.
president is presumed to have the authority to act within the
domain of the general objectives of its business and within University of Mindanao is an educational institution. For the
the scope of his or her usual duties." year 1982, its Board of Trustees was chaired by Guillermo B.
Torres. His wife, Dolores P. Torres, sat as University of
In the present petition, we do not agree with the CA’s Mindanao's Assistant Treasurer.
findings that Arma Traders is not liable to pay the loans due
to the lack of board resolution authorizing Tan and Uy to Guillermo B. Torres and Dolores P. Torres incorporated and
obtain the loans. operated two (2) thrift banks: (1) First Iligan Savings & Loan
Association, Inc. (FISLAI); and (2) Davao Savings and Loan Hence, the mortgage of University ofMindanao's Cagayan de
Association, Inc. (DSLAI). Guillermo B. Torres chaired both Oro City property was unenforceable. Saturnino Petalcorin's
thrift banks. He acted as FISLAI's President, while his wife, unauthorized acts should be annulled.
Dolores P. Torres, acted as DSLAI's President and FISLAI's
Treasurer. CA ruled that "[although BSP failed to prove that the UM
Board of Trustees actually passed a Board Resolution
Upon Guillermo B. Torres' request, Bangko Sentral ng authorizing Petalcorin to mortgage the subject real
Pilipinas issued a P1.9 million standby emergency credit to properties,"48 Aurora de Leon's Secretary's Certificate
FISLAI. "clothed Petalcorin with apparent and ostensible authority to
execute the mortgage deed on its behalf[.]"49 Bangko Sentral
On May 25, 1982, University of Mindanao's Vice President ng Pilipinas merely relied in good faith on the Secretary's
for Finance, Saturnino Petalcorin, executed a deed of real Certificate.50 University of Mindanao is estopped from
estate mortgage over University of Mindanao's property in denying Saturnino Petalcorin's authority. Moreover, the
Cagayan de Oro City in favor of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Secretary's Certificate was notarized. This meant that it
"The mortgage served as security for FISLAI's P1.9 Million enjoyed the presumption of regularity as to the truth of its
loan" It was allegedly executed on University of Mindanao's statements and authenticity of the signatures. 52 Thus, "BSP
behalf. As proof of his authority to execute a real estate cannot be faulted for relying on the [Secretary's
mortgage for University of Mindanao, Saturnino Petalcorin Certificate.]"53
showed a Secretary's Certificate signed by University of
Mindanao's Corporate Secretary, Aurora de Leon. The annotations on University of Mindanao's certificates of
title also operate as constructive notice to it that its
The Secretary’s certificate states among others the properties were mortgaged.56 Its failure to disown the
authorizing of the chairman to appoint Satunino Pactolerin to mortgages for more than a decade was implied ratification.
represent the University of Mindanao to transact, transfer,
convey, lease, mortgage, or otherwise hypothecate the ISSUE: Whether the execution of the mortgage contract was
subject properties. Saturnino Petalcorin executed another ultra vires.
deed of real estate mortgage, allegedly on behalf of
University of Mindanao, over its two properties in Iligan City. RULE: Yes, the execution of the mortgage contract was ultra
vires. Petitioner argues that the execution of the mortgage
This mortgage served as additional security for FISLAI's loans. contract was ultra vires. As an educational institution, it may
FISLAI and DSLAI eventually merged with DSLAI as the not secure the loans of third persons.73 Securing loans of third
surviving corporation in an effort to rehabilitate the thrift persons is not among the purposes for which petitioner was
banks due to the heavy withdrawals of depositors. DSLAI later established.74
became known as Mindanao Savings and Loan Association,
Inc. (MSLAI). MSLAI failed to recover from its losses. Bangko Petitioner, is correct.
Sentral ng Pilipinas later on foreclosed the mortgaged Corporations are artificial entities granted legal personalities
properties. upon their creation by their incorporators in accordance with
law. Unlike natural persons, they have no inherent powers.
University of Mindanao filed two Complaints for nullification Third persons dealing with corporations cannot assume that
and cancellation of mortgage. One Complaint was filed before corporations have powers. It is up to those persons dealing
the Regional Trial Court of Cagayan de Oro City, and the other with corporations to determine their competence as
Complaint was filed before the Regional Trial Court of Iligan expressly defined by the law and their articles of
City. incorporation.

University of Mindanao alleged that it did not obtain any loan A corporation may exercise its powers only within those
from Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and that Aurora De Leon’s definitions. Corporate acts that are outside those express
certification was anomalous. That it never authorized definitions under the law or articles of incorporation or those
Saturnino Petalcorin to execute real estate mortgage "committed outside the object for which a corporation is
contracts involving its properties to secure FISLAI's debts and created" are ultra vires.
it never ratified the execution of the mortgage contracts. The
Regional Trial Courts ruled in favor of University of The only exception to this rule is when acts are necessary and
Mindanao. incidental to carry out a corporation's purposes, and to the
exercise of powers conferred by the Corporation Code and
RTC found that there was no board resolution giving under a corporation's articles of incorporation. This exception
Saturnino Petalcorin authority to execute mortgage contracts is specifically included in the general powers of a corporation
on behalf of University of Mindanao. under Section 36 of the Corporation Code (Now Sec 35 of
RTC ruled that Saturnino Petalcorin was not authorized to
execute mortgage contracts for University of Mindanao.
SEC. 36. Corporate powers and capacity —Every corporation institution’s conduct of business. It does not appear that
incorporated under this Code has the power and capacity: securing third-party loans was necessary to maintain
1. To sue and be sued in its corporate name; petitioner’s business of providing instruction to individuals.
2. Of succession by its corporate name for the period This court upheld the validity of corporate acts when those
of time stated in the articles of incorporation and the acts were shown to be clearly within the corporation’s
certificate of incorporation; powers or were connected to the corporation’s purposes.
3. To adopt and use a corporate seal;
4. To amend its articles of incorporation in F. ARTURO CALUBAD VS. RICARCEN DEVELOPMENT
accordance with the provisions of this Code; CORPORATION
5. To adopt by-laws, not contrary to law, morals, or
public policy, and to amend or repeal the same in Doctrine: When a corporation intentionally or negligently
accordance with this Code; clothes its agent with apparent authority to act in its behalf, it
6. In case of stock corporations, to issue or sell stocks is estopped from denying its agent's apparent authority as to
to subscribers and to sell treasury stocks in innocent third parties who dealt with this agent in good faith.
accordance with the provisions of this Code; and to
admit members to the corporation if it be a non- Facts:
stock corporation;  Respondent Ricarcen Development Corporation
7. To purchase, receive, take or grant, hold, convey, (Ricarcen) was a domestic corporation engaged in
sell, lease, pledge, mortgage and otherwise deal renting out real estate. It was the registered owner
with such real and personal property, including of a parcel of land.
securities and bonds of other corporations, as the  Ricarcen was a family corporation. Marilyn R.
transaction of the lawful business of the corporation Soliman (Marilyn) was its president from 2001 to
may reasonably and necessarily require, subject to August 2003. The other members of the board of
the limitations prescribed by law and the directors during that time were Marilyn's mother,
Constitution; Erlinda Villanueva (Erlinda), her brother, Josefelix R.
8. To enter into merger or consolidation with other Villanueva (Josefelix), her aunt, Maura Rico, and her
corporations as provided in this Code; sisters, Ma. Elizabeth V. Chamorro (Elizabeth), Ma.
9. To make reasonable donations, including those for Theresa R. Villanueva, and Annabelle R. Villanueva.
the public welfare or for hospital, charitable,  Marilyn, acting on Ricarcen's behalf as its president,
cultural, scientific, civic, or similar purposes: took out a P4,000,000.00 loan from Calubad. This
Provided, That no corporation, domestic or foreign, loan was secured by a real estate mortgage over
shall give donations in aid of any political party or Ricarcen's Quezon City property.
candidate or for purposes of partisan political  Ricarcen, through Marilyn, and Calubad amended
activity; and increased the loan to P5,000,000.00 in the
10. To establish pension, retirement, and other plans Amendment of Deed of Mortgage (Additional Loan
for the benefit of its directors, trustees, officers and of P1,000,000.00) with the same property used as
employees; and security and under the same terms and conditions.
11. To exercise such other powers as may be  Ricarcen, again acting through Marilyn, took out an
essential or necessary to carry out its purpose or additional loan of 2,000,000.00 from Calubad, as
purposes as stated in its articles of incorporation. evidenced by the executed Second Amendment of
(Emphasis supplied) Deed of Mortgage.
 To prove her authority to execute the three (3)
In this case, Petitioner does not have the power to mortgage mortgage contracts in Ricarcen's behalf, Marilyn
its properties in order to secure loans of other persons. As an presented Calubad with a Board Resolution dated
educational institution, it is limited to developing human October 15, 2001. This Resolution empowered her to
capital through formal instruction. It is not a corporation borrow money and use the Quezon City property.
engaged in the business of securing loans of others. Marilyn also presented two (2) Secretary's
Certificates dated December 6, 2001 and May 8,
Hiring professors, instructors, and personnel; acquiring 2002, executed by Marilyn's sister and Ricarcen's
equipment and real estate; establishing housing facilities for corporate secretary, Elizabeth.
personnel and students; hiring a concessionaire; and other  Sometime in 2003, after Ricarcen failed to pay its
activities that can be directly connected to the operations and loan, Calubad initiated extrajudicial foreclosure
conduct of the education business may constitute the proceedings on the real estate mortgage.
necessary and incidental acts of an educational institution.  Calubad was the highest bidder during the scheduled
auction sale.
Securing FISLAI’s loans by mortgaging petitioner’s properties  The Certificate of Sale was annotated on TCT.
does not appear to have even the remotest connection to the  Ricarcen claimed that it only learned of Marilyn's
operations of petitioner as an educational institution. transactions with Calubad sometime in July 2003.
Securing loans is not an adjunct of the educational
 Upon confirming that the Quezon City property had secretary's certificates relied upon by Calubad had been
indeed been mortgaged, foreclosed, and sold to overthrown by the records of this case which clearly show
Calubad as a result of Marilyn's actions, Ricarcen's that such documents were not in fact executed by the board
board of directors removed her as president and of directors of RICARCEN, and are, therefore, fabricated.
appointed Josefelix as its new president. Josefelix
was also authorized to initiate the necessary court Calubad’s Argument:
actions to protect Ricarcen's interests over the Petitioner claims that Ricarcen is barred by estoppel from
Quezon City property. denying Marilyn's authority to enter into a contract of loan
 Ricarcen filed its Complaint for Annulment of Real and mortgage with Calubad for several reasons. He argues
Estate Mortgage and Extrajudicial Foreclosure of that Ricarcen clothed Marilyn in apparent authority to act in
Mortgage and Sale with Damages against Marilyn, its behalf that it benefited from the loans proceeds and that it
Calubad, and employees of the Registry of Deeds of impliedly agreed to the mortgage loans by paying the
Quezon City and of the Regional Trial Court of monthly interest payments.
Quezon City.
 In its Complaint, Ricarcen claimed that it never Petitioner avers that Elizabeth executed four (4) separate
authorized its former president Marilyn to obtain document which gave Marilyn the authority to secure loans,
loans from Calubad or use the Quezon City property use the Quezon City property as collateral, and execute all
as collateral for the loans. documents needed for those purposes.
 On the other hand, Calubad insisted that the
incidents which led to the foreclosure and sale of the Petitioner also points out that Marilyn had possession of the
Quezon City property were all above board and were owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. RT-84937 (166018), and
not marked with irregularity. Furthermore, he thus, he had no reason but to believe that she was authorized
asserted that he exercised the necessary diligence by Ricarcen to deal and transact in its behalf.
required under the circumstances by requiring
Marilyn to submit the necessary documents to prove Additionally, the loan proceeds were issued through checks
her authority from Ricarcen. Calubad likewise argued payable to Ricarcen, which were deposited in its bank
that even if Ricarcen did not authorize Marilyn, it account and were cleared. As further evidence of Ricarcen's
was already estopped from denying her authority receipt of the loan proceeds, petitioner presented several
since the loan proceeds had been released and checks drawn and issued by Elizabeth or Erlinda, jointly with
Ricarcen had benefited from them. Marilyn, representing loan payments.

RTC Ruling: Petitioner likewise presented several checks drawn from

Granted Ricarcen's complaint and annulled the mortgage Ricarcen's bank account, issued by Elizabeth or Erlinda, jointly
contracts, extrajudicial foreclosure, and sale by public with Marilyn, payable to third persons or to cash. Petitioner
auction. maintains that the foregoing evidence is indubitable proof
The Regional Trial Court held that Marilyn failed to present a that the loan proceeds have been used by Ricarcen.
special power of attorney as evidence of her authority from
Ricarcen. The lack of a special power of attorney should have Petitioner asserts that the acts of Elizabeth and Erlinda are
been enough for Calubad to be put on guard and to require equivalent to clothing Marilyn with apparent authority to
further evidence of Marilyn's authority from Ricarcen. deal with him and use the Quezon City property as collateral:

Court of Appeals Ruling: Their acts are also a manifestation of their acquiescence to
The Court of Appeals dismissed Calubad's appeal and Marilyn Soliman's availment of loans and execution of real
affirmed the Regional Trial Court Decision. The Court of estate mortgage with petitioner.
Appeals emphasized that the rule on the presumption of
validity of a notarized board resolution and of a secretary's Thus, even if Marilyn Soliman had acted without or in excess
certificate is not absolute and may be validly overcome by of her actual authority, if she acted within the scope of an
contrary evidence, thus: apparent authority with which [Ricarcen] has clothed her by
holding her out or permitting her to appear as having such
In order to defeat the presumption, it is incumbent upon authority, [Ricarcen] is bound thereby in favor of petitioner
RICARCEN to prove "with clear, convincing, strong and who in good faith relied on such apparent authority.
irrefutable proof' that the board resolution and secretary's
certificates purportedly authorizing Marilyn Soliman to secure Ricarcen’s Contention:
a loan and mortgage the subject property in behalf of the Ricarcen asserts that while the documents it purportedly
corporation are, in fact, invalid. issued enjoy the presumption of validity, this presumption is
not absolute and it has shown convincing evidence as to the
In the case at bench, RICARCEN was able to discharge this invalidity of the Board Resolution and of the Secretary's
burden. The truth of the contents of the board resolution and Certificates.
Ricarcen points out that Marilyn clearly acted without Yao Ka Sin Trading v. Court of Appeals instructed that an
authority when she entered into a loan and mortgage agent's apparent authority from the principal may also be
agreement with petitioner. Being void, the contracts of loan ascertained through:
and mortgage can never be ratified.
(1) the general manner by which the corporation holds out an
Ricarcen likewise claims that it cannot be held guilty of officer or agent as having power to act or, in other words, the
estoppel in pais since it never induced nor led petitioner to apparent authority with which it clothes him to act in general,
believe that Marilyn was duly authorized to take out a loan or (2) the acquiescence in his acts of a particular nature, with
and to mortgage the Quezon City property as collateral. actual or constructive knowledge thereof, whether within or
Additionally, "it did not knowingly accept any benefit" from without the scope of his ordinary powers.
the loan proceeds.
The doctrine of apparent authority provides that even if no
Issue: Whether Marilyn acted with authority making Ricarcen actual authority has been conferred on an agent, his or her
estopped from denying such authority acts, as long as they are within his or her apparent scope of
authority, bind the principal. However, the principal's liability
Ruling: Yes. As a corporation, Ricarcen exercises its powers is limited to third persons who are reasonably led to believe
and conducts its business through its board of directors, as that the agent was authorized to act for the principal due to
provided for by Section 23 of the Corporation Code. the principal's conduct.

However, the board of directors may validly delegate its Apparent authority is determined by the acts of the principal
functions and powers to its officers or agents. The authority and not by the acts of the agent. Thus, it is incumbent upon
to bind the corporation is derived from law, its corporate by- Calubad to prove how Ricarcen's acts led him to believe that
laws, or directly from the board of directors, "either expressly Marilyn was duly authorized to represent it.
or impliedly by habit, custom or acquiescence in the general
course of business. As the former president of Ricarcen, it was within Marilyn's
scope of authority to act for and enter into contracts in
The general principles of agency govern the relationship Ricarcen's behalf. Her broad authority from Ricarcen can be
between a corporation and its representatives. Article 1317 seen with how the corporate secretary entrusted her with
of the Civil Code similarly provides that the principal must blank yet signed sheets of paper to be used at her discretion.
delegate the necessary authority before anyone can act on She also had possession of the owner's duplicate copy of the
his or her behalf. land title covering the property mortgaged to Calubad,
further proving her authority from Ricarcen.
Nonetheless, law and jurisprudence recognize actual
authority and apparent authority as the two (2) types of Calubad could not be faulted for continuing to transact with
authorities conferred upon a corporate officer or agent in Marilyn, even agreeing to give out additional loans, because
dealing with third persons. Ricarcen clearly clothed her with apparent authority.
Likewise, it reasonably appeared that Ricarcen's officers knew
Actual authority can either be express or implied. Express of the mortgage contracts entered into by Marilyn in
actual authority refers to the power delegated to the agent Ricarcen's behalf as proven by the issued Banco De Oro
by the corporation, while an agent's implied authority can be checks as payments for the monthly interest and the principal
measured by his or her prior acts which have been ratified by loan.
the corporation or whose benefits have been accepted by the
corporation. Ricarcen claimed that it never granted Marilyn authority to
transact with Calubad or use the Quezon City property as
On the other hand, apparent authority is based on the collateral for the loans, but its actuations say otherwise. It
principle of estoppel. The Civil Code provides: appears as if Ricarcen and its officers gravely erred in putting
too much trust in Marilyn. However, Calubad, as an innocent
Article 1431. Through estoppel an admission or third party dealing in good faith with Marilyn, should not be
representation is rendered conclusive upon the person made to suffer because of Ricarcen's negligence in conducting
making it, and cannot be denied or disproved as against the its own business affairs. This finds support in Yao Ka Sin
person relying thereon. Trading:
Article 1869. Agency may be express, or implied from the acts
of the principal, from his silence or lack of action, or his Also, "if a private corporation intentionally or negligently
failure to repudiate the agency, knowing that another person clothes its officers or agents with apparent power to perform
is acting on his behalf without authority. acts for it, the corporation will be estopped to deny that such
apparent authority is real, as to innocent third persons
Agency may be oral, unless the law requires a specific form. dealing in good faith with such officers or agents.
VHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The assailed January
25, 2012 Decision and June 20, 2012 Resolution of the Court This Complaint was later dismissed for lack of cause of action
of Appeals in CA-GR. CV No. 93185 are REVERSED and SET against the Rogelio, Sr. Group, estoppel from questioning the
ASIDE. Ricarcen Development Corporation's Amended assailed movement of shares of People's Broadcasting and
Complaint in. Civil Case No. Q-03-50584 before Branch 218, failure to join indispensable parties to the Complaint. As to
Regional Trial Court, Quezon City is hereby DISMISSED for Rogelio, Sr.'s compulsory counterclaim, the RTC granted the
lack of merit. same. Rogelio, Sr. thereafter filed a Motion for the immediate
SO ORDERED. execution of the award of moral and exemplary damages
pursuant to the Interim Rules of Procedure Governing Intra-
G. FLORETE JR. V. FLORETE, G.R. NO. 174909, Corporate Controversies.
JANUARY 20, 2016
ISSUE: Whether or not the Marcelino, Jr. Group have a cause
DOCTRINE: A derivative suit “is an action filed by stockholders of action against those whom they have impleaded as
to enforce a corporate action.” A derivative suit, therefore, defendants?
concerns “a wrong to the corporation itself.” The real party-
in-interest is the corporation, not the stockholders filing the RULING: No. It was upon People's Broadcasting itself that the
suit. The stockholders are technically nominal parties but are causes of action now claimed by the Marcelino, Jr. Group
nonetheless the active persons who pursue the action for and accrued. While stockholders in the Marcelino, Jr. Group were
on behalf of the corporation. They are intended to afford permitted to seek relief, they should have done so not in their
reliefs to stockholders in instances where those responsible unique capacity as individuals or as a group of stockholders
for running the affairs of a corporation would not otherwise but in place of the corporation itself through a derivative suit.
act. The sufficiency of the Marcelino, Jr. Group's plea for relief,
through their Complaint, hinges on a characterization of the
The distinction between individual and class/representative suit or action they initiated. This characterization requires a
suits on one hand and derivative suits on the other is crucial. determination of the cause of action through which the
These are not discretionary alternatives. The fact that Marcelino, Jr. Group came to court for relief.
stockholders suffer from a wrong done to or involving a
corporation does not vest in them a sweeping license to sue A derivative suit "is an action filed by stockholders to enforce
in their own capacity a corporate action." A derivative suit, therefore, concerns "a
wrong to the corporation itself." The real party in interest is
FACTS: This resolves consolidated cases assailing the the corporation, not the stockholders filing the suit. The
decisions of the CA. The Petition docketed as G.R. No. 174909 stockholders are technically nominal parties but are
assails the CA Decision affirming the dismissal of the nonetheless the active persons who pursue the action for and
Complaint and sustaining the award of moral and exemplary on behalf of the corporation. They are intended to afford
damages in favor of Rogelio Florete, Sr. The Petition docketed reliefs to stockholders in instances where those responsible
as G.R. No. 177275 assails the CA Decision that disallowed the for running the affairs of a corporation would not otherwise
immediate execution of the same award of damages. act. The fact that stockholders suffer from a wrong done to or
involving a corporation does not vest in them a sweeping
The stockholders of record of People's Broadcasting Service, license to sue in their own capacity. The recognition of
Inc. consisted of 2 groups, the Marcelino, Jr. Group and the derivative suits as a vehicle for redress distinct from
Rogelio, Sr. Group. The Marcelino, Jr. Group filed before the individual and representative suits is an acknowledgment that
RTC a Complaint for Declaration of Nullity of Issuances, certain wrongs may be addressed only through acts brought
Transfers and Sale of Shares in People's Broadcasting Service, for the corporation.
Inc. and All Posterior Subscriptions and Increases thereto with
Damages against the Rogelio, Sr. Group. The Marcelino, Jr. The determination of the appropriate remedy hinges on the
Group seeks to nullify transactions on the shares of stock of object of the wrong done. When the object is a specific
People's Broadcasting as noted in the report of SGV. The stockholder or a definite class of stockholders, an individual
Marcelino, Jr. Group alleges the following: 1. The issuance of suit or class/representative suit must be resorted to. When
shares in favor of Consolidated Broadcasting System, Inc., in the object of the wrong done is the corporation itself or "the
Resolution No. 4 was a forgery and made without a quorum; whole body of its stock and property without any severance
2. A stockholder who transferred her shares was already dead or distribution among individual holders," it is a derivative
at the time; 3. The meeting which approved Resolution No. 4 suit that a stockholder must resort to.
was a sham and no member of the Board attended such
meeting; 4. The signature of Marcelino, Sr. was a forgery; 5. The action should be a proper derivative suit even if the
Issuance of shares made to a company and subsequently assailed acts do not pertain to a corporation's transactions
transferred to Rogelio, Sr. was procured by fraud. The with third persons. Cua, Jr. established that the pivotal
Rogelio, Sr. Group filed their Answer with compulsory consideration is whether the wrong done as well as the cause
counterclaim for moral and exemplary damages. (GR No. of action arising from it accrues to the corporation itself or to
177275). the whole body of its stockholders. Ching and Wellington
states that if "[t]he causes of action pleaded . . . do not accrue
to a single shareholder or a class of shareholders but to the In derivative suits, the corporation concerned must be
corporation itself," the action should be deemed a derivative impleaded as a party. Not only is the corporation an
suit. Also, in Go, an action "seeking to nullify and invalidate indispensible party, but it is also the present rule that it must
the duly constituted acts [of a corporation]" entails a cause of be served with process. The reason given is that the judgment
action that "rightfully pertains to [the corporation itself and must be made binding upon the corporation in order that the
which stockholders] cannot exercise . . . except through a corporation may get the benefit of the suit and may not bring
derivative suit." a subsequent suit against the same defendants for the same
cause of action. In other words the corporation must be
In this case, the Marcelino, Jr. Group anchored their joined as party because it is its cause of action that is being
Complaint on violations of and liabilities arising from the litigated and because judgment must be a res ajudicata [sic]
Corporation Code, The Marcelino, Jr. Group ultimately prays against it.
that People's Broadcasting's entire capital structure be
reconfigured to reflect a status quo ante. The actions being H. VILLAMOR V. UMALE
assailed by the Marcelino, Jr. Group pertain to parties that G.R. No. 172843, September 24, 2014
are not extraneous to People's Broadcasting. They assail and
seek to nullify acts taken by various iterations of People's DOCTRINE: Individual stockholders may be allowed to sue
Broadcasting's Board of Directors. All these acts and incidents on behalf of the corporation whenever the directors or
concern the capital structure of People's Broadcasting. What officers of the corporation refuse to sue to vindicate the
the Marcelino, Jr. Group asks is the complete reversal of a rights of the corporation or are the ones to be sued and are
number of corporate acts undertaken by People' in control of the corporation.59 It is allowed when the
Broadcasting's different boards of directors. These boards "directors [or officers] are guilty of breach of . . . trust, [and]
supposedly engaged in outright fraud or, at the very least, not of mere error of judgment."60 � In derivative suits,
acted in such a manner that amounts to wanton the real party in interest is the corporation, and the suing
mismanagement of People's Broadcasting's affairs. The stockholder is a mere nominal party.
ultimate effect of the remedy they seek is the reconfiguration
of People's Broadcasting's capital structure. FACTS: MC Home Depot occupied a prime property
(Rockland area) in Pasig. The property was part of the area
Also, the damage inflicted upon People's Broadcasting's owned by Mid-Pasig Development Corporation (Mid-Pasig).
individual stockholders, if any, was indiscriminate. It was not On March 1, 2004, Pasig Printing Corporation (PPC)
unique to those in the Marcelino, Jr. Group. It pertained to obtained an option to lease portions of MidPasig’s property,
"the whole body of [People's Broadcasting's] stock." including the Rockland area. On November 11, 2004, PPC’s
Accordingly, it was upon People's Broadcasting itself that the board of directors issued a resolution waiving all its rights,
causes of action now claimed by the Marcelino, Jr. Group interests, and participation in the option to lease contract in
accrued. While stockholders in the Marcelino, Jr. Group were favor of the law firm of Atty. Alfredo Villamor, Jr. (Villamor).
permitted to seek relief, they should have done so not in their PPC received no consideration for this waiver in favor of
unique capacity as individuals or as a group of stockholders Villamor’s law firm.
but in place of the corporation itself through a derivative suit.
As they, instead, sought relief in their individual capacity, On November 22, 2004, PPC, represented by Villamor,
they did so bereft of a cause of action. Likewise, they did so entered into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with MC
without even the slightest averment that the requisites for Home Depot wherein MC Home Depot would continue to
the fi􏰀ling of a derivative suit, as spelled out in Rule 8, Section occupy the area as PPC’s sublessee for 4 years, renewable
1 of the Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra-Corporate for another 4 years.
Controversies, have been satisfied. Since the Complaint
lacked a cause of action and failed to comply with the In compliance with the MOA, MC Home Depot issued 20
requirements of the Marcelino, Jr. Group's vehicle for relief, it post-dated checks representing rental payments for one
was only proper for the Complaint to have been dismissed. year and the goodwill money. The checks were given to
Villamor who did not turn these or the equivalent amount
A stockholder may suffer from a wrong done to or involving a over to PPC, upon encashment.
corporation, but this does not vest in the aggrieved
stockholder a sweeping license to sue in his or her own Respondent Hernando Balmores, a stockholder and director
capacity. The determination of the stockholder's appropriate of PPC, wrote a letter addressed to PPC’s directors on April
remedy — whether it is an individual suit, a class suit, or a 4, 2005. He informed them that Villamor should be made to
derivative suit — hinges on the object of the wrong done. deliver to PPC and account for MC Home Depot’s checks or
When the object of the wrong done is the corporation itself their equivalent value.
or "the whole body of its stock and property without any
severance or distribution among individual holders," it is a Due to the alleged inaction of the directors, respondent
derivative suit, not an individual suit or class/representative Balmores filed with the RTC an intra- corporate controversy
suit, that a stockholder must resort to. complaint under Rule 1, Section 1(a)(1) of the Interim Rules
for Intra- Corporate Controversies (Interim Rules) against corporation refuse to sue to vindicate the rights of the
petitioners for their alleged devices or schemes amounting corporation or are the ones to be sued and are in control of
to fraud or misrepresentation "detrimental to the interest the corporation.59 It is allowed when the "directors [or
of the corporation and its stockholders." Respondent officers] are guilty of breach of . . . trust, [and] not of mere
Balmores prayed that a receiver be appointed from his list error of judgment."60 � In derivative suits, the real party in
of nominees , and prayed that petitioners be prohibited interest is the corporation, and the suing stockholder is a
from "selling, encumbering, transferring or disposing in any mere nominal party.61
manner any of [PPC’s] properties. However, the RTC
dismissed the complaint. Rule 8, Section 1 of the Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra
Corporate Controversies (Interim Rules) provides the 5
Thus, respondent Balmores filed with the CA a petition for requisites for filing derivative suits:
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court and the same
was granted. It reversed the trial court’s decision, and SECTION 1. Derivative action. – A stockholder or member
issued a new order placing PPC under receivership and may bring an action in the name of a corporation or
creating an interim management committee. association, as the case may be, provided that:
1. He was a stockholder or member at the time the
The CA characterized the assailed order/resolution of the trial acts or transactions subject of the action
court as an interlocutory order that is not appealable. In occurred and at the time the action was filed;
reversing tie trial court order/resolution, the CA considered 2. He exerted all reasonable efforts, and alleges the
the danger of dissipation, wastage, and loss of PPC's assets if same with particularity in the complaint, to
the review of the trial court's judgment would be exhaust all remedies available under the articles
delayed.35cralawlawlrary of incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules
governing the corporation or partnership to
The CA ruled that the case filed by respondent Balmores with obtain the relief he desires;
the trial court "[was] a derivative suit because there were 3. No appraisal rights are available for the act or acts
allegations of fraud or ultra vires acts ... by [PPC's directors]." complained of; and
4. The suit is not a nuisance or harassment suit.
According to the CA, the trial court abandoned its duty to
the stockholders in a derivative suit when it refused to In case of nuisance or harassment suit, the court shall
appoint a receiver or create a management committee, all forthwith dismiss the case.
during the pendency of the proceedings. The assailed order
of the trial court removed from the stockholders their right, The fifth requisite for filing derivative suits, while not
in an intra-corporate controversy, to be allowed the remedy included in the enumeration, is implied in the first
of appointment of a receiver during the pendency of a paragraph of Rule 8, Section 1 of the Interim Rules: The
derivative suit, leaving the corporation under the control of action brought by the stockholder or member must be "in
an outsider and its assets prone to dissipation. the name of [the] corporation or association. " This
requirement has already been settled in jurisprudence.
Hence, this petition assailing the CA Decision. PPC's
directors argued that the CA erred in characterizing It is important that the corporation be made a party to the
respondent Balmores' suit as a derivative suit because of his case. As explained in Asset Privatization Trust v. Court of
failure to implead PPC as party in the case. Hence, the Appeals, to wit: “the corporation must be joined as party
appellate court did not acquire jurisdiction over the because it is its cause of action that is being litigated and
corporation, and the appointment of a receiver or because judgment must be a res judicata against it.”
management committee is not valid In the same case, this court enumerated the reasons for
disallowing a direct individual suit. The reasons given for not
ISSUE: Whether or not the CA correctly characterized allowing direct individual suit are:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
respondent Balmores’ action as a derivative suit.

RULING: NO, the CA was incorrect in characterizing

respondent Balmores’ action as a derivative suit. (1) . . . "the universally recognized doctrine that a stockholder
in a corporation has no title legal or equitable to the
A derivative suit is an action filed by stockholders to enforce a corporate property; that both of. these are in the
corporate action.56 It is an exception to the general rule that corporation itself for the benefit of the stockholders." In
the corporation's power to sue57 is exercised only by the other words, to allow shareholders to sue separately
board of directors or trustees.58cralawlawlibrary would conflict with the separate corporate entity
Individual stockholders may be allowed to sue on behalf of (2) . . . that the prior rights of the creditors may be
the corporation whenever the directors or officers of the prejudiced. Thus, our Supreme Court held in the case
of Evangelista v. Santos, that 'the stockholders may not between, any or all of them and the corporation,
directly claim those damages for themselves for that partnership, or association of which they are
would result in the appropriation by, and the distribution stockholders, members, or associates,
among them of part of the corporate assets before the respectively;
dissolution of the corporation and the liquidation of its 3. Controversies in the election or appointment of
debts and liabilities, something which cannot be legally directors, trustees, officers, or managers of
done in view of Section 16 of the Corporation Law. . ."; corporations, partnerships, or associations;
(3) the filing of such suits would conflict with the duty of the 4. Derivative suits; and
management to sue for the protection of all concerned; 5. Inspection of corporate books.
(4) it would produce wasteful multiplicity of suits; and
Stockholder/s’ suits based on fraudulent or wrongful acts
(5) it would involve confusion in ascertaining the effect of
of directors, associates, or officers may also be individual
partial recovery by an individual on the damages
suits or class suits.
recoverable by the corporation for the same act.72
Individual suits are filed when the cause of action belongs
In this case, respondent Balmores’ action in the trial court
to the individual stockholder personally, and not to the
failed to satisfy all the requisites of a derivative suit.
stockholders as a group or to the corporation. , e.g., denial
Respondent failed to exhaust all available remedies to
of right to inspection and denial of dividends to a
obtain the reliefs he prayed for. He also failed to allege
stockholder.76 If the cause of action belongs to a group of
that appraisal rights were not available for the acts
stockholders, such as when the rights violated belong to
complained of. Neither did respondent Balmores implead
preferred stockholders, a class or representative suit may
PPC as party in the case nor did he allege that he was filing
be filed to protect the stockholders in the group.
on behalf of the corporation.
In this case, respondent Balmores filed an individual suit.
The non-derivative character of respondent Balmores’
His intent was very clear from his manner of describing the
action may also be gleaned from his allegations in the trial
nature of his action. He was alleging that the acts of PPC’s
court complaint. In the complaint, he described the nature
directors, specifically the waiver of rights in favor of
of his action as an action under Rule 1, Section 1(a)(1) of
Villamor’s law firm and their failure to take back the MC
the Interim Rules, and not an action under Rule 1, Section
Home Depot checks from Villamor, were detrimental to his
1(a)(4) of the Interim Rules, which refers to derivative
individual interest as a stockholder.

Rule 1, Section 1(a)(1) of the Interim Rules refers to acts of

WHEREFORE, the petitions are GRANTED. The decision of
the board, associates, and officers, amounting to fraud or
the Court of Appeals dated March 2, 2006 and its
misrepresentation, which may be detrimental to the
resolution dated May 29, 2006 are SET ASIDE.
interest of the stockholders. This is different from a
derivative suit.
While devices and schemes of the board of directors,
business associates, or officers amounting to fraud under Notes:
Rule 1, Section 1(a)(1) of the Interim Rules are causes of a
derivative suit, it is not always the case that derivative An allegation that appraisal rights were not available for the
suits are limited to such causes or that they are necessarily acts complained of is another requisite for filing derivative
derivative suits. Hence, they are separately enumerated in suits under Rule 8, Section 1(3) of the Interim Rules.
Rule 1, Section 1(a) of the Interim Rules:
Section 81 of the Corporation Code provides the instances of
SECTION 1. (a) Cases covered. – These Rules shall govern appraisal right:chanRo
the procedure to be observed in civil cases involving the SEC. 81. Instances of appraisal right.� Any stockholder of a
following: corporation shah1 have the right to dissent and demand
1. Devices or schemes employed by, or any act of, payment of the fair value of his shares in the following
the board of directors, business associates, instances:
officers or partners, amounting to fraud or 1. In case any amendment to the articles of
misrepresentation which may be detrimental to incorporation has the effect of changing or
the interest of the public and/or of the restricting the rights of any stockholders or
stockholders, partners, or members of any class of shares, or of authorizing
corporation, partnership, or association; preferences in any respect superior to those
2. Controversies arising out of intra-corporate, of outstanding shares of any class, or of
partnership, or association relations, between and extending or shortening the term of
among stockholders, members, or associates; and corporate existence;
2. In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, Facts:
mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all · PRCI holds a franchise granted under RA 6632 , to operate a
or substantially all of the corporate horse racetrack and manage betting stations. Under its
property and assets as provided in this franchise, PRCI may operate only one racetrack.
Code; and · The Articles of Incorporation of PRCI was amended to include
3. In case of merger or consolidation. a secondary purpose, to acquire real properties and/or
develop real properties into mix-use realty projects including
Section 82 of the Corporation Code provides that the but not limited to leisure, recreational and memorial parks
stockholder may exercise the right if he or she voted against and to own, operate, manage and/or sell these real estate
the proposed corporate action and if he made a written projects.
demand for payment on the corporation within thirty (30) · PRCI is publicly listed with the Philippine Stock Exchange
days after the date of voting. (PSE).
· PRCI owns only two real properties, each covered by several
Respondent Balmores complained about the alleged inaction transfer certificates of title, which are the Makati and Cavite
of PPC's directors in his letter informing them that Villamor property.
should be made to deliver to PPC and account for MC Home · PRCI management decided to transfer its racetrack from
Depot's checks or their equivalent value. He alleged that Makati to Cavite. PRCI began developing its Cavite property
these are devices or schemes amounting to fraud or as a racetrack, planning to make the Makati property to
misrepresentation detrimental to the corporation's and the urban and commercial use.
stockholders' interests. He also alleged that the directors' · PRCI acquired another domestic corporation, JTH Davies
inaction placed PPC's assets in imminent and/or actual Holdings, Inc. (JTH).
dissipation, loss, wastage, and destruction. · To determine the value of JTH, PRCI engaged the services of
SGV to conduct a due diligence study. The PRCI Board of
Granting that (a) respondent Balmores' attempt to Directors held a meeting voting affirmatively to pass and
communicate with the other PPC directors already comprised approve the acquisition of JTH.
all the available remedies that he could have exhausted and · Atty. Pagunsan his vote as "NO" which the Vice-Chairman
(b) the corporation was under full- control of petitioners that duly noted. Notwithstanding the objection of Atty. Pagunsan,
exhaustion of remedies became impossible or the Corporate Secretary declared the resolution as duly
futile,74 respondent Balmores failed to allege that appraisal approved and ratified.
rights were not available for the acts complained of here. · All the Directors present approved and passed the exchange
of its Makati property with shares of JTH Davies Holdings,
A. CUA JR., V. TAN, G.R. NO. 181455-56, DECEMBER 4, except Director Brigido Dulay who registered a negative vote.
2009 · Before the Annual Stockholder’s meeting of PRCI
commenced, respondents filed a derivative suit against the
Doctrine: Suits by stockholders or members of a corporation majority stockholders of PRCI praying that Cua et al be
based on wrongful or fraudulent acts of directors or other enjoined in the presentation, discussion, and approval of
persons may be classified into individual suits, class suits, and three of the 13 items on the Agenda of the 2007 Annual
derivative suits. Where a stockholder or member is denied Stockholders’ Meeting.
the right of inspection, his suit would be individual because · The RTC judge issued a TRO against the Annual stockholder’s
the wrong is done to him personally and not to the other meeting. Cua et al filed a petition for certiorari against the
stockholders or the corporation. Where the wrong is done to order of the lower court.
a group of stockholders, as where preferred stockholders’ · The CA denied the petition of Cua et al stating that the TRO
rights are violated, a class or representative suit will be issued by the RTC enjoined the presentation, discussion, and
proper for the protection of all stockholders belonging to the approval of only three of the 13 items on the Agenda of the
same group. But where the acts complained of constitute a 2007 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting.
wrong to the corporation itself, the cause of action belongs to Issue: Whether the derivative suit should be dismissed.
the corporation and not to the individual stockholder or Ruling: It is well settled in this jurisdiction that where
member. Although in most every case of wrong to the corporate directors are guilty of a breach of trust — not of
corporation, each stockholder is necessarily affected because mere error of judgment or abuse of discretion — and
the value of his interest therein would be impaired, this fact intracorporate remedy is futile or useless, a stockholder may
of itself is not sufficient to give him an individual cause of institute a suit in behalf of himself and other stockholders
action since the corporation is a person distinct and separate and for the benefit of the corporation, to bring about a
from him, and can and should itself sue the wrongdoer. redress of the wrong inflicted directly upon the corporation
Otherwise, not only would the theory of separate entity be and indirectly upon the stockholders.
violated, but there would be multiplicity of suits as well as a However, in cases of mismanagement where the wrongful
violation of the priority rights of creditors. Furthermore, there acts are committed by the directors or trustees themselves, a
is the difficulty of determining the amount of damages that stockholder or member may find that he has no redress
should be paid to each individual stockholder. because the former are vested by law with the right to decide
whether or not the corporation should sue, and they will
never be willing to sue themselves. The corporation would the authorized act of the principal. To declare the Resolution
thus be helpless to seek remedy. Because of the frequent dated 26 September 2006 of the PRCI Board of Directors null
occurrence of such a situation, the common law gradually and void will serve no practical use or value, or affect any of
recognized the right of a stockholder to sue on behalf of a the rights of the parties, because the Resolution dated 7
corporation in what eventually became known as a November 2006 of the PRCI stockholders -- approving and
"derivative suit." It has been proven to be an effective ratifying said acquisition and the manner in which PRCI shall
remedy of the minority against the abuses of management. constitute the JTH Board of Directors -- will still remain valid
Thus, an individual stockholder is permitted to institute a and binding.
derivative suit on behalf of the corporation wherein he holds In fact, if the derivative suit, insofar as it concerns the
stock in order to protect or vindicate corporate rights, Resolution dated 26 September 2006 of the PRCI Board of
whenever officials of the corporation refuse to sue or are the Directors, is not dismissible for mootness, it is still vulnerable
ones to be sued or hold the control of the corporation. In to dismissal for failure to implead indispensable parties,
such actions, the suing stockholder is regarded as the nominal namely, the majority of the PRCI stockholders.
party, with the corporation as the party in interest. Rule 8, Section 1 of the Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra-
In the case Nelson v. Anderson , the appellate court Corporate Controversies (IRPICC) lays down the following
concluded that the plaintiff could not maintain the suit as a requirements which a stockholder must comply with in filing
direct action: "Because the gravamen of the complaint is a derivative suit:
injury to the whole body of its stockholders, it was for the Sec. 1. Derivative action. – A stockholder or member may
corporation to institute and maintain a remedial action. A bring an action in the name of a corporation or association, as
derivative action would have been appropriate if its the case may be, provided, that:
responsible officials had refused or failed to act." The court (1) He was a stockholder or member at the time the
went on to note that the damages shown at trial were the acts or transactions subject of the action occurred
loss of corporate profits. Since "[s]hareholders own neither and at the time the action was filed;
the property nor the earnings of the corporation," any (2) He exerted all reasonable efforts, and alleges the
damages that the plaintiff alleged that resulted from such loss same with particularity in the complaint, to exhaust
of corporate profits "were incidental to the injury to the all remedies available under the articles of
corporation." incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules governing the
Based on allegations in the Complaint of Miguel, et al., in Civil corporation or partnership to obtain the relief he
Case No. 07-610, the Court determines that there is only a desires;
derivative suit, based on the devices and schemes employed (3) No appraisal rights are available for the act or
by the PRCI Board of Directors that amounts to acts complained of; and
mismanagement, misrepresentation, fraud, and bad faith. (4) The suit is not a nuisance or harassment suit.
It is important for the Court to mention that the 26 It bears to point out that every derivative suit is necessarily
September 2006 Resolution of the PRCI Board of Directors grounded on an alleged violation by the board of directors of
not only authorized the acquisition by PRCI of up to 100% of its fiduciary duties, committed by mismanagement,
the common stock of JTH, but it also specifically appointed misrepresentation, or fraud, with the latter two situations
petitioner Santiago Sr. to act as attorney-in-fact and proxy already implying bad faith. If the Court upholds the position
who could vote all the shares of PRCI in JTH, as well as of respondents Miguel, et al. – that the existence of
nominate, appoint, and vote into office directors and/or mismanagement, misrepresentation, fraud, and/or bad faith
officers during regular and special stockholders’ meetings of renders the right of appraisal unavailable – it would give rise
JTH. It was by this authority that PRCI directors were able to to an absurd situation. Inevitably, appraisal rights would be
constitute the JTH Board of Directors. Thus, the protest of unavailable in any derivative suit. This renders the
respondents Miguel, et al., against the interlocking directors requirement in Rule 8, Section 1(3) of the IPRICC superfluous
of PRCI and JTH is also rooted in the 26 September 2006 and effectively inoperative; and in contravention of an
Resolution of the PRCI Board of Directors. elementary rule of legal hermeneutics that effect must be
After a careful study of the allegations concerning this given to every word, clause, and sentence of the statute, and
derivative suit, the Court rules that it is dismissible for being that a statute should be so interpreted that no part thereof
moot and academic. becomes inoperative or superfluous.
The Resolution dated 26 September 2006 of the PRCI Board The import of establishing the availability or unavailability of
of Directors was approved and ratified by the stockholders, appraisal rights to the minority stockholder is further
holding 74% of the outstanding capital stock in PRCI, during highlighted by the fact that it is one of the factors in
the Special Stockholders’ Meeting held on 7 November 2006. determining whether or not a complaint involving an intra-
Respondents Miguel, et al., instituted the civil case, against corporate controversy is a nuisance and harassment suit.
herein petitioners Santiago Sr., et al., in their capacity as Section 1(b), Rule 1 of IRPICC provides:
directors of PRCI and/or JTH. Clearly, the acquisition by PRCI (b) Prohibition against nuisance and harassment suits. -
of JTH and the constitution of the JTH Board of Directors are Nuisance and harassment suits are prohibited. In determining
no longer just the acts of the majority of the PRCI Board of whether a suit is a nuisance or harassment suit, the court
Directors, but also of the majority of the PRCI stockholders. shall consider, among others, the following:
By ratification, even an unauthorized act of an agent becomes
(1) The extent of the shareholding or interest of the instituted Civil Case No. 07-610, PRCI stockholders had yet to
initiating stockholder or member; vote on the intended property-for-shares exchange between
(2) Subject matter of the suit; PRCI and JTH. Respondents Miguel, et al., themselves caused
(3) Legal and factual basis of the complaint; the unavailability of appraisal rights by filing the Complaint in
(4) Availability of appraisal rights for the act or acts Civil Case No. 07-610, in which they prayed that the 11 May
complained of; and 2007 Resolution of the Board of Directors approving the
(5) Prejudice or damage to the corporation, property-for-shares exchange between PRCI and JTH be
partnership, or association in relation to the relief declared null and void, even before the said Resolution could
sought. be presented to the PRCI stockholders for approval or
The availability or unavailability of appraisal rights should be rejection. More than anything, the argument of respondents
objectively based on the subject matter of the complaint, i.e., Miguel, et al., raises questions of whether their derivative suit
the specific act or acts performed by the board of directors, was prematurely filed for they had failed to exert all
without regard to the subjective conclusion of the minority reasonable efforts to exhaust all other remedies available
stockholder instituting the derivative suit that such act under the articles of incorporation, by-laws, laws, or rules
constituted mismanagement, misrepresentation, fraud, or governing the corporation or partnership, as required by Rule
bad faith. 8, Section 1(2) of the IRPICC. The obvious intent behind the
[Appraisal right] means that a stockholder who dissented and rule is to make the derivative suit the final recourse of the
voted against the proposed corporate action, may choose to stockholder, after all other remedies to obtain the relief
get out of the corporation by demanding payment of the fair sought have failed.
market value of his shares. When a person invests in the
stocks of a corporation, he subjects his investment to all the ASSET PRIVATIZATION TRUST vs. COURT OF APPEALS, et. al.
risks of the business and cannot just pull out such investment G.R. No. 121171, December 29, 1998
should the business not come out as he expected. He will Kapunan, J.:
have to wait until the corporation is finally dissolved before
he can get back his investment, and even then, only if DOCTRINE: (Case is under derivative suits in the syllabus)
sufficient assets are left after paying all corporate creditors. Settled is the doctrine that in a derivative suit, the
His only way out before dissolution is to sell his shares should corporation is the real party in interest while the stockholder
he find a willing buyer. If there is no buyer, then he has no filing suit for the corporation’s behalf is only nominal party.
recourse but to stay with the corporation. However, in certain The corporation should be included as a party in the suit.
specified instances, the Code grants the stockholder the right
to get out of the corporation even before its dissolution FACTS:
because there has been a major change in his contract of The Marinduque Mining and Industrial Corporation, hereafter
investment with which he does not agree and which the law known as MMIC, is a domestic corporation authorized by law
presumes he did not foresee when he bought his shares. to have the exclusive right to develop, explore, and utilize
Since the will of two-thirds of the stocks will have to prevail mineral deposits in the Surigao Mineral Reservation. The
over his objections, the law considers it only fair to allow him Philippine Government provided support in the financing of
to get back his investment and withdraw from the MMIC through DBP and PNB.
Sec. 81. Instances of appraisal right. – Any stockholder of a MMIC, PNB, and DBP executed a mortgage trust agreement
corporation shall have the right to dissent and demand whereby MMIC, as the mortgagor, agreed to constitute a
payment of the fair value of his shares in the following mortgage in favor of PNB and DBP as mortgagees, over all
instances: MMIC’s assets. The Trust Agreement also provides the
1. In case any amendment to the articles of procedure if the mortgagor shall fail to pay any amount
incorporation has the effect of changing or secured by the agreement.
restricting the rights of any stockholders or class of
shares, or of authorizing preferences in any respect A few years later, MMIC’s outstanding loans with DBP
superior to those of outstanding shares of any class, ballooned to 22 billion. A financial restructuring plan (FRP)
or of extending or shortening the term of corporate was drafted and approved by its Board of Directors, but it was
existence; never formally adopted, approved, or ratified by DBP and
2. In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, PNB.
mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all or
substantially all of the corporate property and assets DBP and PNB then decided to exercise their right to
as provided in this Code; and extrajudicially foreclose the mortgages in accordance with
3. In case of merger or consolidation. the Mortgage Trust Agreement. The assets were sold to PNB
The Court finds specious the averment of respondents as the lone bidder, and were transferred to the Asset
Miguel, et al., that appraisal rights were not available to Privatization Trust (APT), herein petitioner.
them, because appraisal rights may only be exercised by
stockholders who had voted against the proposed corporate In 1985, herein private respondents who were the original
action; and that at the time respondents Miguel, et al., stockholder of MMIC, filed a derivative suit against DBP and
PNB before the RTC of Makati Branch 62 for the annulment of they are fully paid less the
the foreclosure. proportionate liability of DBP as owner
of 87% of the total capitalization of
In the course of the trial, private respondents and petitioner MMIC under the FRP. Simply put, DBP
APT mutually agreed to submit the case to arbitration by shall share in the award of damages to,
entering into a Compromise and Arbitration Agreement. The and in obligations of MMIC in
agreement limited the issues to the following: (1) whether proportion to its 87% equity in the
plaintiffs (herein private respondents) have the capacity or total capital stock of MMIC.
the personality to institute a derivative suit in behalf of MMIC
or its directors; and (2) whether or not the actions leading to x x x.
the foreclosure of the MMIC assets were proper, valid, and in
good faith. As this Committee holds that the FRP is
valid, DBP’s equity in MMIC is raised to
The RTC approved the agreement and dismissed the initial 87%. So pursuant to the above
complaint. The arbitration committee rendered a majority provision of the Compromise and
decision in favor of MMIC, holding that: Arbitration Agreement, the 87% equity
of DBP is hereby deducted from the
actual damages of P19,486,118,654.00
Since, as this Committee finds, there is resulting in the net actual damages of
no foreclosure at all was not legally P2,531,635,425.02 plus interest.
and validly done, the Committee holds
and so declares that the loans of PNB Motions for reconsiderations were filed by both parties, but
and DBP to MMIC, for the payment the same were denied. Private respondents file a Motion for
and recovery of which the void Confirmation of Arbitration Award before the RTC, which was
foreclosure sales were undertaken, granted. The RTC held that the dismissal of the original civil
continue to remain outstanding and case was merely a “qualified dismissal” to pave way for the
unpaid. Defendant APT as the submission of the controversy to arbitration, and operated
successor-in-interest of PNB and DBP simply as a “mere suspension of the proceedings”.
to the said loans is therefore entitled
and retains the right, to collect the APT then filed a petition for certiorari before the Court of
same from MMIC pursuant to and Appeals, which denied due course and dismissed the petition.
based on the loan documents signed Hence, this petition for review on certiorari.
by MMIC, subject to the legal and valid
defenses that the latter may duly and ISSUE:
seasonably interpose. Such loans shall, 1. Did the RTC have jurisdiction to confirm the arbitral
however, be reduced by the amount award?
which APT may have realized from the 2. Did the arbiters exceed their powers and authority?
sale of the seized assets of MMIC 3. Was the derivative suit proper?
which by agreement should no longer
be returned even if the foreclosure RULING:
were found to be null and void. 1. No. Admittedly the correct procedure was for the
parties to go back to the court where the case was
The documentary evidence submitted pending to have the award confirmed by said court.
and adopted by both parties (Exhibits However, Branch 62 made the fatal mistake of
"3", "3-B"; Exhibits "100"; and also issuing a final order dismissing the case. While
Exhibit "ZZZ") as their exhibits would Branch 62 should have merely suspended the case
show that the total outstanding and not dismissed it, neither of the parties
obligation due to DBP and PNB as of questioned said dismissal. Thus, both parties as well
the date of foreclosure is as said court are bound by such error.
P22,668,537,770.05, more or less.
It is erroneous then to argue, as private respondents
Therefore, defendant APT can, and is do, that petitioner APT was charged with the
still entitled to, collect the outstanding knowledge that the "case was merely stayed until
obligations of MMIC to PNB and DBP arbitration finished," as again, the order of Branch
amounting to P22,668.537,770.05, 62 in very clear terms stated that the "complaint was
more or less, with interest thereon as dismissed." By its own action, Branch 62 had lost
stipulated in the loan documents from jurisdiction over the vase. It could not have validly
the date of foreclosure up to the time reacquired jurisdiction over the said case on mere
motion of one of the parties. The Rules of Court is
specific on how a new case may be initiated and as a party. It was not joined as a party plaintiff or
such is not done by mere motion in a particular party defendant at any stage of the proceedings. As
branch of the RTC. Consequently, as there was no it is, the award of damages to MMIC, which was not
"pending action" to speak of, the petition to confirm a party before the Arbitration Committee, is a
the arbitral award should have been filed as a new complete nullity.
case and raffled accordingly to one of the branches
of the Regional Trial Court. Settled is the doctrine that in a derivative suit, the
corporation is the real party in interest while the
stockholder filing suit for the corporation’s behalf is
2. Yes. As a rule, the award of an arbitrator cannot be only nominal party. The corporation should be
set aside for mere errors of judgment either as to included as a party in the suit.
the law or as to the facts. Courts are without power
to amend or overrule merely because of An individual stockholder is permitted
disagreement with matters of law or facts to institute a derivative suit on behalf
determined by the arbitrators. They will not review of the corporation wherein he holds
the findings of law and fact contained in an award, stock in order to protect or vindicate
and will not undertake to substitute their judgment corporate rights, whenever the officials
for that of the arbitrators, since any other rule would of the corporation refuse to sue, or are
make an award the commencement, not the end, of the ones to be sued or hold the control
litigation. Errors of law and fact, or an erroneous of the corporation. In such actions, the
decision of matters submitted to the judgment of the suing stockholder is regarded as a
arbitrators, are insufficient to invalidate an award nominal party, with the corporation as
fairly and honestly made. Judicial review of an the real party in interest. x x x.
arbitration is, thus, more limited than judicial review
of a trial. It is a condition sine qua non that the corporation be
impleaded as a party because-
Nonetheless, the arbitrators’ awards is not absolute
and without exceptions. The arbitrators cannot x x x. Not only is the corporation an
resolve issues beyond the scope of the submission indispensable party, but it is also the
agreement. The parties to such an agreement are present rule that it must be served
bound by the arbitrators’ award only to the extent with process. The reason given is that
and in the manner prescribed by the contract and the judgment must be made binding
only if the award is rendered in conformity upon the corporation and in order that
thereto. Thus, Sections 24 and 25 of the Arbitration the corporation may get the benefit of
Law provide grounds for vacating, rescinding or the suit and may not bring a
modifying an arbitration award. Where the subsequent suit against the same
conditions described in Articles 2038, 2039 and defendants for the same cause of
2040 of the Civil Code applicable to compromises action. In other words the corporations
and arbitration are attendant, the arbitration award must be joined as party because it is its
may also be annulled. cause of action that is being litigated
and because judgment must be a res
Finally, it should be stressed that while a court is adjudicata against it.
precluded from overturning an award for errors in
determination of factual issues, nevertheless, if an The reasons given for not allowing direct individual
examination of the record reveals no support suit are:
whatever for the arbitrators’ determinations, their
award must be vacated. In the same manner, an
award must be vacated if it was made in "manifest 1. x x x "the universally recognized doctrine
disregard of the law." that a stockholder in a corporation has no
title legal or equitable to the corporate
Against the backdrop of the foregoing provisions and property; that both of these are in the
principles, we find that the arbitrators came out with corporation itself for the benefit of the
an award in excess of their powers and palpably stockholders." In other words, to allow
devoid of factual and legal basis. shareholders to sue separately would
conflict with the separate corporate entity
3. No. Civil Code No. 9900 filed before the RTC being a
derivative suit, MMIC should have been impleaded
2. x x x that the prior rights of the creditors may be The RTC dismissed the Complaint, holding that the
prejudiced. Thus, our Supreme Court held in the case action is a derivative suit; that petitioners failed to exhaust
of Evangelista v. Santos, that "the stockholders may their remedies within the respondent corporation itself.
not directly claim those damages for themselves for CA affirmed.
that would result in the appropriation by, and the
distribution among them of part of the corporate ISSUE: Is the Complaint indeed a derivative suit?
assets before the dissolution of the corporation and
the liquidation of its debts and liabilities, something RULING: No.
which cannot be legally done in view of section 16 of Indeed, the Court notes American jurisprudence to
the Corporation Law xxx;" the effect that a derivative suit, on one hand, and individual
and class suits, on the other, are mutually exclusive, viz.:
"As the Supreme Court has explained: "A
3. the filing of such suits would conflict with the duty of shareholder’s derivative suit seeks to recover for the benefit
the management to sue for the protection of all of the corporation and its whole body of shareholders when
concerned; injury is caused to the corporation that may not otherwise
be redressed because of failure of the corporation to act.
Thus, ‘the action is derivative, i.e., in the corporate right, if
4. it would produce wasteful multiplicity of suits; and the gravamen of the complaint is injury to the corporation, or
to the whole body of its stock and property without any
severance or distribution among individual holders, or it
5. it would involve confusion in a ascertaining the seeks to recover assets for the corporation or to prevent the
effect of partial recovery by an individual on the dissipation of its assets.’ x x x. In contrast, "a direct action [is
damages recoverable by the corporation for the one] filed by the shareholder individually (or on behalf of a
same act. class of shareholders to which he or she belongs) for injury to
his or her interest as a shareholder. x x x. [T]he two actions
If at all an award was due MMIC, which it was not, are mutually exclusive: i.e., the right of action and recovery
the same should have been given sans deduction, belongs to either the shareholders (direct action)
regardless of whether or not the party liable had Upon a careful examination of the Complaint, this
equity in the corporation, in view of the doctrine Court finds that the same should not have been dismissed on
that a corporation has a personality separate and the ground that it is a nuisance or harassment suit. Although
distinct from its individual stockholders or members. the shareholdings of petitioners are indeed only two out of
DBP’s alleged equity, even if it were indeed 87%, did the 409 alleged outstanding shares or 0.24%, the Court has
not give it ownership over any corporate property, held that it is enough that a member or a minority of
including the monetary award, its right over said stockholders file a derivative suit for and in behalf of a
corporate property being a mere expectancy or corporation.
inchoate right. Notably, the stipulation even had the With regard, however, to the second requisite, we
effect of prejudicing the other creditors of MMIC. find that petitioners failed to state with particularity in the
Complaint that they had exerted all reasonable efforts to
Ching vs Subic Bay Golf And Country Club exhaust all remedies available under the articles of
Derivative Suits incorporation, by-laws, and laws or rules governing the
G.R. No. 174353, 10 September 2014 corporation to obtain the relief they desire. The Complaint
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: contained no allegation whatsoever of any effort to avail of
intra-corporate remedies. Indeed, even if petitioners thought
FACTS: it was futile to exhaust intra-corporate remedies, they should
Petitioners Nestor Ching and Andrew Wellington have stated the same in the Complaint and specified the
filed a Complaint with the RTC of Olongapo City on behalf of reasons for such opinion. Failure to do so allows the RTC to
the members of Subic Bay Golf and Country Club, Inc. dismiss the Complaint, even motu proprio, in accordance with
(SBGCCI) against the said country club and its Board of the Interim Rules.
Directors and officers. Therefore, petition is denied.
The complaint alleged that the defendant
corporation sold shares to plaintiffs at US$22,000.00 per Hi-Yield Realty, Inc. v. CA
share, presenting to them the Articles of Incorporation, which G.R. No. 168863, June 23, 2009
amendment was not disclosed to them, allegedly making the
shares non-proprietary, as it takes away the right of the Even then, not every suit filed on behalf of the corporation is
shareholders to participate in the pro-rata distribution of the a derivative suit. For a derivative suit to prosper, the minority
assets of the corporation after its dissolution. Complaint stockholder suing for and on behalf of the corporation must
furthermore enumerated several instances of fraud in the allege in his complaint that he is suing on a derivative cause
management of the corporation. of action on behalf of the corporation and all other
stockholders similarly situated who may wish to join him in remedy is no longer necessary where the corporation itself is
the suit. under the complete control of the person against whom the
suit is being filed. The reason is obvious: a demand upon the
Facts: board to institute an action and prosecute the same
Roberto H. Torres (Roberto), for and on behalf of Honorio effectively would have been useless and an exercise in futility.
Torres & Sons, Inc. (HTSI), filed a Petition for Annulment of
Real Estate Mortgage and Foreclosure Sale over two parcels Here, Roberto alleged in his petition that earnest efforts were
of land located in Marikina and Quezon City. The suit was made to reach a compromise among family
filed against Leonora, Ma. Theresa, Glenn and Stephanie, all members/stockholders before he filed the case. He also
surnamed Torres, the Register of Deeds of Marikina and maintained that Leonora Torres held 55% of the outstanding
Quezon City, and petitioner Hi-Yield Realty, Inc. (Hi-Yield). On shares while Ma. Theresa, Glenn and Stephanie excluded him
September 15, 2003, petitioner moved to dismiss the petition from the affairs of the corporation. Even more glaring was the
on grounds of improper venue and payment of insufficient fact that from June 10, 1992, when the first mortgage deed
docket fees. was executed until July 23, 2002, when the properties
mortgaged were foreclosed, the Board of Directors of HTSI
The RTC denied said motion in an Order dated January 22, did nothing to rectify the alleged unauthorized transactions
2004. The trial court held that the case was, in nature, a real of Leonora. Clearly, Roberto could not expect relief from the
action in the form of a derivative suit cognizable by a special board.
commercial court pursuant to Administrative Matter No. 00-
11-03-SC. Petitioner sought reconsideration, but its motion Thus, the Court of Appeals did not commit grave abuse of
was denied in an Order dated April 27, 2004. Thereafter, discretion when it found that respondents correctly filed the
petitioner filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition before derivative suit before the Makati RTC where HTSI had its
the Court of Appeals but the appellate court agreed with the principal office.
RTC that the case was a derivative suit. Thereby, dismissing
the Petition. Hence, this petition. WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED. The
Decision of the Court of Appeals in are AFFIRMED.
Whether the action to annul the real estate mortgage and Ago Realty & Development Corp. v. Ago
foreclosure sale is a mere incident of the derivative suit? G.R. No. 210906, October 16, 2019
Topics: Remedial Rights >> Derivative Suit
No, it is not. A derivative action is a suit by a shareholder to DOCTRINE:
enforce a corporate cause of action. Under the Corporation Rule 8
Code, where a corporation is an injured party, its power to DERIVATIVE SUITS
sue is lodged with its board of directors or trustees. But an
individual stockholder may be permitted to institute a Section 1. Derivative action. - A stockholder or member may
derivative suit on behalf of the corporation in order to bring an action in the name of a corporation or association,
protect or vindicate corporate rights whenever the officials of as the case may be, provided, that:
the corporation refuse to sue, or are the ones to be sued, or
hold control of the corporation. In such actions, the
corporation is the real party-in-interest while the suing 1. He was a stockholder or member at the time the acts
stockholder, on behalf of the corporation, is only a nominal or transactions subject of the action occurred and
party. the time the action was filed;
2. He exerted all reasonable efforts, and alleges the
The requisites before a stockholder can file a derivative suit: same with particularity in the complaint, to exhaust
a) the party bringing suit should be a shareholder as of the all remedies available under the articles of
time of the act or transaction complained of, the number of incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules governing the
his shares not being material; b) he has tried to exhaust intra- corporation or partnership to obtain the relief he
corporate remedies, i.e., has made a demand on the board of desires;
directors for the appropriate relief but the latter has failed or 3. No appraisal rights are available for the acts or acts
refused to heed his plea; and c) the cause of action actually complained of; and
devolves on the corporation, the wrongdoing or harm having 4. The suits is not a nuisance or harassment suit.
been, or being caused to the corporation and not to the
particular stockholder bringing the suit. FACTS:
1. The case involves a dispute within Ago Realty &
The Court finds that Roberto had satisfied this requirement in Development Corporation (ARDC), a close
his petition. Further, while it is true that the complaining corporation owned by Emmanuel F. Ago, Corazon C.
stockholder must satisfactorily show that he has exhausted all Ago, their children, and Angelita F. Ago.
means to redress his grievances within the corporation; such
2. The issue arose when Angelita introduced also because it must be barred from bringing a subsequent
unauthorized improvements on ARDC's property case against the same defendants for the same cause of
that encroached on other lots owned by ARDC. ARDC action. Stated otherwise, the judgment rendered in the suit
and Emmanuel filed a complaint alleging must constitute res judicata against the corporation, even
unauthorized actions by Angelita, Teresita P. Apin, though it refuses to sue through its board of directors.
Maribel Amaro, and local officials. The defendants
argued that ARDC never authorized the lawsuit, and That said, not every wrong suffered by a stockholder
the plaintiffs lacked legal standing. Teresita denied involving a corporation will vest in him or her the standing to
the allegations and claimed her restaurant was on a commence a derivative suit. In Cua, Jr., et al. v. Tan, et al., the
different property. Court explained when such actions lie, viz.:
3. The trial court dismissed the complaint, holding
Emmanuel and Corazon liable for damages due to Suits by stockholders or members of a
unauthorized filing. The court ruled that the plaintiffs corporation based on wrongful or
were not authorized to sue on behalf of ARDC. The fraudulent acts of directors or other
Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed this ruling, stating the persons may be classified into individual
case was like a derivative suit requiring authorization suits, class suits, and derivative suits. Where
from ARDC's Board of Directors. The CA deleted the a stockholder or member is denied the right
awards for moral damages and attorney's fees. of inspection, his suit would be individual
4. After the CA denied their respective motions for because the wrong is done to him
reconsideration through the herein assailed personally and not to the other
Resolution, ARDC, Emmanuel, and Corazon, on the stockholders or the corporation. Where the
one hand, and Angelita, on the other, filed the wrong is done to a group of stockholders, as
instant consolidated petitions for review on where preferred stockholders' rights are
certiorari. violated, a class or representative suit will
be proper for the protection of all
ISSUES: stockholders belonging to the same group.
Whether the derivative suit is properly filed by Emmanuel et But where the acts complained of
al., and if so, should they be required to secure first the constitute a wrong to the corporation
necessary board resolution granting them authority from itself, the cause of action belongs to the
BOD to institute the case. corporation and not to the individual
stockholder or member. Although in most
RULING: every case of wrong to the corporation,
No. Although board resolution is not necessary, the derivative each stockholder is necessarily affected
suit still fails for lack of the 2nd requisite. because the value of his interest therein
would be impaired, this fact of itself is not
One of the powers expressly granted by law to corporations is sufficient to give him an individual cause of
the power to sue. As with other corporate powers, the power action since the corporation is a person
to sue is lodged in the board of directors, acting as a collegial distinct and separate from him, and can and
body. Thus, in the absence of any clear authority from the should itself sue the wrongdoer. Otherwise,
board, charter, or by-laws, no suit may be maintained on not only would the theory of separate
behalf of the corporation. A case instituted by a corporation entity be violated, but there would be
without authority from its board of directors is subject to multiplicity of suits as well as a violation of
dismissal on the ground of failure to state a cause of action. the priority rights of creditors. Furthermore,
there is the difficulty of determining the
As an exception to the foregoing rule, jurisprudence has amount of damages that should be paid to
recognized certain instances when minority stockholders may each individual stockholder.
bring suits on behalf of corporations. Where the board of
directors itself is a party to the wrong, either because it is the However, in cases of mismanagement
author thereof or because it refuses to take remedial action, where the wrongful acts are committed by
equity permits individual stockholders to seek redress. These the directors or trustees themselves, a
actions have come to be known as derivative suits. In Chua v. stockholder or member may find that he
Court of Appeals, the Court defined a derivative suit as "a suit has no redress because the former are
by a shareholder to enforce a corporate cause of action." vested by law with the right to decide
whether or not the corporation should sue,
In derivative suits, it is the corporation that is the victim of and they will never be willing to sue
the wrong. As such, it is the corporation that is properly themselves. The corporation would thus be
regarded as the real party in interest, while the relator- helpless to seek remedy. Because of the
stockholder is merely a nominal party. The corporation must frequent occurrence of such a situation, the
be impleaded so that the benefits of the suit accrue to it and common law gradually recognized the right
of a stockholder to sue on behalf of a available." A viable remedy would have been to elect a board
corporation in what eventually became of directors for ARDC, through which they could have
known as a "derivative suit." It has been instituted the case. The derivative suit is a remedy for
proven to be an effective remedy of the minority shareholders when the board fails to act.
minority against the abuses of
management. Thus, an individual The majority shareholders' controlling interest should
stockholder is permitted to institute a generally lead them to use the board for corporate actions,
derivative suit on behalf of the corporation not derivative suits. The law emphasizes that corporations
wherein he holds stock in order to protect should exercise their powers through the board of directors,
or vindicate corporate rights, whenever especially when a wrong is committed against the
officials of the corporation refuse to sue or corporation. Emmanuel, et al. could have elected a board to
are the ones to be sued or hold the control act on ARDC's behalf, but their omission led to their failure to
of the corporation. In such actions, the exhaust legal remedies.
suing stockholder is regarded as the
nominal party, with the corporation as the ARDC's status as a close corporation doesn't excuse them
party in interest.80 (Emphasis and from complying with requirements for derivative suits. The
underscoring supplied) argument that Emmanuel, as President, had authority to
institute the case is flawed because he didn't concurrently
However, the SC agrees with Emmanuel et al. in their hold office as a director, as mandated by law. The courts
contention that a derivative suit does not require the rightly didn't award damages since the case wasn't
imprimatur of the board of directors. Since, in derivative maliciously prosecuted; it was based on Angelita's
suits, the corporation is usually under the control of the unauthorized actions, even though it was wrongly brought by
wrongdoers, it would be absurd to require the stockholders shareholders instead of through the proper channels. The
to obtain board authority prior to the commencement of dismissal of the case doesn't automatically warrant damages
litigation. or attorney's fees against the plaintiffs who acted in good
Since the board is guilty of breaching the trust reposed in it
by the stockholders, it is but logical to dispense with the ANNA TENG, versus SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE
requirement of obtaining from it authority to institute the COMMISSION (SEC) and TING PING LAY,
case and to sign the certification against forum shopping. It G.R. No. 184332; Feb. 17, 2016
has been held that when "the corporation x x x is under the REYES, J.
complete control of the principal defendants in the case, x x x
it is obvious that a demand upon the [board] to institute an Doctrine:
action and prosecute the same effectively would [be] useless, Section 63 of the Corporation Code prescribes the manner by
and the law does not require litigants to perform useless which a share of stock may be transferred. Under the
acts." Thus, the institution of a derivative suit need not be provision, certain minimum requisites must be complied
preceded by a board resolution. with for there to be a valid transfer of stocks, to wit:
a. there must be delivery of the stock certificate;
BUT, Despite derivative suits being grounded on equity, they b. the certificate must be endorsed by the owner or his
cannot prosper in the absence of any or some of the attorney-in-fact or other persons legally authorized
requisites enumerated in the Interim Rules of Procedure for to make the transfer; and
Intra-Corporate Controversies. The 2nd requisite does not c. to be valid against third parties, the transfer must be
obtained in this case. recorded in the books of the corporation.

Before instituting a derivative suit, the relator-stockholder Facts:

must exert all reasonable efforts to exhaust all remedies Respondent Ting Ping purchased 480 shares of TCL Sales
available under the articles of incorporation, the by-laws, and Corporation (TCL) from Peter Chiu (Chiu) on February 2, 1979;
the laws or rules governing the corporation or partnership to 1,400 shares on September 22, 1985 from his brother Teng
obtain the relief he or she desires. Such fact must then be Ching Lay (Teng Ching), who was also the president and
alleged with particularity in the complaint. "The obvious operations manager of TCL; and 1,440 shares from Ismaelita
intent behind the rule is to make the derivative suit the final Maluto (Maluto) on September 2, 1989.
recourse of the stockholder, after all other remedies to obtain
the relief sought had failed." Upon Teng Ching's death in 1989, his son Henry Teng (Henry)
took over the management of TCL. To protect his
In their petition, Emmanuel, et al. claim they made shareholdings with TCL, Ting Ping on August 31, 1989
reasonable efforts to resolve the dispute with Angelita, but requested TCL's Corporate Secretary, herein petitioner Teng,
their attempt at an amicable settlement failed. They held a to enter the transfer in the Stock and Transfer Book of TCL for
stockholders' meeting, but Angelita left before it began. the proper recording of his acquisition. He also demanded the
However, this doesn't qualify as "exhausting all remedies issuance of new certificates of stock in his favor. TCL and
Teng, however, refused despite repeated demands. Because Ting Ping contends that Section 63 of the Corporation Code
of their refusal, Ting Ping filed a petition for mandamus with does not require the surrender of the stock certificate to the
the SEC against TCL and Teng. The SEC granted Ting Ping's corporation, nor make such surrender an indispensable
petition. condition before any transfer of shares can be registered in
SEC en banc, which, in its Order dated June 11, 1996, affirmed the books of the corporation. Ting Ping considers Section 63
the SEC decision with modification, in that Teng was held as a permissive mode of transferring shares in the
solely liable for the payment of moral damages and attorney's corporation. Thus, for as long as the shares of stock are
fees. validly transferred, the corporate secretary has the
ministerial duty to register the transfer of such shares in the
TCL and Teng filed a petition for review with the CA which books of the corporation, especially in this case because no
dismissed the petition for having been filed out of time and less than this Court has affirmed the validity of the transfer of
for finding no cogent and justifiable grounds to disturb the the shares in favor of Ting Ping.
findings of the SEC en banc.
After the finality of the Court's decision, the SEC issued a writ Whether or not the surrender of the certificates of stock is a
of execution. Teng, however, filed a complaint for requisite before registration of the transfer may be made in
interpleader with the RTC of Manila where Teng sought to the corporate books and for the issuance of new certificates
compel Henry and Ting Ping to interplead and settle the issue in its stead.
of ownership over the 1,400 shares, which were previously
owned by Teng Ching. Ruling:
No. To compel Ting Ping to deliver to the corporation the
The RTC of Manila, Branch 46, rendered its Decision, finding certificates as a condition for the registration of the transfer
Henry to have a better right to the shares of stock formerly would amount to a restriction on the right of Ting Ping to
owned by Teng Ching, except as to those covered by Stock have the stocks transferred to his name, which is not
Certificate No. 011 covering 262.5 shares. sanctioned by law.

An Ex Parte Motion for the Issuance of Alias Writ of Execution A certificate of stock is a written instrument signed by the
was filed by Ting Ping where he sought the partial satisfaction proper officer of a corporation stating or acknowledging that
of SEC en banc Order dated June 11, 1996 ordering TCL and the person named in the document is the owner of a
Teng to record the 480 shares he acquired from Chiu and the designated number of shares of its stock. It is prima facie
1,440 shares he acquired from Maluto, and for Teng's evidence that the holder is a shareholder of a corporation. A
payment of the damages awarded in his favor. certificate, however, is merely a tangible evidence of
ownership of shares of stock. It is not a stock in the
Acting upon the motion, the SEC issued an Order dated corporation and merely expresses the contract between the
August 9, 2006 granting partial enforcement and satisfaction corporation and the stockholder. The shares of stock
of the Decision dated July 20, 1994, as modified by the SEC en evidenced by said certificates, meanwhile, are regarded as
banc's Order dated June 11, 1996. On the same date, the SEC property and the owner of such shares may, as a general rule,
issued an alias writ of execution. dispose of them as he sees fit, unless the corporation has
been dissolved, or unless the right to do so is properly
The CA affirmed the orders of the Securities and Exchange restricted, or the owner's privilege of disposing of his shares
Commission (SEC) granting the issuance of an alias writ of has been hampered by his own action.
execution, compelling petitioner Anna Teng (Teng) to register
and issue new certificates of stock in favor of respondent Ting Section 63 of the Corporation Code prescribes the manner by
Ping Lay (Ting Ping). which a share of stock may be transferred. Under the
provision, certain minimum requisites must be complied
Petitioner’s contention: with for there to be a valid transfer of stocks, to wit:
Teng argues, among others, that the CA erred when it held d. there must be delivery of the stock certificate;
that the d. the certificate must be endorsed by the owner or his
surrender of Maluto's stock certificates is not necessary attorney-in-fact or other persons legally authorized
before their registration in the corporate books and before to make the transfer; and
the issuance of new stock certificates. She contends that prior d. to be valid against third parties, the transfer must be
to registration of stocks in the corporate books, it is recorded in the books of the corporation.
mandatory that the stock certificates are first surrendered
because a corporation will be liable to a bona fide holder of It is the delivery of the certificate, coupled with the
the old certificate if, without demanding the said certificate, it endorsement by the owner or his duly authorized
issues a new one. representative that is the operative act of transfer of shares
from the original owner to the transferee. The delivery
Respondent’s contention: contemplated in Section 63, however, pertains to the delivery
of the certificate of shares by the transferor to the transferee,
that is, from the original stockholder named in the certificate The manner of issuance of certificates of stock is generally
to the person or entity the stockholder was transferring the regulated by the corporation's by-laws. Section 47 of the
shares to, whether by sale or some other valid form of Corporation Code states: "a private corporation may provide
absolute conveyance of ownership. in its by-laws for x x x the manner of issuing stock
certificates." Section 63, meanwhile, provides that "[t]he
"[S]hares of stock may be transferred by delivery to the capital stock of stock corporations shall be divided into shares
transferee of the certificate properly indorsed. Title may be for which certificates signed by the president or vice
vested in the transferee by the delivery of the duly indorsed president, countersigned by the secretary or assistant
certificate of stock." secretary, and sealed with the seal of the corporation shall be
issued in accordance with the by-laws."
It is thus clear that Teng's position - that Ting Ping must first
surrender Chiu's and Maluto's respective certificates of stock The surrender of the original certificate of stock is necessary
before the transfer to Ting Ping may be registered in the before the issuance of a new one so that the old certificate
books of the corporation - does not have legal basis. The may be cancelled. A corporation is not bound and cannot be
delivery or surrender adverted to by Teng, i.e., from Ting Ping required to issue a new certificate unless the original
to TCL, is not a requisite before the conveyance may be certificate is produced and surrendered. Surrender and
recorded in its books. The only limitation imposed by Section cancellation of the old certificates serve to protect not only
63 is when the corporation holds any unpaid claim against the the corporation but the legitimate shareholder and the public
shares intended to be transferred. as well, as it ensures that there is only one document
covering a particular share of stock.
In Rural Bank of Salinas, the Court ruled that the right of a
transferee/assignee to have stocks transferred to his name is In the case at bench, Ting Ping manifested from the start his
an inherent right flowing from his ownership of the stocks. In intention to surrender the subject certificates of stock to
ruling favorably for the private respondent, the Court facilitate the registration of the transfer and for the issuance
stressed that a of new certificates in his name.
corporation, either by its board, its by-laws, or the act of its
officers, cannot create restrictions in stock transfers. In On the other hand, Teng, and TCL for that matter, have
transferring stock, the secretary of a corporation acts in already deterred for so long Ting Ping's enjoyment of his
purely ministerial capacity, and does not try to decide the rights as a stockholder. As early as 1989, Ting Ping already
question of ownership. If a corporation refuses to make such requested Teng to enter the transfer of the subject shares in
transfer without good cause, it may, in fact, even be TCL's Stock and Transfer Book; in 2001, the Court, in G.R. No.
compelled to do so by mandamus. 129777, resolved Ting Ping's rights as a valid transferee and
shareholder; in 2006, the SEC ordered partial execution of the
In the same vein, Teng cannot refuse registration of the judgment; and in 2008, tμe CA affirmed the SEC's order of
transfer on the pretext that the photocopies of Maluto's execution. The Court will not allow Teng and TCL to frustrate
certificates of stock submitted by Ting Ping covered only Ting Ping's rights any longer. Also, the Court will not dwell on
1,305 shares and not 1,440. As earlier stated, the respective the other issues raised by Teng as it becomes irrelevant in
duties of the corporation and its secretary to transfer stock light of the Court's disquisition.
are purely ministerial.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision dated April
Nevertheless, to be valid against third parties and the 29, 2008 and Resolution dated August 28, 2008 of the Court
corporation, the transfer must be recorded or registered in of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 99836 are AFFIRMED.
the books of corporation. There are several reasons why
registration of the transfer is necessary: Respondent Ting Ping Lay is hereby ordered to surrender the
 one, to enable the transferee to exercise all the certificates of stock covering the shares respectively
rights of a stockholder; transferred by Ismaelita Maluto and Peter Chiu. Petitioner
 two, to inform the corporation of any change in Anna Teng or the incumbent corporate secretary of TCL Sales
share ownership so that it can ascertain the persons Corporation, on the other hand, is hereby ordered, under
entitled to the rights and subject to the liabilities of a pain of contempt, to immediately cancel Ismaelita Maluto's
stockholder; and and Peter Chiu's certificates of stock and to issue new ones in
 three, to avoid fictitious or fraudulent transfers, the name of Ting Ping Lay, which shall include Ismaelita
among others. Maluto's shares not covered by any existing certificate of
stock but otherwise validly transferred to Ting Ping Lay.
Upon registration of the transfer in the books of the
corporation, the transferee may now then exercise all the Rural Bank of Salinas v. CA
rights of a stockholder, which include the right to have stocks GR No. 96674, June 26, 1992
transferred to his name. Paras, J.
DOCTRINE: The right of a transferee/assignee to have stocks
transferred to his name is an inherent right flowing from his RULING: The CA did not err at all.
ownership of the stocks. Thus, whenever a corporation Section 5 (b) of P.D. No. 902-A grants to the SEC the original
refuses to transfer and register stock in cases like the and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving
present, mandamus will lie to compel the officers of the intracorporate controversies. An intracorporate controversy
corporation to transfer said stock in the books of the has been defined as one which arises between a stockholder
corporation. and the corporation. The case at bar involves shares of stock,
FACTS: On June 10, 1979, Clemente G. Guerrero, President of their registration, cancellation and issuances thereof by
the Rural Bank of Salinas, Inc., executed a Special Power of petitioner Rural Bank of Salinas. It is therefore within the
Attorney in favor of his wife, private respondent Melania power of respondent SEC to adjudicate.
Guerrero, giving and granting the latter full power and Respondent SEC correctly ruled in favor of the registering of
authority to sell or otherwise dispose of and/or mortgage 473 the shares of stock in question in private respondent's names.
shares of stock of the Bank registered in his name, to execute Such ruling finds support under Section 63 of the Corporation
the proper documents therefor, and to receive and sign Code.
receipts for the dispositions. Said Section contemplates no restriction as to whom the
On February 27, 1980, and pursuant to said Special Power of stocks may be transferred. It does not suggest that any
Attorney, private respondent Melania Guerrero, as Attorney- discrimination may be created by the corporation in favor of,
in-Fact, executed a Deed of Assignment for 472 shares out of or against a certain purchaser. The owner of shares, as owner
the 473 shares, in favor of private respondents Luz Andico of personal property, is at liberty, under said section to
(457 shares), Wilhelmina Rosales (10 shares) and Francisco dispose them in favor of whomever he pleases, without
Guerrero, Jr. (5 shares). limitation in this respect, than the general provisions of law.
Almost four months later, or two (2) days before the death of The only limitation imposed by Section 63 of the Corporation
Clemente Guerrero on June 24, 1980, private respondent Code is when the corporation holds any unpaid claim against
Melania Guerrero, pursuant to the same Special Power of the shares intended to be transferred, which is absent here.
Attorney, executed a Deed of Assignment for the remaining A corporation, either by its board, its by-laws, or the act of its
one (1) share of stock in favor of private respondent Francisco officers, cannot create restrictions in stock transfers, because
Guerrero, Sr. restrictions in the traffic of stock must have their source in
Subsequently, private respondent Melania Guerrero legislative enactment, as the corporation itself cannot create
presented to petitioner Rural Bank of Salinas the two (2) such impediment. By-laws are intended merely for the
Deeds of Assignment for registration with a request for the protection of the corporation, and prescribe regulation, not
transfer in the Bank's stock and transfer book of the 473 restriction; they are always subject to the charter of the
shares of stock so assigned, the cancellation of stock corporation. The corporation, in the absence of such power,
certificates in the name of Clemente G. Guerrero, and the cannot ordinarily inquire into or pass upon the legality of the
issuance of new stock certificates covering the transferred transactions by which its stock passes from one person to
shares of stocks in the name of the new owners thereof. another, nor can it question the consideration upon which a
However, petitioner Bank denied the request of respondent sale is based.
Melania Guerrero. The right of a transferee/assignee to have stocks transferred
On December 5, 1980, private respondent Melania Guerrero to his name is an inherent right flowing from his ownership of
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission" (SEC) an the stocks. Thus, whenever a corporation refuses to transfer
action for mandamus against petitioners Rural Bank of and register stock in cases like the present, mandamus will lie
Salinas, its President and Corporate Secretary. to compel the officers of the corporation to transfer said
Petitioners filed their Answer with counterclaim on December stock in the books of the corporation.
19, 1980 alleging the upon the death of Clemente G. The corporation's obligation to register is ministerial. In
Guerrero, his 473 shares of stock became the property of his transferring stock, the secretary of a corporation acts in
estate, and his property and that of his widow should first be purely ministerial capacity, and does not try to decide the
settled and liquidated in accordance with law before any question of ownership. The duty of the corporation to
distribution can be effected so that petitioners may not be a transfer is a ministerial one and if it refuses to make such
party to any scheme to evade payment of estate or transaction without good cause, it may be compelled to do so
inheritance tax and in order to avoid liability to any third by mandamus.
persons or creditors of the late Clemente G. Guerrero. CA did not err in upholding the Decision of respondent SEC
SEC Hearing Officer rendered a Decision granting the writ of affirming the Decision of its Hearing Officer.
Mandamus prayed for and directing petitioners to cancel Petition is dismissed for lack of merit.
stock certificates of the Bank all in the name of Clemente and
to issue new certificates in the names of private respondents.
LIM TAY v. CA; G.R. No. 126891, August 05, 1998
ISSUE: Whether CA erred in sustaining the SEC when it PANGANIBAN, J.
compelled by Mandamus the Rural Bank of Salinas to register Facts:
in its stock and transfer book the transfer of 473 shares of
stock to private respondents.
 On January 8, 1980, Respondent-Appellee Sy Guiok pursuant to Articles 2093 and 2095 of the Civil Code
secured a loan from the [p]etitioner in the amount and that petitioner's receipt of dividends was in
of P40,000 payable within six (6) months. To secure compliance with Article 2102 of the same Code.
the payment of the aforesaid loan and interest  In addition, petitioner contends that it has acquired
thereon, Respondent Guiok executed a Contract of ownership of the shares "through extraordinary
Pledge in favor of the [p]etitioner whereby he prescription," pursuant to Article 1132 of the Civil
pledged his three hundred (300) shares of stock in Code, and through respondents' subsequent acts,
the Go Fay & Company Inc., Respondent which amounted to a novation of the contracts of
Corporation, for brevity's sake. Respondent Guiok pledge. Petitioner also claims that there was dacion
obliged himself to pay interest on said loan at the en pago, in which the shares of stock were deemed
rate of 10% per annum from the date of said sold to petitioner, the consideration for which was
contract of pledge. On the same date, Alfonso Sy Lim the extinguishment of the loans and the interests
secured a loan from the [p]etitioner in the amount thereon. Petitioner likewise claims that laches bars
of P40,000 payable in six (6) months. To secure the respondents from recovering the subject shares.
payment of his loan, Sy Lim executed a 'Contract of Issues:
Pledge' covering his three hundred (300) shares of 1. Can a certificate of stock be issued in favor of the
stock in Respondent Corporation. Under said respondent?
contract, Sy Lim obliged himself to pay interest on 2. Can shares of stock be acquired thru prescription,
his loan at the rate of 10% per annum from the date laches, novation?
of the execution of said contract.
 Respondent Guiok and Sy Lim endorsed their Ruling:
respective shares of stock in blank and delivered the 1. Can a certificate of stock be issued in favor of the
same to the [p]etitioner." However, Respondent respondent?
Guiok and Sy Lim failed to pay their respective loans  No
and the accrued interests thereon to the
[p]etitioner. In October, 1990, the [p]etitioner filed a The registration of shares in a stockholder's name, the
'Petition for Mandamus' against Respondent issuance of stock certificates, and the right to receive
Corporation dividends which pertain to the said shares are all rights that
 After due proceedings, the [h]earing [o]fficer flow from ownership. The determination of whether or not a
promulgated a Decision dismissing [p]etitioner's shareholder is entitled to exercise the above-mentioned
Complaint on the ground that although the SEC had rights falls within the jurisdiction of the SEC. However, if
jurisdiction over the action, pursuant to the Decision ownership of the shares is not clearly established and is still
of the Supreme Court in the case of 'Rural Bank of unresolved at the time the action for mandamus is filed, then
Salinas, et al. versus Court of Appeals, et al., 210 jurisdiction lies with the regular courts.
SCRA 510', he failed to prove the legal basis for the This contractual stipulation, which was part of the Complaint,
secretary of the Respondent Corporation to be shows that plaintiff was merely authorized to foreclose the
compelled to register stock transfers in favor of the pledge upon maturity of the loans, not to own them. Such
[p]etitioner and to issue new certificates of stock foreclosure is not automatic, for it must be done in a public or
under his name private sale. Nowhere did the Complaint mention that
 The [p]etitioner appealed the Decision of the petitioner had in fact foreclosed the pledge and purchased
[h]earing [o]fficer to the SEC, but, on March 7, 1996, the shares after such foreclosure. His status as a mere
the SEC promulgated a Decision, dismissing pledgee does not, under civil law, entitle him to ownership of
[p]etitioner's appeal on the grounds that: (a) the the subject shares. It is also noteworthy that petitioner's
issue between the [p]etitioner and the [r]espondents Complaint did not aver that said shares were acquired
being one involving the ownership of the shares of through extraordinary prescription, novation or laches.
stock pledged by Respondent Guiok and Sy Lim, the Moreover, petitioner's claim, subsequent to the filing of the
SEC had no jurisdiction over the action filed by the Complaint, that he acquired ownership of the said shares
[p]etitioner; (b) the latter had no cause of action for through these three modes is not indubitable and still has to
mandamus against the Respondent Corporation, the be resolved. In fact, as will be shown, such allegation has no
right of ownership of the [p]etitioner over the 300 merit. Manifestly, the Complaint by itself did not contain any
shares of stock pledged by Respondent Guiok and Sy prima facie showing that petitioner was the owner of the
Lim not having been as yet, established, preparatory shares of stocks. Quite the contrary, it demonstrated that he
to the institution of said Petition for Mandamus with was merely a pledgee, not an owner. Accordingly, it failed to
the SEC." lay down a sufficient basis for the SEC to exercise jurisdiction
 The Court of Appeals debunked petitioner's claim over the controversy. In fact, the very allegations of the
that he had acquired ownership over the shares by Complaint and its annexes negated the jurisdiction of the SEC.
virtue of novation, holding that respondents' Petitioner prays for the issuance of a writ of mandamus,
indorsement and delivery of the shares were directing the corporate secretary of respondent corporation
to have the shares transferred to his name in the corporate "the extinguishment of an obligation by a subsequent one
books, to issue new certificates of stock and to deliver the which terminates it, either by changing its object or principal
corresponding dividends to him. "In order that a writ of conditions, by substituting a new debtor in place of the old
mandamus may issue, it is essential that the person one, or by subrogating a third person to the rights of the
petitioning for the same has a clear legal right to the thing creditor." Novation of a contract must not be presumed. "In
demanded and that it is the imperative duty of the the absence of an express agreement, novation takes place
respondent to perform the act required. It neither confers only when the old and the new obligations are incompatible
powers nor imposes duties and is never issued in doubtful on every point." In the present case, novation cannot be
cases. It is simply a command to exercise a power already presumed by (a) respondents' indorsement and delivery of
possessed and to perform a duty already imposed." In the the certificates of stock covering the 600 shares, (b)
present case, petitioner has failed to establish a clear legal petitioner's receipt of dividends from 1980 to 1983, and (c)
right. Petitioner's contention that he is the owner of the said the fact that respondents have not instituted any action to
shares is completely without merit. Quite the contrary and as recover the shares since 1980.
already shown, he does not have any ownership rights at all. Novation cannot be inferred from the mere fact that
At the time petitioner instituted his suit at the SEC, his petitioner has not, since 1980, instituted any action to
ownership claim had no prima facie leg to stand on. At best, recover the shares. Such action is, in fact, premature, as the
his contention was disputable and uncertain. Mandamus will loan is still outstanding. Besides, as already pointed out,
not issue to establish a legal right, but only to enforce one novation is never presumed or inferred.
that is already clearly established. Neither can there be dacion en pago, in which the certificates
2. Can shares of stock be acquired thru prescription, of stock are deemed sold to petitioner, the consideration for
laches, novation and dacion en pago? which is the extinguishment of the loans and the accrued
 No interests thereon. Dacion en pago is a form of novation in
which a change takes place in the object involved in the
Petitioner initially argued that ownership of the shares original contract. Absent an explicit agreement, petitioner
pledged had passed to him, upon Respondents Sy Guiok and cannot simply presume dacion en pago.
Sy Lim's failure to pay their respective loans. But on appeal, Petitioner submits that "the inaction of the individual
petitioner claimed that ownership over the shares had passed respondents with respect to the recovery of the shares of
to him, not via the contracts of pledge, but by virtue of stock serves to bar them from asserting rights over said
prescription and by respondents' subsequent acts which shares on the basis of laches." Laches has been defined as
amounted to a novation of the contracts of pledge. We do "the failure or neglect, for an unreasonable length of time, to
not agree. do that which by exercising due diligence could or should
There is no showing that petitioner made any attempt to have been done earlier; it is negligence or omission to assert
foreclose or sell the shares through public or private auction, a right within a reasonable time, warranting a presumption
as stipulated in the contracts of pledge and as required by that the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or
Article 2112 of the Civil Code. Therefore, ownership of the declined to assert it." In this case, it is in fact petitioner who
shares could not have passed to him. The pledgor remains the may be guilty of laches. Petitioner had all the time to demand
owner during the pendency of the pledge and prior to payment of the debt. More important, under the contracts of
foreclosure and sale. pledge, petitioner could have foreclosed the pledges as soon
Petitioner did not acquire the shares by prescription either. as the loans became due. But for still unknown or
The period of prescription of any cause of action is reckoned unexplained reasons, he failed to do so, preferring instead to
only from the date the cause of action accrued. pursue his baseless claim to ownership. WHEREFORE, the
Thus, the right to recover the shares based on the written petition is hereby DENIED and the assailed Decision is
contract of pledge between petitioner and respondents AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner. SO ORDERED.
would arise only upon payment of their respective loans.
Therefore, the prescriptive period within which to demand Principles
the return of the thing pledged should begin to run only after The duty of a corporate secretary to record transfers of
the payment of the loan and a demand for the thing has been stocks is ministerial. However, he cannot be compelled to do
made, because it is only then that respondents acquire a so when the transferee's title to said shares has no prima
cause of action for the return of the thing pledged. facie validity or is uncertain. More specifically, a pledgee,
Prescription should not begin to run on the action to demand prior to foreclosure and sale, does not acquire ownership
the return of the thing pledged while the loan still exists. This rights over the pledged shares and thus cannot compel the
is because the right to ask for the return of the thing pledged corporate secretary to record his alleged ownership of such
will not arise so long as the loan subsists. In the present case, shares on the basis merely of the contract of pledge.
the prescriptive period did not begin to run when the loan Similarly, the SEC does not acquire jurisdiction over a dispute
became due. On the other hand, it is petitioner's right to when a party's claim to being a shareholder is, on the face of
demand payment that may be in danger of prescription. the complaint, invalid or inadequate or is otherwise negated
Neither did petitioner acquire the shares by virtue of a by the very allegations of such complaint. Mandamus will not
novation of the contract of pledge. Novation is defined as issue to establish a right, but only to enforce one that is
already established.

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